Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twenty-seven. Liu Hao's guess

827 , Liu Hao's Guess

"The prehistoric world doesn't seem that simple! In the beginning, what happened in the beginning, probably only the four spirits really know?"

Liu Hao sighed in his heart, and suddenly remembered one thing, that is, when the four spirits were suppressing the world, would they be inferior to Honghuang?

Not to mention other things, maybe you can kill some ferocious beasts by hand, right? For them, if they suppress the world and cannot leave, they must do it if they take a walk around the prehistoric wilderness by uprooting their hairs and hairs. If they walk like this, they may see a beast they don’t like, and it’s possible to kill it casually By the way, it is also possible to smash some mountains. If the edge of the four seas is more forceful, will some land be knocked down into the sea?

Liu Hao always felt that this speculation was very possible. The reason why he thought of the incarnation of cold hair was also because Xiaodouzi accidentally found a hair of the white tiger of the holy beast before. Who can tear his hair off? It is possible for animals to lose their hair, but there are very few monsters, let alone the holy beast white tiger?

"The ferocious beasts born in the beginning are really the ferocious beasts seen by the three races? If not, the first generation of ferocious beasts might not be called ferocious beasts, but semi-chaos demon gods! Will these semi-chaotic demon gods Will they all be snapped by the four spirits? The second generation was born on the corpses they left behind, so they are called fierce beasts?"

Liu Hao couldn't help thinking about it, he always felt that there might be secrets in it, what chaotic aura hadn't been completely transformed into congenital aura and no living beings were born, but he didn't believe it. In addition to the protection of the treasure 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda', other people must not have been wiped clean by the Qi of Chaos long ago?

Since even the innate spirit treasure can protect it, it doesn't make sense that the beasts, which claim to be born from the corpse of the Chaos Demon God, would be afraid of the Chaos Spiritual Energy.

In this way, since these ferocious beasts are not even afraid of the chaotic aura, how could they be easily killed by the three clans born later?

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Hao felt that his guess was very reasonable. In his opinion, before the beasts, the semi-chaotic demon god appeared, and the four spirits were very upset to see these guys. They were not native creatures after all, so naturally they didn't give a good face;

Then, it makes sense to pluck out some hairs and make an incarnation to fight and kill, and the incarnation is no better than the main body, the loss may not be much, but it is definitely not much, how can the semi-chaos demon god also bear the title of "chaos demon god" , how could it be bad?

When fighting, it is bound to cause damage to the prehistoric land. In order not to affect the damage to the mountains and rivers in the land, it is more reasonable to lead them to the seaside to fight. sinking to the shores of the four seas.

The reason for this speculation,

However, Liu Hao also had a reason. It should be known that Pangu transformed into heaven and earth, and his body fell into the prehistoric world, so it was impossible for him to fall into the four seas. Then the birth of the dragon clan of the four seas became reasonable, especially the fact that the ancestor dragon came from the East China Sea.

As an ancestral dragon, he is also one of the high-ranking innate demon gods. How could it be transformed by a mere hair of Pangu? It is more reasonable to say that the meridian is more reasonable, and it must be one of the most important meridians, such as 'Ren Du Ermai' One of them, one turned into an ancestor dragon, and the other turned into a candle dragon.

And how could the 'Ren Du Ermai' float to the East China Sea when Pangu transformed into heaven and earth? It must have fallen into the East China Sea due to certain factors, so if Liu Hao guessed it, it is very reasonable;

Originally they were conceived in the land near the sea in the east of the Great Desolation. Because of the fighting between the four spirits and the semi-chaos demon god, this land sank into the East Sea, was contaminated with water vapor, and bred a dragon clan, which not only adapted to the sea, but also could fly into it. The sky, even in the earth, is very adaptable, it is simply a three-living creature, a perfect race.

In addition, Liu Hao guessed that the four spirits must be Qinglong Dazun. Perhaps out of guilt, Qinglong Dazun probed into the conceived Zulong and Zhulong to check his consciousness, resulting in Zulong and Zhulong Ming. In the dark, it was conceived with the blue dragon as the standard, resulting in the birth of the dragon family.

The Phoenix family is also very similar to Suzaku, so they probably have a little bit of this connection.

In addition, there is another point that Liu Hao believes can also be used as the same, that is, there are too many islands near the East China Sea, which is a lot of evidence against the well-balanced distance between the southeast, southeast, northwest, and southeast of the sand table below;

But if the eastern part sinks into the sea, it would be more reasonable. If it sinks into the sea, some higher mountains will emerge from the sea and become islands, but it will be more reasonable. It should be noted that the ten states in the East China Sea are equivalent to large and huge islands, will there be too many? some?

