Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fifty-three. Changes in One Piece

853. The Change of One Piece

Luo Bing's visit was expected by Liu Hao, and Liu Hao was a little surprised that it could be delayed until now.


Luo Bing's title still has the position of acting base chief, and Liu Hao is the honorary chief, but in fact everyone knows that Liu Hao is just a name, but this name is also very useful.

Not to mention the scruples of the major forces in the world of One Piece, the respect from the world of the Three Kingdoms alone requires Liu Hao to maintain this name, which is also the practice of the Dragon Kingdom out of consideration for all parties. The commander-in-chief, however, has no lower authority and military rank than the major domestic bases, and even because of the outstanding importance of this base, it can be vaguely ranked in the top three positions of the major bases.

"Stop saluting, sit down, there are many things at the base?"

"Many, and miscellaneous!"

"How did Cao Pi do in Wei and Han?"

"It's not bad. He took a lot of classmates from the barracks to serve as his staff. This trick is really good!"

"After a while, Cao Pi will get married. At that time, Cao Mengde will come, and the ruling power of Youzhou in the Three Kingdoms World will be handed over to Cao Cao. What are you going to do with the navy?"

"General, in the Three Kingdoms world, there are not many navies sent by civilization, and most of them are used as coaches. Gan Ning and his group have been trained, but, do we want to withdraw completely?"

"Haha, who said that we will withdraw completely? I just don't want Cao Cao to feel that there is a tiger lying beside him all the time. I don't believe you didn't build the Hawaiian island in the Three Kingdoms world."

"Hehehe, I can't hide it from the general. With the help of your mount, the Black Flood Dragon King, the construction of the Hawaiian island over there has been completed. I plan to leave about 10,000 people on the side to do a shift with the base navy."

"You can arrange these things, and you don't need to hide it from Cao Cao. Although we have left, we still need to put some pressure on him!"


"This time, I will not enter the world of the Three Kingdoms. Youzhou will be handed over to Cao Cao, but how those generals choose is up to them. Whether they stay with Cao Cao or choose to follow me on Earth, the former is fine, but if it is the latter , you need to do something!"

"Yes, General!" Luo Bing got up and saluted, and when he sat down, he opened his mouth to speak again.

"If you have anything to say, say it,

What are you hesitating to do? Can you still eat it? "

"Hey hey, general, you don't know how powerful you are now, even if I sit next to you, I feel a lot of pressure."

"Cultivation has broken through the quasi-sage, even if the intention of Hunyuan is deliberately restrained, it will leak out. You don't know me yet? Just say what you have to say!"

"Hey hey, general, I know something about the choice of generals in Youzhou of the Three Kingdoms. After all, our navy has had a lot of contact, and it can be heard in my ears."

Seeing the consultation in Liu Hao's eyes, Luo Bing also let go a lot.

"As far as I know, the generals in Youzhou are a little worried about whether they will not be reused if they follow Cao Cao in the future. Of course, this is not the most worrying thing. After all, they are not Cao Cao's direct descendants. It's not impossible to repel, or even make some dark hands, even if you have to lose your life unknowingly;

Therefore, most of them want to enter the earth and choose to follow the general, and there must be a lot of them with their families! "

"Is that so?"

Liu Hao lowered his head and pondered. He understands the choices of these generals very well. Military power is something that is taboo even in modern times, not to mention the feudal era. Cao Cao has a broad mind, but it does not mean that his subordinates will be willing to accept it. , especially the generals.

Others aside, there is a high probability that Zhang Xiu will be played to death. Who told him to kill Cao Cao's son and even Dian Wei? Damn it, is there really no tacit approval of Cao Cao?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao also knew that he had taken it for granted, raised his head, and asked Luo Bing;

"What do you think is the best way to deal with it?"

"General, these soldiers are willing to come to the earth to follow you, and we can't stop them. Moreover, most of these troops have introduced our military training methods. It won't be too difficult to integrate with us, will it?"

