Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twentieth eight. Legacy

828: leave

It's all here, so why not go in and have a look? Even if it's really not suitable for your own use, can't you play handsome for Honghu? If you don't take it away, leave it to others?

Hurricane, for others, may be harm, but for Liu Hao, it is as if there is no obstacle, and only after entering it does he realize that he is still a little immature.

"Such a hurricane, the average quasi-sage really suffers!"

"If you haven't stepped into the quasi-sage, it's not considered a practice at all. It can only be regarded as the accumulation of ability and a solid foundation!"


Liu Hao rolled his eyes, and said lightly, but how many people really stepped into the quasi-sage? How many quasi-sages are there in the current earth fairy world? His heart moved, and he felt that there must be other secrets in it.

"When you go out with Dazun, all you meet are quasi-sages?"

"It's not a quasi-sage, will your lord make a move? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Didn't the Great Senior kill many quasi-sages?"

"That's a lot!"

"Isn't it easy to achieve the quasi-sage in the beginning?"

"Tch, at that time, when many creatures were born, their physical strength was that of quasi-sages. You should ask if there were any quasi-sages in the beginning!"

Liu Hao was inexplicably shocked, and felt more and more that his guess was correct. If the beasts mentioned by the three tribes were as Qi Ling Xiaoyin said, how could the three tribes kill them all? It's unrealistic to think about it, it would be nice not to be eaten up by these beasts.

There is a high probability that the four spirits killed these semi-chaotic demon gods, so that Honghuang Pangu's blood can continue in Honghuang, otherwise, it is not certain who has the final say in Honghuang now.

Passing through the hurricane and coming to the eye of the storm, Liu Hao was completely stunned. In front of him was clearly a tomb of knives, spread all over the ground, or rubbing on the ground, or floating in the air, it was just a knife In this world, these knives emit traces of wind blades all the time. Once these wind blades appear, they will be absorbed by the surrounding hurricane and become part of the hurricane's nourishment.

"These knives couldn't have been forged by Lord White Tiger, right?"

"Isn't this obvious? Great Master likes to collect all kinds of spiritual roots, and Great Master Baihu likes to refine all kinds of treasures.

And they are all knives, they are extremely specific! I haven't seen Lord White Tiger refine other spirit treasures yet! "

"Haha! Interesting! Little Honghu, go and sense it yourself to see if there is a knife that suits you!"

"Really? Then I'll go!"

"Well, go! If you don't have a chance, don't force it. The small balls you made yourself are also good! After you go out, I will teach you the method of refining weapons, and then you can refine your own spirit treasures Better and more beautiful!"

"Yeah! Then I'm going!"

Little Honghu couldn't wait, and as soon as Liu Hao finished speaking, he flew far away, and as he flew, the wind blades emitted by those knives shot towards her, but they hit her and hit her. There is not much difference in scratching the itch, and it is also because the White Tiger is not there, let these knives attack spontaneously, otherwise it is not certain whether Xiao Honghu can pass smoothly.

If it were an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian, he might not be able to walk a few steps. Immediately, Liu Hao felt that he had lost his mind. If he were a real Da Luo Jinxian, he would not be able to pass through the hurricane outside, let alone enter here. At most, he could only stay outside Picking up stones and metals is enough for them, and there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"You don't want some?"

Qi Ling Xiaoyin asked strangely. In his opinion, Liu Hao can even collect metal stones outside, and there is no reason to let go of the knife in front of him.

"Me? I will charge some, but not much!"

In fact, Liu Hao chose to collect some, not really for himself, but thinking about trying to bring these knives to the earth, whether they can be used by the people of the earth as the carrier of Zanpakuto. Didn't think about it.

Since the Great Master White Tiger left it here, it is probably because it will be opened here, and it can be regarded as the thing that the Great Master White Tiger left for all living beings in the prehistoric. There is no need to lose one's own luck, which is completely worthless;

Besides, he doesn't lack three or five spirit treasures, and it's an acquired spirit treasure, so he can't refine it himself? Speaking of it, as long as it is not the acquired treasure level, he really doesn't care.

Scanning with his divine sense, he didn't find anything special, and he didn't have the desire to make himself move, so he judged that among the many knives, there was no chance for him. With this in mind, he waved his hand and collected a dozen or so knives from the edge. After putting away the knife, he quietly waited for Xiao Honghu's return.

After more than half an hour, I saw Xiao Honghu returning happily.

"Look, look! I have a chance! It's so beautiful, Xiao Honghu likes it so much!"

The knives that Xiao Honghu handed out were two knives, each about two meters long, the same size, and the same shape. Before Liu Hao took it, Xiao Honghu took it back.

