Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twenty-five. Xuanwu Palace

825. Xuanwu Palace

In the Dazun Xuanwu Dojo, with the activation of the "Xuanwu Seal" Qiling Xiaoyin, the space is broken, and the dimensional space begins to appear. With the expansion of the space crack, the whole picture of the palace has begun to appear.

The palace in front of him was even bigger than Liu Hao had imagined. Compared with the Wa Palace, Nuwa Qifeng Mountain Dojo, it was like a one-story, three-story villa facing the Forbidden City.

Liu Hao didn't know whether it was because Xuanwu Dazun's body was too big, or because Xuanwu Dazun did it on purpose, but he knew that the palace of a monk above Hunyuan Saint was like a world, and the size seen from the outside , but it's just a cover.

The space cracks are getting bigger and bigger, Liu Hao originally thought that the palace will pass through the dimension and enter the dojo, but it didn't happen. With the passage of time, these huge space cracks shrank suddenly, as if the whole world repaired them in an instant.

Such a scene made Liu Hao think that the opening would fail, but before he could sigh, he saw a passage portal in front of him, which was close to the palace gate, but what really shocked Liu Hao was this passage He is too familiar with the portal, it is clearly a connection between the earth and the other heavens.

"Could it be that these links are all made by Xuanwu Dazun?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but think too much, it was the passage in front of him that he had worn back and forth for countless times, and the breaths and styles were obviously rubbed out of the same mold.

But then, Liu Hao vetoed this possibility. The situation of Xuanwu Dazun Daochang, one can tell at a glance that the other party is not proficient in the way of "good fortune". Moreover, in the world behind Xuanwu, the creatures Liu Hao sees are also Most of them are the products left by Xuanwu Dazun devouring other chaotic worlds.

But if it wasn't created by Xuanwu Great Master, why would he connect the world behind him with it?

Not to mention other things, at least Liu Hao can guess one thing, that is, Xuanwu Dazun is not afraid of creators at all, which is good news.

"Just for fun?"

What is Xuanwu Great Master's idea of ​​linking it? Liu Hao also can't figure it out, it's fun, maybe there is, but there must be other calculations, these need to be asked when he goes to Xuanwu's back world in the future;

He is not worried that Xuanwu Great Master will not show up at that time. When he goes, he will also carry the "Xuanwu Seal". Get the answer, but it's always a way, it's better than guessing for no reason.


The passageway was completely finalized, and before Liu Hao could make a move, the swan on her shoulders had already flown up, but instead of flying towards the passageway, she bypassed the passageway and entered the rear.

"Ah! I can't see it from behind!"

Xiao Honghu's surprised voice came, which made Liu Hao, who had just stepped forward, stunned for a moment, and then laughed at himself, thinking that the channel was originally designed to link dimensions, so how could it be like a portal?

"Sitting north and facing south is in line with Xuanwu Great Master's intention to suppress the chaos in the north!"

Liu Hao muttered, and walked towards the passage, Xiao Honghu circled around, and after returning, flew to his shoulders and lay down, stretched his neck and looked at the passage curiously, occasionally pecking at the 'Xuanwu Seal' Taking a sip, it seems that he wants to get the explanation of Qi Ling Xiaoyin.

When passing through the passage, Liu Hao sensed it carefully, and the judgment in his heart became more and more certain. This passage is really no different from the connection between the earth and the heavens. Zun might be very familiar with it.

Passing through the passage, there are nine steps in front of you. The real gate of the palace is above the steps. Several people did not stop. They stepped on the steps, but found that there are restrictions on this step. Every time they go up a step, the gravity will double. The gravity of a step is twice that of Xuanwu Dazun Dojo, but the gravity in Xuanwu Dazun Dojo is equivalent to that of the prehistoric world, and it is about a hundred times compared to the earth.

In this way, if you want to walk through these nine steps, Da Luo Jinxian is the foundation,

Those whose cultivation level is lower than this, even if they want to enter the Xuanwu Grand Monarch's palace, don't even think about it.

"Grandmaster Xuanwu's dojo is integrated into the prehistoric, and this portal will also fix the space and location, and it will also be stable in the prehistoric. Is this the meaning of the great lord's selection? To prevent many monks from entering his palace?"

This thought flashed through his mind, but his steps didn't stop. When he reached the ninth step, Liu Hao didn't even want to understand what Xuanwu Dazun meant.

