Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fifty-four.3 Changes in the country

854、Three Kingdoms Change

People come to visit the Longguo Australian courtyard and Liu Hao courtyard every day, such as Garp, Uzhihuali, Long, etc. Even Dashewan rarely abandons the experiment and sits in the courtyard when they hear that Liu Hao has returned.

On this day, Luo Bing came again, and brought with him the choices of civil servants, generals, soldiers and common people in the world of the Three Kingdoms. This information made Liu Hao a little confused. Following soldiers and horses to Earth, Lin Lin always counted no less than 500,000 people, and resettlement alone was a big problem. Liu Hao had no choice but to ask Luo Bing to build a city near the base near Wei and Han to accommodate the coming troops.

"General, how big should the building be?"

"It can accommodate more than one million people. If there is space, we can also let some of our people fit in. Let us integrate into them first, and then bring them into us!"

"Yes! General!"

"Is it easy to migrate so many people at once?"

"It's very difficult. It's definitely not realistic to do it all at once. It's better to do it in batches. Besides, Cao Cao needs to take over step by step. It will be troublesome if you finish it all at once!"

"Okay, leave it to you and Zhuge Liang Jia Xu to match! Tian Feng and the others will come too?"

"It's all the same! Gan Ning also wanted to come at one time, but Cao Cao didn't know what to give him before giving up!"

"Alright, the navy of the Three Kingdoms world needs to leave seeds. With Gan Ning trained by us, we can also spread the knowledge of the modern navy to the Three Kingdoms world!"

"General, do you want your mount, the Black Flood Dragon King, to contribute?"

"Okay, I'll explain this to Xiao Long'er and let him go. When we arrive on Earth, we will need Xiao Long'er to bring some whales to help us carry it, otherwise our fleet will not be enough!"

"Yes! General!"

"Has Cao Pi's wedding date been set?"

"Not yet, depending on the situation, we need to wait for Cao Cao to take over the north of Youzhou to be sure!"

"In this regard, you are responsible for follow-up. If there is any news, let me know. Just speak up if you need my cooperation."

"Yes, General!"

Building cities and migrating populations across the world, this kind of thing is replaced by stepping on the world,

It’s impossible to complete it in a few years. Fortunately, compared with the past, today’s construction has undergone earth-shaking changes. Excavators and the like are largely replaced by manpower. Among the professional construction teams, if you don’t have a few soil attribute monks , really no one wants to talk to you;

The military has a lot of resources in this regard. In terms of city walls, Liu Hao can shoot faster, and a city wall with a height of 100 meters, coupled with the restriction of the city wall's range, can completely give the Han family who came from across the world. Erlang has a great sense of security.

Today's Longguo Australia base has a permanent population of more than eight million people, and some basic industries have also been on the right track, such as steel refining, although most of the steel produced is for refining weapons for the public. , Let go of the production capacity, the demand for steel bars in a mere city is really nothing to worry about, you know, the major cities built by Cao Cao in Australia are also provided by the base, other materials, a lot of local resources, which also give the city construction faster pace.

However, within a month, the embryonic form of the entire city has emerged. In terms of infrastructure capabilities, it is not a joke that the people of Longguo are called "infrastructure madmen".

On this day, Zhuge Liang returned from the Three Kingdoms, and Liu Hao was very happy.

"Kong Ming, your cultivation has not fallen at all!"

"In recent years, there have been fewer things in the Three Kingdoms world, and more time for cultivation, which is considered lucky!"

"Tell me, what is the current situation in the Three Kingdoms world?"

Faced with Liu Hao's question, Zhuge Liang had been prepared for a long time. He didn't answer right away, but took a sip of tea before saying leisurely:

"In the world of the Three Kingdoms, the nomads in the north stretched from Liaodong to the western Xinjiang, and they have been cleared out. Many Han family men have filled the pastures. And because of the development of cement, many straight roads have been built on the grasslands. On the left and right, set up a city, which is used to garrison troops, protect one side, and as a trading place, buy cattle and sheep from the common people, and link the entire grassland. Although there are still some horse bandits, it is just a disease of scabies!

This arrangement can be regarded as completely breaking the backs of the northern nomads, and the follow-up son of the Han family will no longer be miserable as a "two-legged sheep", and I can count my merits and virtues consummated! "

The reason why Zhuge Liang stepped into the world of the Three Kingdoms was for this reason, and he was familiar with the history of the five random China. He didn't know that it was because he divided the world into three parts, which led to the war in the Central Plains for a hundred years, resulting in the delay in the unification of the country and the sharp decline in the number of people. Under the circumstances, he was caught off guard by the grassland people.

