Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twentieth six. Sand table prehistoric

826 , Sand Table Prehistoric

A world that has been compressed to the extreme is placed in front of everyone like this, looking down from above, giving people a feeling that I am the master of this world. The three of Hongjun are fine, and Liu Hao has this feeling at this time It seems that this world is under his control, whether it is the mountains, rivers, or green plants on it, but what he can destroy at will, even this world, is nothing more than a punch to him. Things.

In a trance, Liu Hao felt as if he had become the master of heaven and earth, and all living beings were under his palm. Not only did he ask for anything, but he also fiddled with their fate at will. If he annoyed himself, he could destroy and reset them, Thinking this way, his hand also started to move, but when Liu Hao wanted to erase all the living beings in it, a shock suddenly shook in his heart.

"Huh... so dangerous! How did you almost sink into it?"

This trance was only fleeting, or in other words, the moment Liu Hao looked at the sand table world, his mind was seduced, and he substituted himself into the master of the world, expanding to the extreme.

After waking up with a start, Liu Hao took a while to calm down, and looked again, but there was no sense just now, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"What does Great Xuanwu mean by doing this?"

This sentence was Liu Hao's question to Ling Xiaoyin, Xuanwu Seal.

"Hehehe, I know you can pass the test, but I didn't expect you to pass the test so quickly!"

"Is this for Xuanwu Great Lord to test the comers? That's right, as early as he left, he knew that someone would definitely come into his palace in the future. Is this the meaning of selection?"

"Tch, Your Majesty didn't mean to choose! It's just that if you want to enter the backyard, it's not that simple. If you can't pass the test of the Lord of Heaven and Earth in front of you, you will be accepted by Heaven and Earth. At that time, you have to go through it yourself." Only the world in front of you can enter the backyard!"

"I see!"

Knowing the inside story, when Liu Hao looked down at the sand table world, he always felt as if he had seen it somewhere before. Following his eyes, when he saw a sky pillar in the center of the sand table, he suddenly remembered that this seemed to be a compressed version. prehistoric.

This celestial pillar protrudes faintly out of the sand table. If you look carefully, you can find that the celestial pillar is not a straight line, but vaguely forms a slight 'S' shape. Isn't it the complete shape of Buzhou Mountain transformed by Pangu's spine?


Liu Hao affirmed his conjecture, and with a murmur, the Nuwa Empress beside him confirmed it.

"It is the prehistoric world, and it is also the prehistoric world when the world was first formed!"

Along the Tianzhu, the backbone of Pangu, Liu Hao saw the undead volcano in front of him. This undead volcano is located in the south of the sand table flood. If the whole world is divided into eight parts, the undead volcano occupies about half of the south part;

From this point of view, we can know how mighty the real undead volcano is, and it is no wonder that Zu Fenghuang's suppression is needed, but now this undead volcano has disappeared without a trace in the earth fairy world. Perhaps only Hongjun Knowing the realm of heaven and earth like Houtu, maybe like the remnants of Buzhou Mountain, he was banned by Hongjun to prevent others from setting foot.

It's a pity that the prehistoric sand table below is not the real panorama of the prehistoric, only a little bit of the four seas is exposed, it can only be regarded as the prehistoric land and the coast of the four seas, in each of the four seas, there is a sculpture erected, which is the four spirits and four elephants. Needless to say, it was also designed to suppress this world. With them, the current world will definitely not be simple. Even if a quasi-sage steps into it and wants to walk through it, it will cost some money.

Liu Hao was also eager to try and think about it, and wanted to experience the way. Looking from above, there was no living being, but he felt that the living beings he saw during the test just now were clearly real, so there was only one This possibility, the monks who step into it, are bound to regard it as real, or even if they know it is false, they will not last long, forget these, and regard it as a product of the real state, which prompts them to walk through The difficulty has increased sharply, and under the influence of foreign objects, it is impossible to sink into it.

"If this is the case, it will be difficult! I woke up too quickly from the test just now, and I don't know if I will see the whole world after stepping into it. If it can be visualized, the impact of monks stepping into it will only be greater. Without knowing the truth or falsehood, maybe you will regard it as reality and sink into it all the time, and in the end, you don’t know if you will become a part of it?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao's heart was shocked again. If he really became a part of the sand table world, it might be difficult to save his life. Once he died, he might become the nourishment of the sand table world. It will become the beginning of a real living being and evolve into a real world.

