Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and thirty-two. Qinglong Satin Body Sutra

832: Blue Dragon Scripture

All living beings have a definite number in the long river of fate, not to say that everything is planned to death.

The "fixed number" mentioned here means that those general trends that have a major impact on this creature will definitely appear. When these "general trends" appear, your choice determines your path forward, and also determines the height you can reach. But this height often has an upper limit. For example, no matter how you choose, your highest cultivation level can only reach Taiyi Golden Immortal.

These "fixed numbers" are not immutable. For example, if this creature has more merits, it will give you more choices, or because of some reasons, your upper limit will be raised, etc. Before you can jump out of the long river of fate, everything Everything can only go with the flow. Although there are still countless possibilities, these possibilities are all under the watchful eyes of saints or stronger people, just like four-dimensional creatures can see through the past, present and future of three-dimensional creatures at a glance.

Prior to this, Grand Master Qinglong knew all of Liu Hao's possibilities. When Liu Hao entered the world of 'Holy Confucianism and Taoism', Grand Venerable Qinglong checked again, but there were not many surprises.

But when I checked it again today, I found that the current Liu Hao did not develop in the possibility that was originally predicted, but jumped out of himself again, not only out of the long river of fate, but also began to affect the surrounding creatures, affecting everything. world development.

This greatly attracted the attention of Great Master Qinglong, and it was also the reason why he expended his divine mind from the chaos to follow his own breath to the palace of Great Master Xuanwu.

Tracing back to the source, Master Qinglong was also very surprised. After much calculation, he never expected that Liu Hao would create the way of the hundred schools in his mind. What surprised him even more was that he had a part in it.

After the Great Azure Dragon left the prehistoric world and stepped into the chaos, he traveled for a long time and chose one side to practice. When he entered the bottleneck, he thought of creating a world to deduce the Dao. As far as he is concerned, it doesn't matter, and he has benefited a lot from it, and he doesn't know whether it is a temporary thought or something else.

One day, Master Qinglong thought of the many world scripts he saw from Liu Hao when he opened the sky, and when he had a whim, he tried to create a world of "Confucianism and Taoism".

In the beginning, the "Human Race" created with Pan Gu as the version became the "Emperor Race" because it was too domineering, and then the Bai Race was also tested out by him one by one, and then the ancestor dragon, the little black dragon, appeared. Turning around really allowed him to complete the world of "Confucianism and Taoism to the Holy Spirit", and even made it consistent with the situation in Liu Hao's mind.

What he did, gave the Tao of the Hundred Schools a prototype, and made the Tao of the Hundred Schools that Liu Hao tried on the earth get this kind of luck, and even got this chaotic air and machine connection, so that the Tao of the Hundred Schools was born on the earth. Ascension and development, to promote a greater connection between the earth and the world of "Confucianism, Taoism and holiness";

Therefore, when the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism was broken,

The collapsed earth entered the dimension and then fell into the earth, which brought the relationship between the two closer, and promoted the further improvement of the way of the earth;

Since then, the two worlds have been linked through specific space cracks. After Fang Yun entered the earth with the most holy human and dragon races of Confucianism and Taoism, the luck of the two worlds has merged a lot, and it has abruptly promoted the development of luck in the way of a hundred schools of thought. soaring.

As the source of everything, Liu Hao unknowingly obtained nearly half of the luck of the hundred schools of thought. The addition of these lucks made Liu Hao instantly make a plan for the hundred schools of thought after stepping into the prehistoric world. The way of the family spread the idea of ​​the prehistoric, this way, not only let him get the favor of the prehistoric world, when he returned to the earth and entered the world behind Xuanwu again, he was seen by Xuanwu Dazun and asked him to entrust the "Xuanwu Seal" For him, with the help of complete refinement, he completely suppressed his luck in one fell swoop, and his fate has completely changed.

What Xuanwu Dazun said to let Liu Hao integrate the dojo into the prehistoric theory is just an excuse, even if there is no Liu Hao, when Xuanwu Dazun thinks of it one day, he will also make it merge. These are Xuanwu Dazun And other things originally planned by the four spirits, and because of this, there is a layout in this palace.

