Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twentieth three. Divide the spoils

823、Each has his own income.

After accepting the Wutong branch, Liu Hao and Nuwa wandered around in the Xuanwu Dazun Dojo, which is a Dao of Heaven realm. Just a handful of soil here can be compared with Buzhou Mountain in Honghuang, which is also a loss. There are not many living creatures among them, otherwise it would not be possible to survive to this day.

The two strolled in front, Honghu sat cross-legged on Liu Hao's shoulders from beginning to end, while the 'cunning' followed behind him with a humming sound, as loyal as a puppy.

After walking for a while, the two stopped in front of a spiritual root.

"Is this Huang Zhongli?"

Liu Hao looked at the big tree in front of him, saw the sound of Huang Zhong Da Lu when the golden fruit fluttered on the big tree, and turned his head stiffly to Nu Wa.

"It's still a branch!"

"It's okay! Hehe, it seems that Xuanwu Dazun likes to collect very much!"

"The fruit is not ripe, it's not delicious!"

Honghu's immature milk voice rang in Liu Hao's ear, which made Liu Hao smile again. Hearing this tone, it is really possible that he collected some rations for a few creatures.

"Xiaoyin, Xuanwu Dazun collected nine creatures in total?"


"No wonder, it seems that it is really grown for them to eat!"

"Just take it away!"

Nuwa despises pirated versions, but Liu Hao is not polite. He has no chance to own the genuine Huang Zhongli, and there is nothing to dislike about the branch. Nuwa despises, Hongjun and Houtu even less. I bought a good thing, it’s perfect for entertaining guests, if you don’t know it, you can pretend it, don’t be too cool, think about returning to the earth, it’s no wonder those people have to drop their chins, and the little dragon at home can also have more fruits Eat, eat, why not do it?

Manipulating Cuiping Peak happily put it away, and then threw Cuiping Peak to Honghu as a toy.

"Xiaoyin, where are all the good things here? You should know, right?"

"Of course, there is nothing I don't know about the Dazun Dojo!"

"Then how about I let you lead the way?"

"Huh? But I don't know what you want!"

"Well... do you want anything?"

Liu Hao has been gone for so long,

I didn't see any palaces, so I asked Xuanwu Yin Qi Ling, Qi Ling Xiaoyin seemed to know Liu Hao's deep meaning, pondered for a moment, and sighed;

"Let's go! Your Majesty is not coming back either!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed, but then couldn't bear it;

"If you don't want to drive, then let's not go!"

"Forget it, Dazun told you to integrate the dojo into the prehistoric world, which means he won't come back. If he put it there, he might be destroyed by others, so it's better to take it away first!"

In the past, I don't know how long ago, when Xuanwu Dazun left, he was also hesitant to take his dojo away, but considering 'other' factors, he still kept it, and he did a lot of cover-up, if it wasn't for the 'Xuanwu Seal' weapon Even Hongjun Houtu couldn't detect the presence of the spirit. From this point of view, the cultivation level of Xuanwu Dazun who left Honghuang had already surpassed Hongjun and Houtu today.

Why did Hongjun and Houtu disappear as soon as they entered the Dazun Xuanwu Dojo?

You know, Xuanwu Dazun's dojo is so big, it is impossible to be as big as the world of today's fairy world. For Hongjun Houtu in the realm of heaven, he can see the situation clearly after a glance. because.

When Liu Hao and Nuwa were still talking with Honghu, Hongjun had already appeared in front of a peach grove. If Haotian was here, he would be surprised. The peach grove in front of him is not big, and there are only nine trees in total. However, it is the same as the flat peaches in the heaven, three of which are ripe every 3,000 years, three of which are 6,000 years old, and the last three are the best of 9,000 years.

This is obviously cultivated by picking off the mother branch of Renshui Pantao, and it has also been hidden from its owner.

Hongjun is the owner of the Renshui Pantao, and also the first owner. He didn't give it to Yaochi until Haotian Yaochi came forward to form the Heavenly Court. On the one hand, let the Heavenly Court have something to entertain. On the one hand, it is also the reason for suppressing the luck of heaven.

The ten innate spiritual roots are born from the prehistoric world, and they have the effect of suppressing one side. For example, the hibiscus tree and the laurel tree are placed among the sun star and the lunar star, but no one dares to pick them. .

If you can suppress one party, you can suppress one party's luck. Although it is still a lot worse than the Xiantian Supreme Treasure, it is much better than the best Xiantian Lingbao. It's not enough, but this point, the ten innate spiritual roots can do it.