Although this miserable situation has nothing to do with Zhuge Liang 100%, but Zhuge Liang himself does not think so. If the guilt in his heart cannot be eliminated, it will be more difficult to improve his cultivation level. Eliminating this guilt will not only give him a chance to make amends , and it is also for the sake that he will not have a demon in the future.

Fortunately, the emergence of the Three Kingdoms gave Zhuge Liang such an opportunity. He devoted himself to it, and it can be said that he used 100% of his strength.

In recent years, the nomads have been defeated one after another, except for the casualties, they were all banned from cultivating and demoted to slaves. This made Zhuge Liang's depression gradually dissipate, and also made his cultivation rise rapidly in the past few years, without falling at all. .

Today I explained to Liu Hao that Zhuge Liang’s last bit of guilt disappeared, and the only gloomy aura left on his face disappeared completely, and he felt refreshed. Seeing Liu Hao, the smile on his face There are also a lot more, he doesn't want a great talent like Zhuge Liang to have a lot of distracting thoughts in his mind, and if he really wins Emperor Ziwei, Zhuge Liang is definitely the best candidate for the manager of Ziwei Starfield.

The two talked about the details of the northern grassland, and then let it go completely, and understood that Cao Mengde could take over.

"Cao Mengde took over the north, and it will take three to five years to integrate resources. Although he has been filled with nearly 30 million people, but the number of children is too large, it is difficult to implement the conscripts. Filling up the north gave Liu Bei and Sun Quan more time to develop, and the matter of unification has to be set back for a long time!"

Zhuge Liang is still obsessed with reunification, which also shows that his feelings for Liu Bei have never been seen again, or that Liu Bei in his heart has long since died, and Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms World is just a stranger to him.

"Did Sun Quan take Jiaozhou?"

"As you can imagine, the Shi family can't stop Sun Quan's power. Cao Mengde's power has put a lot of pressure on Sun Quan and Liu Bei. They are thinking of all ways to develop themselves. The north is unable to expand, so they can only go south. Jiaozhou has already been taken by Sun Quan. In the next two years or so, governance is now on the right track, if not for this, no matter how united Sun and Liu are, it will be difficult to resist Cao Cao's power."

"That's not bad. Although Zhou Yu left the Three Kingdoms world and Lu Su took over, it's time to activate the naval system, right?"

"However, the Liaodong Navy can hide it for a while, but it can't hide it for a lifetime. Jiangdong is known for its navy, and it has been noticed four years ago. Three years ago, Sun Quan ordered the formation of the Jiangdong Navy. The Jiangdong Navy also made a lot of contributions in the battle of Jiaozhou. It made Sun Quan attach great importance to promotion, and now, the Jiangdong Navy and Cao Cao Navy are on the same level."

"Cao Mengde is a little weak on the navy?"

"That's not true. Cao Mengde had calculated the Liaodong Navy, especially Gan Ning, as long as he landed, Xun You would definitely go to visit him, otherwise, Gan Ning would not stay now."

"Hahaha, he wants to pick up ready-made ones!"

"Of course, there is also another calculation. If he develops the navy under his command to become stronger, and Gan Ning goes, how to deal with his status will also be a problem. It is better to regard it as military training, so that there will be no direct line struggle for power."

"He's far-sighted. From this point of view, he doesn't plan to recruit the army for a long time, right?"

"Liaodong asked him for Tian Yu before. Cao Cao was originally his lord, but now he just returned. He is also afraid that he will have too much contact with other generals, and we will have other ideas.

It was also Cao Cao's actions that made the generals of the Liaodong Army unwilling to stay. This is why today's migration to the earth happened! "

"So that's the case! It's a coincidence, and it's a good thing!"

"However, I have followed us in the Northern Expedition so far, and really left it to Cao Cao. It is really hard to predict what the follow-up consequences will be. If you don't follow us into the earth, although it means being far away from home, the controllability is much greater. Find a good future for them!"

Zhuge Liang and Liu Hao didn't shy away from this either. If you have any thoughts, you can just say them out. Although they are not monarchs and ministers, the tacit understanding makes Zhuge Liang more comfortable.

"Has Liu Xuande also joined the Southern Expedition?"

"Pang Shiyuan did a good job! Chuanshu Fazheng and others are also talented people. Perhaps it is because our policy on nomads in the north has been spread everywhere. As a result, whether it is Sun Quan or Liu Bei, they all focus on capturing and demoting these barbarians. As slaves, with these populations participating in production, the national strength has also improved a lot! It is really difficult for Cao Mengde to unify in the future!"

