Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and thirty. Supernatural powers

830: Supernatural Powers

Facts have proved that Liu Hao is still too big. He stared at the Qinglong carving for only a few breaths, and the Qinglong opponent appeared in his mind, but he was smashed into pieces in just three or five moves. It is extremely difficult to understand it with peace of mind. .

"Is the gap that big?"

After failing several times in a row, Liu Hao thought carefully, it seems that Qinglong Carving didn't use other laws at all, it was just the simple law of water crushing itself several times, once entering it, it was as if he was in the sea, and it was still endless In the deep sea, the pressure around you is so overwhelming that it is difficult for you to perform your movements. Just when you used the law of water you have comprehended to resist, you were carved into pieces by the green dragon, and you couldn't even figure out how the opponent hit.

"I can't use the Lingbao, and I can't resist a few times by myself. It's really troublesome!"

This time, Liu Hao didn't enter in a hurry, but thought about several countermeasures, but after much deliberation, it seemed that it was difficult to resist a few times by himself. Only the innate treasure above his head could deal with it safely. Both sides are empty-handed, and there is no way to bring Lingbao in. It is simply hopeless.

"To comprehend a method of defense?"

Liu Hao thought of this method. If he wanted to comprehend the usage of the law of Qinglongshui, the most basic thing was to stay in it for a while, otherwise everything would be empty.

Holding the 'Xuanwu Seal' in his hand, Liu Hao's divine sense penetrated into it, asked, and after much deliberation, it seemed that only Qi Ling Xiaoyin could help him with this.

"What supernatural powers do you know?"

"Supernatural powers?"

Liu Hao was stunned. He really didn't know about 'supernatural powers'. When he was fighting, besides chopping, he used the way of talisman seals.

Qi Ling Xiaoyin was asked back by Liu Hao, and he was also silent. After a long time, he asked a question;

"Do you know what the basics of 'Tao' are?"


Liu Hao mobilized his own thinking. He had thought about this issue for a long time, and he had already defined it in his heart. He believed that the basis of Tao should be "Tao Wen", the words of Tao, explaining the truth of heaven and earth, and the foundation of everything. When Qi Ling Xiaoyin asked such a question, he was a little uncertain. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't get away from himself, so he answered weakly;



Not right either! In other words, the root of the Tao is the "Tao pattern", the pattern of the Tao, and a certain piece of these "Tao patterns" is cut out to form a "Tao text". For Sanqian Dao!

Three thousand avenues can summarize all avenues, but it cannot be said that "three thousand avenues" are all about "Tao"! "

Liu Hao nodded slightly to show that he understood, and Qi Ling Xiaoyin continued;

"The 'Tao' is hidden in the world, and it can be followed but cannot be found! It can be followed because of the existence of the 'Tao Pattern', so it can be followed, that is, you can understand the Dao from it;

It cannot be found because these Dao patterns are completely integrated into the chaos, into the heaven and earth, into all things, and become a part of them. If you want to get rid of them, it is the realm of the "Day of Heaven", and it is extremely difficult! "

Qi Ling Xiaoyin's words are very simple, and they also reveal a lot of the mysterious veil of 'Tao'.

"That's why the intercepted 'Dao Wen' came into being, summarizing the three thousand ways for people to understand, but the 'Dao Wen' is still too esoteric. If you want to understand, the starting point is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is also difficult, so , there was the birth of 'runes', and more obvious 'runes' appeared!"

Now, Liu Hao completely understood that Dao patterns are equivalent to all veins in the world, and the lines formed by these veins are called "Dao patterns", which are densely laid in all time and space, and in all heaven and earth;

He does exist, but if he wants to observe them, the realm of the "Day of Heaven" is the starting point. In order to make it easier for the latecomers to comprehend, these strong men summed up the words in these "Day Patterns". The "Tao Wen" is formed, and you can know the deep meaning as soon as you see it. However, if you want to comprehend these "Tao Wen", you must have the cultivation base of a saint or the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The sage has a way, and he sees that his disciples still seem to be elusive, so the 'runes' appear again, and then the 'runes' are born, and all living beings finally have a way forward.

Seeing that Liu Hao was completely enlightened, Qi Ling Xiaoyin continued to speak;

"'The Way of Immortals', runes are the foundation of everything, whether it is the way of pills, weapons, or formations, they cannot be separated from 'runes'.

