Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred fifty-two. Liu Beier

852: Liu Beier


Xiao Long'er's happy cry came from the sky, and after a while, a small figure came running in from the door, and when he arrived at the tea table, Liu Hao just poured a small cup of tea, and Xiao Long'er When he arrived, he grabbed the small teacup with his little hand, drank it clean in two sips, and then clicked his lips after drinking it, his appearance was very cute.

"Dad, look!"

Xiao Long'er generally hands out more than a dozen pieces of pearls, including black, gold, white, and blue, and more than half of them are blue. Every pearl exudes a soft light. All very round.

Don't think that these pearls are decorations. In fact, every pearl is a magic weapon. For example, blue pearls are "water-proof pearls" in a broad sense. They are also the only supplier on the earth today. It is priceless, and it is difficult for the generals of the Dragon Kingdom naval detachment to be equipped with a complete presence.

At present, these water-avoiding beads are more powerful than before, and each of them has entered the immortal rank, which is not much different from ordinary low-rank Houtian Lingbao.

"Is this your subordinate honoring you?"

"Yeah! There are so many, I picked some good ones and brought them back!"

Xiao Long'er had a bright smile on his face, he hadn't seen him for a few years, and the surrounding waters still respected him, and all the good things were reserved for him, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

"Very good! What does the black pearl do?"

"Yeah, black pearls can reassure the soul. Wearing them on the body can resist unnecessary soul damage. The white ones seem to moisten the body and have a lot of health benefits. The biggest one is for grandma, and this one is for aunt. , this one is for my aunt, this one for my sister;

The golden one is a magic weapon for protection, which can activate a protective shield. The largest one can resist the attack of golden immortals, but there is only one, and the others are all golden immortals. I didn’t even take the fairy ones!

Dad, you put it away for me, I want to take it back to grandma and them! "

"What about these water-proof beads?"

"Oh, this one is handy."

Liu Hao took these treasures, picked one of each color and handed it to Tsunade, Tsunade happily took it, he didn't know whether he liked the efficacy or simply felt that these pearls were beautiful.

"Next time to play,

If your subordinates don't need it, you can bring it back, and then you can exchange things with other people, or you can ask your subordinates what they want. It just so happens that I have a few Lingbao weapons here, you can choose which ones to reward your subordinates! "

"Thank you dad!"

Liu Hao touched Xiao Long'er's head with a smile, picked up the teapot, and poured him another cup. Xiao Long'er probably came back to show off to Liu Hao, and his mind was still in the sea. After drinking this cup of tea, he and Liu Hao After saying hello, he roared out again. Needless to say, he naturally went to wander in the sea.

"Among these magic weapons, there are already obvious restrictions. You can try to comprehend them, especially the black pearl. If you comprehend the restrictions, it will be of great help to your soul!"

"Huh? This is too difficult! I'm tired of seeing these troublesome things!"

"Hahaha, that's why I didn't let you comprehend everything. Compared with your body, your soul attribute is the lowest now, and you need to develop it!"

"It's so long-winded, I will!"

"It's not long-winded. I found an abyss in the extreme north of the North American continent. I went to check it out and found that this abyss is most likely connected to the abyss and purgatory. These abyss creatures are very good at attacking souls, and they will encounter them sooner or later. Yes, it's better to be more prepared!"

"Is that so? Got it!"

When it comes to business, it is rare for Tsunade not to show repulsion. In the base, she not only represents herself, but also has many interests from ninjas in the ninja world, which makes her have to treat it with caution.

"Abyss race, are they strong?"

"Well, the ones that come at first will not be too strong, but within the abyss, there are countless planes of space, and each plane has a monarch. The further you go down, the stronger these monarchs are. It is said that the abyss monarchs below the 99th floor, His own strength has quasi-sage cultivation base!"

"So strong!"

Tsunade sat up straight. In the past two years, the Dragon Kingdom Australia base has been very smooth, which has also caused many high-level people to slack off in their cultivation. Tsunade in front of him is also one of them, facing the monsters from the Xuanwu world The impact pressure was greatly reduced, giving them a sense of safety, their tense nerves relaxed, and they unconsciously wanted to take a rest.