"It doesn't matter, Cao Cao has long been familiar with the history of the three kingdoms of the earth. He has already stepped into the immortal ranks and has a long life span. As long as he makes every step of the way and supplements the economic war, whether it is Sun Quan or Liu Bei, it is difficult to resist, but the time is long That's all!"

"It depends on whether Cao Mengde can hold his breath, I hope he will not be overjoyed!"

"This matter is not something we can predict. After the Three Kingdoms World, it is their own business. The follow-up is up to them to fight for themselves. It can also be regarded as leaving some opportunities for Sun Quan and Liu Bei. In my opinion, it is Cao Cao won the southern land, Sun Quan and Liu Bei can still flee to the southerly area, it depends on their willingness!"

"This matter is true. When Cao Mengde takes over all parts of Liaodong, Liu Bei and Sun Quan will feel more pressure, and they will not stop fighting south. They have got so many slaves, so they naturally want more. The Nanyang Peninsula is not small! "

"I hope they can continue to march south and penetrate Nanyang all the way. In this way, my son of the Han family will live in a wider area in the future!"

Zhuge Liang nodded slightly. This guy also recognized this very much. After familiarizing himself with the history of the earth, his attitude towards it was even worse than that of Liu Hao. For him, people other than the Han family were barbarians. The conquered, and only in this way can ensure the stability of Han Jiaerlang in the future.

"Have you ever counted the population of the three major princes?"

"Our account is doing population statistics every year. Cao Mengde's subordinates can also estimate it. As for Sun Quan and Liu Bei's account, it is difficult to do it. The hidden population of the aristocratic family is huge, how can it be calculated clearly!"

"It seems that Cao Cao's family has released all the people of the Han family, which is a good thing!"

"It's not up to them. Cao Mengde has also been ruthless. In terms of ruthlessness, Cao Cao is really not inferior to any emperor. The descendants of Confucius are his first targets. If he takes down Kong Rong's family, how can the world dare to resist?"

"The Kong family clings to the people and sucks blood for thousands of years. It's time to move. With them as the 'monkeys' to be killed, how can the 'chickens' below dare to show their teeth to Cao Cao?"

"Of course! Cao Mengde's opening is decisive, otherwise these people will not be released in three to five years!"

"Well, the promotion of his loyal subordinates is also a reason. The rest of the family can only choose to stop the loss!"

"But you don't know, the Sima family is really scared!"

"Hahaha, it seems that the Sima family has also sent personnel into the earth from various channels, right?"

"The Sima family in Hedong is not a small family. It has connections all over the Central Plains. Be careful. You can also know the history of the Three Kingdoms. Because of this, you were scared to death. It is said that to show loyalty, the Sima family almost killed Sima Yi in the ancestral hall, hahaha!"

"It's interesting! They underestimated Cao Mengde. Since Cao Cao knew about it a long time ago, he didn't target Sima Yi. He also had other thoughts. It seems that Sima Yi escaped. How will the Sima family plan to deal with it?"

"It is said that all members of the Sima family are planning to go to Earth. It is very hard to say whether Cao Mengde is willing, but Sima Yi is directly related, and there is a high probability that they will be sent to the land of Wei and Han!"

"If you really want to be sent to the earth, the follow-up is really unpredictable!"

"Yes! In the land of Wei and Han, Cao Pi can take over, maybe Cao Pi's son, but whether Cao Pi's grandchildren can continue is very unpredictable! The earth is no better than the world of the Three Kingdoms, and Sima Yi can't say it will rise!"

"This matter can only depend on God's will, and it can be regarded as giving Sima Yi a last chance!"

"He is a person who is unwilling to be inferior, and his tolerance is even more invincible. To be honest, if he is sent to the earth, I am very optimistic about him. As long as he is careful in his layout, not to mention whether he can usurp the throne, he can succeed in a high position! "

"Leave him alone! Now that the Three Kingdoms has come to an end, does Brother Kong Ming have any plans for the next step?"

"Oh? It seems that King Qin must have made arrangements for me!"

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from you!"

Liu Hao didn't hide it, and explained the situation of the Earth Immortal Realm with Zhuge Liang in detail, and even made clear the matter of Emperor Ziwei's dignity, with a clear intention of soliciting.

Zhuge Liang was worried that he had nowhere to go, and the olive branch that Liu Hao handed over was exactly what he wanted. You know, after leaving the Three Kingdoms world, Zhuge Liang didn't have much interest in taking over as the manager of the new city, not to mention him, even Jia Xu lacked interest.

Originally, Zhuge Liang thought that after returning to the earth, he would find a dojo and practice Taoism well, but he never thought that such a vast door to the fairyland of the prehistoric land would be opened to him.

Here Liu Hao exited, he took the olive branch without hesitation, turned around and began to calculate Liu Hao.

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