Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fifteen. The action of burning the lamp

815、Operation Burning Lamp

"I have seen the deity!"

Baihu Liu Hao had a smile on his face, but no matter how Liu Hao looked at it, he felt that the smile carried all kinds of weirdness, it seemed to be sneering, and it seemed to be sarcasm. , can always provoke other people's emotions.

"You better put away your smiling face, even if I see it, I want to hit someone!"

"Where did I laugh?"

"Is this still laughing?"

"I didn't laugh at all!"

Liu Hao put his hands on his forehead, not wanting to talk to the white tiger Liu Hao. Could it be that this respectable appearance is a smile? No, it should have a taunting skill. Anyone who sees it will get angry for no reason. If he really released the white tiger Liu Hao, will he be beaten to death?

There is a high probability that it will not. Then, will a large number of people want to kill the white tiger Liu Hao? This seems to be beyond doubt, but it is basically sent to death, he does not think that Liu Hao, the white tiger, will keep his hands or something.


Liu Hao muttered, thought for a while, and threw the 'Star Bead' to the opponent.

"With such a Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, at least you won't suffer from someone whose cultivation base is higher than yours!"

"Tch, would I be afraid? Even without the 'Star Orb', the quasi-sage may not be my opponent in the middle stage! Don't underestimate me, even now, you probably can't beat me!"


"Nonsense, can I lie to you?"

"But you are obviously my incarnation, why is your combat power higher than mine?"

"It's different! I know all the skills you know; but I can use the power of the white tiger, which you don't have now!"

Liu Hao frowned. The white tiger Liu Hao saw and explained.

"Shenhua, originally the embodiment of the soul, naturally carries all the soul talents, and, I am the embodiment of Zanpakuto, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am the white tiger holy beast!

In the prehistoric world, there was a white tiger to suppress the world, so naturally left a lot of power of the white tiger, and I, who inherited the talent of the white tiger, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am the inheritor of the holy beast white tiger, naturally I can use it! "

"Then why can't I use the power of the Azure Dragon now?"

"You can already borrow it, otherwise, how could the 'Azure Dragon Talisman' summon a huge azure dragon with millions of miles? It's just that you haven't comprehended more. When you comprehend more avenues of the azure dragon, you will If you can borrow more, then you will know!"

Liu Hao nodded his head. Although Baihu Liu Hao's explanation was vague, he understood the truth. After all, he didn't comprehend enough to sense the power in it. Even if he borrowed it, it was just an unconscious behavior. As for the white tiger Liu Hao, because the fit is too high, he can sense the power of the white tiger in the world, so he can naturally borrow it, no wonder the other party said he can beat him.

"Then why didn't I release you, still can't sense it? Aren't we one?"

"It's one body! But once you take me into your body, the white tiger's talent will not be pure enough, and the natural induction will be much worse!"

"Still don't understand!"

"Well, from the beginning, you should have guessed the source of your four-element talent, right?"

"Of course, it was bestowed by the Four Elephant Sacred Beasts when Pangu opened the sky!"

"So, have you ever thought that you are also gifted?"

What Baihu Liu Hao said made Liu Hao stunned. As a human body, he should also have talent. Did he not develop it, or was this talent too weak, and he simply ignored it?

"You know my talent?"

"You don't even know, how do I know? You don't even notice it?"

"No, not at all! No way?"

"How is it possible, any living being is gifted! It is only strong or weak, rooted in the blood, spiritual root and soul, but the human race is different, the blood, spiritual root and soul are often one, that is to say, the human race Ninety-nine percent of talents are unified;

For example, the Baizhongdao of the earth, Bailong's talent, whether his blood, spiritual roots, or soul,

It is all Bailong's talent, the trinity, and it can be brought into play! "

"But why haven't I noticed it yet?"

"Then there are only two possibilities. One is that your talent is too weak, so weak that it is buried in the talent of the Four Elephant Sacred Beasts; the other is that it is too strong and has not been developed yet!"

"It doesn't make sense to be too strong, right? I'm already quasi-sage, no matter how strong the talent is, it should be activated, right?"

"Then I don't know! You should understand it yourself!"

When Baihu Liu Hao said this, Liu Hao was completely a Muggle. After all, Baihu Liu Hao's grasp of the soul was so superb that he couldn't even notice it. When would he find out?

