Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and forty-nine. Calculations of common interests

849、Calculation of Common Interests

Liu Hao and Fang Yun stood in front of the abyss for a long time, chatting all over the world, and then they turned and left. They didn't mean to rush, but walked towards the south without any haste, seeing the monsters fighting, Occasionally stop to watch it.

"Humans have disappeared in this area, and these buildings have become natural caves for the monster race!"

"Haha, Maple Leaf Country used to follow the bald eagles all day to shout about environmental protection, but now they have fulfilled their wish. There is nothing more environmentally friendly than here!"

"The population of the entire Maple Leaf Country is no more than 100,000, right? These people can hardly survive under the mouth of monsters. Once they are attacked by the abyssal demons, how many of them can survive is really a question!"

Liu Hao scanned around habitually, and marked seven or eight small gathering places, fortress-style defenses. These small gathering places are considered to be the last population of Maple Leaf Country. Within them, the hierarchy is already very serious, and the strong rule Everything, even including the right to mate, and the weak may be pulled to serve as a trap at any time, and whether they can survive can only depend on the destiny.

The place they chose was good, and there were no high-level monsters nearby. The semi-underground base also allowed them to get the last piece of pure land. This is somewhat similar to the research center that Liu Hao saw before.

"When I was traveling in Maple Leaf Country before, I found a bald eagle research center on the east coast. Many humans have been turned into beasts. This base has survived to this day!"

"Lycanthropy? Transplanted like the Atlanteans?"

"No, it's induction at the genetic level!"

"Is that so? Maybe it can show them a way!"

"You mean, let them enter the world of Atlantis?"

"Just treat it as waste! Anyway, when the abyssal demons step into this land, their chances of surviving are almost zero!"

"That's true. There is a Long Kingdom man who was arrested for an experiment and survived. His name is Li Gu. When you make a move, you can try to give him some benefits. At least he is one of your own, so the credibility is higher!"

"This is the best way. It's not too late to wait until the abyssal demons attack. Now they are living comfortably, and they may not be willing!"

"Where is the specific location, do you need to go and see it?"

"No, just know where it is! I'm a little interested in the power stone in Atlantis,

See if you can find some information. "

"Oh? I can study the rough storage of natural energy. Maybe we can create spirit stones and the like. It would be good to unify the currency of the earth at that time! It can be regarded as a merit!"

"Look at the chance!"

"If the number is not enough, there are still many lycanthropes who can take advantage of the position of Bald Eagle Montana!"

"It seems you know them well!"

"It was also a coincidence that I did some investigations. I hope you can bring these people into Atlantis and see how this world, which is inextricably linked to the earth, has developed!"

"I want to know, don't you fully understand after you walk through it yourself? How can Poseidon stop you?"

"Hahaha, it's fine to go there in person. Instead of wasting your thoughts in their world, it's better to visit the abyss world and leave the opportunity to the lycanthropes."

Fang Yun smiled, and didn't understand Liu Hao's deep meaning. He tacitly staggered the topic, and traveled all the way south until he reached the North American prairie.

"The old cow's territory has arrived, it's better not to disturb him, but don't let him think that we are bald eagles in a suspicious way!"

"Then go back!"

Both of them had a tacit understanding that they didn't intend to go to the bald eagle to scare them. When they returned to the Holy City of Zhou Kingdom, Liu Hao met Fang Yun's legendary wife. The younger generation, really want to be stunned.

He was also thinking in his heart whether it is time to get a wife, the parents at home have spoken more than once, fortunately there is a son named Xiao Longer, otherwise he will be buzzed with nagging.

"Fang Yun, in your world, it is rumored that there is a great desolate blue dragon, with the twilight sun above its head, wearing a god star from all worlds, walking in the vast void, and breathing out immeasurable brilliance. Have you ever seen it?"

"When traveling back to the beginning of my world, I was lucky enough to see it once; later, when I was in a decisive battle with the monsters, I caught a glimpse of it. You asked about this, did you find something?"

"It's not that I found anything, it's just a suspicion!"