Liu Hao raised this point today, and he also realized it. The most typical example is that the disciple he recruited, Cao Pi, was nothing more than a mere celestial being, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to government affairs. Satisfied? Just because the life expectancy has been greatly improved?

If Liu Hao didn't feel that he had a good temper, he would have whipped Cao Pi before. Cao Cao was at the peak of his spring and autumn, so he couldn't wait to take over? Have you asked your dad?

It's just an idiot. Does it really mean that Cao Cao's letting Cao Pi take over is just simple? There are bound to be countless postgraduate entrance examinations hidden in it. There is so much family affection in the emperor's family. If Cao Cao really feels that Cao Pi poses a huge threat to him, he may have to abolish the status of heir.

It's just that there are some things that Liu Hao wouldn't mention even if he knew it clearly. After all, it's his father who is educating his son, so he wants to save face for others, right?

Right now, Tsunade couldn't sit still after hearing Liu Hao's explanation.

"Will those abyssal races come soon?"

"Well, it won't be too long. Although this place is far away from the opponent's position, you also know that those monsters in North America can't hold back for a long time. Whether the bald eagle country can hold on is not the key to us. The key is Once these abyssal races arrive, they will inevitably attack from all directions. We don't want to fight each other in the base.

Some high-level monks are fine, but if low-level monks have been fighting against the abyss race for a long time, their souls may also be affected, and then twisted, turning into monsters unconsciously! "


"Yes, and it is still infected from the soul level. It will be even more difficult to rescue! During this period of time, I will let the base learn more light magic. Although it is not directly opposite, it has some effect!"

"I see!"

Tsunade didn't sit in Liu Hao's courtyard. After hearing the news, she couldn't sit still anymore. As far as she is good at healing, she is also powerless when she encounters possible injuries at the soul level. There are really not many good at it. Once a large-scale conflict occurs, most of them may be destroyed. This is something that Tsunade will never allow.

Not long after Tsunade left, sister Liu Hao arrived, and as soon as she entered the courtyard, she hung on to Liu Hao.

"You're a big girl, why don't you feel ashamed at all!"

"Hee hee, brother, when did you come back?"

"A few days ago!"

"Where's Xiao Long'er? Went to play in the sea? Hehehe, he's been holding back for a long time. When he was at home, he couldn't get out of shape even if he went swimming in the small lake. He must be very aggrieved."

"He brought you a present. Didn't you prepare anything for your nephew?"

"Really? What kind of gift? Hee hee hee, Xiao Longer is the best for me"

When Liu Bei'er heard the gift, her whole body jumped, but in a blink of an eye, she looked at Liu Hao pitifully, pouted and began to cry poorly.

"Brother, I'm poor. I can't afford the weapons I've been coveting for a long time. Brother, lend me some points!"

"Oh? What weapon did you see?"

"Hmph! Superconducting Tang Knife, it's getting more and more expensive now!"

"Why are you so fond of using knives?"

"Isn't it cool to see my brother with a knife? Hehehe!"

"When did you see me use a knife?"

"Cut, hide it! The school has recorded your heroic posture with a knife several times. You don't know that you are now famous in the girls' school. Everyone who looks at those videos of you looks like a coquettish hoof and drools. In addition, due to the school's kendo professor Uno Hanauri, it is very fashionable to use knives in girls' schools now!"

"So, you also contacted Kendo?"

"Heh heh heh, don't underestimate me, I have mastered the basics of swordsmanship now!"

"That's not bad. When you reach consummation, I'll give you another sword-like spirit treasure!"

"Brother, are you just taking it with you? Sure, hehehe, brother, can you give it to me now? Don't worry, I will definitely perfect the basic kendo. The foundation is the most important thing. I know it. You don’t need to use kendo to fight the enemy right away, it won’t backfire! Brother, just give it to me! Please!”

"I can't stand you!"

Facing Liu Beier's coquettish behavior, Liu Hao really didn't have much resistance, especially when he saw Liu Beier's pitiful eyes, he was quickly defeated and took out a dozen knives Houtian Lingbao , she can choose by herself.

Seeing the Lingbao, Liu Beier jumped out with a whoosh, ignored Liu Hao, picked up one by one, and muttered which one was the best, which made Liu Hao feel regretful.

