Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and forty-eight. Abyss Demon Race

848: Abyss Demon Race

Once you embark on a road, you will often go to the dark side. At this time, the persuasion of outsiders will not be effective at all, especially when they have benefited a lot from this road. so it is.

The people of Atlantis are typical of them. Unlike other worlds, the people of Atlantis discovered the channel of the underwater world very early on, and sent spies into the earth early. At that time, the earth did not even have fairy steps, and that At that time, the shipping in the Atlantic Ocean was often attacked by them. For them, it was not only an opportunity to hunt for human experiments, but also a chance to thoroughly understand the earth through these shipping.

When there were more aura tides and a higher level of access to the earth, Atlantis discovered that the earth had changed drastically. Even Poseidon did not dare to say that he could dominate the earth, which made them more cautious;

During this period of time, they did many experiments by hunting various sea monsters, and built a seabed city in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean with a little bit of relocation. When the Dragon Clan stepped foot, their rhythm was disrupted, and they had to continue to lie dormant.

Fang Yun has a lot of monitoring on them, and he also knows that the people of Atlantis are not kind people at all. These people have strange brains, and they are extremely confident. , became this nondescript group of monsters, and now they are in urgent need of more experimental products, and the direction to the Americas is blocked by Fang Yun, and they can only head towards old Europe, and this day will not be long.

"The war between the bald eagle and the North American prairie monster race has continued to this day, has the god race represented by Odin never made a move?"

"Liu Hao, do you overestimate the virtues of Odin's protoss, or do you regard Odin's protoss as a part of the human race?

The difference is that those protoss are used to being superior, and the human race is like a slave to them, belonging to an inferior race, and the concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in their bones. How can they really care about the life and death of the Bald Eagle people?

In their view, it would be a good thing for the Bald Eagles to die more! When the bald eagles are powerless, they will really come out to clean up the mess.

If I hadn't intervened in Central America, they would have continued to watch, smiling and watching the bald eagles struggling to survive.

Even now, the participation of the Odin Protoss will only target me, and they are more afraid of me and them robbing believers! "

Liu Hao nodded after listening. He had heard too much about the personality of the Western Protoss. He was used to being selfish and never regarded people as human beings. Wipe it clean.


Even among these protoss, there has never been a lack of war. A small excuse is to label the order of justice and the order of evil, the one that will never die, but is it really like the confrontation between good and evil? That's not the case at all. To put it bluntly, it's just for my own status and to gain more beliefs.

Bald eagles have always believed in 'leaves and flowers'. The protoss such as Odin will never have a compassionate attitude towards them. It is inevitable to watch their continuous war with the North American prairie monsters outside with a smile. They are under pressure, and it is still a matter of whether they will step into the earth or not.

"The hatred between the North American prairie monster race and the bald eagle is too great, and it was also caused by the early nuclear bomb wash. Even if the gods like Odin get the bald eagle's faith rule in the future, they will not intervene in it. Bald eagles, some fight Already!"

"If there is no external force, your prediction is too correct!"

"You mean the abyss near the North Pole?"

"Well, the atmosphere of the abyss is getting stronger and stronger. I have been there, and the space cracks in the depths of the abyss are getting wider and wider. When a certain limit is reached, it will be a matter of time before the strong people from the abyss enter the earth! The Yaozu will be the first to bear the brunt, I don't think they can resist it!"

"The abyss is not simple, layer after layer, each abyss has its own king, the first time to arrive on Earth, I don't know which layer of abyss race it is from!

But no matter which level it is, the North American monster race really doesn't have much chance at all. Once they fail, it will be the turn of the bald eagle. The bald eagle can only expect the resistance of the Odin protoss. Will they do it or not? I have to say two things. "

"I am not optimistic about the Odin Protoss, whether it is energy or skills, they are too rough!"

"Then it's your turn, are you sure?"

"In the short term, it's not a big problem. I've tried it. Wen Qi has a natural resistance to the abyssal breath. Although it can't be said to be restrained, it's almost the same!"

"This is not bad, and it can be regarded as a pleasant surprise, but in terms of numbers, you have suffered too much! I think you can try to give them a shock first!"

"Well, this idea has always been there, just wait for their first general to arrive."

Fang Yun said it very easily. He is a person with a high IQ. He has already known many plans. Liu Hao's proposal is just one of his plans. He was more determined.