"Look, look! It can be deformed!"

Following Xiao Honghu's movements, the two long knives began to change, and half of the extended blades shattered, and each of them turned into eighteen blades. There is no intention of collision, obviously Xiao Honghu has completely refined it, and hit wherever he points, and the remaining blade is still about 80 centimeters long. With the handle, it is about 1.2 meters long, and it can still be used for close combat. However, it is also very suitable for Xiao Honghu.

The cheerful little Honghu chattered a lot, and many of her words were incoherent. It can be seen that she was happy at this time. After tossing for a long time, she reluctantly handed it to Liu Hao for inspection. Liu Hao just explored it. How much the ban was returned to Xiao Honghu.

"45 prohibitions, it's not bad among the best Houtian Lingbao!"

"Yeah, it's not as good as mine!"

Little Honghu is not shy at all, and her words are not wrong. Although the appearance of the spirit treasure she refined is unsightly, the 48 prohibitions are real. In terms of power, it can hit the enemy , the effect will definitely make the enemy comfortable.

"Let's go! Just read it! Is there any other place?"

"The other place, you don't need to go, it's the place where Baihu Liu Hao is practicing now!"

"Then there is no need!"

After walking out of the hurricane, Liu Hao didn't stay any longer, and went out of the room directly. As for the white tiger Liu Hao, he was allowed to stay in it, and he didn't need to worry at all. Shake, nothing to worry about.

After leaving the room, Liu Hao saw that the three of Nuwa had appeared. Seeing Liu Hao, Nuwa threw a bead to him casually, and only after receiving it did he hear Nuwa's voice.

"This is the Pearl of Ten Thousand Fires left in Suzaku's room! Although it cannot be entered innately, all the fires in the world are contained in it, which is just right for you to study and realize!"

"Thank you ma'am!"

Nuwa's kindness moved Liu Hao very much. If it wasn't for Liu Hao's intention, Nuwa would never deliberately collect it, and at her level of cultivation, she would never be interested in it. Hao has a lot of uses, so he put it away casually, and gave it to Liu Hao as soon as he saw it. This kind of thought is more precious than a real innate treasure.

At least, neither Hongjun nor Houtu did anything about it, which further shows Nuwa's concern.

The two walked together, and after a while, they arrived at the entrance of the central hall, stepped into it, and went out to the left and right two rooms, and there was the central hall. In the middle of the central hall, there was a table, four or four Fang Fang, next to the table, four back chairs were placed respectively, and the four spirits were engraved on the backs. It seemed that this was also the place where the four spirits discussed, or simply where they ate.

Only when he got closer did Liu Hao discover the difference in the tabletop. The tabletop was not smooth at all, but was carved with many creatures. Without leaving any gaps, Liu Hao saw a peacock, which was no more than the size of a fingernail, but when he looked closely, he saw the peacock flying towards him, and when he was familiar with it, he turned into a high-ranking bird and pecked towards him.

"It's not an illusion, but a real attack!"

In an instant, Liu Hao made a judgment, stretched out his hand and pointed at the attacking peacock, his fingertips felt numb for a moment, and there was a little pinprick feeling with a smile, which shows that the attacking peacock's blow was not small However, if you were a big Luo Jinxian, you would probably suffer more injuries.

The peacock in front of him saw that he couldn't achieve meritorious deeds with one blow, so he immediately changed his tactics, flapping his wings and hovering in front of him, and then he grabbed it with his claws, and on the other side, among the flapping wings, there came five-color rays of light, brushing towards him. Come.

"Five-color divine light? Doesn't it have the same function as Kong Xuan's 'five-color divine light'?"

A thought flashed in his mind, Liu Hao's hands moved erratically, and he carved a fire talisman in the void, making it shoot towards the five-color divine light. This is also the reason for the experiment. This experiment really surprised Liu Hao. , the fire talisman was picked up by the five-color divine light as soon as it rose into flames, and it didn't leak at all, as if it had encountered a nemesis.

Resisting the claws of the peacock that was caught, he was secretly surprised.

"A peacock has the five-color divine light of Kong Xuan. What about the other carvings? Is it the same as the strongest race in the prehistoric? If so, is the 'dragon' carved on it a collection of ancestral dragons and candles?" The ability of a dragon?"

With this in mind, Liu Hao didn't want to get entangled with the peacock. When blocking the opponent's attack, he stretched out his hand towards the peacock's head and killed it. Regardless of other things, he looked for the tabletop, and before he found the dragon-shaped carving, a little spiritual light shot into the center of Liu Hao's eyebrows.