As the creatures who came out of Pangu's opening of the sky, they themselves consider themselves a part of the prehistoric, and absolutely do not want the prehistoric to go to destruction step by step, and return to chaos after immeasurable calamities. Whether this palace is good or not, they are all left behind, especially this palace, with the suppression of this 'Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure', not to mention the disappearance of immeasurable calamity, at least it can prevent the prehistoric era from being completely destroyed. Destruction, as for how the surviving creatures will expand outward, the four spirits don't pay attention.

These plans were completely changed after Xuanwu Dazun saw Liu Hao again. From Liu Hao, Xuanwu Dazun saw the pattern of the earth fairy world returning to the prehistoric world. It was bestowed on Liu Hao for this purpose. With Liu Hao accompanied by Qi Ling Xiaoyin, the Xuanwu Palace is bound to appear in advance, and he also wants to see where Honghuang will go.

Master Qinglong naturally didn't know what Master Xuanwu did, but after seeing Liu Hao today and the layout made by Master Xuanwu, he didn't mean to disrupt it, thinking in his heart that if it was him, he would would choose this way;

Rescuing some survivors from the moment of destruction, and launching the "Heavenly Supreme Treasure" to suppress the world in advance when the drastic change is promoted, can also prevent the world from being completely destroyed when the immeasurable calamity is born. Moreover, there are other There are countless possibilities. In such a situation, there is no reason not to take a gamble. Moreover, it is better to look at something from the middle, and maybe you can learn something from it.

When it comes to someone like Qinglong Dazun, at least he can control the laws he has learned, and if he wants to improve the laws he is familiar with, he can only touch the bypass. There are two ways to do this, one It is to cultivate by one's own method, such as devouring the world that is about to be destroyed, or creating a universe, these are all ways;

The other is more tricky, that is to look at other people, and this person needs to have strong luck, not only to get rid of the troubles of his own fate, but also to interfere with the fate line of others, only if he is a person who stirs up the situation.

The reason why Si Ling gave Liu Hao the talent when he was looking at Pangu and opening up the sky is because he sensed Liu Hao's difference. At that time, Liu Hao had a slight possibility, so Si Ling made an investment in him;

After that, Xuanwu Great Venerable saw Liu Hao and watched him for a long time. The possibility of this increased every time, so he gave benefits one after another.

There has never been a gift for no reason. At their level, every move has a variety of deep meanings. Today, the Qinglong Great Master is also the same.

"You are very good!"

Grand Master Qinglong stared at Liu Hao for a long time before speaking quietly. This simple sentence made Liu Hao's heart hang in his throat relieved.

Don't look at him looking relaxed, in fact, facing this kind of strong man who has no resistance at all, it means that all fate is handed over to the other party for judgment. After being stared at for so long, even though he knows that the other party may not have malicious intentions, his heart is still bulging.

"What orders does the Great Master have, the boy must find a way to do it!"

Liu Hao bowed to Master Qinglong, but he was very sincere in his heart. Ever since he proved the Daluo Jinxian Daoguo, he knew the source of his talent. The Qinglong Master in front of him was very kind to him. He also knew that even though he said that, the other party couldn't really bother him with something, but he wanted to make it clear that there was a word "find a way" in this sentence, but it was not an excuse for him, it was more of an inner desire. Now, if something really happens, you must try your best to do it!

Master Qinglong nodded slightly towards Liu Hao, he could hear the sincerity of Liu Hao's words, the dragon's beard trembled slightly, and the admiration in his eyes increased.

"Since you have chosen to challenge the deity! It can be considered that you are destined to me, so it doesn't matter if I fulfill you today!"

Great Master Qinglong, like Great Master Xuanwu, began to continue to invest more. He wanted to see how Liu Hao could stir up the river of fate.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Hao didn't know what Qinglong Dazun had done for him, so thank you.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a cyan light shooting towards his eyebrows, depriving him of consciousness in an instant, and his mind was full. He was swelling, and even his body felt a little sore. Before he could react, a coolness came from the depths of the bone marrow in his body, and the sound of crackling and cracking came from his body, as if he was all over his body. The bones in his body were reorganized, not only did he not feel any pain, but instead he felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

"Is this the fulfillment of Great Master Azure Dragon?"

My mind is still a little fuzzy, as if a ball of paste has been stuffed into my brain, I always feel that there is something more, but I want to look for it, but I can't find anything at all.

