Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twenty-fourth dimension

824. Dimension

This turbidity lasted for a stick of incense before the chaotic color turned to black. What caused this situation was the fact that the space of the world was too stable.

Entering here, Liu Hao knew that although the level of Xuanwu Dazun is much lower than that of the prehistoric world, the space is more compact, and the reason for this situation is also very clear to Liu Hao, that is what Xuanwu Dazun inadvertently leaked Due to endless gravity.

This scene is similar to the world behind Xuanwu's back. It belongs to Xuanwu's own ability, and it also makes it more difficult for the creatures living in it to open up their intelligence. After leaving the Dazun Xuanwu Dojo, after a period of time, Xiao Honghu's spiritual wisdom will mature rapidly.

This is also the reason why Hongjun Houtu and Nuwa want to put away a few creatures. The ignorant creatures with unique skills, once they enter the prehistoric world and are used by others, will cause more damage than the prehistoric powers now. Rather than being scary, it's better to take them back to their dojo for training. Similarly, the combat power they get will become them, and it can also be useful at critical moments.

This is not a joke. How can the creatures born in the Earth Immortal Realm be compared with those in the ancient times? The difference in level is not small, as long as a few people are trained a little bit, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. In the era when saints are restrained, when they are released, it may be said that Tathagata Haotian will have a headache when he sees them.

Such an easy-to-use chess piece, even Hongjun Houtu will be delighted to see it, and these creatures are not polluted by the world of flowers and flowers at all. Their hearts are pure and there is no difference between children. They must be passed on, just like parents teach by precept and example.

Liu Hao only saw this, but he didn't know that the three of Hongjun still had one thing to worry about, which was to transform the two creatures they got, which would be perfect for being a boy around him. Of course, the most important thing is that , that is to understand Xuanwu Dazun's Taoism through them.

The calculation here, not to mention for the time being, the turbidity of space has been replaced by black space cracks, which are still densely laid in the sky. The size of the nail cover, and then from the size of the nail cover to the width of a finger, and then from the eyes to the length of the arm.

It was at such a length that Liu Hao discovered the difference inside through the cracks in the space. He saw that brown light occasionally pierced through it, sacred and soft, but Liu Hao, who had been in contact with Xuanwu Dazun, I felt that this light was very familiar, and after thinking for a long time, I realized how similar this breath was to the world behind Xuanwu.

"Could it be that the world behind Xuanwu is the dojo planned by Xuanwu Dazun?"

Such a thought flashed in Liu Hao's mind. He wanted to say it was impossible, but he couldn't think of a reason to veto it. Anything too big seemed to be nothing to Xuanwu Dazun himself.

"The Xuanwu Dojo under your feet is the world that appeared on the back of Xuanwu Dazun when he suppressed the prehistoric past, right?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but think too much. When Xuanwu Dazun left, he didn't know the realm, but there must be a "Heavenly Dao" realm, otherwise Hongjun should have discovered this dojo. Big, it is reasonable to carry a world on your back. Compared with the world on Xuanwu's back today, this world is only one in a million in size. Does this mean that Xuanwu Dazun's current cultivation has already surpassed the realm of 'Day of Heaven'?

What should the realm above the realm of heaven be called? If the four spirits are like this, what about Pangu who opened the sky?

Liu Hao's thinking is powerful, and all kinds of thoughts are flickering in his mind, but it is impossible to get the answer, but he is just a first-time quasi-sage. Make sense?

If he can't figure it out, Liu Hao is not in a hurry, and buries these guesses in his heart one by one,

Looking forward to unraveling it in the future, this gave him endless expectations, wondering if he could swim in the sea of ​​​​the chaotic world like Xuanwu Dazun in the future, and how cool it would be to smash a world at will?

In front of him, the crack in the space continued to expand, and it was already a hundred meters in size. In the process of continuous breaking and repairing, the brown light that penetrated became brighter and brighter, and the palace wall could be faintly seen;

On these walls, various dao patterns flickered and flowed, attracting Liu Hao deeply with just one glance. Unfortunately, this scene was too short, and it was hard to see clearly when there was just a glimmer of harvest, so I had to give up, but in my heart, Thinking that when Xuanwu Dazun's palace appears, regardless of other things, comprehending these Dao patterns is the right way.