"If that's the case, it's terrifying!"

Shaking his head, Liu Hao turned his head to look at Nuwa. He didn't think he was the only one who was smart. What he could think of, the three of Nuwa would certainly be able to think of. Moreover, he also had a problem in his heart and wanted to get confirmation from Nuwa. .

"Your Majesty, is there a breath of good fortune in it?"

"Can you spot it?"

Empress Nuwa gave Liu Hao a surprised look, as if she was very surprised by this.

"I didn't notice it, I just felt it!"

It's not that Liu Hao is lying, but he really thinks it is, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of the theory that after the death of a monk, he would use it as nourishment to give birth to a living being.

Empress Nuwa smiled slightly, then nodded slightly at Liu Hao and said;

"There is a trace of good fortune in it, and it has the same origin as my good fortune! It seems that before my birth, Xuanwu Great Venerable took it away!"

Liu Hao's mind was shocked by Nuwa's words, and what shocked him even more was that Nuwa didn't seem to care about it, even though she knew that her cultivation was still undetectable and she didn't mean to be angry at all.

It should be noted that at Nuwa's level of cultivation, he can already check all his information in the long river of time, even everything related to himself before birth, cannot escape Nuwa's detection.

After being sanctified, Empress Nuwa must have done this kind of investigation, but even so, she didn't notice the slightest thing. If she hadn't come here today and saw the aura of good fortune from the same source as herself, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

It stands to reason that Empress Nuwa should also be angry. As a saint, she values ​​dignity more than anyone else, but why does she seem to be very happy?

"The world created by the great lord has gone through the ages, and it has become a world of its own. It also uses the prehistoric world as an extension, which also shows that the Xuanwu great lord connects it with the prehistoric luck. In this way, it is said to be a small world of the prehistoric world. Not too much!"

The voice of Qi Ling Xiaoyin came from his mind, which also made Liu Hao understand what Empress Nuwa was thinking. Since the sand table world will be a small world of the prehistoric world, it also means that even if there are creatures in the future, it will be the prehistoric world. part;

That being the case, having the same aura of good fortune as Empress Nuwa means that Empress Nuwa has given birth, and the creatures that will evolve in the future, to a certain extent, are also born because of Empress Nuwa's good fortune, which means Empress Nuwa is collecting luck merits while lying down, so what's there to be angry about? You should be happy, and you should be jumping with joy.

"Since there is the Goddess Nuwa's aura of good fortune, does it also have the link of the six reincarnations?"

"You are really smart! At the bottom of Buzhou Mountain, there is a reincarnation formation. Once you die in the sand table world, your soul will also be collected by the prehistoric hell. How to reincarnate depends on the flow of merit and luck!"

"Is there a way of heaven?"

"No! The inside story is not what you can know now!"

"Xiaoyin, do you think I will get lost if I enter it?"

"You have passed the test, and you will not have the slightest reaction if you enter it again!"

"It's a pity! I feel that there should be many opportunities to enter it!"

"It is true! But there is nothing to regret! You will know in the future!"


In his heart, Liu Hao felt that the hallucinations experienced by stepping into it were like going through reincarnation. After sinking into it and leaving the world, it was like going through a whole life. Come your own way.

Originally, this was the reason Liu Hao said, but he didn't expect that Qi Ling's small seal confirmed his statement, but it made Liu Hao feel that there might be hidden objects in the sand table world;

Perhaps it was the spiritual treasure that Xuanwu Great Master collected before, or it was something that Xuanwu Great Master deliberately refined, etc., and the green plants he saw may be all kinds of spiritual roots, but whether these spiritual roots are the body or There is no way to know the imitations cultivated after Xuanwu Dazun took them off.

This sand table world will definitely not be able to stop a saint. In other words, this sand table is the most severe test of character and ambition. Those with a weak heart will find it difficult to escape, and those with great ambitions and power desires may also sink into it. In Liu Hao's heart The figures of Haotian and Tathagata flashed past, and then Dijun Taiyi flashed past, thinking that if these people came here, they might have to be included in the sand table world and struggle hard. If this is the case, the major forces outside There are some to play.

"I don't know what the time ratio is between the inside and the outside! Regardless, it's no longer effective for me anyway, so let's hear who is sucked into it in the future and listen to the joke!"

