Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fifty first. Naruto change

851. The Change of Naruto

The Australian Dragon Country Base, in a small courtyard.

Tsunade sat cross-legged in front of Liu Hao carelessly, not polite at all. Behind her, Uzumaki Xiangling stood quietly. When was this little guy who was originally thrown into the magic world by Liu Hao found by Tsunade and took him to the hospital? Around him, Liu Hao really didn't know.

But from this point, it can also be seen that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara should develop very well in the magical world.

"Is the ninja interface putting a lot of pressure on A Sanguo?"

"Fortunately, thanks to the several bases established by the Dragon Kingdom, countless reserve legions have been cultivated, otherwise it will be really troublesome!"

"Although Ah Sanguo covets the ninja world, they don't dare to be too arrogant. So far, monks at the Taiyi level have not dared to participate in the war, and they are also afraid!"

"Well, we analyzed this and found that there are two factors. One is that the monsters in the Three Kingdoms are under great pressure. They have no escape. Most of the high-end combat power can only be placed in the north to resist the monsters;

The other is worrying about Long Guo's intervention! "

Liu Hao nodded, Tsunade's analysis is also the reason Liu Hao concluded. Zeng Jianliang has been sitting in the ninja world. Although he is not a golden immortal, he represents the position of the Dragon Kingdom. As a big country in the universe, their high-level leaders are not fools, and they really dare to cross some bottom lines.

"In the ninja world, ninjutsu and fairy arts have been promoted. In terms of mid-range combat power, I don't fear the Three Kingdoms at all. I don't worry if I see you staying here!"

"Hahaha, it's okay. The ninja world has grown very fast these years. The five major countries are united as one. Without civil wars, many ninjutsu are shared. The wars with the three countries are all small-scale conflicts. , On the contrary, the ninja has a considerable advantage!"

"It is said that Orochimaru has studied a lot of Blood Succession Limits and also invested in Ninja World?"

"Well, I really underestimated Orochimaru. I didn't contact the outside world. I feel that Orochimaru is disgusting. Now that I think about it, Orochimaru is just a scientist. There are too many people like this on the earth. In the base, Orochimaru is the real one. It’s like a fish in water.”

"Hahaha, even if you drive him away now, he won't leave."

"Yeah! If he really returns to the ninja world, he won't be used to it!"

"What about you? Are you not used to the ninja world?"

Tsunade froze for a moment,

After a long time before nodding, Liu Hao smiled slightly, how could he be unclear? A person who has survived for a long time in the modern society from the feudal era will definitely feel awkward in every possible way if he returns to the feudal era, especially when this person still has strong personal thoughts, it is even more difficult to adapt.

Tsunade is like this. Before he came out, he felt that the ninja world was much better than before. Now that he thinks about it, he feels that many places are very unreasonable. The biggest point is that the ninja world still exists today. Many big names, these idiots and rice bugs, if Tsunade goes back and becomes Hokage again, he will definitely be the first to attack these people.

"Don't think too much, it's as if the birds have to learn to fly when they grow up, and the beating is helpful for their growth!"

"Yeah! The lazy Kakashi is doing a good job now! He wants Naruto to go back to take over the position of Hokage, but the little guy is too wild and has already shirked it several times!"

"Ha, isn't Naruto always clamoring to become Hokage? Why did he back down when the situation came to an end?"

"He has children, so it's normal for him to change his mind!"

"And Hinata Hinata? What's the child's name?"

"Hmm...it seems to be 'Bo Ren', yes, that's what it's called. I'm already pregnant with my second child. Hinata likes girls' schools very much. I guess Naruto will go back after this child is born, but at that time, I I want Hinata to stay! That child is very suitable for the Way of the Hundred Schools, and there are many female mentors in the girls' school, which is much better than in the ninja world!"

"Has Hinata Tenseigan awakened? Does her son inherit her talent!"

In Liu Hao's mind, he was thinking that the "Bo Ren Zhuan" was probably going to die, especially if Hinata stayed at the base, it would be even less likely to happen, and whether Bo Ren would choose ninjutsu was still a big question.

"Hinata Tenseiken seems to have awakened before getting married. As for Boruto, it doesn't seem to be!"

Liu Hao recalled a bit of information that he vaguely remembered. It seems that Bo Ren's eyes have mutated, but it's really hard to predict what happened now. However, he just had a fleeting thought and didn't pay attention to it. It becomes completely unrecognizable, how can there be no butterfly effect, no matter how bizarre he can understand.

"By the way, Naruto didn't marry Hinata secretly, did he? Has Hinata Hinata jumped his feet?"