"That's not bad, the ones who come here are all underlings, and there's nothing to fight!"

They chatted while walking, and Xiao Long'er also got along with Ao Huang, whispering something in the lower part, seeing Liu Hao and Fang Yun stop, Xiao Long'er climbed onto Liu Hao's body.

"Father, Ao Huang invited me to visit the Caribbean!"

Xiao Long'er looked at Liu Hao with bright eyes, and said it was a consultation, but in his heart he couldn't wait to go.

"Go, don't be too playful!"

"Yeah, Xiao Long'er is so good!"

With Liu Hao's permission, Xiao Long'er climbed onto Ao Huang's dragon's head in a whizzing manner, and flew towards the Caribbean Earth in a circle.

"I remember that when the Divine Sense swept last time, there were still some magical pirates in the Caribbean Sea, and they were all cleaned up by the Dragon Clan?"

"Where do we need the dragons to take action? Those pirates can still dominate the ordinary world, but they can't last long when they encounter the monsters in the ocean. When the dragons arrive, these pirates will be wiped out under a single order. It is estimated that there are already some Many sea monsters have stepped into that world!"

"Pirates of the Caribbean world?"

Liu Hao shook his head, and didn't bother to pay attention. Regardless of whether that world was the pirate world in his impression, he no longer had any qualifications to attract his attention. If it wasn't for Xiao Longer, he wouldn't even bother to ask.

"There should be other world passages in the territory of the Bald Eagle, right? Have you checked them all?"

"I've gone through several times, all of which were tested by science and technology. Some of those worlds have Dragon Kingdoms, and some don't. However, there are Dragon Kingdoms in SLRs. I have left inheritance in them, and I have done my part!"

"There should be a lot of bald eagles entering those worlds to survive?"

"There are quite a few of them. The bottom line of Bald Eagle people is too low. Once they have power, they often feel that they are superior. Many Bald Eagle people have entered other worlds, and they have caused great harm to those worlds."

"That's my nature! I can't change it!"

"Yeah! At first, I thought about making friends with the bald eagle, but after walking around the bald eagle, I no longer have such thoughts. The Long Country immigrants are very miserable in the bald eagle. If you were not in Los Angeles Established a Chinatown, hehe..."

"Giving them a chance, speaking of them, they are not bad. Although they are facing a lot of pressure from all parties, their frequent contacts with the Australian Dragon Kingdom Base have also allowed them to gain a firm foothold. No matter how upset the Bald Eagles are, they dare not Come on rashly!"

"They set up a self-defense army and police. For now, it's not bad. I'm afraid they will form a class in the future. In that case..."

"Power is won by ourselves. It is impossible for us to help them from generation to generation. Besides, Confucianism and Taoism have been passed on to them. In a short period of time, it should not be a big problem. Let's talk about things in a hundred years later!"

"Thinking is really a wonderful thing. These people are based in the country of the bald eagle, and their thinking will inevitably be affected. The key to the spread of Confucianism and Taoism is whether they can penetrate into their bone marrow!"

"How can we control human thoughts? It's okay in difficult times. Once the crisis is over, their respective interests will rise. Forget it, leave them alone, let's talk about the abyss. I'm here this time, but I want to Going to check it out."

"Alright, let me accompany you on a journey. A few days ago, I sensed the breath of Da Luo at the bottom of the abyss, so I just went to check the situation!"

The northern part of the former Maple Leaf Country is very sparsely populated. No one knows when this abyss appeared. Liu Hao didn’t notice it when he was walking through the east coast of North America, but he felt that the abyss might have already appeared at that time. Appear;

According to his guess, at that time, a crack appeared deep in the ground at this location, which led to the formation of this abyss. Then, after being discovered by the abyss race, after exploring the earth, there was a situation where the abyss master took action to expand the space crack. Until now , this abyss space crack is already thousands of miles in size, standing above, a strong aura shot straight towards the two of them.

"The masters of the abyssal demons below have already noticed us, huh? They also sent a few to die, just to test?"

In Liu Hao's perception, several abyssal demons with only Taiyi Jinxian realm shot towards the two of them, which made him feel that he was underestimated.

"Maybe! Another possibility is that they don't have the habit of restraining their breath!"