Picking and picking, Liu Bei'er chose a short knife with a length of about 60 centimeters. The blade is very narrow, only one and a half widths wide, and the whole body is greenish. Among these knives, it can be regarded as a rare good spirit treasure. Liu Hao is very familiar with the material of this knife. It is obviously mixed with unknown substances taken from Qinglong Dazun, but it is definitely not important scales. Liu Hao can't guess what it is.

"I want this one, thank you bro! Hehehe."

Liu Hao was also very happy to see Liu Bei'er loving her so much.

"I'll give you this jade pendant too!"

"Tai Chi jade pendant?"

"It's Liangyi, and there is a Liangyi formation in it, which can be used for self-defense at critical moments!"

This jade pendant is also a treasure given by the vampire earl earlier. It belongs to the earth's local spiritual treasure and was refined by an ancient monk. However, it is impossible to know who it is. At any rate, it can be used for self-defense. Staying by Liu Hao's side is useless. It's better to wear it for your sister to play with. At critical moments, it can indeed defend yourself. Of course, the best effect is to arrange formations during cultivation to resist Possible harassment crisis.

"Hee hee hee, thank you brother, I like it the most!"

Liu Hao laughed it off when he heard Liu Beier's words. It was good, but he liked it the most. It was not good, because his younger sister didn't bother to talk to him.

"Brother, when will Xiao Long'er come back?"

"What? Can't wait to show off to your little sisters?"

"Hey hey, no more!"

"Let's refine it first, Xiao Long'er will not come back until the evening, so just wait, of course, if you don't want a gift, forget it!"

"Tch, how is it possible, it was given by Xiao Longer to his aunt and me, how could it be possible not to, hum, just wait, who is afraid of whom? I'm going to refine the baby, hehehe!"

Watching Liu Bei'er disappear at the top of the stairs and go up to the second floor in three or two steps, Liu Hao shook his head and smiled, and didn't bother to talk to her. This little girl of her own has received the inheritance of the Goddess of Life in the magical world. The fighting power is really hard to say;

At her age, this body is already the best in cultivation, and there is nothing that cannot be tolerated for a little willfulness. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, it is also the time of rebellion. If she really puts her whole heart into cultivation, Liu Hao On the contrary, I have to worry. The youthful and lively performance that should be shown at this age makes Liu Hao more recognized.

The Dragon Kingdom is still very stable now. If it were any other country, at this age, they would have gone to the battlefield to fight a few back and forth. From this point of view, the Dragon Kingdom really deserves to be the overlord of the earth, and the most desirable place in the whole earth. If it is still as easy to reach as it was before the spiritual energy revived, countless refugee camps will definitely be erected around the current Dragon Kingdom.

It is also because it is too difficult to reach the Dragon Kingdom, which makes the Australia base of the Dragon Kingdom the best choice, especially the remaining countries in the South American continent. Every year, countless people brave the danger of being swallowed by the sea to forge ahead;

Up to now, in the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom, there seem to be more than 100,000 people from Bald Eagle and South American countries. When these people arrive here, they have no intention of leaving, even if it is the hardest work, they are willing to do it. Because there is no cruel exploitation here, it is really not a big problem to support yourself or even a family.

These people have also become the largest main force in the slaughterhouse of the Australian base of Longguo. Those prey that are slaughtered and dragged back from the Australian mainland are basically thrown into it for decomposition. This division of labor, now 99% of them are whiteheads. The Eagles and the South Americans were doing it, and the pay wasn't high, but a few leftovers from the slaughterhouse were enough to keep them excited and give them hope of living for generations to come.

In addition, the biggest benefit here is education. It should be noted that among the surviving countries on the earth today, less than 30% of the children can get education. Lack of education will make future generations less competitive. This is the consensus of everyone. For this, these people are willing to risk death to come across the sea.

These things were known to Liu Hao before he arrived at the Dragon Country Australia base, and he had no intention of stopping them. On the contrary, these children entered the Dragon Country education system and passed down from generation to generation. They can only be integrated into the Dragon Country civilization. In terms of assimilation ability, no race can match the descendants of Yan and Huang. In this regard, Liu Hao is 100% confident.

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