For example, in the way of the formation, each formation node is a 'rune', and these 'runes' are connected to form a 'rune', and then form the overall formation, the formation has evolved to the extreme, and one party has been achieved In Xiaotiandi, the 'rune' is also evolving towards the 'dao pattern', and the degree of stability and power are both greatly improved, just like the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Great Formation' you comprehended is the 'dao pattern' link The product below! "

Having said this, Qi Ling Xiaoyin paused for a while, and continued after Liu Hao finished his joke;

"'Runs' are also the essence of all Jue. Jue itself is the evolution of 'runes'. Whether it is reciting Taoism scriptures or performing gestures, it is all for the formation of 'runes'. Tattoos 'evolve' skills'.

When these 'rune patterns' evolve towards the 'dao pattern', this 'skill' becomes a 'supernatural power'! The power is naturally increased ten million times! "

Liu Hao suddenly realized when he heard it, and he was extremely grateful that he knew the way of talismans and seals.

"So that's how it is! Based on this calculation, I haven't learned a single supernatural power!"

"Then you have to step up, the quasi-sage battle, in the final analysis, is the battle of'supernatural powers'!"

"What about the law?"

"Laws also need to be displayed with supernatural powers! How can a quasi-sage be able to use real laws? Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can only start!"

"I understand! How can I comprehend supernatural powers?"

"There are two paths, one is the sage's teaching, which is also the fastest way, and the other is to gain enlightenment from the spirit treasure, and sum it up by yourself, this path is more difficult!"

"Then can you teach me?"

Liu Hao's heart moved, but he thought of Qi Ling. He didn't have a sage master, so the first path was impossible, and the second path was completely dependent on himself. Obviously, it took a lot of time, but compared with others, he had a weapon. Ling can ask for advice, there is no reason not to use the advantage in front of him.

Qi Ling Xiaoyin didn't expect Liu Hao to think of this in an instant. Originally, it wanted to wait for Liu Hao to propose it by himself, and then raise some conditions. Now the initiative is lost. As the master, Liu Hao When Hao mentioned it like this, if he refused, it seemed very bad. Now, Qi Ling Xiaoyin was a bit muggle, and it took a long time before he leisurely opened his mouth to agree.

"The only thing I can teach you is the extended supernatural power in the 'Xuanwu Seal'!"

"Thank you Xiaoyin!"

Liu Hao's thank you made Qi Ling Xiaoyin very comfortable. While feeling respected, he also found that Liu Hao regarded him as a partner at all, and his approval of Liu Hao increased a little in his heart.

"As the innate treasure that came out at the right time, the 'Xuanwu Seal' represents Xuanwu Great Venerable, of which the 'Way of Suppressing Heaven and Earth' is the most prominent, but more of it is the way of suppressing the north.

Then, there is the 'Way of the Earth', and finally 'India' and 'Defense' and so on!

Which one do you want to comprehend first? A 'way of defense'? "

"Let's start with the simple one, let's defend! While comprehending the supernatural powers of defense, you can confirm it in the green dragon carving, and you can also comprehend the law of water from the verification!"


Since Qi Ling Xiaoyin agreed, he did not hide his secrets, and the restrictions in it began to open up to Liu Hao. After understanding the essence, and then exploring these restrictions, the way of talisman and seal that Liu Hao learned began to play a huge role. I found that these prohibition patterns and seal runes have a lot in common, but they are also much more advanced. This feeling is like Liu Hao learned the knowledge of junior high school, and now he is comprehending the content of university.

I have crossed a lot. If there is no explanation of Qi Ling Xiaoyin in many places, it is like a heavenly book. However, with the explanation of Qi Ling Xiaoyin, I will quickly learn many unknown knowledge points. In the long run, it is still very fast to improve one's knowledge from the junior high school level to the high school level.

Just as Liu Hao said, while comprehending, once you get something, you can enter the Qinglong carving to confirm it. From the beginning, you can barely block one or two attacks, then three or five times, and now it lasts for about a minute. Before being torn into pieces, the progress in this can be described as rapid.

Entering the Azure Dragon Sculpture Battle again, as soon as Liu Hao appeared, he propped up a protective cover. If you look carefully, you can find that this protective cover has many similarities with the protection that hangs down when the 'Xuanwu Seal' is on top of the head, but it is similar to the In comparison, it is still too concise, and the level of defense is even worse.


