Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred fifty-six. The origin of the abyss

856. The Origin of the Abyss

As soon as she stepped into the World Passage Formation, Luo Hao had already noticed that when Liu Hao appeared in front of her, she saw Luo Hao get up, and when he saw Liu Hao, there was an extremely shallow smile on his cold face. It represented the very joy in Luo Hao's heart.


"elder sister!"

"How about the Earth Immortal Realm?"

"Fortunately! The Earth Immortal Realm has now returned to the prehistoric world. Those strong men who have proved the Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao fruit have returned. Most of these people are the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God who escaped from the Pan Gu ax in the beginning and the ancient times. In addition, there are also the ancient demon clan demon emperor Jun and demon emperor Taiyi and others!"

"Golden Crow?"

"Well, once Dijun Taiyi finds out about the talent of the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline in my sister, they will definitely deal with my sister at any cost!"

"Is it very strong?"

There was no trace of fear on Luo Hao's face. When she was a mortal, she dared to kill gods. She dared to draw a sword even if she was a strong man. She really didn't pay attention to matters of life and death. joy.

"At the time of resurrection, Emperor Jun Taiyi was the Da Luojin Immortal Daoist, and now he has stepped into the quasi-sage again. In the ancient times, they were the pinnacle of the quasi-sage!"

"Looks like I need to pick up the pace!"

"My sister wants to enter the depths of the Xuanwu world to practice?"

"Well, with this plan, the number of monsters around the world channel has slowed down a lot, and the earth monks have also risen a lot. With the dredging of this formation, the threat of monsters is no longer great!"

"Well! Sister, please pay attention to safety!"


Luo Hao nodded slightly, but the trace of eagerness to try disappeared in a flash. After all, Luo Hao is a person who likes to fight, not fighting with others, but prefers to fight with the gods of heaven and earth. The appearance of Emperor Jun Taiyi made Luo Hao's silent madness factor sprout again. Liu Hao knew that once Luo Hao When Hao stepped into the Xuanwu world to practice, he would definitely not find a cave to sit cross-legged, but would set off a wave of fighting.

Liu Hao didn't try to stop him. Originally, he wanted to tell Luo Hao about the 100,000 mountains in the southwest, but he didn't mention it in his heart. He knew better that the stronger Luo Hao would have real deterrent power. Luo Hao, once exposed,

On the contrary, it will bring more crises to the front line of the 100,000 Dashanlong Kingdom in the southwest.

"It's just right, I need to report to Xuanwu Dazun, and my sister will go with me too!"

"it is good!"

The two have a very tacit understanding with each other. Although there is very little communication with each other, there is an extraordinary trust in this faint warmth.

After leaving the formation, they came to the outside of the world channel of Xuanwu World, and saw some monsters walking towards here from a distance. The two of them looked around and didn't pay attention anymore. For the purpose of delivering food, today's earth is no longer the same as before;

Seeing the number of these monsters, Liu Hao even thought about removing the formation at the entrance of the passage, but when he thought of the bottomless abyss in North America, he decided to wait for a while. He felt that the abyss race might not It was as simple as he imagined.

The two of them didn't stay in the passage. When they walked out of the passage, the weight of ten thousand times was added to their bodies. Liu Hao was completely familiar with his figure after a while, and Luo Hao could move freely in just a few breaths. However, it can be seen from the steps that it will take some time to really get used to it. time.

This is the world on Xuanwu's back. As soon as Liu Hao appeared, Xuanwu already knew about it, not to mention the "Xuanwu seal" flying out of Liu Hao's body, which obviously showed that Xuanwu was on his way.

Sure enough, the two of them walked only about a thousand meters away, and saw that the sky had become pitch black. This was the snake head of Xuanwu Great Monarch covering the entire sky, and the light had been completely covered, not only where they were, but also the billions of people around them. The range of thousands of miles also turned into night in an instant.

Not long after, a broken golden sphere appeared in the sky, hanging high in the sky like the sun, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Although Liu Hao didn't feel the slightest breath from Xuanwu Dazun's body, the size of this size still gave him a lot of attention. It put a lot of pressure on him, even if he is now a quasi-sage.

Xu Shi saw Liu Hao, and Xuanwu Dazun's snake head stopped in the sky.

"Greetings to Lord Xuanwu!"

Liu Hao bowed his hands to salute, and two broken golden spheres flickered in the sky. It was clearly that Xuanwu Dazun made a blinking movement, which was also a response to Liu Hao.