Liu Hao nodded slightly. It is a good way to integrate into the Dragon Party system, but how to give the status is another big problem. If it is higher, it is not appropriate, because the system is very different, and the combat methods are even more different. It is very difficult to get a high position. It may have hurt them, how low? The same is not right, these generals are all arrogant, and their combat power is also extraordinary, which is really low. Even if they don't say it, they will definitely feel unhappy in their hearts, and they may be dissatisfied.

"How about this, you ask someone to ask about the quantity, how many high-ranking officers? How many soldiers and horses? How many family members? Summarize the quantity first, and then do other data, such as the rank of soldiers, such as the rank of family members, such as the education status of children, etc. !"

"Yes! General!"

The adjutant was just outside the small courtyard, and Luo Bing returned to the tea table soon after explaining.

"The general is worried about integration?"

"Well, there are some things that can't be rushed, and I also have some plans in the earth fairy world. If they can be completed, I need some help."

Seeing the doubt in Luo Bing's eyes, Liu Hao also explained the competition of Emperor Ziwei, which made Luo Bing's eyes shine, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed.

"Emperor Ziwei! Is the general sure?"

"Seventy to eighty percent!"

"Hey hey, if the general wins the title of Emperor Ziwei, our earth will have real support!"

"Don't think too highly of Emperor Ziwei, the real masters of the earth fairy world will always be saints!"

"That's not bad, it's better than nothing, right?"

Liu Hao squinted at Luo Bing, shook his head and didn't answer, and he had to admit that those who understand politics are indeed understanding people.

"What is the current situation in One Piece World?"

"It's very complicated, not ordinary complicated!"

Talking about the world of One Piece, Luo Bing also had quite a headache. He couldn't get involved in the naturally irreconcilable conflict between the ruling class represented by the world government and the pirates and revolutionaries, and he couldn't get involved even if he wanted to;

If that's the case, it will only be unfavorable to both ends, but if they are left alone, they often cause regional chaos, causing many people in the Pirate World to flee, most of them come towards the base, but few of them can actually reach the base There are very few of them.

Seeing this kind of situation, you can't send personnel to escort them. Doing so will only make both sides think that the Dragon Kingdom is robbing their population. It was inevitable that the two sides would conflict from time to time.

Today's Luo Bing can only ensure the safe passage of cargo in Longguo. For other things, collect information. Sell ​​some guns and ammo or something.

"The status of the world government's navy has dropped a lot. Their cp organization has moved to the front and has become the spokesperson of the Tianlong people on the bright side. Whenever the prey is divided, they always have to take the biggest share, but the effort On the contrary, these people beat the pirates to death, and let the navy attack from time to time, expanding regional conflicts."

"They want to drive the pirates out, right? After all, the number of monsters is not as large as before, and the benefits are less. Don't you think about distributing them to the pirates?"

"The big reason is here. Even though Blackbeard, Bigmum, and Red Hair don't like each other very much, they can only unite as one when facing the World Government, otherwise they may be kicked out of the Red Hair Sea!

However, they are not without foreign aid. Xiaobenzi and Polar Bear Asia have sent many teams into the Red Hair Sea. When facing pressure from the world government, their interests are the same! "

"Red-haired Shanks didn't betray the water?"

"Is the red-haired Shanks a member of the World Government?"

"Hmm...he has been in communication with Wu Laoxing, the ruler of the world government, and I really don't know the specific relationship!"

"If the red-haired Shanks turns against him, the pirates will be in real trouble!

Many hidden strong men from the World Government have been dispatched. Monster meat is too attractive, especially for those who practice armed domineering, there is no resistance at all. "

"Karp and his party have been at the base? Didn't they go back?"

"This old guy is really big-hearted, and he has never gone back; the retired former world naval chief of staff, Lieutenant General He, who sits in Donghai, has the Dragon Kingdom watching each other at the nearby base, and the pattern formed over a long period of time. It has been very stable, and the world government seems to have given up on it, perhaps because it hopes to have a channel to communicate and trade with Dragon Kingdom."

"Well, the stability of the East China Sea is what both parties want to see. In the East China Sea, neither the world government nor the Tianlong people have much benefit. A little money really doesn't mean much to them;

On the contrary, monster meat cannot be bought with money. Most of their energy is devoted to this sea area, and they don't want major chaos in other places. It is estimated that Karp and Wu Laoxing have reached many agreements in this regard. .

