Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and thirty-one. Azure Dragon Great Monarch

831、Great Master Azure Dragon

"Three minutes, this time the improvement is much greater!"

Treating it as a level-passing game, Liu Hao's mentality is extremely good. No progress can give him a lot of sense of accomplishment, and he doesn't feel tired at all. method.

"The cultivation level is equal to my own. Even if such a green dragon faces Tathagata, Haotian and others in the prehistoric wilderness, he will not be at a disadvantage in the slightest, right?"

Liu Hao vaguely felt that the opponent in front of him had no weaknesses at all. No rules, supernatural powers, or physical conditions needed to be weak. In other words, the green dragon in front of him was the most perfect state in the early stage of the quasi-sage.

"If that's the case, there are too many things I can develop with my current cultivation!"

"Never mind him! Enlightenment first, then talk!"

Liu Hao didn't bother to think too much, he broke away from the battle of the Qinglong statue, and immediately put his spiritual thoughts into the 'Xuanwu Seal', and humbly asked Qi Ling Xiaoyin for advice, even the little Honghu on his shoulder had been forgotten by him Er Jing, he didn't know that Xiao Honghu is now also engaged in the tabletop carving battle. The opponent is a Honghu statue, and the fight is even more overwhelming. The number of defeats is no less than him. Fortunately, Xiao Honghu's mind is simple and he failed There is no other idea, but the more you fight, the more courageous you become, and you will devote yourself to it with an attitude of not giving up until you win.

"Your current 'Xuanwu Seal' protective supernatural powers have already reached the level of being born with the heart, but the level is far from enough, and the strength is only at the level of the middle-grade innate spirit treasure. According to my estimation, what you think of The number of restrictions that can be placed is about 16, right?"

"Yes, the 16th prohibition is not complete enough!"

"Have you ever thought about not perfecting these restrictions first?"

"You mean to rely on quantity first to increase power?"

"Yes! The further the restriction goes, the more complicated it becomes. If you want to arrange it perfectly, you are still far away!"

"let me try!"

How could Liu Hao not know? It's just an attack of obsessive-compulsive disorder in my heart. The first fifteen restrictions have been perfectly arranged, and it took a lot of effort. However, the 16th restriction has been tried many times, but it still can't be formed. Where is the time to give him the battle of the statues?

Qi Ling Xiaoyin had discovered this a long time ago, and after seeing Liu Hao's failures several times, he made a suggestion. It just so happened that Liu Hao had this plan in mind, so he agreed.

From this point of view, Qi Ling Xiaoyin is also very intelligent. He didn't mention it rashly for the first time, which shows that he is not only intelligent, but also has a high EQ. From this point of view, Qi Ling Xiaoyin is Xuanwu has his back to the world, and he doesn't completely stay by the side of Xuanwu Dazun. It can be said that he has wandered in the world for an unknown number of years.

Letting go of the perfect mentality, Liu Hao did not rush into the battle of statues, and started to try one after another. After several attempts, the most one time, he was able to form 25 prohibitions in the 'Xuanwu Seal' magical power in one thought. But the further you go, the fewer and fewer these restrictions are. At the 25th way, all that remains is the defensive part of the 'Xuanwu Seal' magical power, and even if only these defensive restrictions are left, they cannot be linked together. .

Time passed, today, in the sea of ​​consciousness space, the phantom of the 'Xuanwu Seal' above Liu Hao's head has taken shape, and its appearance is half or six points similar to the real 'Xuanwu Seal'. The number of restrictions that can be placed has also reached 32, of which the first 18 restrictions have been perfectly arranged. This "Xuanwu Seal" supernatural power is not only able to defend, but also has a trace of the effect of suppressing space.

Of course, the effect of suppressing space was not reflected at all in the Battle of the Azure Dragon, but another effect did have an obvious effect, that is, the 'gravity' in the 'Way of the Earth', which works against the enemy, Not only can it slow down the opponent's attack speed, but it can also greatly weaken the opponent's power, and more importantly, it can act on oneself, increasing one's flexibility by a hundred times.

As a result, Liu Hao's escape time has changed from the previous three minutes to the current quarter of an hour.

This round also allowed Liu Hao to vaguely see the enemy's figure, like a leopard in his tube, when he looked out, he saw a cyan streamer flashing by, and in that streamer, he could vaguely see the blue dragon's scales flashing past .