Laughing at himself, Liu Hao began to scan the sand table world, not because he wanted to get anything from it, but more because he wanted to record the original prehistoric world in front of him, and when he returned, he could make one by himself when he had time, no matter what else, bring it It is still possible to train your own disciples and the like.

"Is this the Kunlun Mountains? I haven't checked the real Kunlun Mountains in the Earth Immortal Realm, so I still can't estimate the scale! By the way, Mount Qingcheng! I went there last time, so I can understand the general situation!"

After Liu Hao glanced around, he began to focus on observing the major mountains and rivers. After a while, he found a miniature of the Qingcheng Mountains in the southeast of the sand table. Looking carefully, the entire morning mountain range in front of him is no more than two fingers in size in the beach world. In the Earth Immortal Realm, the Qingcheng Mountains on the side of Liu Hao's view occupy an area of ​​nearly one billion square kilometers. This is the Qingcheng Mountain after the prehistoric and broken, and it will only become smaller.

"At the beginning of the prehistoric period, it was too big! It is not enough to describe the vastness, and it is not enough to describe the distance in light years! In this kind of world, those creatures born at the beginning of the prehistoric period may have never met another creature before death Right? This is just the Great Desolate Continent, plus the full version of the Four Seas, how big should it be?

The size of the remaining Earth Immortal Realm is not even one ten-thousandth of the prehistoric world, right? It is estimated that not even 1/100,000 of the land is left. Where did the disappeared ones go? Like an undead volcano, it was sealed by Hongjun? Shouldn't it? "

Just estimating the ratio made Liu Hao's mind buzz. He mechanically turned his head to look at the three Nuwas, and found that even the three of them were very serious when they looked at the sand table world, as if they were also estimating the size.

"That's all for Nuwa and Houtu. After all, they were born in ancient times, but Hongjun is also a person of ancient times. Could it be that something happened in the early days that he didn't know about?

With him watching the sand table world so seriously, could it be that the world he saw after he was born was not what he saw before? "

Liu Hao was extremely curious. He knew some secrets of the prehistoric era, and he also knew the division of the prehistoric era. People called the birth of the three tribes of the ancient times the ancient times. The same period was also the rise of Hongjun and others. In the beginning, very few people knew about this period of history, but now it seems that even Hongjun, a person who is "the Dao of Heaven", only has a half-knowledge, and most of them are guesses.

And these speculations were also passed on to Sanqing and others through Hongjun's mouth, and then passed on to his disciples through Sanqing's words, and then passed on to all living beings, and word of mouth passed on. Many of them must have changed a lot, and half of them are good enough to believe.

However, what Liu Hao heard was obtained from the words of 'Tongtian', which is much more credible than what Liu Hao thought. Not to mention half, 90% of the credibility is still there.

In the early days, Pan Gu was transformed into the heaven and earth, and there were still many chaotic auras in the world. In the history that Liu Hao heard, before these chaotic auras were transformed into innate auras, the entire prehistoric world could not survive. Not to mention gestation.

It was not until these chaotic auras basically dissipated that the prehistoric world began to breed life, and the first batch of conceived lives were not the descendants of Pangu, but the half-chaotic and half-prehistoric creatures bred in the prehistoric places left behind by Pangu's beheading. The race of demon gods is also called the era of fierce beasts by Honghuang;

These ferocious beasts, because they were contaminated with the killing aura of Kaitian, caused them to be unable to develop spiritual wisdom at all. They only had fierce physiques, but they were ignorant and only knew how to fight.

During this period, how many years has lasted, no one knows, only know that these fierce beasts have never been born with wisdom, and when the three clans appeared, there were not many waves. , was exterminated by the three clans.

At that time, when 'Tongtian' and Liu Hao stated this period of history, they also had some sarcasm. 'Tongtian' believed that most of the three clans were putting money on their faces, so as to prove that they were favored by heaven, and then they used this As an excuse, he said that his own race should rule the world, and the dispute between the three clans began here.

Seeing Hongjun inspecting the sand table world seriously today, Liu Hao also felt that the suspicion of 'Tongtian' might be true. In such a vast world, what if all three clans are out? Are they really capable of sweeping the world? You know, it would take millions of years for Da Luo Jinxian to visit such a vast world, but how many Da Luo Jinxians of the three clans can there be? In addition, the number is sufficient, how long will it take to wipe out all the beasts?

"It seems that there is a lot of inside information! I don't know if Xuanwu Dazun will talk to me. If I ask, will he answer?"

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