After Liu Hao finished speaking, he shook his head lightly, and gave a wry smile on his face. Before crossing over, when he was watching "The Supreme Sage of Confucianism and Taoism", he was shocked by the Great Desolate Canglong, which was so huge that it even surpassed his own son Xiaolong'er Not to mention, even wearing a huge treasure, but the combat power is very low. At that time, I didn't think much about it, I just thought it was just the author's setting.

But now in the real world, you have to think a little bit more. If you really have low combat effectiveness, but you have immeasurable treasures, what is the difference from children holding gold? How could such a situation survive from the beginning to the present?

The rise of endless heroes, ancestors popping up one after another, there will always be people with great ambitions, and there must be many super masters who want to fight the Great Xu Canglong. It's okay to escape once or twice, but he doesn't believe that the Great Xu Canglong can Escaped and ascended to heaven again and again.

Then, there is only one possibility, and that is that Daxu's old age is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. He has not shown combat effectiveness. Maybe it's not because he is not strong in combat effectiveness, but because he is too lazy to care about these reptiles, or Daxu is old. This is to monitor the world of 'Confucianism and Taoism'? The power to create the world of "Confucianism and Taoism is the most holy" constrains his behavior?

When no one discusses some things, they tend to ignore them unconsciously. Once someone mentions them, they will find that there is something irrational in this matter.

This is how Fang Yun felt about this matter. Before Liu Hao mentioned the Great Void Canglong, he subconsciously ignored him. Now that he was brought up, many questions that he had never thought of in the past arose in his mind one by one, but After a few breaths, a gleam appeared in his eyes, and he also noticed the unusual thing that Liu Hao suspected.

"Great Void Canglong, when my world was born, it has already appeared, but whether it appeared with the world or existed before the world was born, no one knows;

My Wenquxing was obtained from him. At that time, it seemed that Daxu was very old and miserable, but thinking about it now, he recovered in a short time, and it was only a pity to lose Wenquxing. "

Fang Yun murmured, as if recalling carefully while making sure of his own thinking.

"Just one Wenqu star created the way of Confucianism and Taoism in my world. There are countless god stars like this, and there are countless god stars on Daxu Canglong. Could it be that every god star contains one?"

Fang Yun looked up at Liu Hao while speaking, as if he wanted to get Liu Hao's confirmation.

Liu Hao just smiled when he saw it, and he didn't dare to confirm this matter casually.

"The Dao is three thousand, you understand the truth. Your guess may be true or false, and you can only determine it yourself!"

When Liu Hao said this, he saw that Fang Yun's eyes were still full of exploration, so he had to continue;

"Let's not talk about whether the god star on the Great Void Canglong is as you expected, but just talk about the strength of the Great Void Canglong. Do you think you can kill it against it?"

After listening to Liu Hao's question, Fang Yun lowered his head and thought for a long time before raising his head and shaking his head slightly.

"You have already proved Daluo Daoguo. In your world, the strongest people in the past and present are no more than this. Since you have failed to win, does it mean that Daluo Jinxian is not the ceiling of your world? Can the Great Xu Canglong be stronger? It means that in your world, you can understand the law and step into the quasi-sage practice?"

"Listen to your words, enlightenment. In the past, I was blinded by a leaf, but today I know the background of my world."

Having said that, Fang Yun didn't have any eagerness to try in his eyes. He was also one of the traversers. How could he not know what Liu Hao felt on Earth now? He is also aware of the concept of dimensions, and before he crossed, he also understood the dimension of the 'sea of ​​dead flames'.

Taking it a step further, the earth he is on, not to mention the earth where the two are now, the social relationship in the past is hard to find here.

Unlike Liu Hao, Fang Yun didn't know the starting point book of "The Most Sacred Confucianism and Taoism". Therefore, Fang Yun never doubted that the world of "The Most Sacred Confucianism and Taoism" was created out of thin air by some great power.

But with the combination of thoughts today, with such doubts, the existence of the Great Void Canglong has become a bug in his heart. The neglect in the past is likely to be passive in nature. Even if doubts arise, they will disappear with the passage of time. Elimination, where is the desire to try and challenge?

"Do you know the concept of parallel world?"