"It's too big. It feels like a random piece of scale is bigger than the earth. The real Azure Dragon Avatar should be on the same level as Xuanwu Great Master, right?"

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, my whole body shattered, and I didn't even know how I was shattered.

"Huh...it seems to be attacked? The dragon wagging its tail?"

The speed was too fast, and Liu Hao could only vaguely guess that he seemed to be attacked by Qinglong itself. Simple and crude attacks, no matter what magical powers or laws, he had no ability to resist.

"If my guess is true, the way of the body should not be underestimated! Also, Pangu, the owner of the law of strength, can kill three thousand Chaos Demon Gods with one blow, relying on the strength of the body, how could it be worse?"

It is impossible to give up the way of the physical body, but now there is no time to deal with these things. During this period of time, Liu Hao's progress has been very obvious. Compared with the beginning, he is like a mature man facing a baby, especially his knowledge. After thoroughly mastering the high school knowledge points within the prohibition of 'Xuanwu Seal', I began to try higher-level knowledge, linking 'runes' to form 'runes' research, and entered the surface mastery with points.

"The power of my current talisman method is at least leaps and bounds. After a while, I might be able to transform the skill of talisman into 'talisman magic power'. Well...at least part of the 'talisman magic power' '!"

Immediately, Liu Hao shook his head again, feeling that he might have overestimated himself.

"Or give it a try? When entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness to fight, can you carve a green dragon talisman?"

Liu Hao secretly added strength to himself. It just so happened that there was such an opportunity, so it’s okay to try it. It’s a good time to test the power, and it happens to be facing Qinglong again, so you can also compare it.

Just do it as soon as you think of it, and once again perfected the restriction of the 'Xuanwu Seal' supernatural power, Liu Hao couldn't wait to join the battle of the statues, entered it, still supported the 'Xuanwu Seal' supernatural power as a protection, and then flew away at high speed. Among them, when the pressure was the least, a green dragon talisman was quickly carved, and when the talisman was scattered, a phantom of a green dragon also began to appear.


The vast phantom figure of the green dragon appeared and stretched out around Liu Hao. Within a radius of millions of miles, Liu Hao was surrounded and protected, reducing the pressure on Liu Hao's body by more than ninety-nine percent in an instant. out easy.

But before he was happy, he felt that the Qinglong talisman that was originally controlled by him disappeared without a trace in his thoughts, which made him a little frightened. Needless to say, such a scene was also deprived by the Qinglong carving.

As soon as this thought arose, he saw the green dragon talismans surging around him, and then a huge blue dragon head stretched towards him, stopping in front of him, and two huge dragon eyes like the moon stared at him closely, clearly revealing that With a trace of spiritual wisdom, he seemed to look at Liu Hao very curiously in his eyes.

"Grand Master Azure Dragon?"

Liu Hao didn't dare to move at all, and asked weakly after a long time. He felt that the Azure Dragon in front of him seemed to be the Great Azure Dragon, because the pressure he unconsciously radiated had already made him extremely stressed, and he couldn't even think of resisting in his heart. Of course, he also knew that it couldn't be Qinglong himself, but more likely it was the spiritual thoughts left by Qinglong Great Master in the carving.

"You're here!"

Qinglong didn't speak, but a melodious voice appeared in Liu Hao's ear, and Qinglong in front of him also changed from curiosity to scrutiny.

"Greetings to Lord Azure Dragon!"


Before Qinglong agreed, Liu Hao didn't know what to say, so he could only respond in embarrassment and silently waited for the other party's scrutiny. At first, he felt a little scared, but after a while, this fear disappeared without a trace , gradually became calm, and began to face it calmly.

At this level, Liu Hao still doesn't know that these carvings are for the inheritance and use of later generations. Before that, Liu Hao killed the peacock and obtained a vague five-color divine light skill. Now it seems that this skill has been cultivated deeply. It is bound to be able to be transformed into a 'supernatural power', and it may be possible to compete with Kong Xuan's real 'five-color divine light' in the future.

Of course, among them, one must also find the innate essence of the five elements.

He is also a little fortunate now, the peacock he is facing is only in the early stage of quasi-sage, if the peacock is comparable to Kong Xuan in the peak period, the five-color divine light in the early stage of quasi-sage has not really exerted its full power;

Otherwise, there is bound to be a fierce battle.

