Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fiftieth. Arriving again at the Dragon Country Base in Australia

850. Arriving at the Dragon Country Base in Australia

Australia's Dragon Kingdom base, this day a giant cyan dragon with a length of one million miles descended from the sky and plunged straight into the sea. Its joyful chirping sound spread throughout the sea area, and even attracted countless sea monsters in the surrounding sea area to jump out of the sea with joy. meet.

Little Long'er hadn't returned to the sea for a long time, and once he appeared, he made a big event. His huge figure covered the sky, not to mention being close to the Dragon Country base in Australia, even Lu Bu, who was far away in the Flower Country of New Zealand, could see it clearly .

Lu Fengxian is living a very happy life now. He occupied the flower kingdom of New Zealand and founded the country "Lu Han". Stamped, directly approved of Lu Bu's act of conferring the king;

Even in the history books of the Three Kingdoms World, there are many praises. His previous behavior of taking refuge in Dong Zhuo was also considered by many literati as a burden of humiliation. Combined with the subsequent behavior of Lu Bu beheading Dong Zhuo, this historical record has also received most of the praise. recognition of the people.

In addition, Cao Mengde later released many Xuzhou people to join Lu Bu, and now the majority of Lu Han's population is completely composed of Han people, and the name "Han" has become worthy of the name.

On the earth, Lu Bu's enemies have also undergone earth-shaking changes. They are no longer even human beings, but have become various monster races in the flower country of New Zealand, not to mention the burden of unjust wars. He can get the great support of the people below, and all kinds of tricks can't fall on him. As a monarch, he should not be too happy.

If monsters from the Xuanwu world did not invade from time to time, there is a high probability that Lu Fengxian would let his horse go to Nanshan, and the wine pond and meat forest.

Fortunately, a large number of monsters invade the earth every once in a while, making Lu Fengxian need to go to the front line to fight each time;

And because he is a very face-saving person, he attaches great importance to the results of the battle, so he has to spend a lot of time on self-cultivation and strengthen his position as the number one strong man. Therefore, the current Lu Bu rank is not low. Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base, in the surrounding waters, can be regarded as a well-known strongman, with a unique combat power.

Today, Xiao Longer's coercion is spreading, and Lu Bu, who is far away in "Lu Han", also feels the pressure, which makes him feel a little repulsive to the wine in the cup, and has a sense of fear of being slapped by the waves rise in the heart.


"Hmm...no problem! Can Qi Ling go to school?"

"It's time to arrive!"


Lv Bu absently glanced at the swaddle in Diao Chan's hand,

His mind instantly sobered up. The battle of infancy was his and Diao Chan's child, his only son now, and his future hope for Lu Bu;

Although he loved his daughter in every possible way, he never had the idea of ​​passing on the foundation to her daughter. Without him, even if he wanted to, it would not be possible. Neither his subordinates nor the common people would agree to it;

Now that he has a son, the succession of the throne in the future will be a matter of course. After hearing that his son was born, the loyalty of the soldiers and horses under him has risen by a big step.

For the sake of his son's future, Lu Bu also felt that he should devote more time to cultivation.

In fact, Lu Han's government affairs are basically under the pressure of Chen Gong, and Chen Gong has always done a good job, with military power in his hands, Lu Bu is also very relieved;

As time passed, he, who was not good at handling government affairs, chose to let go more and more, which made Chen Gong devote all his thoughts to governance. Lu Han, to a certain extent, can be regarded as a small powerful country, that is, The Samba Legion remaining in South America may not be comparable.

But Lu Bu was not satisfied with this point. What he compared was not the Samba Legion. In his bones, he did not look down on countries other than the Han people's country. Therefore, the only object of his comparison was the "Wei Han" established by Cao Mengde in Australia.

Although Lu Bu didn't want to admit it, he had to let go of his pride in his heart. Compared with Wei Han, Lu Han was still weaker. It was not because of combat power, but because of prosperity. He lacked the supply of one world, and the gap in background could not be erased in a short time. flat.

But on the other hand, Lu Bu is still very confident in Lu Han's combat power. Counting the surrounding countries, he thinks he is second, and no one dares to be the first.

However, Xiao Long'er's power today made Lu Bu realize that he could not keep the number one individual combat power. Even if Xiao Long'er was like this, what about Liu Hao, Xiao Long'er's father? Before, he was still able to fight with the opponent, but now he is far surpassed by the opponent?

I don't blame Lu Bu, he can't help it. As a monarch, it is impossible to wander around, and no one is foolish to challenge a monarch. After a long time, the number one he thinks is just a comparison in his mind. He doesn't know Liu Hao has already surpassed him by a thousand miles.

