Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixteenth. The power of the white tiger Liu Hao's one strike

816 , The Power of the White Tiger Liu Hao's One Blow

As quasi-holy and powerful men, all of them are arrogant and arrogant. If the Chaos Demon God had not been reincarnated, they would still look at them with high regard. The Chaos Demon Gods are no different from them.

After several catastrophes, these Chaos Demon Gods have withdrawn from the stage of history in disgrace. They are already losers, so how can they get the respect of the prehistoric powers? In my heart, most of them are despised by those who bring them. Today, the Buddhist burning lamps are in contact with them, and they take the initiative to do it, which means that the local creatures are weak. In this situation, it is strange that these powerful people can feel comfortable in their hearts.

Tathagata didn't think of this before, and after these powerful winks were caught by him, he felt a little bitter in his heart, but the order has been issued, how can he take it back? I can only bite the bullet and continue.

The burning lamp with a thick enough skin doesn't feel much, let alone the side glances of these powerful people, so what if the whole prehistoric side looks at it? He only needs to achieve his goal, leave an impression today, and come back to trade after contacting him in the future. As long as he gets the law of cultivation, he will be successful.

Ran Deng had just arrived at the Chaos Demon God's phalanx, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by a loud noise.


This sound came from far away, and the sound wave became materialized. Between the ancient Lich battlefield on Buzhou Mountain, the space seemed to ripple and sway, spreading out circle after circle, making this sound last for a long time.

These quasi-sages didn't have much influence, but Yang Jian and Nezha on the periphery almost passed out. They only felt stares in their eyes, and they didn't know how long it took to regain their sanity.

The two looked at each other, both seeing horror in each other's eyes.

"Bunzitou, you have to work hard!" Yang Jian broke out arrogantly, and gave Nezha a look of contempt.

"Isn't the three-eyed monster the same?" Nezha didn't show weakness, he curled his lips and sneered, and then the two fell silent.

"Is this the quasi-sage?"

"Yes! This is the quasi-sage!"

The two raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. After a while, they saw a vast three-legged golden crow rising up, circling upwards, and shining brightly, which made Yang Jian and Nezha squint. squint.

The Golden Crow pierced directly into the sky, dissipating endless energy, and dyed the entire area of ​​Buzhou Mountain into a vast expanse of white.


Another cry came, and the two raised their eyes to the sky, vaguely seeing the sound wave heading south.

"Human race?"

"This is troublesome!"

Yang Jian and Nezha looked at each other again, both a little at a loss, and wanted to help, but found that even if they filled it in, there would be no ripples.


Another sound came. This sound seemed to be responding to the cry of the three-legged Golden Crow, and it came from the land of the southern human race. With this sound, the sound waves originally produced by the three-legged Golden Crow disappeared in an instant, and followed The only thing to do was to counterattack with a stronger sound wave, pointing directly at the real body of the three-legged Golden Crow of Tianji.


The three-legged Golden Crow seemed to have sensed the threat, and the sound of tweeting sounded again, and the sound waves came out. The two ripples collided in the sky, canceling each other out, making the sky silent, and then a huge black hole was formed at the place where the two sound waves collided in the sky. It took a long time before there was a buzzing sound, and then a crackling sound spread, like the sound of glass breaking, which was caused by the continuous fragmentation and reorganization of the space.

"So strong! Is it Liu Hao?"

"I don't know, Liu Hao also became a quasi-sage? I didn't sense the pressure from the south before!"

Nezha and Yang Jian got closer, their bodies were trembling slightly, and their voices were distorted. The two of them knew very well that if Zhunsheng wanted to kill them, all he needed was a scolding, and they couldn't help but be afraid .

In the small courtyard of Youzhou, Liu Hao stood at the door, looked up at the northern sky, and was very angry in his heart. This emperor is really cruel. If he hadn't stepped into the quasi-sage himself, he would not have said whether he would have survived today. ,

Even the tens of millions of soldiers and horses in Youzhou, none of them could escape, which obviously crossed Liu Hao's bottom line.

From his point of view, two people fighting, can be as nasty as they want, but such a demon emperor who disregards the life of the human race is definitely not something he can bear. His eyes were filled with chilling intent.

"court death!"

As Liu Hao yelled, a phantom was born above his head. If you look carefully, you can see that this phantom is clearly caused by the white tiger holy beast. Needless to say, it is the white tiger Liu Hao who is controlling it, and it is the first time Use the power of the white tiger in the wild.

But after a while, the phantom of the white tiger above Liu Hao's head gradually solidified, and then turned into a white light and flew towards Buzhou Mountain in the north. The target was the three-legged Golden Crow in the sky.