The law of space, since Liu Hao stepped into the quasi-sage, has been the key research law. However, when he stood up, he found that both himself and Luo Hao had changed the space. He felt a slight shock in his heart, and then felt that this was normal, let alone the Great Xuanwu, there is a high probability that the rank of saint can make him unaware, right?

There was a wry smile on his face, but he became more and more cautious about it in his heart. Being so unaware meant that his life was only at the whim of a real strong man.

Liu Hao adjusted his mentality, watched the vast continent below gradually move away, and knew that he and Luo Hao were the same as before, standing on the snake head of Xuanwu Great Monarch, and the 'Xuanwu Seal' on top of his head had already flown away from his control. Needless to say, he must be happily sitting and communicating with Xuanwu Great Venerable.

"That's good, Qi Ling Xiaoyin has gone through all the processes, and it saves me from exporting it!"

Liu Hao didn't feel anything about Xuanwu Yinfei leaving his control. In itself, this innate treasure belongs to others. If he hadn't allowed himself to integrate the Xuanwu Dojo into the prehistoric, it probably wouldn't fall on him. I can't say anything, it's just a pity in my heart, but fortunately, besides the Xuanwu Seal, I also have the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Merit Ruler and the Star Orb, otherwise my heart will bleed.

But he thought too much. After Qi Ling Xiaoyin and Xuanwu Yin muttered a lot, they flew back above his head and handed over the control to Liu Hao again. Yes, Liu Hao was very happy.

"In the 'palace', I originally practiced in the room, and I kept many of my Dao rhymes. When you go back in the future, you can enter it and practice!"

"Thank you Xuanwu Great Master!"

It's another reward, but Liu Hao is also a little worried whether other people will enter it to comprehend it first, and whether these Dao rhymes can last for a long time?

This kind of thought, however, cannot be concealed from the Great Master Xuanwu. When the thought came together, the voice of the Great Master Xuanwu came again.

"The practice place, the way to open it, I have handed over the 'Xuanwu Seal' weapon spirit, and there are some spirit treasures that I refined in my spare time, and I will give it to you as well!"

"Thank you Xuanwu Great Master!"

Liu Hao was overjoyed, not to mention that there were more spiritual treasures, depending on the situation, there is a high probability that there is no 'Xuanwu Seal' to enter the training place. From this point of view, is it possible to visit it from time to time?

"My dojo is now integrated into the prehistoric world, and it also allows my spiritual sense to penetrate the chaos and enter the 'palace'. Before you came, I made a link to the starry sky world in the backyard of the palace to connect it to the world behind me. Wait for you in the future Entering Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you can try to experience the world behind me!"

Xuanwu Dazun's sudden words shocked Liu Hao, saying that he only tried to experience the world behind Xuanwu Dazun after his cultivation reached Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Does it mean that Xuanwu Dazun is behind the world, There are so many Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals? Or is it simply an ordinary level?

If this was the case, wouldn't Luo Hao, who was beside him, enter the Xuanwu world to practice and die? The mere Da Luo Jinxian can't be said to be the bottom, right?

The world passage linking the Xuanwu world to the earth is located at the end of the world behind Xuanwu. The surrounding creatures are all monsters. None of the other races have seen them. They have come here a few times before and stepped into the world, and they can’t see the appearance of other creatures. , To the entire Xuanwu world, it is basically a black eye, and today, it can be regarded as really getting some useful information.

"Don't think about it too much. There are not many worlds behind me at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but there are definitely many. I devour countless worlds in the sea of ​​​​chaotic worlds. These worlds are about to become extinct. Swallowing it, the living beings in it are hard to save themselves. I swallowing it can still keep many of them, so that they can start anew in the world behind me.

In these worlds, there are also many people who already have Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and now they have re-opened dojos in the world behind me, and they are divided according to the mountain gates.

You also know that the gravity of the world on my back is overwhelming. The closer to the center, the stronger the gravity. With your current cultivation, you can't even fly in the center. Let's talk about the matter of experience in the future! "

"Huh..." Liu Hao was very shocked. The words of Xuanwu Dazun also explained the pattern of the world behind him, which is very reasonable after thinking about it.

Devouring a world, if there are no living beings in it, it’s okay. Once it exists, even in this chaotic world sea, there must be a lot of karma. It's another matter to carry the world behind your back.

On the one hand, the karma is gone, but because of saving the living beings in one world, they can be rewarded with great merits and virtues.

On the other hand, even collecting countless world cultivation systems into one's own world, even observing their Dao, is enough to benefit Xuanwu Great Venerable.

These two benefits alone are enough for Xuanwu Dazun to swim in this almost destroyed world sea.