Fortunately, here, the disadvantages are not without, and it is very easy to crack.

Why did Hongjun appear in Taolin in such a hurry, that's why he came here;

As a look, the flat peach grove in front of me was picked and cultivated from the mother's body. Once it appears in the prehistoric world, it is bound to share the luck of the heavens. This is something Hongjun can't tolerate anyway.

Furthermore, taking back the flat peach grove in front of you will also completely restore the luck of the top ten spiritual roots Renshui flat peaches to a certain extent, and the effect of suppressing the luck of heaven will be better.

The addition of these advantages is also the reason why Hongjun abandoned another place that seemed to have better benefits and directly chose this place.

And the other place is naturally where Houtu appeared. Contrary to Pantao, what Houtu looked at with a smile was the real mother body.

In the past, Xuanwu Dazun captured the still-gestating Honghu in order to let the Xuanwu seal spirit in his hand have a companion, and then captured nine creatures one after another to enter, and in order to let these nine creatures have something to eat , and also noticed the many spiritual roots in the prehistoric world. Those with fruits would naturally escape, but those without fruits, Xuanwu Dazun was entangled, and he also calculated it by the way, such as the mother spirit root that he obtained in front of him. , That is, at the time of calculation, knowing what the fate of this spiritual root will be if it stays in the prehistoric, I simply did the method of Li replacing peach stiffness, and cultivated one to replace it.

Sure enough, when this spiritual root was found later, they didn't think about anything else at all, and just changed their hands and refined it into a spiritual treasure. This spiritual treasure is the 'six pure bamboos' in Zhunti's hand now , and the spiritual root of the mother body in front of me is naturally 'bitter bamboo'.

In this situation, when Hongjun and Houtu glanced around, they had already noticed that if there were no reasons for those flat peaches, Hongjun would naturally have to fight with Houtu.

But because of the flat peach, Hongjun also had to give it up, and let the later land take it.

He also had no choice, if the flat peaches were obtained by the descendants, part of the luck in heaven would be shared by the underworld, but this was something Hongjun could never tolerate, so he had to bear the pain and choose the flat peaches.

It doesn't matter to Houtu, if she gets a flat peach, she will be very happy, and she can share some luck from heaven to enter the underworld.

Changed to 'Bitter Bamboo', Houtu can also share luck, but it's just changed from Heaven to Buddhism. You must know that 'Six Pure Bamboo' has become a holy weapon of Buddhism to a certain extent because it is in Zhunti's hands. It is also a matter of course to invest in countless beliefs to make it transform a lot, and to get a little bit of nourishment from its mother "bitter bamboo".

The two have their own choices, and other things can't make them look good, so they take away the things they like, and discuss with Nuwa again, and take away two creatures each, hearing that the "Xuanwu Seal" weapon has a spiritual desire to open Xuanwu Dazun Daochang, just then rushed back to the assembly, but was hit by Xuanwu Dazun in his heart;

Scanning several times, I still can't see the location of Xuanwu Daoist. It is clear that my cultivation is not enough. Similarly, I am curious about the state of Xuanwu Dazun when he left, whether the Xuanwu Dazun at that time has crossed the "Heaven Dao" realm ? Even if the four spirits are like this, how powerful should Pangu, who enlightened the four spirits, be when he opened the sky? Such a powerful Pangu died of exhaustion when he really opened the sky?

Before that, neither Hongjun nor Houtu had thought about whether Pangu really fell. Today, after getting this information, they had to reevaluate it. After much deliberation, it was Pangu who thought the most. The reason for the opening of the sky is most likely to be the opening of the sky to prove the Tao, and since the heaven and the earth have been opened, logically speaking, it means the success of the Tao. In this way, there is no possibility of dying from exhaustion. It is real, could it be that Pan Gu gave up preaching at that time? Just to complete the prehistoric world? is it possible?

Standing in Hongjun's position, he felt that it was absolutely impossible, and it was completely unreasonable to say that he sacrificed his life for the world he opened up. At that time, opening up the world and saying that you have to live is a matter of convenience. How can it make sense to abandon it for mere reluctance?

Hongjun thought of the only possibility, which is that Pangu had to save the world after he opened the sky to prove the Tao, or this world was Pangu's Dao fruit after he proved the Tao.

Apart from this reason, Hongjun couldn't think of anything else. If he pushed it away with this reason, then Pangu must have not fallen, or re-condensed his body in the chaos, or fell asleep somewhere in the prehistoric world, and returned in the future.