With the appearance of the phantom of the holy beast White Tiger, there was a murderous aura between the heaven and the earth, and even the quasi-sages in the ancient lich battlefield on Buzhou Mountain couldn't help feeling tense. This murderous intent seemed to point directly at people's hearts and provoke emotions , It seems that no matter how suppressed it can't be eliminated, and as time goes by, the killing intent in my heart becomes more and more obvious. At this time, if the enemy of life and death is in front, I can't help but attack.

When it comes to Zhunsheng Da Neng, how can he bear being influenced by the outside world like this? Resistance is inevitable, but as soon as the intention of resistance appeared in their hearts, the killing intent in their hearts suddenly increased, which made them almost panic, so they quickly eliminated this thought and suppressed the killing intent in their hearts with all their strength.


There was another roar of a tiger, and immediately afterwards, the mighty saw a white tiger that stretched for tens of millions of kilometers and slapped towards the three-legged Golden Crow in the sky. Wherever the tiger's claws passed, the space was pitch black, A pitch-black scratch was formed, which could not heal for a long time. With such an attack, Tathagata Haotian and others on the field also felt a little beating in their hearts. It was not because they couldn't stop it, but they had to re-evaluate Liu Hao's strength.

The white tiger's slap attack is so strong that even some quasi-sage mid-stage powerhouses dare not take it at will. What's even more sad is that the killing intent in their hearts becomes more obvious. It's better not to look at the white tiger in the sky. The more you look, the more you feel hurt Its influence is not only the killing intent, but also various other negative emotions. The quasi-sages who cut off the evil corpses in their bodies have a feeling that they can't suppress their own "evil corpses", giving them a feeling that if things go on like this, the evil The corpse will replace the body.

This feeling is something they have never had before, and they don't know if it is an illusion. If it is not an illusion, isn't it possible for the avatar to replace the body? If so, that's a big deal.

The disadvantages are so, and it is not without benefits. Those quasi-sages who have not cut off their evil thoughts feel more and more at this time that their evil thoughts are tumbling and breeding crazily, as if they will stand out in the next moment. This situation makes them very dilemma. Should I suppress this evil thought or allow it to soar, can I just cut it out by the way?

Fortunately, Liu Hao, the white tiger, used the power of the white tiger very quickly. Before they made a choice, they had already slapped to the edge of the three-legged Golden Crow in the sky.

Needless to say, the three-legged Golden Crow is also Di Jun's own Dharma image. Originally, he was also trying to show off, telling Hong Huang that the demon emperor in the past has returned and is gradually growing, and he will return to the peak in a short time.

After showing off, for some reason, Di Jun thought of Liu Hao, and casually uttered a cry towards Youzhou. He thought that this action could recall the face he had discarded a few days ago and beat Liu Hao to death. As for the life and death of the Youzhou human race, Di Jun didn't think about it at all. In his opinion, it was just a mere human race, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

But he didn't know that this touched Liu Hao's bottom line at all, and he hit him directly. Facing the vast white tiger's giant claws, Di Jun knew it was broken. Compared with other powerful people, he knew better. The power of this giant claw came overwhelming, as if he was just a small boat, and could be killed at any time.

Dijun's thoughts were not fake, even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi also sensed something was wrong, so he quickly transformed into his real body and moved towards the sky. Along with the Taiyi rising, there was a big bell and a big drum.


Tai Yi seemed to realize that he couldn't keep up with the resistance, so he rang the big bell and drum in mid-air. When the sound of the bell and drum came to mind, everyone watching below knew that these two spirit treasures were "Morning Bell and Evening Drum", and the sound was the second most important thing. What is more important is the way of time contained in it;

Tai Yi's actions also made Tianji slap Dijun's giant claws much slower. When the morning bell rang, it was day, and when the evening drum rang, it was night. The claw attack also greatly slowed down the time flow of the white tiger's giant claws, giving Dijun a lot of reaction time.

This time he actually saved Di Jun. With this reaction time, Di Jun's first thought was to avoid the attack, but when he was about to make a move, he found that he was locked at all. Wherever he hides, the white tiger's giant claws can still slap his body;

This made him break out in a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He also took out the 'Sun Palace' and tightly enveloped himself. Immediately afterwards, he also swung the 'Demon Emperor Sword' in his hand, and slashed at the giant claw of the white tiger. Down.

As Dijun's Yaodi sword slashed down, ten golden crows circled around the Yaodi's sword. This is Dijun's way of the sun' ten days volleying'!

