Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and forty-seven. Return of Atlantis

847、Atlantis Returns

"A tributary? The difference is huge!"

Liu Shen's description made Liu Hao's guess more certain in his mind, but a bigger question was born in his mind, that is, whether the perfect world was done by the organizer behind it, and if so, it was really used as a ranch observation data used?

But what if not? Who would it be? Are there so many layouters? Both sides of the game? Why Link to Earth?

A lot of questions arose in Liu Hao's mind, and he couldn't get the answer for a long time. He didn't wake up from the stupefied god until the voice of Liu Shen asked.

From Liu Hao's expression, Liu Shen noticed the difference. About this, Liu Hao had nothing to hide. He bluntly stated the difference in the long river of fate, and also guessed and stated his own tributaries, which made Liu Shen not surprised. Hi, there is no other, it is because of hope, she knows that once she breaks through the fog, she can step into other river basins of the long river of fate, or other tributaries, or the mainstream, it doesn't matter, hope lies There it is.

Liu Hao can understand Liu Shen's mood to some extent, but these things still have to depend on themselves. Even if he offers to help, most of them will be rejected. High-ranking monks have their own pride. Will be regarded as underestimated by the other party.

When Willow God stepped into the earth, he also moved all the stone villages in, and the place of resettlement was near the world passage. Relying on the resources of the two sessions, the cultivation base of the villagers of the stone village has been greatly improved one by one, and the immortal rank is even more common. A boy of Shi Hao's generation It has stood out and become the mainstream crowd of cross-border hunting.

The sky was getting brighter, and the villagers of Shicun gradually recovered. Several strong men began to bring a group of children to the body. The medicine cauldron began to prepare, and a lot of animal blood began to pour into it. After boiling, on the medicine cauldron, various monsters could be faintly seen The phantom was roaring, exuding endless unwillingness.

"What is the difference between the monsters in the two worlds?"

From the phantom of the monster beast above the medicine cauldron, Liu Hao could see that Shicun's medicine bath had been greatly improved. From the previous single monster blood to the combination medicine bath now, he couldn't help asking Liushen.

"In my world, there are a lot of monsters in extreme ways. The more they improve their cultivation, the more they take the specialization route. They choose the one with the highest talent and practice it every day. Other talents are often discarded. This makes the monsters in my world accumulate generation after generation. down, the blood is single and pure;

However, this kind of blood medicine bath is used by the human race, and the fit is very low, and the absorption is often not enough, and what's more, it doesn't fit at all, causing the body to explode and die.

The monsters on the earth are on the contrary. Although they also purify their own blood, they do not abandon any talent, and the same is true for their development. In comparison,

It makes the advancement of the earth monsters much slower, but the benefits are also huge. In the same rank, the combat effectiveness of the earth monsters is often higher.

In this scene, when Shicun slaughtered the earth monsters and took the blood in the medicinal bath, he discovered that after years, he also found various combinations to make it more suitable for the needs of the human race, the absorption rate was greatly improved, and the utilization rate was also much higher. , They were able to improve their cultivation so quickly, and it was discovered here! "

Although Liu Shen said so, Liu Hao knew that there must be a big factor in it. From the moment Liu Shen's three thousand talismans merged with three thousand willow branches, her way of life changed completely, and she no longer pursued the ultimate way. It was only she who came up with such a reasoning, and experimenting with the villagers of the stone village strengthened her thinking. Liu Hao guessed that the reason why Liushen moved the stone village to the earth was also a lot of factors.

"The human race is the most complicated race. In the endless years, the human race has formed thousands of different talents. If this human race talent finds the extreme monster blood medicine bath, it will be a great happiness for him. After all, this kind of situation can only be a minority, or even almost impossible;

With Shicun's current combination, it can be regarded as a way out! "

Liu Hao praised and changed his tone;

"Do fellow daoists have any intention of communicating with the earth?"

"I'm not going to take the lead in this matter, and Deshi Village can judge by itself!" Liu Shen said, pausing here, as if remembering something, and continued:

"The man who came to Shicun together with you, Qianfan, also taught Shicun knife skills. He lived in Shicun for a long time, and got Shicun satin body exercises, medicinal baths, etc. After that, he went out of the wilderness. Let's break into the human world!"

This person is Hawkeye, who pursues strength and challenges, and Hawkeye is absolutely serious.

His ultimate pursuit of kendo fits perfectly with the Perfect World. Liu Hao is not worried about something wrong with Hawkeye, on the contrary, he is even more happy, hoping that Hawkeye will find his real way out in the Perfect World.