The gate of the palace is also a rock structure, but the color is different. In other words, the entire palace of Xuanwu Dazun is made of rocks;

If you don’t get close, you will think that many places are made of wood or other materials. Only when you stand at the door can you really know that they are just various rocks. It’s just that these rocks also opened Liu Hao’s eyes. I don't know what kind of material these rocks are made of. Why does the gate look different from bronze even though it is clearly a rock structure?

Behind Liu Hao, Nuwa, Hongjun Houtu, none of them pushed the door past Liu Hao, and they didn't know what they were thinking. When Liu Hao stopped, they stopped too, and they all looked at Liu Hao. On Liu Hao, it was clearly intended to let him make a move.

In fact, the three of Hongjun are all out of respect for Xuanwu Dazun. This is what Xuanwu Dazun entrusted to Liu Hao. Doing it becomes the idea of ​​grabbing credit, but this is something they can't bear, and their own pride also makes it impossible for them to do this.

Seeing this, Liu Hao could only take a step forward, stretched out two big hands, and exerted strength towards the two sides of the door. This time, he had the heart to experiment. At the beginning, he used the power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The portal didn't move at all, and he laughed at himself, knowing that it was impossible. Since the Daluo Jinxian could only step into the portal, the power of the Daluo Jinxian must be the beginning.

However, when Liu Hao used the power of the Great Principle Golden Immortal, there was still no movement at the portal, which shocked Liu Hao. He knew that his own power of the Great Principle Golden Immortal was much stronger than most of the Great Principle Golden Immortals, right? It means that Daluo Jinxian wants to enter the Dazun Xuanwu Dojo?

Before he had time to think about it, Liu Hao increased his strength until he could not move the door even if he used all his strength. Now he was a bit of a Muggle. He turned to look at the three Nuwas, but found that they were not helping at all. Meaning, I had to think for myself.

"Could it be necessary to use the Xuanwu inheritance? That's right, no matter how much power this portal needs in the future, the first time you open it, you have to leave it to your own people!"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao carved a basalt talisman in the air, and then pointed towards the palace gate. As expected, when the talisman turned into a light spot fell into the palace gate, he saw a basalt carving appearing in the door. Seeing this, Liu Hao didn't know whether it was Fulin's heart or his obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he simply drew another one and punched it into the other side of the portal.


As the second basalt carving appeared in the other side of the portal, a slight sound came, and Liu Hao didn't need to push it anymore. The portal in front of him was slowly opened, and the creaking sound was like a machine pushing. The speed was very slow, but very uniform. After about nine breaths, the entire portal was completely opened.

Looking towards the inside, a small path appeared. The path was covered with various stones. On both sides of the path, it was no different from a small courtyard. On it, there was a layer of green grass, which was very neat. A few small The green plants protrude between this layer of green grass, and they are naturally embellished. At a glance, you know that these green plants are not ordinary things, but you also know that these few spiritual roots are not high-level. Pick it up and put it in the vestibule as an ornamental.

Passing through the path is the front hall. In the middle of the hall is a three-meter-high sculpture. One can tell at a glance that this sculpture is clearly Pangu when he lifted up the prehistoric world. It is probably because this posture left a deep impression on Xuanwu Dazun. The impression made him carve it out as an offering.

However, even if this sculpture was carved by Xuanwu Dazun casually, it exudes endless Taoism. With just one glance, everyone sinks into it, as if they were in Pangu at that time, and everything around them became hazy. Pangu appeared in front of his eyes, holding up the whole world like a pillar of heaven, and he felt it carefully, and could clearly perceive the state of Pangu's force when he lifted it.

This is Liu Hao's greatest achievement. His body imitated unconsciously. However, within three breaths, the scene in front of Liu Hao collapsed and he returned to himself. His whole body was dripping with sweat, and he couldn't speak. The soreness, as if he had just lifted the backlash caused by the prehistoric world just like Pan Gu.

"How great is the Great God Pan Gu!"

After Liu Hao's body healed and healed, he heard a male voice from behind. Needless to say, it was also Hongjun's sigh. Hongjun also experienced Liu Hao's actions just now. Counting back and forth, it seems that Hongjun survived About a minute up and down.

"No matter what Hongjun said, he is still in the realm of 'Day of Heaven', but he can only last for a minute, so what about the cultivation level of Great God Pangu at that time? Even if he is proficient in the law of power, he must be far beyond the realm of 'Day of Heaven', right?"