One thing Liu Hao is good about is that he doesn't try his best to get into a dead end. Since he didn't find out, he can take it as his own talent that is terrifyingly high, which can be regarded as giving himself some comfort.

The white tiger Liu Hao didn't stay outside too long. After chatting with Liu Hao for a while, he fell into the deity's body. As soon as he entered Liu Hao's body, Liu Hao started to think a little more. , memory sharing is also a matter of course.

"very scary……"

"Yeah, does little sister Xiaodouzi feel scary too?"

"That's right, Xiaodouzi just glanced at Teacher Baibai, and didn't dare to look at him!"

"Yeah, so is my sister!"

Beside him, Xiaodouzi and Meier murmured, Liu Hao could only smile wryly. He felt that Baihu Liu Hao was provocative, but the conversation between Xiaodouzi and Meier showed that Baihu Liuhao returned to others A kind of chill, even the closest sister and Xiaodouzi felt the terror.

Thinking about it, it would be better than self-bringing taunting skills. At least those monks with lower cultivation bases would feel scared when they saw Baihu Liuhao, and would not provoke him for no reason.


A faint coercion came from the north, and Liu Hao couldn't help but feel amused when he sensed it carefully. There was a hint of hotness in this breath, but Liu Hao was very familiar with it.

"It seems that Di Jun also made a breakthrough, and also cut off a corpse?"

Before Liu Hao was sure, another wave of faint coercion came, compared with just now, it was also hot, but more domineering.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi? It's probably him. The two are connected by luck. One breaks through, and the other is pulled by heaven's secrets and begins to break through!"

In Buzhou Mountain, after returning from the battle with Liu Hao, Di Jun began to retreat, but he couldn’t help it. He lost face in Heihe, and he didn’t want to face others directly. Excuse not to meet with others, if you break through, you can get back the previous face.

Di Jun's calculations are not bad. Once this breakthrough is made, even the quasi-sages within the range of Buzhou Mountain will feel the pressure. There is a sense that the demon emperor of the past is gradually returning. meaning.

Dijun made breakthroughs, and Donghuang Taiyi also made breakthroughs one after another, which put pressure on many quasi-sages. In turn, it was a series of surprises for the Yaozu.

For some unknown reason, Emperor Jun Taiyi succeeded in beheading the corpse, and the aura of several people in the Chaos Demon God's phalanx also began to surge, as if a chain effect had been activated, and one after another stepped into the quasi-sage cultivation base. The most powerful Buddhist sect also sensed something was wrong.

This is wrong, but due to uncontrollable factors.

When the Chaos Demon God returned, not to mention the Buddhism, even Tianting Haotian didn't really pay attention to them, but it was nothing more than the Daluojin Immortal Daoguo. Based on their thinking, just go to a quasi-sage strong man, and they will be able to get rid of them. These people were killed one by one, and they didn't think they could step into quasi-sage cultivation so quickly.

And because when they entered Buzhou Mountain, they were more of a competitive relationship with each other. If they wanted to be careful, although everyone had the idea of ​​clearing out the Chaos Demon God Phalanx, but no one side made it clear, it was even more difficult to form a decision. Therefore, the Chaos Demon God Phalanx has been wandering around until now.

However, today, the chaos demon god phalanx stepped into the quasi-sage one after another, so fast, and so many, if the major forces really have no pressure, then there will be ghosts.

But the pressure belongs to the pressure, but it is extremely difficult to get them to form a unified action plan;

Tathagata wanted to speak a few times, but he always opened his mouth and stopped. He knew very well that it was very easy to persuade others to agree verbally. Taking the lead, other forces will definitely choose to watch from the sidelines, happily watching the Buddhism and the Chaos Demon God Phalanx fight to the death.

You know, the Tathagata himself thinks the same way, they are all human beings, no one is really stupid to choose to take the lead, making him think for a long time, and he can only sigh.

He looked like this, but he was caught by the lamp, and when he rolled his eyes, the lamp took a step forward and opened his mouth to come;

"World Honored One, how about letting the poor monk go on a journey?"

After Tathagata took over the position of Buddha, Ran Deng has been keeping a low profile too much. Tathagata also knows that there is bound to be a reason for this, and he has to think about it when he jumped out today.

