Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and twenty-nine. The power of the law

829. Law Power

"The trouble is not small. If you want to kill the opponent, you really have to think carefully!"

Liu Hao was not in a hurry, instead he was faintly excited. After finally meeting such an opponent who knew the laws of time, he naturally had to get acquainted with him. He didn't lack time, so why worry? After fighting for so long, he also knows where his strength is. Not to mention killing opponents, self-protection is still no problem.

Did he know that he and the Chaos Demon God Shichen had formed a karma, and that he would meet a great opportunity in the future, and if he met, he would most likely be an opponent. With such an opportunity today, how could he miss it?

"Well, changed again? Nether water? Fortunately, my soul talent is the white tiger holy beast, otherwise I will really be attacked by you!"

Nether water, contaminated with divine thoughts, will go straight into the soul and corrode the soul if it sticks to it. Even ordinary owners of the law of water dare not resist it at will. Fortunately, Liu Hao has no fear, so he groped out the water Another use of the rule.

"Sure enough, you still have to find someone to fight against, it's not good to work behind closed doors!"

"By the way, the carvings on the table can be used for fighting, so can the four elephant carvings on the chair also be able to fight? If so, isn't that the same as the personal training of the four elephant sacred beasts?"

Thinking of this, Liu Hao's heart thumped non-stop. Such a good thing should not be missed.

He was so distracted that he almost got caught in the face. He sensed the dragon claws stabbing him all over the sky. In desperation, he activated his half-familiar law of time in order to slow down the attack of the dragon claws. With unexpected gains.

I don't know if this action is just a result of comprehension or has a hazy feeling, but in a hurry, it is really a meritorious deed, which greatly slows down the time for the opponent's dragon claw to stab, and at the same time, it adds a bit of comprehension.

However, the biggest gain is not here, but Liu Hao found that he had misunderstood the opponent's law that he had guessed before, thinking that the candle dragon was just the way of time, but in fact it was not, it was more of the law of darkness, depriving himself of all vision is just superficial I understand that even my senses are affected by the stickiness of the darkness. The attack I thought was just my thinking becoming more urgent, and the sense of crisis added in the endless darkness. If it wasn't for the slow way of using the law of time just now, it would be impossible to detect the threat.

Candle Dragon closed his eyes, and the night fell. The "night" here not only represents the "long night" in time, but also the influence of darkness on the soul. In fact, from the night, the opponent's dragon shadow It's just sitting outside and doing a little movement.

The dragon claw stabbing at him in the induction is just an illusion. While the opponent has been consuming himself, Ye is waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow. Once the opportunity is seized by the opponent, the induction at that time may become dull .

This is just a usage of the law of darkness, a hint for psychology, and other effects of the law of darkness are far from being used.

This discovery made Liu Hao very angry, and he was vaguely anxious, because this was a conspiracy. Even if Liu Hao found out, it would not help. Knowing the other party's psychological hints, the danger still exists, and even greatly increased, which cannot be tolerated. You don't tense your nerves, but the way to deal with this kind of psychological suggestion is to calm your mind, which is contradictory again, and you are in a dilemma. If you want to really calm down, you find it very difficult at all.

"Is this the law?"

Liu Hao muttered, took a deep breath, and had to give up after trying to calm down several times. His vision was deprived, and he could only rely on divine sense sensing, and because he was fighting in the world sea, he couldn't sense the real air flow, so he could only passively Confrontation, even the real location of the opponent is difficult to lock.

"Laws are never single! Every law is closely related to other laws, just like a big tree, the trunk is very obvious, but the branches can only be known when they match!"

A flash of enlightenment flashed in his heart, and Liu Hao turned his thoughts around, overturning the methods in his mind one by one, and in the end, he simply chose the method of integrating into the opponent's laws.

He also has no choice. Darkness corresponds to light, but Liu Hao knows little about the law of light. He used the light magic he learned from the magic world and found that it was useless. Facing the law, his level is too low, so he can only let When one's own body is lit, the radiant light disappears without a trace when it leaves the body. Lighting itself up gives people the feeling of a 'torch' instead, so it's better not to use it.