"Hahaha, it's really interesting to say it. It is said that Hinata Hyuzu has been furious at home for a long time. This is part of the reason why Hinata wants to stay in the base. She is very afraid of her father."

"That's right, Hinata has been weak since she was a child, but Naruto is careless and doesn't know fear!"

"How is Konoha doing now?"

"Well... countless families, big and small, have emerged. The emergence of bases such as Sabang Port has made ninjas no longer need to rely on missions to survive. By hunting monsters, they have enough resources to train the next generation, making civilian ninjas Started to form small families, survived to this day, some of these small families stood out, some completely declined, but the ones that survived all had their own heritage;

Of course, the strongest families are still those families before, but it is hard to predict whether the Uchiha family can remain the strongest. In the beginning, the Hyuga family came from behind, but the Hyuga family was tepid. If Hinata was not counted, the Hyuga family could only be considered a medium-sized family! "

These situations were also expected by Liu Hao. Otsutsuki’s bloodline was a help in the early stage, but it became a hindrance when it reached the ninth level, just like the Uchiha family, which is now very attached to Orochimaru. If the cells between the columns are transplanted, they will reach the ninth level. The probability is very high, but it is not so easy to break through this bloodline ceiling.

This kind of situation also exists in the Hyuga family. Today's Hyuga family has begun to move towards two paths, one is to rely on the deep development of Baiyan, and the other is to simply abandon Chakra and follow the route of Taishu Baguaquan. For this reason, the Hyuga clan It also sent many students to study in Longguo, which can be regarded as completely integrated into the rhythm of the earth.

"The Akimichi family has a powerful digestive system. With the addition of Senju Chakra, it will only become stronger in the future. The Yamanaka family and the Shikamaru family who take the soul route will not be far behind. The three Inokacho The longer the family lives, the more prosperous it will be!"

"Yeah! They caught up with the good times!"

This point, even Tsunade has to praise, she also knows that the most important thing is that the three Inokacho families found the future development direction of the family when they walked out of the ninja world. On the contrary, the Uchiha family has always relied too much on writing. Wheel eyes make it very uncomfortable to be stuck at the same level. If you don't make changes in the future, it's really hard to say whether you will be eliminated by the times.

In the world of Chinese martial arts, Uchiha's bloodline is powerful, but in the world of high martial arts, and even today's world of immortals, Uchiha's bloodline talent is not worth mentioning, but the Uchiha bloodline is really coveted .

Just like Uzumaki Naruto, now in terms of cultivation base, he already has a golden immortal, and the Nine Lamas sealed in his stomach have also turned into a demon cultivator. With the help of each other, even ordinary Taiyi immortals would not dare to underestimate their combat power. Switching to Ninja World, he is definitely a top character;

And his companion Uchiha Sasuke is a little bit behind. If it is not luck enough, it will be a problem whether he can step into the fairyland. Now, Uchiha Sasuke is paying for his crispy skin, practicing taijutsu crazily, and even more. Know where your real weaknesses are.

Tsunade, who also has the same physical talent as the Uzumaki family, has also stood at the top of the ninja world after opening up his immortal human body self-healing talent. With the help of Liu Haopantao, he has become the only one with cash Taiyi Tianxian, even if Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara confront her, she won't get any benefits.

It's just that Tsunade seems to be less enthusiastic about the ninja world. On the contrary, she prefers to stay in the girls' school at the Dragon Country Base in Australia. Tianjiao's female talents, not only got complements from these female Tianjiao, but also allowed her to expand her thinking to a higher level, and she looked at problems from a completely different perspective.

It is inevitable for Tsunade to care about the ninja world, but after seeing the problem at a higher level, she understands that if the ninja world wants to gain a complete foothold on the earth, they can only rely on themselves. Learning skills from various worlds and introducing these skills to the ninja world is the fundamental solution.

The ninja world is still at war, facing endless harassment from the Three Kingdoms, but the ninja world is really not afraid. War is already familiar to them. Facing the invasion of the Three Kingdoms, the major ninja villages in the Ninja World Showing unprecedented unity, many ninjutsu that are not limited by blood successors are common, which greatly improves the development of ninjutsu.

In addition, those children who do not have much ninjutsu talent have other choices, whether it is to practice physical arts, follow Zeng Jianliang and join Confucianism, or even the system of mind power and magic practice is a choice. It can be said that as long as you work hard, you will succeed. If you can change your destiny, you can build a small family;

It can be said that the common people in the ninja world today have better choices. Almost all the people are soldiers. When they are low-ranking, they can hunt and kill monsters in the major port bases established by the Dragon Kingdom to survive. The Three Kingdoms fight against each other. If you want to improve yourself, you can go out of the Malacca area, go to the Dragon Kingdom, and come to Australia. These are all ways out.