When I chose the dragon-shaped sculpture, I didn't immerse myself in it. I chose the green dragon in front of me, which is the real luck. No matter whether I can pass the level or not, at least I have communicated with the spiritual thoughts left by the great master Qinglong, and got the other party's scrutiny .

Did he know that the test left by the Great Azure Dragon in front of him, in the prehistoric age, even if it is Tathagata and other veteran powerhouses, it is almost impossible to pass the level. At that time, what they will face is the Great Azure Dragon of the same cultivation level , the essential difference is also obvious.

That being the case, Liu Hao didn't think that the customs clearance person would appear, even if it was the Hongjun Houtu beside him, he would feel angry on the spot if he couldn't say it.

In fact, as Liu Hao guessed, Nuwa, Hongjun, and Houtu chose their four spirits to fight against each other. Up to now, there has been no winner. The only thing that is better is that they do not fight Liu Hao. In this way, confrontation again and again.

Even so, the tragedy of Nuwa and the three of them is far beyond Liu Hao's imagination in the sea of ​​consciousness space. The three of them don't know how many times they lost their arms and legs, or how many times they reunited their bodies;

During the long battle, they also made a lot of progress. They let go of their body and mind to fight with all their strength, and let them know their weaknesses. With this battle, even if the three of Hongjun couldn't pass the level, they still gained a lot Before Liu Hao knew it, the bodies of Hongjun and Houtu had arrived quietly, devoting themselves to the confrontation.

The "Xuanwu Palace" where he lives is also much higher than what Liu Hao thinks. It can be called a chaotic treasure if it is placed in the chaos, and it is also a rare "heavenly way" in any place Treasure', entering it, is also a vast world with complete laws. Unlike the prehistoric world, only this palace world is based on the laws understood by the four spirits. Therefore, it is lower than the prehistoric world in terms of level.

Xuanwu Dazun left it in the prehistoric world, and he also made a huge determination in his heart. With this "treasure of heaven" to suppress the prehistoric world, it is bound to increase the stability of the entire prehistoric world. It is inevitable to return to the prehistoric situation.

All of this was originally under the prediction of the Four Spirits, so the four spirits left this divine thought in the carving.

Originally, this divine thought would only appear when the sage arrived and cleared the customs, but now he was awakened by Liu Hao's Qinglong talisman, which was beyond the expectations of Qinglong Dazun. He stared at Liu Hao.

This scrutiny sounds long, but the real experience is only a moment, but the pressure on Liu Hao is very great. These speculations flashed in his mind, and he also vaguely expected to get something, for example, the Azure Dragon Master in the divine sense legacy left behind.

But he also knew that this was a bit whimsical, and gradually, his mood calmed down.

In the chaos, there is no limit, and the four spirits have been wandering in it since they left the prehistoric world. Xuanwu Dazun chose the sea of ​​chaotic worlds to devour those worlds that are coming to an end to strengthen himself, but Qinglong Dazun chose another path. That is to constantly create worlds, these worlds are different and full of strange things, Master Azure Dragon also allows them to develop, and more, it is to verify one's own way of life.

In these worlds, there is a characteristic, that is, there are many dragons, ups and downs, leaving endless legends, and if Liu Hao sees one of them, he will be shocked and inexplicable.

This world is what Liu Hao knows as the world of 'Confucianism and Taoism is the most holy'.

In the Pangu Temple, when Pangu opened the sky by chance, he was gifted by the four spirits, and all his thoughts were also known by the four spirits, as did the Qinglong Great Master. Therefore, when the world was created, With an idea, he created the world of "Confucianism and Taoism to the Holy" in Liu Hao's mind;

Afterwards, Grand Master Qinglong observed for a long time, and he no longer deliberately paid attention to it. Even when Liu Hao went to the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, he only took a look at it. Today, he met again, Grand Master Qinglong in the chaos With a feeling, he looked towards the direction of Honghuang;

In the dark, a wave of spiritual thoughts penetrated through the chaos and descended directly into it. If Liu Hao looked at the Qinglong in front of him at this time, he would find that the aura of Qinglong's eyes was more vivid, and there was no difference between them and real creatures.

Looking at Liu Hao again, all the experiences were also clearly displayed in the eyes of Master Qinglong.

Compared with when Kaitian bestowed the talent on Liu Hao before, there have been many changes. This is what the Azure Dragon Master is curious about.

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