"Husband, Qi Ling is about to step into the immortal rank, with her here, I can protect my younger brother very well!"

"Hahaha, my son is originally a genius, but I heard that she has almost no rivals in Australian girls' schools, but is it true or not?"

"It's true. Qiling has obtained the true biography of her husband. How can ordinary classmates be her opponents? I heard that even in the military men's military academy, few people dare to fight against her!"

"Hahaha, my son is talented!"

Diao Chan's words were not to comfort Lu Bu. Lu Qiling inherited Lu Bu's genes, and her strength was unparalleled. Let alone a woman, even most men would not benefit from him. It is normal to be suppressed, especially in close combat. In her generation Yes, almost invincible, even Cao Mengde's third son, Cao Zhang, had no choice but to flee against her.

Among the two major schools in Australia's Dragon Country Base, the women's college is world-renowned. This does not mean that the men's military academy is weak. On the contrary, the boys' military academy at the Australia Dragon Country Base has been compared to all the Bald Eagle colleges and universities, and none of them can compare.

You know, the source of students at the Dragon Kingdom base in Australia is for several worlds, such as the world of One Piece, such as the world of Three Kingdoms, and now there are some students from the World of Fighting the Sky in Central America, and the selection is also the elite among the elites. One, among the major colleges and universities of Bald Eagle, is the top existence.

However, this point is not as good as compared to the girls' school in the Dragon Country Base in Australia, especially after Fang Yun moved the girls' school in the world of "Confucianism and Taoism to the Holy" here, it has become the most connected school on the earth and even in many worlds connected to the earth. The girl's high school she yearned for, otherwise Liu Hao's younger sister Liu Bei'er would not have come all the way to study.

The courtyard where Liu Hao lives is still very clean at the Longguo Base in Australia. Although he has been away for many years, there are still people cleaning here every day. Rukia Kuchiki is the one who cannot be shaken. As a student of Liu Hao, she feels that she has an obligation to do it. .

Today, when she was cleaning, she heard a booming sound from the sky, and immediately knew that her teacher had returned. Hula threw the gate of the small courtyard, and saw Liu Hao's figure walking out of the void.


Kuchiki Rukia's happy voice was slightly distorted, and the eyes could not help being filled with mist.

"Hahaha, Rukia is about to step into the golden fairy now! It seems that she is not lazy!"

"Teacher, I worked very hard!"

"I know! Rukia has improved a lot, and also practiced Confucianism and Taoism, which is very good!"


"Let's go, go into the house and talk!"

"is teacher!"

Looking at the rotten wood Rukia full of vigor, Liu Hao felt very relieved. Originally, in his prediction, it would be great if Lukia could reach the level of a true immortal, but now she has reached the peak of a true immortal, and she is about to step into the Golden Immortal , has exceeded his expectations. As a teacher, there is nothing happier than this.

"Have you returned to the soul world in these years?"

"Yes, teacher. A few years ago, I went back with Teacher Unozhihuaretsu once. Hehehe, my elder brother was shocked!"

"Hahaha, Chinese cabbage can't defeat you, can it?"

"No, big brother is also very strong!"

"It seems that the progress of Chinese cabbage is still a bit slow, where is old man Yamamoto?"

"The chief captain is still very strong. Sister Hua said that if there is a life-and-death battle with the chief captain, it will be very unpredictable who will live and who will die!"

"Really? It seems that Mr. Yamamoto has found his way forward!"

"Yes! Sister Hua said the same thing, but there are some other captains in the Corpse Soul Realm..."

"I do know this, if you rely too much on Zanpakuto, you will often get stuck in it, and sometimes you need to jump out of the cage to see a higher sky!

Although the old man Yamamoto's strength is mostly above Zanpakutō, his swordsmanship is also superb. He can jump out of the cage, which does not mean that other captains can easily jump out. Among these captains, Zaraki Kenpachi can, and Nirvana Mayuri Maybe, but I am most optimistic about Urahara Kisuke, he should also jump out of the cage, right? "

"Teacher is really amazing! Captain Urahara Kisuke has already arrived at the base to open a shop, and he brought Captain Yeichi with him, and Captain Yeichi occasionally goes to the school to teach agility!"

"Oh? This fits Kisuke Urahara's personality! Did you bring your friends too?"

"Hey hey, I can't hide it from the teacher!"

Liu Hao smiled. When he scanned before, he found that Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime were here, but now he has lost interest in it. When he first time traveled, he might still think of a way Make a friend or something, forget it now.

"You are also teaching kendo in the girls' school now, right?"

"Yes! Teacher!"

"These days, I will stay in the base for a while, you stop the affairs of the girls' school for a while, and practice more in the small courtyard!"