Down below, a group of great powers watched Shi Ri pounce on the giant claws of the white tiger, and they exploded violently upon contact. However, there was no sound coming out of the continuous explosions, but they were affected by the sun, the morning bell and the evening drum, and they wanted to hear the sound. , it will take a day.

The 'ten days' exploded one by one, and caused a lot of damage to the giant claws of the white tiger. It may be difficult for others to see clearly, but these powerful abilities off the court are vividly remembered. The biggest point is that the killing intent in the heart is easier to suppress.


Tathagata let out a breath of turbid air, as the Supreme Being of Buddhism, how can he not be angry if he is directly affected by a trick of a junior, what can he do if he is angry? Is it really going to kill Liu Hao? He also wanted to save face, but this excuse was not enough, but he secretly remembered Liu Hao in his heart, and calculated how to make Liu Hao suffer.

Tathagata is like this, but Haotian has other ideas. He knows better than others that Liu Hao can't be killed. If Master Hongjun can personally explain it, it means that Liu Hao has a great influence on the prehistoric world, and he is still a positive one. Such people often have great luck and innumerable merits and virtues. If they really fight and kill, the backlash against themselves may be difficult for him to resist.

Not being able to kill means that there will be another competitor in the future. How long has it been since he has already stepped into the quasi-sage, and his power is so powerful, even when he first entered the quasi-sage, he will be weaker, so he can't help but be cautious treat.

Haotian looked around, scanning Tathagata, Zhenyuanzi, Xuandu, Minghe, Kunpeng and others one by one, and finally locked his eyes on Zhenyuanzi. He felt that Zhenyuanzi was more vigorous than before Yes, after a little thought, Haotian understood that Zhen Yuanzi's obsession must have been born, even much older than himself.


Haotian murmured in his heart, and tightened his emphasis on the way of a hundred schools of thought. He restrained his eyes and looked at the sky again, only to find that the giant white tiger claws had already started to touch Dijun, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi also caught up and joined hands with Dijun Resist.


A white light flickered, and in this white light, there were countless small black cracks, which spread across the sky in a mighty way, making it difficult for Haotian to see the situation inside clearly for a while. When a huge ripple spread out in the sky, dividing the sky into two like a disc, he was even more relieved when the mana was injected into his eyes.

Although Dijun and Taiyi were in a bit of a mess, they were still in good condition. Although he thought about the death of Dijun and Taiyi, if they were killed by Liu Hao from such a long distance, he was definitely not what he expected. It is difficult for him to do it now.

Haotian quickly laughed at himself, he was really affected by this large scale, his heart was aroused with killing intent, and he lost his mind, really thought that Liu Hao could kill Dijun Taiyi and the other two from a distance?

Liu Hao didn't think he could do it either, or even if he knew that the white tiger Liu Hao had borrowed the power of the white tiger, he didn't think he could kill Di Jun with a single blow from afar. Strange, this strike was just for deterrence.

Now it seems that his goal has been achieved. Don't say that Emperor Jun Taiyi, even those veteran quasi-sages off the court also look at Liu Hao differently. Treat him as a strong person comparable to himself, and treat him as a real equal.

In the sky, the mighty white light began to dissipate, and the cracks in the shattered space began to repair themselves, leaving only a disc cut that was still as black as ink. This disc cut was spread in the sky in a fan shape of about 270 degrees. The position of the gap is exactly where Di Juntai and two three-legged Golden Crows are floating.


The two had finished tidying up their clothes, and the tightness in their chests had dissipated, only then did Tai Yi open his mouth.

"No problem! But I underestimated the human Liu Hao for my brother!"

"Brother! If not..."

Di Jun also knew Tai Yi's thoughts, why not take the opportunity to join forces to kill Liu Hao? He thought about it, but he also had no idea, not to mention whether there were other human races to help out, even if the two joined forces, they would definitely be able to kill Liu Hao?

The most important thing is that Di Jun didn't know how strong Liu Hao was. He didn't feel the coercion from Liu Hao's breakthrough. Does it mean that Liu Hao was already a quasi-sage during the last battle?

These all need to be weighed by Dijun one by one, and fighting impulsively is definitely not something that a demon emperor can do.

"Just bear with him! We'll make a fuss later! If my younger brother can get back the Chaos Clock, then Liu Hao is just suffering from scabies!"

"Listen to brother!"

Tai Yi did not refute. Although he had the bells and bells in his hand, he was still very uncomfortable with the two top-grade innate spirit treasures, and his self-confidence had not yet reached the peak. Now that Di Jun had made a decision, he just followed it.

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