"Oh? What you said makes sense! In a place like the abyss, fighting is the norm, but when you reach a high level, you don't bother to attack low levels. Only by breathing out your own breath for a long time can avoid many unnecessary battles."

"Another thing is that the levels in the abyss should be very clear, and the dominance of the high-level over the low-level should be very high!"

"If that's the case, it's a little troublesome. A high-ranking order can entangle countless low-ranking cannon fodder!"

"Well! When they officially set foot on the earth, they will be able to see their social status clearly! The demon race in North America is a very good pawn!"

"It's a pity for the old bull in North America. Back then, he was the number one expert on Earth, and even survived the bald eagle's nuclear bomb. Unfortunately, it's hard to say whether he can survive the race of the abyss!"

"What? Do you have friendship with him?"

"Ha, just sigh!"


"Hey, don't tell me if you see through, we are still good friends!"

"Hehehe, here we come, is it you or me?"

"It's up to you, Wen Qi has restraint on them, but I still want to see how the 'righteousness' works!"

"It seems that you know me very well!"

"I don't believe you don't cherish something as good as 'Song of Righteousness'!"


The two of them didn't feel nervous at all, let alone the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, or the Abyssal Demon Race of the Daluo Golden Immortal level. The dark monster flew over.

"There is righteousness in the world, miscellaneous..."

There was no other movement in Fang Yun's hands at all, he just opened his mouth to recite the song of righteousness, and only six words were spoken. The five abyssal demons in front of him seemed to be wrapped in a breath, and their bodies began to melt instantly, with a sizzling sound It was endless, as if being exposed to sulfuric acid, but within two breaths, the five Taiyi Jinxian level abyssal demons were completely corroded, and even the abyssal breath on them was completely wiped out.

"A surprise! I don't want Zhengqi Song to restrain them so much!"

"It's good news for you, isn't it?"

"Well, after you return, you have to promote it well! You will promote it when you return to Dragon Country, right?"

"That's for sure. These abyssal demons are not easily satisfied at first glance. If they really set foot on the earth, they can't just fight in one direction!"

"I'm wondering if the abyssal demons at the Daluo level below should warn me?"

"It's up to you, but I don't think it's necessary. If you kill him, you'll replace him with a new one. Abyssal demons won't give up so easily! Besides, you killed a few Taiyi Golden Immortals so easily. The abyss demons, the opponent's heart should be pounding."

"Then let him go! Why don't you go down and have a look?"

"No need, this breath can only be found here. It will take about three years for Da Luo Jinxian to set foot on the crack below. It is estimated that by that time, you will also become a quasi-sage!"

"Speaking of quasi-sage, do you have any suggestions?"

"The rules are different. I don't know if the way of killing three corpses is suitable for you. You should have a lot of merits in your body?"

"Well, I've been thinking about this issue recently. The law route is more difficult. My world level is not as good as Honghuang. Taking the law route seems to hinder me even more!"

"There are many holy ways in the human race, but each holy way actually corresponds to a law, and you don't really need to give up. Maybe you can understand the law and improve your world level!"

"I hope, after this matter is over, I should go to Honghuang to have a look!"

"Then you have to hurry up. I have already passed down the way of hundreds of schools in Honghuang. After a while, when I enter Honghuang again, I will compete for the throne of Emperor Ziwei, and even more so will Wenqu Xingjun and Wuqu Xingjun on both sides of the honor. It was left to Confucius and Jiang Ziya.

When you enter the prehistoric world, the position of the master of the hundred schools in the earth fairy world is up to you to fight for! "

"That's a good thing, I don't know what Mr. Confucius has to do with Confucius in my world!"

"Who knows, maybe even one person! But whether these memories can be preserved is very unpredictable!"

"What is the status of Mr. Confucius today?"

"Golden Immortal of Da Luo has been accomplished, and it's time to prove Da Luo's Dao Fruit in the near future! He is the reincarnation of Kong Xuan's true body, once he steps into the quasi-sage, he will definitely improve his cultivation quickly."

"Kong Xuan?"

"Well, Kong Xuan is also a person of great perseverance. Not only does he lose his cultivation, but he also loses his real body and reincarnates. It means starting from scratch. Now there is no Kong Xuan, only Confucius!"

"That's a good thing!"

"Hahaha, I know you think so!"

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