Tsunade has nothing to worry about. She has no intention of returning when it is not a crisis in the ninja world. Instead, she is at the Australian base in Dragon Kingdom, which can give the ninja monks who come here a great sense of security and encourage them to go out of the way. Three acres of land, access to a wider space.

In fact, the ninja world has been completely controlled by the Dragon Kingdom. Many production materials are almost monopolized by the Dragon Kingdom, and the currency is completely unified by RMB, becoming the only settlement currency;

But unlike the predatory style in the West, the Dragon Kingdom is just, gentle, and develops together. All the people in the ninja world have to accept this, and they are very happy to rely on the Dragon Kingdom.

Over the years, the Dragon Kingdom has completely controlled the waters along the Malacca. The monsters around the Indo Kingdom and the Malaysia Kingdom are freed. Almost every year, senior officials from the Dragon Kingdom are dispatched to screen and slaughter those big monsters that exceed a certain level. Those left behind were handed over to the local monks to hunt and kill, which formed the current stable and prosperous situation.

How many disasters have there been since the recovery of the earth's aura? I don’t know how many countries have canceled it, and those who can survive are already the lucky ones. How can they not know the preciousness of thighs?

Now, if the Dragon Kingdom says it wants to evacuate the waters of Malacca, these human bases along the route will inevitably be desperate. The loss of protection is one of them. More importantly, there are no sources for various commodities. It will not be long before they will enter the primitive society. Running around all day for a little ration, and there is no sense of security at all.

Happiness is relative. As long as these survivors see the current situation in many countries in the world, what more can they expect? Dare to ask for extravagance? Australia is just around the corner, what about the Australians now? How many billion people are left on the African continent today? Are there still few countries that have been canceled even in old Europe?

The stronger the stronger, this principle has not changed through the ages. The Dragon Kingdom is not afraid at all that these bases will turn against the water in the future and become obstacles. Working for the Dragon Kingdom all his life, facing the most powerful Dragon Kingdom on Earth today, not to mention them, so what if all the countries add up?

It really pissed off Liu Hao, he alone is enough to suppress the entire earth, and he can suppress it with a backhand.

Of course, this kind of situation will never appear in the short term. The more dangerous the earth is, the greater the determination to hold our thighs. In peacetime, it is very possible to argue, and it is impossible or dare not to arise.

"You have been to the magic world, have you practiced magic?"

"I have tried it, but it's just a taste, in comparison, my physical talent is better!"

"Armed domineering is still practicing?"

"Yes, this skill has also improved a lot. There are many people in Pirate World who have studied it. This skill has been expanded to the immortal level. That Garp is the strongest in this area. I have fought with him several times, and he has been suppressed by him several times. Fight!"

"That old guy's talent in this area is really high! Armed color domineering should be upgraded by him?"

"That's right! His contribution is the greatest, and it's also passed down by him!"

"That's right, if someone else upgrades, it will be difficult to spread!"

"I really have to admire him for this!"

"In the world of Pirates, the East China Sea is his territory, and he has the best relationship with the Dragon Kingdom. He has the most exchanges with the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom will not hide many physical skills from him. With the combination, he will also be armed. The domineering color is most likely to be improved.

If you get the benefits, you will naturally not hide it. Furthermore, the fairy rank is not the end of the armed domineering. Only by researching higher methods can the Pirate World be better! After all, armed domineering is the biggest feature of One Piece World! "

"Yes, on the contrary, fewer and fewer people practice ninjutsu!"

"Not necessarily, the future of Senjutsu Chakra is still very promising. Ninjutsu has developed countless skills for thousands of years. This is an advantage. As long as the Senjutsu Chakra is upgraded, Ninjutsu will become Senjutsu. The order may be a matter of course! However, this requires the ninja world to study hard, and in this regard, I think Orochimaru is the hope of the ninja world!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Orochimaru to become the savior of the ninja world. If I had come here ten years ago, I would not have believed it!"

Liu Hao chuckled, saying that science and technology is the primary productive force. This is true even in the fantasy era, and more progress will come from researchers. Even in the Dragon Kingdom, there are still countless researchers. Silently dedicated;

In terms of this aspect, the ninja world is really too lacking. There is an Orochimaru, but it is out of place. If it is not for Liu Hao, it is really hard to say what the Orochimaru will be like now. Maybe it is sitting in a cave in the Three Kingdoms Wild scientists are more likely.

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