His eyes scanned the easternmost area of ​​Zhengdong in the sand table, and he didn't know whether it was Liu Hao's wish or it was really what Liu Hao thought. He really found a lot of mountain ranges. There are as many as ten larger and higher mountain ranges, and there are not many. Quite a few positive ten.

"It's not really what you imagined, is it?"

After getting the confirmation, Liu Hao became a little skeptical instead, his heart turned for a long time, and finally he could only sigh. This kind of thing can only be a mystery until it is confirmed by the four spirits.

But he didn't know that the reason why he made such thoughts was also because of his thoughts of historians in his mind, he always wanted to deduce history, make various possible inferences, and then prove them in turn.

Shaking his head, Liu Hao put aside these thoughts, scanned the prehistoric world in front of him, and wrote down one by one, before scanning the rest of the atrium.

The entire atrium is occupied by the sand table in front of you, surrounded by a long corridor. The northern direction is the central hall, which is also the resting place for Xuanwu Dazun. The two sides are divided into east and west directions, and there are also several wing rooms. As for what role, but need to investigate some.

Liu Hao waited for a while, and the three of Hongjun also lost their sight and glanced around. The four of them split into two paths. Liu Hao and Nuwa walked towards the west corridor, while Hongjun and Houtu entered the east corridor. a wing.

On the west side, there are also two wing rooms. Liu Hao and Nu Wa glanced at each other and each chose one. Nu Wa gave Liu Hao the first choice, but Liu Hao didn't bother to think about it. Open the door and step into it, once you walk into it, it is another shock.

In front of his eyes, endless golden light covered the entire space, everything seemed to be coated with gold, and the entire space was infinitely magnified, and he didn't know how vast it was. There is no end in sight.

"This room is the resting place for Lord White Tiger when he arrives!"

The voice of Qi Ling Xiaoyin was heard again, and the evil incarnation in Liu Hao's body couldn't bear it any longer, and he jumped out. Once he came out, he didn't care about Liu Hao, and shot towards the direction he sensed, taking a few breaths. Time disappeared before Liu Hao's eyes.

"Great Master White Tiger won't set up any inheritance in it, will he?"

"I don't know! Maybe there is, maybe not! Great Master Baihu is the least one to come!"

"Four rooms, could it be the room where the four great lords rest?"


"Then Empress Nuwa entered the resting place of Venerable Suzaku, and the room of Venerable Azure Dragon and Venerable Xuanwu, and Hongjun and Houtu entered?"


"Whether the Great Xuanwu left any inheritance, you should know?"

"As far as I know, no! But there must be a lot of things in Xuanwu Great Master's room!"

"That's true! How can I say that it is also the Daoist Hall of Xuanwu Dazun, and it is reasonable to have more objects! The north position seems to be Houtu's entry, which can be considered a bit of a chance. After all, Houtu is also an authentic Taoist, and it is also a little bit like Xuanwu Dazun. relation!"

Liu Hao wasn't envious, no matter what, it was impossible for Xuanwu Dazun to leave any innate treasures in it. Seeing the hurrying appearance of the white tiger Liu Hao, he might get some benefits, and it was a perfect fit, enough carry on! It is a bad thing if all the benefits are really obtained by oneself.

"A resting place is a world, it's really scary!"

"It wasn't heaven and earth in the first place, but it was caused by the aura emitted by the White Tiger Lord when he came to rest. When you reach the master's cultivation base, you will know that this is nothing but normal!"

"Is it so scary? Wouldn't the place where Hongjun and Houtu rest also form a world?"

"Yes! You must know that the place of rest is often also the place of cultivation. It emits the most aura. If it is contaminated with their aura, it will form their unique Dao rhyme at the beginning. Over time, it will form what it is today. It is said that it is a world, but in fact More is the evolution of their avenues, as long as they are still alive, the evolution of these avenues will continue, so such a small world has been achieved!"

"Is that so? But what if something happens to this monk?"

"If something goes wrong, the evolution will start to dissipate, and after hundreds of millions of years, it will return to its original state of rest!"

"So that's it! The place where Baihu Liu Hao went should be the place where His Majesty Baihu sits cross-legged and cultivates, right?"

"Of course! There is a high probability that Baihu Liu Hao will practice hard in it! In a short time, he will not be able to leave. There is no such place in the prehistoric world that suits his cultivation. The dojo of Lord Baihu cannot be opened without a key!"

"That's not bad either! Just enough to give him a place that is truly suitable for cultivation!"