These speculations put great pressure on Hongjun, and he believed that no matter what point, it would be a huge disadvantage to him.

If Pangu had re-condensed his body in the chaos, and when he returned to the prehistoric world to check after he succeeded, but saw that he was in harmony with the Dao of Heaven, would he think that he was picking Pangu's Dao Fruit? If he really had such an idea, Pangu might have done him on the spot in anger. He didn't think that he could resist in the realm of "Heavenly Dao". Hua Siling's Pangu opponent?

But if it is the latter, Pangu is still sleeping in a certain place in the wilderness, and when he wakes up, he will inevitably reunite his body. At that time, the whole wilderness will be the nourishment of Pangu, and it will be absorbed in a moment, it is his heavenly way The spokesperson is no exception. If he is sucked dry, it will be too scary.

Thinking of this, Hongjun raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows flashed in his mind. Does this Chaos Demon God who hastily left the prehistoric world as soon as he proved his Taoism know something to leave in such a hurry?

The more he thought about it, the greater the pressure in Hongjun's heart, and the more intense his sense of urgency. At the same time, he was also rejoicing that Liu Hao came to the Earth Immortal Realm, otherwise there would be no opening of the Xuanwu Dazun Daochang today, otherwise it would not be pouring wake yourself up.

Hongjun had so many thoughts, but Houtu was not. She, who was honored as the father and god, also thought of the situation that Hongjun thought of, but she rejected the possibility of Pangu reuniting with the prehistoric world;

In her opinion, since the Father God can sacrifice his life to complete the prehistoric world, it must be impossible to use it as nourishment to reunite his body. Therefore, she believes that if the Father God is really not dead, he must reunite his body somewhere in the chaos. Looking forward to the return of God the Father in the future;

Because of this, her mind of observing the evolution of the world has undergone a huge change. She believes that as a descendant of the father god, she has the responsibility to take care of the prehistoric world, to organize the prehistoric world better, and to keep the prehistoric world open. The grand occasion at the beginning of the day.

Today, the Dazun Xuanwu Daochang was opened, and integrating it into the prehistoric world, and promoting the earth fairy world to return to the prehistoric trend, has become something that Houtu pays more attention to, and does not allow others to destroy it.

When returning to meet Liu Hao, Houtu and Hongjun looked at each other, each with their own plans in mind, but the two looked at Liu Hao more and more softly.

Liu Hao didn't know the change in the hearts of the two of them. Seeing the two return, he also knew that he must know the plan of the 'Xuanwu Seal' Qi Ling, and he had no intention of urging Qi Ling.

Qi Ling'Xiaoyin' seemed to have known about this situation a long time ago, and had no words for Hongjun and Houtu's return. Now that he had made up his mind, there was no turning back.

Liu Hao thought that Qi Ling's 'Small Seal' needed to take them to a certain place to open it, just like he was in Nuwa's 'Qifeng Mountain' dojo before, but he didn't know that was not the case at all.

He didn't control the 'Xuanwu Seal', and was controlled by the tool spirit 'Xiao Yin'. Now it is suspended above his head, and he doesn't intend to fly away, but it exudes an aura that should be possessed by an innate treasure, this aura Thick and vast, like a saint in front, if Liu Hao is not the owner of the 'Xuanwu Seal', he should kneel now, the neck of Honghu lying on his shoulders that was originally wrapped around his neck has become much tighter, muttered, said something ;

"Xiao Yinyin is on fire!"

After muttering this sentence, the strength of Honghu's neck wrapped around his neck became stronger, and he seemed a little scared, but his eyes looked at the 'Xuanwu Seal', but there was no fear at all, but a little eager to try.

This situation, it can't be said that it happened often before, it's like when children are playing, the leader goes crazy, as a group, they all think about who the leader's fist will hit, once they know, they can join in and fight.

This thick and boundless breath didn't last long, but as if summoning, the void in front of him began to become cloudy. This kind of scene is like a jar of clear water being disturbed by a big stick, making the sight no longer able to penetrate the space. It seemed that the aura in the space in front of him became boiling, returning to the meaning of chaos.

After flicking through the divine thoughts, it was clearly found that this was not the case. The spiritual energy was still the same, but the space became chaotic, cycling between fragmentation and reorganization, and the fragmentation was extremely subtle, so small that it was invisible to the naked eye, making The black cracks in the space cannot be seen, and because the broken surface is extremely small, and the reorganization speed is also fast, this makes the scene Liu Hao sees muddy. Turned gray, like chaos.

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