The law of 'fire' is better, the illuminated space is larger, and it can also dispel the darkness of tens of meters around, and the output is larger, even a hundred meters is fine, but as long as the fire is separated from itself, it will be swallowed by the darkness , as if the flame that escaped from him was separated from him by countless spaces, although it could strengthen his induction a little, but the consumption was greater, and compared to the effect, it was even more disadvantageous.

With no other choice, Liu Hao could only choose to blend into the darkness and deal with it while comprehending it. It was also because of the talent of the white tiger holy beast in his soul that Liu Hao dared to make such a choice, but he knew that if the white tiger Liu Hao was here, He is really not afraid of these things, even if the white tiger Liu Hao escaped from his evil thoughts, but he did not lose his understanding, that's okay.

In the darkness, Liu Hao soon discovered that the darkness was far from being as simple as "darkness". It was more like the darkness from the underworld, contaminated with spirits and made you fall, and it also had the whispering sound of endless hell. The sound is directly aimed at the soul, and Liu Hao is too resistant to it. He ignored it before, but now it is integrated into it, but it is more obvious.

Fortunately, it was Liu Hao. If he changed his opponent, he really wanted the Tao of the Dragon Phantom. Did he know that the Dragon Phantom just used the talent of the candle dragon, and the power of the ancestor dragon was far from being developed.

As soon as he thought of this, the arrogance of Zulong spread. This aura made Liu Hao's face a little weird. It was very similar to the "overlord-like arrogance". 'Overlord color domineering' makes people stunned differently. This aura is more domineering and directly makes people submit, especially if the opponent is a 'scale armored family', they have no power to resist at all. Only with this aura, they can Can make it kneel down.

"This way of momentum can be learned!"

Liu Hao sensed carefully that he had the talent of Qinglong, and he had no fear at all. If he hadn't suppressed himself in order to learn, his aura would have exploded and he had directly resisted.

However, it is like a spring, the more it is suppressed, the stronger the rebound will be. Liu Hao has neglected that the layout here is made by the four spirits. Under the guidance of the breath, suppressing his own green dragon breath is equivalent to suppressing the green dragon carving breath on the table and chairs After a few times of extreme suppression, the rebound was stronger, and then the aura that burst out not only resisted Zulong's arrogance, but also scattered it away.

A roaring sound was vaguely heard, and then, the darkness was also washed away, or the dragon shadow was shocked, forcing the other party to open his eyes and look at Liu Hao. The night dissipated in an instant, and the day came. There is a big difference in the illumination of the sun and stars in it, as if it lights up all the matter in the whole world, and even every bit of aura in the space becomes a luminous body;

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in the sky and the earth, this kind of daylight was more uncomfortable than the darkness just now, but for a short while, Liu Hao had to close his eyes tightly, but even so, he still felt that there was a bright light in front of him.

"The law of pure light?"

Liu Hao frowned silently, wondering if the darkness just now was like this, even the aura in the air had turned off the light source, and even the ability to absorb all light into it, that's the only way to get rid of it. Let the light that makes your law of fire radiate compressed to the extreme.

"Fortunately, the way of the opponent's law can't directly act on oneself, otherwise he will be dissipated by the enemy's control in an instant?"

This realization allowed Liu Hao to fully understand the power of the way of law. A quasi-sage may not be able to do it. When it comes to a saint, he only needs to apply the way of law to his opponent.

For example, when the law of light in front of you acts on the enemy, it will directly turn the enemy into photons, disperse them casually, and turn them into auras in the world. It is no wonder that there is a saying that "all saints are ants", which is really high-dimensional The general blow, the kind that has no resistance.


In an instant, Liu Hao's hair stood on end suddenly, as if he was facing endless danger. He didn't have time to think about it. The Way of Time slowed down and activated directly, spreading countless space barriers around him in an instant. He originally wanted to teleport away, but An overwhelming explosion was heard.

Liu Hao knew that the space barrier he had set up was exploding and shattering without any induction at all, one after another, as if he couldn't resist the opponent's attack at all, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Even so, Liu Hao didn't dare to open his eyes, he could feel that the light must be stronger at this time.