This kind of scene lasted for a long time. In the dojo, the sun in the sky had been retracted, and a crescent moon appeared, which made Liu Hao wake up.

"Could it be that the sun and the moon could not have been made by the Xuanwu Great Lord? They seem to be very similar to the prehistoric sun star and the lunar star! Could it be that he collected the sun star and the lunar star to make it? Otherwise, it would not be so similar.

Moreover, there is a huge difference between the sun and the moon that appeared in the world of Xuanwu's back and the present, which shows that there must be a great connection! "

Liu Hao can't help but think too much. The laws of all worlds are the same, but the aura of the rules is very obvious, just like the sun star in the wild gave birth to the three-legged golden crow, but the sun star in other worlds may give birth to ancient poisonous dragons, or Simply give birth to other creatures, which is caused by the different positioning of the sun stars in their respective worlds.

In the world behind Xuanwu, Liu Hao knew very well that the sun star was more like the sun in the earth, but it was magnified countless times, and Liu Hao had never seen the moon at all, and he didn't even know if it existed.

"The sun in the world behind Xuanwu seems to be kneaded by many fireballs and Xuanwu Dazun. It may be a collection of sun stars in many worlds, or it may be kneaded by him swallowing the stars among the stars in a universe."

This thought flashed through Liu Hao's mind, he looked up at the crescent moon at the end of the sky, and compared it with the moon in his heart, he was more sure of his judgment.

"Will the Sun Star and Lunar Star be replenished when Xuanwu Dazun's dojo is integrated into the prehistoric world? And what is the difference between the stars in the Earth Immortal Realm and the earth universe? Are they also composed of stars and planets? It seems that someday we will go to see them Row."

While thinking wildly, the spatial cracks in front of him became bigger and bigger. As soon as Pu appeared, they stretched for dozens of kilometers. Moreover, these spatial cracks often merged with each other. The longest one was already tens of thousands of miles long.

"Is the palace of Xuanwu Great Master so big? Or is it that the space crack is not stable enough to be taken out?

No, it should be the palace that walked out of it by itself! "

Liu Hao suddenly thought of another question, that is, the palace in front of him was obviously hidden in the space by the Xuanwu Great Master. Does the space where the palace is hidden belong to the dimensional space? What is the relationship between the dimensional space connected with the earth? Can such a dimensional space be created?

If it can be created, then who will create those dimensional spaces that link the earth?

Liu Hao couldn't help but think too much, stepping into the Great Desolation, Liu Hao knew that the Great Desolation could not have been created by someone, no matter how much information about the Great Desolation circulated on the earth, it was impossible for Pangu to specially create it and link it to the earth.

Conversely, the "Naruto World", "One Piece World" and "Reaper World" are more like products after creation, and the creator is very hateful, like an experiment, forcibly inserting it into the earth.

In such a situation, it cannot be said that the creator is still watching the changes of the earth while drinking coffee outside the world.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao couldn't help but shiver, no one would be happy knowing that he became someone else's experiment.

"Or not, if the creator is watching, then he will be willing to enter the prehistoric world by himself?"

"If this is the case, if the other party doesn't care, does it mean that the experimenter's own strength exceeds Hongjun Houtu's?"

"It still doesn't work, it even needs to surpass the current Xuanwu Great Master!"

"If they are all surpassed, how strong is this guy? Will he be stronger than Pangu who opened the sky?"

"Could it be Pangu?"

"If it's Pangu, why? A prank? How is it possible?"

It's about himself, and Liu Hao can't help thinking about it, and the more he thinks about it, the more insecure he feels, and he always feels that everything about him is under the command of the creator. This feeling makes him very uncomfortable.

"It's meaningless to think so much. With my cultivation base, there is no possibility of breaking the game. For now, I can only improve myself. When I reach Hunyuan, I may be able to detect it. If it doesn't work, I will upgrade to the realm of heaven again. , if it doesn’t work, I’ll go to the Xuanwu Great Venerable, I won’t believe it, and I can’t escape you?”