Such a guess flashed in my mind, and I looked at the statue of Pangu again, but I couldn't enter the previous state. When I recalled it carefully, I found that I had recorded the state of Pangu's strength just now, and I was relieved.

"I don't know if the latecomers can sense such a scene. If it is possible, then many people in the world can comprehend a little bit of the law of power?

In this way, the strength of the prehistoric comers has been greatly enhanced, but they don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse! "

Anxiety flashed in Liu Hao's heart, but the voice of Qi Ling Xiaoyin came from his mind.

"Don't worry, this time it's because you inspired the charm left by Xuanwu Great Master. It will be extremely difficult for those who come in the future to comprehend it. Maybe Sanqing can do it, but it is almost impossible for others, even if it is to guide the quasi Come to think of it, the chances are not high!"

The words of Qi Ling Xiaoyin made Liu Hao feel happy. Did he know that just by imitating a little charm, his strength increased a lot. , It might be possible to step into the gate of the law of strength, such a chance, if it becomes a popular product, it is really terrifying.

"Liu Hao, put away the statue of Father God!"

Before Liu Hao was happy, Houtu's voice came from behind, which made him turn his head to look in shock. Although he was eager to try, he knew that even if Houtu agreed to this matter, he would need the nods of Hongjun and Nuwa.

Hongjun and Nuwa seemed to know what Liu Hao was thinking, and when they saw Liu Hao turn his head, they both nodded slightly towards him.

Speaking of which, the three of them were also afraid that the statue would stay here for a long time, so that the latecomers would all be able to comprehend the law of power, so they couldn't make it stay here, but the three of them also knew that it was inappropriate for them to take it, so they might as well let it go Liu Hao put it away as well.

All three of them nodded, but Liu Hao was not polite. He turned his head and bowed three times to the Pangu sculpture before putting it in his scale space.

I thought the statue was just a dead thing, just put it away, but I didn't know that just after it was put into the scale space, the statue turned into a ray of light, which directly entered Liu Hao's body. The bone was imprinted, but in a short time, the entire streamer flowed through the bones of Liu Hao's body, and disappeared.

But Liu Hao himself didn't feel it at all, or he didn't know the impact of this streamer entering his bones at all? The benefits have not been manifested yet, but even so, he knows that he seems to be more familiar with the method of exerting force. As long as he keeps practicing, he may not be able to develop this streamer.

Liu Hao didn't make it clear, and he didn't care whether the three people behind him knew about it or not, just pretended that they didn't know. After finishing this, the four of them looked in the front hall again, and saw four futons placed on both sides. The four futons seemed to be made by hand, and there was no inspiration.

"Could it be that the four futons are used for sitting cross-legged during the gathering of the four spirits?"

Liu Hao muttered something, but all three of Nuwa nodded. Among them, Hongjun and Houtu were alright, but they just nodded and didn't intend to put them away at all. However, Nuwa was curious and grabbed one of them casually. Get up, check it out.

"It can be regarded as a rare treasure. It has become the best acquired product. It has the Dao rhyme left by the four spirits sitting cross-legged. You can often sit cross-legged, and you can comprehend some unique ways of the four spirits!"

Nuwa's words aroused the curiosity of Hongjun and Houtu. The two recruited one each, researched it, and then threw it to Liu Hao. This made Liu Hao very comfortable. He thought that you would not like it. But for us, he is no less than the best innate spirit treasure. He has the talent of the four spirits himself, which is just right for him. How could he miss it?

But he didn't know that Hongjun and the three of them all knew this point, and each of them realized it after a while, so they gave him the benefits, which can be regarded as a different kind of fulfillment.

The palace of Xuanwu Great Monarch looks huge from the outside, but when you step inside, it feels like a small Taoist temple. The vestibule is only about 300 square meters, and the front hall is only about 500 square meters. A statue and four poufs, and nothing else.

Liu Hao and the others didn't stay in it any longer. After taking the benefits, they walked towards the interior. The rooms on the left and right didn't bother to talk to each other. Liu Hao could only follow when they saw it.

After passing the front hall and entering the atrium, there is another scene. The home environment that Liu Hao thought was no longer at all, but carved into it like a world, like a sand table carved over a thousand square meters, and the mountains, rivers and rivers inside are full of vitality. , above these mountains and rivers, there are still white clouds floating, which are clearly caused by the real heaven and earth.

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