His feeling is very accurate. If you look at it from the perspective of a third party, you will find that the countless space barriers arranged by Liu Hao explode like glass, and the countless space fragments produced by the explosion are instantly assimilated by the light and become a part of the light. , emitting a bright light.

That's all, the greater danger is not here. If you have enough cultivation, you can find that each point of these photons attacking the space barrier is a drop of heavy water, which seems to hit the space barrier lightly. All of them carry the power of Mount Tai. Originally, these space barriers that could block the attack of the quasi-sage, under the impact of these photons and heavy water, they would be broken at the touch of a touch, like thin paper, with no resistance at all.

At this time, it was too late for Liu Hao to change the space. From detecting the danger, to making defenses, and then to ready to change the space and leave, it was already too late. But in an instant, he was submerged by the endless photons and his body was beaten It is riddled with wounds, and the dead can no longer die.


Liu Hao woke up with a frightened look on his face and shortness of breath, and it took him a while to calm down.

"So strong! The linkage between the law of water and the law of light also has a hint of the law of time; such a simple combination makes me helpless!"

It was only then that Liu Hao realized that he hadn't broken away from Da Luo Jinxian's combat method, and subconsciously still used the method of attacking each other. When he really met the veteran quasi-sage, the outcome was very unpredictable.

But he confused things up. In the prehistoric world, there are very few quasi-sages who practice the law. On the contrary, those reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods put the law first. However, in the prehistoric, the practice of the law is It is even more difficult, even for these reincarnated Chaos Demon Gods. When they first stepped into the quasi-sage, they could still rely on their own inheritance as a basis. If they wanted to continue, it was far more difficult than killing the three corpses. It is still unknown whether the reincarnated Chaos Demon God can enter the middle stage of quasi-sage.

On the contrary, the sages in the prehistoric world began to focus on the way of the law. They were in the chaos and freed from the shackles of the prehistoric, but it was much easier. Picking up this way of the law again, they made progress faster, and they could understand it with themselves. The avenues of each other recruit and promote each other, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the prehistoric quasi-sages never practiced the way of law. As direct disciples of saints, they would also comprehend it in their spare time. Those veteran quasi-sages who could not advance for a long time also put a lot of energy into it, After bumps and bumps, I also learned a lot;

For example, Xuandu, he has comprehended the law of the universe, and his cultivation base is profound. Although he seems harmless to humans and animals, he will not be afraid of Haotian Tathagata at all in a real fight. It is really unknown who will win and who will lose if he fights for his life.

That's right, in the wilderness, if you want to comprehend the law, it is more restricted by the avenue in the spirit treasure. Therefore, in the wilderness, monks, even quasi-sages, are accustomed to using the spirit treasure to fight and make full use of the spirit treasure , it's not that Lingbao is really so powerful, but because of the combination of the law and the spirit treasure, the role of Lingbao is like 1+1 greater than 2 to exert its power, and often a single blow can determine the winner.

To put it bluntly, on the Jindou Mountain in the Immortal Realm, the Vajra Cutting in the hands of the youth on Lao Tzu's mount is for this reason, and there is no possibility of missing the spirit treasures of those monks under the quasi-sage. If the monk's spiritual treasure is taken away, the opponent's combat power will be reduced by half at once, so how can it be a young opponent? Basically, when Sun Monkey called out, he would die one by one, and a bunch of them would die. There was almost no possibility of escape.

This is even more so now, with Yuanshi Tianzun's mount Sixiang descending to the mortal world, holding Yuanshi Tianzun's spiritual treasure of enlightenment 'Yu Ruyi' to make up the knife, how is there any possibility of escape?

Liu Hao is in the Dazun Xuanwu Dazun, and the Buddhist sect in Hezhou, Xiniu, has lost nearly four hundred Arhat monks in Jindou Mountain, and his scalp is numb. I have communicated with Master Xuandu several times.

Not to mention Journey to the West in the Immortal Realm, just talk about Liu Hao, who has already taken the principle of quasi-sage as the basis in his heart. After calming down, he also thought of a way to comprehend the way of law from the spirit treasure. This time, he did not Instead of looking for the dragon-shaped carving on the table, he aimed at the four tables and chairs, and finally locked on the green dragon carving.

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