"is teacher!"

Kuchiki Rukia's eyes shone brightly. During this period of time, she also felt her bottleneck, which seemed to be about to break through, but she tried to hit it many times, but felt like a moat in front of her, which made her feel a little irritable. , now that the teacher returned, the irritability disappeared in an instant. For Liu Hao, Rukia's trust is very high, and it seems that there is no problem that her teacher can't solve.

"Cao Pi, do you keep in touch with him from time to time?"

"Yes, teacher, Junior Brother Cao Pi is also paid to clean the small courtyard! But he has to manage Wei Han and has many things to do, so he can't come every day like me!"

"Well, I do know this. After entering the immortal rank, he is a little slack again!"


"There's no need to make excuses for him, it's because his father expects too much from him, so I can't blame him!"

How could Liu Hao not know what Cao Mengde was thinking? He is a very suspicious person, and Wei Han, who was established in Australia, will not be really relieved if he is handed over to anyone, and only his son Cao Pi, the heir, can control him, so that he can really sleep;

Of course, there is also one point, that is, if Liu Hao has been sitting in the Dragon Kingdom base in Australia, Cao Cao can rest assured that his subordinates will not dare to mess around. Once Liu Hao is away for a long time, Cao Pi will inevitably be pushed into power by Cao Mengde.

Previously, Cao Pi did not enter the immortal rank, so Cao Cao could still hold on, but now that Cao Pi has stepped into the immortal rank, how can he bear it? It is estimated that a lot of government affairs will be handed over to Cao Pi himself, and he will train the heir to death.

When Xiao Longer appeared, Cao Pi had already discovered that he left all the government affairs on the spot, and before he could change his clothes, he rushed towards the courtyard at a high speed, followed by a large group of protectors, Liu Hao and Kuchiki Rukia had just finished speaking. , Cao Pi's figure landed in the small courtyard, he hurriedly arranged his clothes, and even flung the crown on his head to Xu Yi, Xu Chu's son who was following behind him to protect him.

"Zi Heng pays homage to Master!"

"What are you doing outside? Come in!"

When Cao Pi heard Liu Hao's rude words, his face became happy instead. Liu Hao's rude tone was also a kind of intimacy.

Three steps were replaced by two steps. Cao Pi moved nimbly. When he reached the hall of the small courtyard, he was about to bow down, but Liu Hao waved his hand to stop him.

"The hypocrisy will be avoided, but with your current cultivation, aren't you afraid that my master will be angry?"


"It's just a small foundation, but Cao Mengde takes it very seriously!"

"Father also wanted to train Ziheng's meaning..."

Cao Pi made a fool of himself. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, which ruled the country with filial piety, even if he agreed with Liu Hao's words in his heart, he still had to defend his father.

"In the territory of Wei and Han, who did Cao Mengde send to assist you?"

"Returning to Master, it's Mr. Cheng Yucheng!"

"With him here, why is Cao Mengde worried? Suspicious!"


Cao Pi scratched his face, not knowing how to answer, and Rukia Kuchiki turned his head to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Queen Guo and Zhen Mi have become your wives?"

"Back to master, not yet, father's intention is to wait for master to come before we get married!"

"That's fine, while I'm still staying at the base for a while, let's do your life's work!"

"Thank you, Master, I will inform my father right away!"

"Go, it just so happens that Youzhou in the Three Kingdoms World should also be handed over to your father. Take advantage of this opportunity, it's best to deal with it together!"

"Yes! Master! Ziheng thanked Master on behalf of his father!"

Although Liu Hao did not continue to pay attention to the matter of Youzhou in the Three Kingdoms, he also knew that the chances of the northern nomads surviving were slim. At this time, there was no need for Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others to sit in it;

He was thinking about bringing the two of them into the wilderness in the future. If he could obtain the throne of Emperor Ziwei, he would have some available manpower in his hands, especially for the calculation. Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu are both experts. They can also make him feel more comfortable in the position of Emperor Ziwei.

Furthermore, he had heard Zhuge Liang say before that the master is Guiguzi, but Guiguzi did not appear on the earth. He brought Zhuge Liang into the wilderness, and he also wanted to see if Zhuge Liang and Guiguzi were familiar, or whether he could simply Again later?

Among them, the deeper relationship between the prehistoric world and the earth is also one of the plans in Liu Hao's mind. He is exploring possible connections bit by bit. He knows in his heart that no matter how real the earth is, it was created by a certain chess player. The world would collapse one day, and he didn't want such a thing to happen. Therefore, his real purpose was to integrate the earth into the prehistoric world.

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this goal, but no matter how difficult it is, we still have to work hard in this direction. There are some things that you know you can't do, but you have to do it.

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