Looking towards the void below, countless worlds lit up the entire Primal Chaos Sea like stars. The light emitted by these worlds tended to be darker. The more bright and thin the world, the darker it was. On top of it, it is a firefly that may go out at any time, and this kind of world is also the ration that Xuanwu Great Master is looking for.

In these worlds, most of the creatures have been destroyed, and only those at the top can persist until now, such as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and a few quasi-sages, and only these people can survive in the world behind Xuanwu Dazun continue to survive.

It can be said that the two sides took what they got. In addition to getting benefits, Xuanwu Great Master also gave these creatures who are about to destroy the world a chance to survive, and a possibility to continue their moral lineage in this chaos. As for the follow-up Whether or not he will perish because of his poor strength is not something that Xuanwu Dazun should care about.

After thinking about it, and looking at the dim stars of the world again, Liu Hao sighed in his heart. He felt that if the Daochang hadn't been integrated into the Earth Immortal Realm by the Xuanwu Great Master, the Earth Immortal Realm might appear in this chaotic sea soon.

Does this mean that there are many Hongjun level powerhouses in the world behind Xuanwu Dazun?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao's heart thumped. He felt that the possibility was not small. Maybe there would not be too many Hongjun-level powerhouses, but there definitely were. The stars in the dim world in front of him were of different sizes. It also means that the levels of these worlds are divided into high and low levels, which means that worlds of the prehistoric level also exist in this sea of ​​​​chaos. Even if it is one out of ten thousand, there should be many, right?

Perhaps because of paying attention to the sea of ​​worlds, Liu Hao discovered another problem, that is, the stars of these worlds are all moving in one direction, as if the end of this road is the destination of these worlds that are about to be destroyed.

With Luo Hao: Invitation to attend Cao Pi's wedding,

With Xuanwu Dazun: report the prehistoric situation, about the starry sky world in the backyard of Xuanwu Palace, the link with the chaotic world sea, the hidden information in the left and right rooms of the atrium (practice and testing ground),

As soon as this idea came out, Liu Hao was shocked. If it is really as he imagined, is there a world cemetery at the end? In what mode should these worlds enter and exist?

Collapse and turn into a piece of dirt in the world cemetery?

If that's the case, it's okay, and it also means that the world cemetery at the end may be full of vitality, and the creatures in the world still have a slight possibility of survival.

What Liu Hao is worried about is another scene, cruel, dark version, the destructive aura raging in the cemetery of the world, if this is true, let alone Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even the powerful in the realm of heaven can hardly escape, so he can only Turning it into the nourishment of the cemetery, will there be different creatures in such a place? If so, what would it look like?

As if he had seen through Liu Hao's inner thoughts, the voice of Xuanwu Dazun came faintly.

"You guessed it right, these worlds that are about to be destroyed are heading towards the world cemetery, and the world cemetery has another name, that is 'the abyss'!"


Liu Hao only felt that his scalp was numb, and his entire body was erected. A shock appeared on his body, and he trembled unconsciously. In his eyes, there was even a trace of inexplicable fear, and he moved towards the body with difficulty. When Xuanwu Dazun asked, his voice became a little hoarse.

"My lord! Could it be the abyss that appeared on the earth?"

"That's right! It's from the abyss of the world cemetery!"

"Then...then who can resist? In the abyss, there must be as many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians as a cow's hair?"

"Of course! In the abyss, don't say that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is even in the realm of heaven, and he can't rule the roost. He can only wander in the shallow layer. The real bottom abyss, even I dare not step into it lightly!"

Liu Hao only felt bitterness in his mouth, why would such a powerful place look at mere earth? Is the earth really so attractive?

"Don't worry too much, the abyss connected to the earth is just the outermost layer. Although there are the most creatures in it, the cultivation level is also the shallowest.

Don't think that these creatures who are about to destroy the world can survive in the abyss. Even if they survive, they will inevitably fall into countless realms. Many Dao practices need to start from the beginning. If the environment is different, you must re-adapt to the laws of the abyss.

The creatures of the abyss, except for a very small number of creatures that survived the destruction of the world, are all born in the local area, and they also start to practice from scratch. The superficial abyss, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not stay much. "

Although there was a tinge of comfort in the words of Xuanwu Dazun, Liu Hao still didn't feel any sense of security after listening to it. On the contrary, he knew the source of his uneasiness before. Facing such a chaotic and terrifying place, Who knows, can't calm down.

"My lord, if the lower layers of the abyss know that they are connected to the earth world, will they have other ideas?"

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