"Five-color divine light skill? Hahaha, I earned it! Not everyone who kills opponents can get this inheritance skill?"

Liu Hao shook his head, feeling that it was not that simple, maybe he was fast enough to obtain this inheritance skill? Or draw a peacock skill reward immediately?

"I don't care about him, let's find the dragon-shaped sculpture first! Moreover, to cultivate the five-color divine light also needs to find the innate essence of the five elements, and it won't be done in a short time!"

Not long after, he found a sculpture in the shape of a 'dragon', and soon, a phantom in the shape of a dragon came towards Liu Hao.

When this dragon-shaped phantom approached, it suddenly closed its eyes tightly. As it closed its eyes, the surrounding area turned into darkness. If Liu Hao hadn't planned it earlier, he would have been caught off guard by the opponent.

"Interesting, it seems that my guess is correct. Such a dragon power already has the meaning of stickiness, and only the ancestor dragon can emit it. If I didn't have the talent of Qinglong, I would really be affected by it!"

The dragon-shaped carving's attack is more powerful than the peacock carving just now, and it is no longer something Da Luo Jinxian can resist. Even Liu Hao's first entry into the quasi-sage also had a faint pressure. When he attacked, he already carried a trace of law. This is the principle that closing eyes becomes night, and it is also a usage of the law of time.

"It's worth studying! Si Ling left this table, it can't only have attack effects!"

But Liu Hao didn't know that not only he was attacked, but Nuwa and the three of them were also attacked, and the power was much stronger than what Liu Hao saw. The corresponding attack of any viewer was the viewer's own cultivation base. The one who attacked Nuwa was the Hunyuan Jiuchongtian, while the one who attacked Hongjun Houtu was in the realm of "Heavenly Dao", every move has its own power of heaven, it is boundless, even Hongjun and Houtu are also vaguely under pressure , since entering the realm of 'Heaven', this is the first time.

Liu Hao thought he was doing it himself, but he was wrong. If outsiders saw it, it was just the four of them sitting around the table in a daze, their spiritual thoughts poking in, and they fought within their spiritual thoughts without revealing any breath to the outside world. , otherwise, there is no possibility of Liu Hao standing up, and casually leaking a breath is enough to make Liu Haozhen die on the spot.

"The peacock just now should also have the cultivation base of beheading a corpse. I killed it too fast. Compared with it, the dragon-shaped sculpture that gathers all the power of the dragon clan is more than a little stronger. If you really meet such an opponent , If you want to kill, it can't be solved in a short while!"

It's not that the peacock is not strong enough, but that the dragon race in front of him has gathered all the talents of the ancestor dragon and the candle dragon. Compared with it, the peacock race is still too small. If it is a unicorn or a phoenix sculpture, Liu Hao will also feel the pressure. small.

"The law of water! It's not just as simple as water control. A mere drop of water weighs as much as Mount Tai. If I didn't understand the law of water, I would have been seriously injured by you!"

Even so, Liu Hao felt tightness in his chest. He knew that his understanding of the law of water was no match for the dragon sculpture in front of him. If he continued to fight like this, he would definitely suffer a lot. The energy of the binocular time law was withdrawn, and he devoted himself to dealing with the opponent in front of him.

After a few rounds, Liu Hao also knew that the opponent in front of him was in the same realm as himself, but the path of practice was not the method of killing corpses, but the way of laws. The two most important laws were the law of time and the law of water. Mixed with some other racial talents, such as great strength, such as super fast speed, etc., these racial talents are also embodied in the form of laws, but they are not as proficient as the laws of time and the laws of water, but they are also very difficult to deal with.

"It's a bit of a disadvantage to cut the corpse and enter the quasi-sage, and Liu Hao, the white tiger, is no longer around. The way of the law is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary quasi-sages!"

While resisting, Liu Hao is also constantly learning the opponent's attack pattern. The law of water is okay, and it is very quick to understand, but the law of time is very obscure, and it is very difficult to keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

The surroundings are still pitch black, but Liu Hao knows that the flow of time between the enemy and us is fundamentally different, and he is the one who suffers. When he strides through the space, he can be firmly locked by the opponent every time. The moment of appearance has passed for a long time, there is no need for space locking or the like, just wait for yourself to appear.

On the contrary, every time I counterattack, the opponent can always dodge easily, and at the same time cause a counterattack to myself. In such a state, if it is not controlled by the time flow, it will be a ghost.

"The way of time is really not ordinary. It's no wonder that time is respected and space is king! All laws, when encountering the law of time, will be at a disadvantage, unless there is someone like Pangu who breaks all laws with one force! Restraint!"

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