It is absolutely impossible for Liu Hao to accept his fate. Since the water is too deep, he should be strict and just pretend that he doesn't know. Moreover, he also thought of one thing, that is, the creator may not be as strong as he imagined.

It's not that Hongjun Houtu can't hide it, or Hongjun Houtu is too lazy to talk about it. He knows that there are still many restrictions on the monks who entered the earth today, and the cultivation base is even more special. He grasped the karma caused by the fear of destroying the earth, so that the monks of the wilderness did not dare to act rashly.

"What is the concept of dimension?"

Unable to understand the situation of the earth, Liu Hao began to trace the reason. It is easy to create a world, but how difficult is it to create creatures in a world? Among the several saints in the prehistoric period, only Empress Nuwa could do it. Even after Hongjun Houtu reached the realm of heaven, she seemed to be unable to do so. Don't even think about the way of 'good fortune'.

Even Liu Hao knows that it is easy to create some living beings based on blood materials, but it is not feasible to create humans. The human body is the body of the Tao, and it must be the way of "good fortune".

Nuwa Empress was able to create humans. On the one hand, her own way of "good fortune" has reached the critical point of sanctification. On the other hand, it is also because of the luck of heaven and earth. It is better to say that a person becomes a sage through merit and virtue, and it is better to say that Empress Nuwa's good fortune proves the Dao Hunyuan, and then she becomes a saint of heaven and earth because of her merit and virtue.

Outsiders don't know it, they will only think that Nuwa Empress created a man with meritorious deeds and sanctification, and then she walked on the road of meritorious deeds and sanctification. Therefore, they think that Nuwa's cultivation base is not high, but in fact, Nuwa is the most holy among all saints. The strong, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian himself has reached the ninth heaven, and he has begun to truly understand the way of heaven and earth, and he knows that his "way" lies in "human beings", and his practice is getting faster and faster, leaving other saints far behind.

Even Liu Hao doesn't know the inside story, but he firmly believes that Empress Nuwa's way of good fortune is bound to achieve Hunyuan. In his opinion, when creating humans, Empress Nuwa has a high probability of being a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, "good fortune" The breakthrough of the Tao is the reason, and it is because of this that we can 'create man'.

Then the creators who created those "dead fire sea" dimensions must also be proficient in the way of good fortune. The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian became the bottom line, and if it goes higher, it will need to be explored in the future to know.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao also heaved a sigh of relief. It wasn't because he was less afraid, but because he understood that those who are proficient in the way of "good fortune" must have a heart of great compassion, even if the creator changes his mind in the future , nor will it be erased casually.

Knowing this is why Liu Hao is relieved. What he worries most is that the creators do not regard the creatures on the earth as life. He is most worried about erasing the earth when he is in a bad mood. With his family and more than one billion Yanhuang blood, he couldn't help but worry.

"It's okay! At least there is still a lot of time, and I should hurry up and practice!"

Liu Hao also felt that he had been a little slack during this time. Even cutting corpses was quite passive. Although he tried his best to suppress his own cultivation, he seldom wanted to cultivate on his own initiative. When stepping up the training, strive to cut out the good thoughts as soon as possible, not to mention other things, at least let yourself face the Tathagata and Haotian directly, so that you can fight head-on.

He thought this, but he felt that the earth might change, he couldn't guess what the creator would think, but he knew one thing, that is the limitation of this channel, maybe it will disappear someday, At that time, once the Beiju Luzhou monster clan enters the earth wantonly, that will be the real horror.

"Perhaps, after this incident is over, it's time to go back to the earth to have a look. The earth is still too short of strong people to sit in charge. A Fang luck is still a little bit close. Going to a quasi-sage of the monster clan will be a catastrophe. "

The monster clan is like this, and other forces must have locked this channel. From the time Liu Hao stepped into the quasi-sage, he will become more important if he doesn't pay attention to it. Entrusting his own safety to the kindness of others is the greatest thing. Danger, the only way to be safe is to control one's own strength and make others fearful.

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