Liu Shen's words also let Liu Hao know the deep meaning hidden by the other party, that is, he will not contact the human race on the earth on his own, and the arrival will be received. If there is a kind exchange, she will not stop it, and the villagers of Deshi Village will decide on their own. Even those with malice in their hearts would not be able to pass the test of Liu Shen.

This information is enough. Liu Hao is not coveting Shicun's unique cultivation techniques, medicinal baths, etc., but is thinking about whether the people of Longguo can introduce the cultivation system of the perfect world. Which river of fate will it enter?

He will not deliberately push this news, he will pass this news to Long Fang, how to do it, he will only pay attention to it and will not give other opinions. This point, he has the same thoughts as Liu Shen.

Both of them have the intention of wanting experimental data, but they both have good intentions in their hearts. If they don't push, they don't mean to do evil, which is also a kind of tacit understanding.

In Shi Hao's absence, Liu Hao couldn't arouse his interest in the villagers of Shi Village. After chatting with Liu Shen for a while, he left when he saw Chen Xi appearing.

At home, Liu Hao's mother has already got up and is happily preparing breakfast.

"Did you go out last night? Seriously, you haven't been home for half a day since you came back. Why are you so busy?"

"Mom, isn't this going hunting? Xiao Long'er eats a lot!"

"Yes, yes, you are not at home, Xiao Long'er dare not let go of eating, he must be very hungry!"

Liu Hao didn't know if he was starving, but it was true that he didn't dare to let go of the food.

Xiao Long'er has Liu Hao's blood in his body, but he can't be regarded as a real human race. His digestion ability is definitely not comparable to that of a human race. Liu Hao is not at home, so he can only maintain himself by absorbing spiritual energy, which is also why Xiao Long'er's cultivation is slow one of the reasons.

You know, even if Xiao Longer quietly absorbs spiritual energy, the time is actually very rare. Liu Hao’s mother is a standard human grandma. At night, she doesn’t care whether Xiao Longer wants to sleep or not. He got the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, basically no different from the real human race, so much so that Liu Hao's mother once forgot that Xiao Long'er was a real dragon.

On the way back from Western Australia, when passing the Indo Country, he killed a Tyrannosaurus rex, and when the smell of barbecue came out, he saw the little dragon flying out.

"Dad, barbecue!"

"Haha, are you hungry? Hurry up and wash up, you can eat right away!"

"Grandma, I want to wash my face and brush my teeth!"

"Okay, okay, come to grandma, grandma has already made water for you!"

"Thank you grandma!"

There was a conversation between Xiao Long'er and his mother in the inner room, and the smile on Liu Hao's face became brighter and brighter. Facing his mother, Xiao Long'er was no different from a grandson. the family.

"Yeah, sister Yun'er is up? Dad made barbecue, do you want to eat together?"

"Really? But my mother said I want to eat something light in the morning!"

“But the barbecue is delicious!”

"Then it's okay to eat once!"

"Hee hee hee, sister, hurry up, daddy is about to bake!"

"Yeah, brother wait for me!"

"Sister, brother Zhao'er is up yet?"

"Brother Zhao'er is a slob, so I don't care about him!"

"Hee hee hee, Brother Zhao'er is going to cry again later!"

After a while, the two little radish heads ran out holding hands. When they reached Liu Hao, they looked up at the barbecue on the barbecue grill. The sound of drooling and sucking made Liu Hao laugh out loud.

Not long after, the family got up one by one, the smell wafted away, and they couldn't fall asleep even if they wanted to sleep. When they got up and saw Liu Hao saw the giant dinosaur on the barbecue grill, they shook their heads and laughed again.

"Little Long'er can be considered a big meal!"

"Uncle, you eat too!"

"Okay! Xiao Long'er will eat first, and come back after uncle washes up!"

"Well, Xiao Long'er saved it for Uncle!"

Liu Tang touched Xiao Long'er's small head, watched Xiao Long'er quickly bite the meat, shook his head and said to Liu Hao;

"Xiaohao, this Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"Entered in Taiyi! Xiao Long'er doesn't have to eat, brother, you don't have to feel guilty!"

Liu Tang gave a wry smile, didn't answer, and looked at it for a while before turning back and leaving. Liu Hao didn't know what Liu Tang was thinking, and he also knew that Liu Tang must have tried hunting monsters to make food for Xiao Long'er, but Xiao Long'er With his current cultivation base, even Liu Tang could not satisfy his eating condition by hunting all day, so he had to give up after trying several times.

Speaking of it, if Xiao Long'er went hunting by himself, there would be no problem at all, but the whole family was worried that Xiao Long'er would go out alone. Over time, he became what he is now, and he has already regarded letting go of eating as a kind of festival, Liu Hao doesn't think so No, on the contrary, he hoped that Xiao Long'er could send and receive this diet freely, and only in this way can he not have any shortcomings.