The moment Liu Hao supported the protective cover, Liu Hao felt as if he was in the sea, like a flat boat, which might be torn into pieces by the raging sea at any time. Fortunately, Liu Hao has a good understanding of the law of water, just like a sailor in the sea, he understands the wind and waves to some extent, and drives his own boat towards the weak point, hoping to escape the endless waves slapping.

He now understands that his so-called knowledge of some laws of water is nothing more than a drizzle. Compared to his understanding of the sea, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Not to mention being a part of it, he has not even grasped the habits of the sea alone. In other words, I am just a small fisherman living in the sea.

Knowing his own level, Liu Hao no longer regards himself as the Sea Dragon King, but honestly sits up from a fisherman, and honestly finds a way to get familiar with the wind and waves of the sea, the temper of the sea, and all kinds of things in the sea. Dangerous, not to mention finding it out once, more like treating it as a game, through struggling to survive again and again in exchange for experience bonus, striving for the last struggle to last longer than the previous one, and finally being able to Fear of the wind and waves of the sea, until then, think about how to become a part of the sea, and finally become the sea dragon king.

What he did in this way was very effective. On the one hand, he became more and more familiar with the temperament of the sea. On the other hand, through the teaching of Qi Ling Xiaoyin, the power of the protective shield became thicker and thicker, just like he would The boat under the feet is improving all the time, from a flat boat, to a swaying boat, to a small boat, and then to the current sailing warship.

The progress in both aspects has also increased Liu Hao's confidence more and more. Invisibly, his combat power has also increased a lot. When resisting, he also began to think about whether he could fight back.

Next to Liu Hao, Nuwa and the three were still immersed in it. At their level, the battle of the same level can no longer be done in twos and twos. The long-term battle is the foundation. This also gave Liu Hao a lot of time to familiarize himself with himself. Learn from failures again and again.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Liu Hao entered the green dragon carving that day, the protective cover around his body has been greatly changed, and an extremely faint phantom of the "Xuanwu Seal" emerged above his head, hanging down a faint yellow color. The breath enveloped him. At this level, Liu Hao's enlightenment of the 'Xuanwu Seal' defensive supernatural power has really entered the door. When the phantom of the 'Xuanwu Seal' above his head is as clear as the real thing, this supernatural power The defense is truly mastered.

Liu Hao is not in a hurry, and he is very happy to make no progress. He has already used this confrontation as a sharpening stone, and feels that there is no better way to test it. If he can choose, he would rather continue like this forever , until the "Xuanwu Seal" is completely comprehended, and by the way, you can also learn the law of Qinglongshui.

It is still Wanjun water pressure, but now Liu Hao is no longer affected by it, and has regained his own flexible mobility. This is also due to the blessing of the 'Xuanwu Seal' protective magical power, and a small part of it also comes from his ability to control water. The understanding of the law resists.

In the face of overwhelming beatings coming from all directions, Liu Hao started to swim like a small fish. It wasn't that he didn't think about fighting back, but that his previous attempts didn't have much effect. Instead, he devoted his energy to fighting back, making the resistance weak. The support time is even less.

After a few times, Liu Hao also knew that he was far from reaching the strength to fight back. Instead of doing this, it is better to let this confrontation be handled as an escape game first, and first find the weak point to slip away.

Surrounding himself, he obviously didn't see a wave of water, but Liu Hao knew that he was in the endless waters. The opponent no longer needed to turn the law of water into reality, and all substances were under the opponent's control. Everything can be called 'water', and there are still various 'water', such as weak water, such as ternary heavy water, etc., although they are different, they are entangled together, and what Liu Hao wants to do is, It is to find the place closest to the water of the sea to get out and slip away.

He also knew that even if he got out of the first wave of attacks, he would still be faced with the endless slapping of waters, but it was better than holding back all his strength to fight hard. The difference and connection between the laws of water, that is, in this kind of confrontation, he has gained more understanding of the laws of water bit by bit.

Although, up to now, I still haven't seen the figure of Qinglong, and I know that I want to defeat the opponent, there is no end in sight, but there is no such thing as discouragement, but I am enjoying it. In this regard, Liu Hao's mentality is very good. He didn't think he was a top person, and he and Nuwa were entrusted to come here. If a group of people whose cultivation level was lower than his were replaced, they might have to insist on saving face.

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