Warring States and Karp have been stationed at the base for a long time. This is the main reason. Of course, there is also some information collected on the Dragon Kingdom base by the way! "

Luo Bing nodded. As the acting chief, he also thought of these things, but he couldn't deny it. It is impossible to reveal the real internal information. The information displayed outside is enough to make the world government startled. Deterrence is a good thing.

"What are Blackbeard's cultivation level now?"

"It's about to be a golden fairy, it won't be too long!"

"Are the three emperors like this?"

"That's right, Kaido's second officer, King, also joined the Blackbeard camp. In this way, the deputy captains of the three One Piece teams are also at the level of true immortals."

"The gap seems to have been widened a lot. The old man Garp is already a Taiyi Celestial Immortal, but the Warring States Period is comparable to Blackbeard and others. Even if he enters the Golden Immortal sooner, he will not exceed too much. It seems that the way of luck is in the One Piece is becoming more and more obvious!"

"The general is referring to the Monchi family? Really, Garp's son Long is a bit of a latecomer. His grandson Luffy left the base early, and now he doesn't know what level of strength he has reached."

"Luffy is now in the Atlantic coast of South America. He is also at the level of a true immortal. Maybe I can see that Luffy should surpass many people!"

"One Piece's luck in the world seems to favor the Monchi family very much!"

"In no world, there are always some children of destiny! Uzumaki Naruto in the ninja world is an example. You see, he is stupid. It is more difficult to learn a ninjutsu than others, but he is promoted faster than others! "

"Really! Don't tell me I really didn't notice it! What about the Death God world?"

"Aren't Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia at our base?"

"That orange-haired guy? Hmm...it doesn't seem to be feeling anything at all!" Rukia also seemed to..."

Luo Bing didn't make a direct comment, but the meaning was obvious. She didn't see any special qualities, and she didn't mean to be top-notch in terms of her cultivation. But when she suddenly thought about it, Rukia was also at the level of a true immortal, and she surpassed many people without showing any signs of expression. In the past, I thought it was the effect of Liu Hao's training, but now it seems that it is really not the case. After all, Liu Hao has not been at the base at all in the past few years.

"It looks mediocre, right? This time, the few partners Rukia brought are not low in luck. Putting them in the base, they seem to be out of the crowd, but once time passes, you will find that these people are Unknowingly, it has stood out!"

"Really! It seems that Kurosaki Ichigo has to pay more attention, um... some dangerous tasks can be given to them to do, the protagonist, you can always turn danger into good fortune, with a little luck from them, you can still do it of!"

"Hehehe, you can calculate, but you can really try it! You can decide how to arrange it yourself!"


The two ended a topic, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and Luo Bing continued printing back to One Piece World Change.

"General, the world government and the Tianlong people are doing this. It is said that their current Admiral Akainu is very angry. Whether it is the generals or the soldiers, they are a little bit alienated. Maybe it will explode in the not-too-distant future! "

"Sooner or later, this kind of situation will happen, but it won't be too early. It might happen after his son of destiny, Luffy, returns. You can pay attention to this aspect!"

"Understood! It's a good thing to have an entry point! Isn't Monkey D dragon there?"

"It's up to you to make up your own mind! By the way, how is Zhou Yu's situation? How effective is his training for Xiao Long'er?"

"Hehehe, not to mention, those who can leave a name in history are not good. At first, he was not used to it. Now the combat effectiveness of the sea monsters in the surrounding sea area has been improved several times under his training. It is not like before. Relying on the situation of some high-level sea monsters fighting.

In the past few years, even I have asked him a lot, and cooperated with him in a lot of training. With him as a link, the cooperation between our navy and Siren Legion has also reached a new level! It's really thanks to Xiao Long'er, otherwise it's really hard to say whether we can gain a foothold here. "

"That's good! Are Zhou Yu's family members all right?"

"Don't worry, his family members are all studying in the two schools. Even Xiao Qiao was hired by the women's college to teach temperament. He is doing well and has fully integrated into our system!"

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