The chicken roll country is now in the land of Fangyun, and a new country has been established. Being in it is like being in the ancient Dragon Kingdom, but the concrete and steel buildings on the street tell you that there is a huge difference between this place and the ancient world.

In the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, with the promotion of Fang Yun, the rise of Gongjia, the drastic changes in thinking, and the earth, did not suffer too much impact. On the contrary, it inspired the spirit of Gongjia's refusal to admit defeat, and everything that was needed in life was accepted They developed and developed a unique industrial manufacturing industry with culture as the core of energy. Many products, even exported to the Dragon Kingdom, have become the favorite commodities of hundreds of monks on earth.

The most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism won the country of chicken rolls, and established the "state of Zhou" to the outside world. With the nine kingdoms of the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism as the county, plus hundreds of semi-sacred institutions, the state of Zhou stands on the earth with ten counties After a few years, the bald eagle beside him also felt great pressure, and this was the case when Fang Yun didn't make a move.

Strolling on the streets of Zhou State, I bought a lot of special products of Zhou State. After a while, Ao Huang, brought by Fang Yun, appeared.

"Fang Yun, you have stabilized your country on Earth this week, what's your next step?"

"It can only be regarded as standing firm. You also know the personality of the bald eagle. I really dare not leave rashly without going through a war!"

"Hahaha, yes, the plucked bald eagles are still full of aggression in their bones, if they don't let their pride drop, they really can't relax!

However, why don't you choose to take the initiative? "

"It's not a native human race on earth!"


Liu Hao heard Fang Yun's scruples. It is easy to beat the bald eagle, but it will also scare the other surviving countries on the earth. This is not in line with Fang Yun's prediction. He did not come to the earth for hegemony. The earth is the best way. Even in war, you can only choose the righteous side.

"In the territory of the Bald Eagle, there is a kingdom of God. Have you ever been to it?"

"I've been there once, but there's nothing to worry about. The God Lord in the Kingdom of God is named Odin, and he can be considered a Da Luo Jinxian. If he really wants to fight, the God Master of the Kingdom of God will change hands!"

"It seems that there are many races in the kingdom of God, right?"

"Well, there are countless gods of all kinds, but more of them are to develop their own blood. In this regard, they are somewhat similar to the monster race! The skills are rough and the threat is not great."

Liu Hao doesn't think that Fang Yun is bragging at all. He has the strength to despise him. What he thinks more is whether this "Odin" world has anything to do with the Edgars continent in his memory, or whether it will be. What kind of Marvel world will be drawn from this.

After thinking about it, Liu Hao put aside his own thoughts again, so what if it leads to the Marvel world? It's just a mere Marvel, and there aren't many star destroyers with one hand, so what's there to worry about?

"The monster races in the southern Amazon seem to be very restrained towards you. Could it be that you warned them?"

"The monsters have a keen sense of smell. Since I came, the Amazon monsters have restrained a lot. After that, I introduced the dragons into the Atlantic Ocean and built the Dragon Palace near the Caribbean Sea. The monsters know that we are not easy to mess with. Now the bigger Put your energy into South America, go squeeze the persimmons!"

"There should be a lot of world passages in Amazon, right? Didn't you check it out?"

"The monsters restrained their movements and don't want to provoke them for the time being. The bald eagle can't bear it for too long. I don't want to fight on two fronts!"

"The dragon family entered the Atlantic Ocean, did you find anything special?"

"It seems that you have also discovered it! In the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, Atlantis has returned to the earth. The dragon clan sitting in the Atlantic Ocean is the Dragon Sage from the East China Sea in my original world. He has sparred with Poseidon. The sea is ruled by the other party in the direction of old Europe, and it belongs to the dragon clan's territory when it is close to the Americas!"

"Atlantis? What are their unique characteristics?"

"Haha, you will also find it funny to say that Atlantis took the wrong path. Perhaps it was the combination of theology and medicine that led them to be very active in transplanting organs from other races, such as transplanting fish gills into human bodies, making them Possess the ability to breathe underwater and more!"

"Isn't it true that they are no longer considered to be a complete human race?"

"That's right! It's nothing to be afraid of after taking the hybrid sewing route. If Poseidon and his sons hadn't been in charge, Atlantis would have disappeared long ago!"

"That's true! It's never king to rely on foreign objects! They won the old European territory in the Atlantic Ocean, so they didn't covet the old European land? You must know that the Atlanteans are not good birds!"

"Sooner or later, I see them often log in in central Africa to hunt some monster races. It seems that they have an extraordinary fascination with transplanted organs."

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