"You can be content! But if you are free, you can also go to the other three rooms to practice, especially when you cut the corpse, if you choose one of them, the chances are higher!"

"It's okay to have good thoughts. If you choose Qinglong's rest room, obsession is a bit troublesome. If you have Xuanwu talent and Suzaku talent, you're afraid of being out of balance. It's better to go to chaos!"

Qi Ling Xiaoyin didn't refute or make any other suggestions. Liu Hao smiled and didn't answer. In fact, he thought that what he said was right, and getting this information was enough.

"Qinglong's room? Come back when you're about to cut out your kind thoughts! Maybe you can bring Xiaolonger here! By the way, Xiaoyin, why do I feel that it's so easy to push away from the room? It's a little unreasonable!"

"Don't think it's easy. It's extremely difficult for someone else. The first is because you have passed the test of the sand table world, and the restriction that the great lord left at the door did not resist; the second is because you cut out the white tiger liu Hao, the white tiger aura on your body is very strong and unusual, the Great White Tiger naturally welcomes you in, if you change someone else, you have to go to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, don't even think about it."

"It's reasonable for you to say that! It's strange that there is no obstruction! By the way, you should have been here too, right? Do you know what the White Tiger Lord left behind?"

"Ahem...you need to find it yourself!"

"Cut, why did you spend that time? Even if I don't look for it, the things will fall on Baihu Liu Hao. Why don't you just point to me to see, besides, I'm not sure if I will take it or not at that time, Grand Master Baihu left There is a high probability that the items below are suitable for Baihu Liu Hao, so I guess I'll just have a look!"

"Hmm... well, I can probably guess where Lord Baihu left his things, but I don't know if there are any!"

"Let's go! If it's not suitable for Baihu Liu Hao, it's not bad to leave it to Xiao Honghu!"


"Of course, Xiao Honghu also lacks Lingbao, right?"

"Yes! Little Honghu lacks spiritual treasures the most, and he has to refine it by himself, so pitiful!"

Xiao Honghu was still very excited while speaking, and even frantically pecked at the 'Xuanwu Seal' after speaking, which clearly meant to urge, Qi Ling Xiaoyin did not shirk, and sent Liu Hao a direction, Liu Hao saw this, Stepping forward, he teleported towards the directed direction.

"The space here seems to be more stable!"

"Of course, it has its own Daoist Rhyme of the White Tiger. If you are not familiar with the inheritance of the White Tiger, it is still a question of whether you can walk through the space inside!"

"I see. It seems that in an unfamiliar place, it is better to use teleportation sparingly. Even if you want to use it, you have to test it. If you do it rashly, it is very likely that you will lose your footing one day!"

Liu Hao muttered, seeing the golden area underneath, he couldn't help asking about Qi Ling Xiaoyin;

"These golden stones are not Gengjin, are they?"

"Of course, except for Gengjin, there are all kinds of metals. It can be said that in the entire prehistoric world, except for the White Tiger Dojo, this place has the most complete metals!"

"Ha! It seems that I need to collect some. It's not bad to take out the refining device in my spare time!"

"I also want this kind of rotten street stuff? It should be everywhere in Honghuang, right?"

"It seems that you have also wandered in the wild!"

"Tch, every time your avatar goes out, the Great Master will take me with him, and those creatures brought back are also chosen by me! How could he never go out!"

Liu Hao's heart moved, and he pretended to ask casually.

"Every time the avatar of the Great Senior goes out, he should kill a lot of creatures, right? Didn't he bring back some corpses?"

"What's there to bring with those corpses? Your Majesty doesn't care too much. At most, they just broke off some spiritual root branches. The real spiritual root body seems to be only bitter bamboo! But it was also taken away by Empress Houtu!"

Qi Ling Xiaoyin didn't think too much, and answered directly, which made Liu Hao confirm his guess again. Two points can be confirmed. The four spirits often incarnate. He didn't continue to ask further, and knew it was not the right time, knowing that Xuanwu Dazun carried the 'Xuanwu Seal' every time he went out, and it would not be too late to ask more questions after Qi Ling fully recognized himself in the future.

Along the way, Liu Hao also collected a lot of metals, all kinds of them, and he didn’t collect too much. If he really used these metals as materials to refine spirit treasures, it would be better for Liu Hao, the white tiger, to take them. It's an experiment.

After walking for a while, I heard a reminder from Qi Ling Xiaoyin. After staying, I found an unusual place. In front of my eyes, there was a hurricane. The land seems to be bound here.

"This hurricane should protect the treasure inside, right?"

"Since the hurricane is still there, it means that Lord Baihu really left something behind! Do you want to enter?"

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