He thought that the completion of Great Master Qinglong was mostly inheritance, but now it seems that it should be the improvement of the blood attribute of the body, or simply the improvement of the body level.

He was also content, and waited until his mind swelled and quit before checking the changes in his body.

"It seems that the body is familiar to the quasi-sage! Has the shackles been opened?"

Whether this is true or not, Liu Hao really doesn't know, but there is one thing he has to consider, that is, the satin body technique is a little weak, and it seems to have reached its peak.


As soon as he thought of this, a scripture came to his mind, and Liu Hao quickly checked it out. Following the content, the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"The Azure Dragon Scripture! Haha, what is really missing!"

This "Blue Dragon Sutra" is exactly the scripture in satin script that Liu Hao lacks the most. Although it covers Qi training and Shen Shen exercises, the training of Qi and connecting the gods are still set up for the satin script. The aura absorbed by the qi is to integrate it into the body cells and strengthen the vitality in them, and the purpose of refining the gods is to make the soul and the body more compatible and strengthen the nerve response ability.

Of course, the most important thing is the satin body. When it is refined to the limit, it can be transformed into a real green dragon body. At that time, its talent will not be inferior to that of the Chaos Demon God born in the chaos.

"Thank you Great Master Azure Dragon!"

After digesting the content, Liu Hao bowed to the green dragon carving again, looked at the green dragon carving again, and never had the opportunity to enter the carving space to fight, as if he had already cleared the level, and this control card had been closed to him.

"Do you want to challenge the carvings of the other four spirits?"

"Don't be too greedy!"

Liu Hao gave up in the end, and got great benefits from the Great Master Qinglong, and then went to Suzaku and others to pluck the wool. Do you really think he is stupid? How could it be possible that the realm was as high as that of Great Azure Dragon Master? Don't regret it until the time comes when you can't steal the chicken and lose the rice.

Looking towards Nuwa and the three of them, he saw that all three of them were frowning and their faces were solemn. After thinking about it for a while, he knew that the three of them must also be challenging, so he didn't bother. He wanted to find a place to get acquainted with. Qinglong Jing', but found that the little Honghu on his shoulder stretched his neck to look at the table, followed its eyes, and a sculpture that was the same as the little Honghu appeared in front of him. Liu Hao had to give in, and he seemed to want to go. no more.

"Forget it, standing still doesn't mean you can't get familiar with it, and it's not cultivation, so it's nothing!"

Closing his eyes, he recited the 'Blue Dragon Sutra' silently in his heart once more, and started to operate. This action really shocked him. It is a three-in-one exercise. Originally, Liu Hao thought it would take a while to get familiar with it, but he didn't know It seems to fit perfectly with me;

As soon as there was a movement, the body began to respond. Even if I stood still and did not refer to the dragon dance posture, the Qi and God training in the Qinglongjing were still functioning normally. After a large amount of spiritual energy passed through the meridians, it would not enter the dantian of the Zifu , but into the cells of the whole body along the meridians of the whole body, and the god-refinement operation launched will allow the soul to directly fuse with the body, further strengthening the control of every part of the body.


After a while, Liu Hao exhaled a foul breath, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"Could it be that the Azure Dragon Lord mainly uses the satin body? Or does the Azure Dragon Lord only have the satin body at all?"

Liu Hao couldn't help but have this question. This exercise seems to be for the satin body, and with the upper body posture, the effect will be hundreds of times better.

"It's still possible, no matter how you put it, it's Pangu's enlightenment, and the inheritance naturally comes from Pangu. Before Hongjun, there were no immortals, let alone Qi practitioners!

Moreover, in the chaos, it is really impossible to survive without a good body. For those things like earth, wind, water, fire, chaos gods and thunder, only the most powerful body can wander in the chaos! "

The more he thought about it, the more likely Liu Hao thought it was possible, and the more he felt in his heart that he should spend more time in getting his body.

"I don't know when Empress Nuwa and the others will wake up?"

Glancing at Nuwa and the three of them again, the unchanged figure told him that there was still more to wait for. Furthermore, it was impossible for him to really put them down and go towards the backyard by himself. People are suspicious, so don't even think about messing around in the earth fairy world.

"How about I also challenge the carvings of other creatures? Forget it, wait a minute, it's really not possible, it's okay to challenge the carvings of dragons."

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