Combined with the final loss of the basic disk of Hinayana Buddhism, the Tathagata is honestly relieved, because it means that the ancient Buddha, Dieng Deng, is unlikely to challenge his status in Buddhism, and he only needs to be more prepared for the future Buddha Maitreya. .

This kind of burning lamp also means that the future will be more low-key. When I jumped out today, the first feeling of Tathagata was that the burning lamp was still dishonest. Handing out an olive branch.

This is not the Tathagata's random thinking, but the name that Ran Deng called him just now and the obvious meaning of consultation in his words. In the past, Ran Deng would not be like this. Who knows whether the name "Buddha" refers to himself or Tathagata?

Thinking of this, the Tathagata was overjoyed, and felt more and more that his destiny had returned, otherwise, how could he have sent Kinnara to the final basic set of Hinayana Buddhism? When Nakinnara dispatched him, he just tried it himself, and more of it was given to Hinayana Buddhism to disgust him, but he didn't expect to receive such an effect, and he forcibly tossed out the magic way;

Having such a powerful enemy is a good thing from another point of view. With the enemy at your side, you can force the entire Buddhist sect to unite. In this way, your own Buddha's right to speak will be more authoritative.

Tathagata recognized the intention of lighting the lamp to show his goodwill, and then remembered the deep meaning of the consultation of the lamp, and sent people to the Chaos Demon God Square, and he was also one of the three major Buddhas of Buddhism. To a certain extent, it represented the entire Buddhism. Other forces Seeing you, how would you feel?

Do you think Buddhism wants to tear itself apart from the Chaos Demon God? Or do you think that Buddhism will form an alliance with the Chaos Demon God Phalanx?

Thinking of the latter, Tathagata's eyes lit up, and he didn't need to do anything else at all. He thought that as long as he lit the lamp and chatted with the other party's personnel, it would have an unexpected effect.

In this way, it will not only allow Buddhism to establish a relationship with the Chaos Demon God Phalanx, but also open the way for future communication, and make other forces suspicious. At that time, other forces will not get answers from the Buddha Gate, and will only ask Chaos The demon god phalanx, then it is equivalent to making the relationship between the two clear, no matter whether the other party is an alliance or hostility, at least your own Buddhism is prepared, isn't it?

Tathagata is very confident in Buddhism. In terms of the number of quasi-sages, they are much more than other forces, and they are not afraid of any forces at all.

"Thank you Buddha!"

Tathagata smiled and nodded towards Ran Deng. Although his words were very polite, but when others saw him, they always felt that it was an order from the superior to the subordinate.

"It should be!"

Ran Deng's face remained unchanged, but he began to curse in his heart, he really was not a son of man.

His city is deep enough, so he still has some patience. He just consulted, and getting the authorization of the Tathagata Buddha was the first purpose of his actions. In this way, he will be able to become the link between Buddhism and the Chaos Demon God Square in the future. , This is much better than him going back to Lingshan to chant scriptures and not going out in the future.

In addition, the most important point is that he really wants to communicate with the Chaos Demon God. The bottleneck is still there. After Taoism and Buddhism, the Chaos Demon God appeared, and he began to have more choices in his heart. That is the way of law.

Some people say that once a person betrays once, he will definitely betray the second time, because the bottom line in his heart has been broken, and it is impossible to repair it.

Ran Deng is like this today, and thoughts appear in his heart, but he has never thought about what will happen after betraying Buddhism. In his opinion, anyway, his achievements in Buddhism have reached the peak, and it is impossible to move forward. Instead of this, it is better to take a gamble. No big deal either.

Isn't he afraid of leading Zhunti and Zhunti to blame him? He was afraid, but he knew better that if he really betrayed Buddhism, not to mention others, even Yuanshi Tianzun would let him live, just to see the displeasure of Jie Yinzhunti, Yuanshi Tianzun would also keep him to disgust the second sage of the West.

As for being laughed at, as for being naughty, what is that? And he can't eat it. Once his cultivation base is improved, he can still get the status he deserves. Why can't he look down on it?

Got Tathagata's nod, Ran Deng slowly walked towards the chaotic demon god phalanx, his action made the quasi-sages on the field frown one by one, all kinds of guesses formed in their hearts, looking in the direction of Buddhism, they all felt disgusted , even the Yaozu.

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