Fang Yun's questioning voice was very soft, so soft that even he could hardly hear it, but Liu Hao, who was proficient in the way of voice, could hear it clearly.

Liu Hao didn't know what Fang Yun was asking about. It wasn't the countless worlds that the earth was connected to now, but he was telling Liu Hao that Fang Yun came from a parallel earth world that was not even connected to the current earth.

"Starting point, but a good thing!"

Liu Hao's answer was also very light. Fang Yun listened, and when he raised his head slightly, a rare smile appeared on his face, which seemed to be a kind of relief, a secret that he had worked so hard to hide deep in his heart had a common can be discussed.

Liu Hao did not tell Fang Yun the news that the world of Confucianism and Taoism is also at the starting point, because it is unnecessary at all, it is just disturbing people's thoughts, and it is not an enemy. Moreover, even if it is an enemy, it can really make the other party feel uneasy ? It is very possible to be Xiao Yan, but for Fang Yun who has already proved the Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit, he can only make the other party slightly stunned.

"The chessboard of the heavens, don't you know those great powers are on the cloth?"

Fang Yun didn't answer, but let out another exclamation.

"Who knows? But what is certain is that even the saints of the past are not chess players!"

"That's really scary!"

"Is it scary? I don't think so. You know, we sent lycanthropes into the world of Atlantis. To a certain extent, we are also playing tricks, but there are stronger ones who use us as pawns!"

"Hahaha, you have no taboos! Are you afraid that chess players will regard you as an uncontrollable child?"

"When we reach our level of cultivation, we should understand sooner or later. How can chess players care about this? Maybe they are most happy to see us struggling!"

"You can really see through! However, what you said is not without reason. A chess player who has surpassed the cultivation level of a saint will probably choose a saint for the chess pieces in his hand. It is already a great fortune that we can be favored by the opponent!"

"Hahaha, your mentality is not bad, I thought you would have to be depressed for a long time before you can accept it!"

"Isn't life like this? Isn't there such a saying? The fear is not being used, the most fear is that there is no value for use!"

"Yes! Therefore, we must let the chess players know that we have greater use value. Only in this way can we go on on this chessboard. Whether we can jump out of the chessboard and become a chess player is a matter of the future. , now, it is better to let nature take its course!"

"Drink together!"


This chat changed the relationship between the two of them from a simple friendship to an alliance of interests. Not to mention the possibility of living and dying together, the pattern of advancing and retreating together and watching each other has been achieved.

Why did Liu Hao say these things to Fang Yun, because he simply thought that they were the same kind of people?

Of course not, it's just borrowing from each other. The deeper calculation is that the interests of the two people are both prosperous. To be clear, the prosperity of the Hundred Schools is great for both of them. It is good, and you can get a lot of luck from it.

On Earth, Liu Hao is the founder of the Way of the Hundred Schools, but he needs Fang Yun's efforts to make the Way of the Hundred Schools flourish. After all, Fang Yun is a real professional in this area. The situation, as well as the Great Desolate Land and Immortal Realm, after knowing where his real foothold in the Earth and Immortal Realm is, Liu Hao tried every means to push up the way of the hundred schools, but he felt more and more powerless, and couldn't wait. He wants to hand over the position of Master of Hundred Schools to Fang Yun.

Anyway, Liu Hao also knows the way of Fang Yun's cultivation. It is not so much the way of literature, but the way of "education". The Dao has survived in the fairyland of the wild land for thousands of years, and this is what Liu Hao values.

And to achieve it, it is not to persuade Fang Yun earnestly, but to tell the other party that the two have common interests. With this conversation, Liu Hao can completely relax and know that he will not need to urge him in the future. , Fang Yun will spend all his efforts to achieve it.

This is not because he is despicable or something, but he also knows that Fang Yun will also benefit a lot in this process. The spread of various skills of hundreds of schools can not only share the many benefits of Taoism, but also make people feel better. His way of enlightenment has been improved to a higher level, relying on this, beheading a corpse is not a problem at all.

When the little teacups collided, neither of the two made it clear, but they had reached a tacit understanding in their hearts.

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