Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and fifty-seven. Game level improvement

857. Improvement of Gaming Level

In the chaos, there is no up, down, left, or right. For those with low cultivation, the real top powerhouse knows that chaos is like a world. There are places with beautiful mountains and clear waters, places full of aura, and places with poor mountains and rivers. So, a place of extreme evil.

When the world was born, it appeared in the chaos, only in the former, but as time goes on, after the vitality of these worlds begins to be gradually consumed, it will move towards the latter, until the world is destroyed, and finally enters the world Cemetery, this world cemetery is deposited under chaos;

Just like the silt at the bottom of a clear water, after countless years, this piece of silt has become thicker and thicker, one layer after another. The stronger his cultivation base is, even in the chaos, many strong people dare not step into it lightly.

These creatures from the abyss have adapted to their environment, which does not mean that they have no desire for other worlds. On the contrary, once they are linked to a world by them, they will be very happy to invade it. It is worth their efforts to pull the world into the abyss as soon as possible;

Because corrupting the creatures of these worlds into a part of them, they can become slaves under their control, they can become the source of their beliefs, and they can provide continuous support for their cultivation.

The abyss, the living environment is extremely harsh, and Hongguoguo's jungle law is vividly reflected. In order to survive, the only way out is to strengthen yourself, and only by walking to the top of the pyramid can you survive longer and enter the next level higher pursuit.

Because of this, the abyss has an extraordinary covetousness for invading other worlds, especially the worlds from the shallow layers of the abyss, because the fastest way to improve oneself is 'faith', by corrupting the creatures of a world, Completely assimilate them into the iron rods of your own family members, and under the continuous belief of these family members, turn them into countless energies to ignite the laws in their bodies, thus embarking on the road of quasi-sage and even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, once the world is discovered by the abyss, few can escape. Protracted wars have always been the mainstream, and being dragged step by step into the world cemetery is almost their only way out. This is also the second place in the world cemetery. The source of great supplements is that in the chaos, countless worlds suddenly disappear when the sun is in full swing, and the strong in the chaos have seen too many such situations, and they don't bother to take care of them. To save such a world, it is better to expend some effort to open up a new one.

But such a way of dealing with it is difficult in front of Liu Hao. Regardless of other things, the earth is his hometown. Although he also came here through time travel, the 99% similarity has already made him regard himself as one of them. What's more, there are his family and countless friends among them, so he can't help but try to save them.

for a while,

Liu Haocai calmed down from it, and the sense of urgency in his heart was even stronger. He learned from Xuanwu Dazun that the abyss linking the earth comes from the surface, and there are few mixed Da Luo Jinxians on the surface, which means that he still has a chance. Observing the abyss, it can be seen that the cultivation level of the perceiver is not very high. After seeing Fang Yun's move, this perceiver will probably not rashly step into the earth. The advance army has countless monks on the earth, which means that this battle is still to come Some fight.

Just as he was thinking about it, the light in front of him was getting brighter and brighter. Liu Hao raised his head, and his eyes were already covered by a sea of ​​flames. When he looked closely, he realized that Xuanwu Dazun led them to the front of the sun star in the Xuanwu world.

"Little girl has a three-legged Golden Crow bloodline in her body, since she wants to experience the world behind me, I will also fulfill you!"

"Thank you Xuanwu Great Master!"

Liu Hao didn't know that this was a great surprise for Luo Hao. Nowhere else could it be as beneficial to Luo Hao as the sun star. Here, it is the best place to truly stimulate the talent of her three-legged Golden Crow bloodline. place.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Luo Hao also bowed to thank her. She was proud in her heart, but she was not a fool. She was bestowed with such benefits, and she also knew that Xuanwu Xuanwu must be looking at Liu Hao's face. , There was no time for Liu Hao to say goodbye at all, so Liu Hao could only hold back his words.

"My lord, Hongjun and Houtu also appeared in the backyard of the 'Xuanwu Palace' before, but they failed to detect the link. Do they also need to be opened?"

"Of course! You can open it when you step into Hunyuan in the future!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

This is his own person, he is the first to give any benefits, Liu Hao has not reached the level, and he doesn't even open the door, it is no different to set it up for him.

"In the past, when Pan Gu opened up the Daoism of the Great Desolation, he knew that the Great Desolation would not last long, so he left a backhand. Whether this backhand can be opened depends on you!"


"You don't want to talk to me, even I don't know what Pangu is behind!"

Liu Hao didn't think about this, but thought that Pan Gu probably didn't die. What kind of body turned into a prehistoric world? There is a high probability that he decided to abandon this body and re-condense it at that time, right?

As for where Pangu is now, Liu Hao didn't think much about it. One thing is certain is that Pangu can't continue to be in the prehistoric. Pangu was unimaginably strong at the time of the creation of the world, and perhaps the current Pangu is also a top member in the chaos.

As the world opened up by Pan Gu to prove the Tao—Honghuang, it is absolutely false to say that Pan Gu has no feelings, not to mention that Pan Gu turned his body into everything and left countless blood inheritance, just the words of Xuanwu Dazun just now, let Liu Hao Knowing that Pangu had great affection for Honghuang, perhaps it was for other purposes, and he would not directly intervene after leaving;

But leaving a backhand can be regarded as leaving a hope for the prehistoric creatures. In Liu Hao's view, this backhand is mostly to resist the pull from the abyss and reshape when it is about to be destroyed.

Liu Hao wondered whether the founders of these worlds had such a skill? But then he directly vetoed it in his mind, Honghuang is the thing that Pangu proved, no matter what way he proves, but there are bound to be failures, it doesn't matter whether the failure is death or other things, but you want to stay and resist the pull of the abyss Yes, it is bound to be able to resist the strength from the strongest in the abyss.

Because for the abyss, all the nourishment comes from the world that is about to be destroyed. If these worlds have the possibility of escaping, it will definitely be a blow to the abyss, and the powerhouses of the abyss will never allow such a world to appear. Unless, the creator is an existence that the abyss powerhouse can't afford, just like Pan Gu who has 'proved the Tao'.

And Pangu didn't seem to make a direct move, but left a back door, which seemed to follow a certain game rule. Given this opportunity, whether the creatures in the prehistoric world can seize this opportunity depends on themselves. If they can, they can escape. If you can't, you will still fall into the abyss and become one of the nutrients.

"You are smart!"

The voice of Xuanwu Great Master came again, which directly confirmed Liu Hao's guess in his heart.

"My lord, the abyss will definitely put pressure on you if you devour the world that is about to be destroyed, right?"

"Hahaha, this book is just one of the rules. Didn't you see that I carried the world behind me?"

Liu Hao's mind was shocked again. Xuanwu Dazun's words made Liu Hao stunned. He also knew that Xuanwu Dazun was basically a game with the powerhouses of the abyss. , then fall into the abyss with the world.

And the world behind Xuanwu Great Master is comparable to the world that is about to be destroyed in front of him? In terms of level, it is not much different from the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu. As time goes by, the world behind Xuanwu Dazun will only become higher and higher. favorite.

Liu Hao sighed in his heart, and he was also sighing. It seems that in the chaos, it is also extremely difficult and dangerous. Wanting to "prove the Tao" is also extremely difficult. Failure to prove the Tao also means that there will be a day of death. The same is true for Xuanwu Great Master. In order to prove the Tao, he has cut off his back road. From this point of view, Pan Gu is definitely the top member of the chaos.

However, where did Pangu go after his enlightenment? Still in chaos? Or transcended chaos and went to the legendary Hongmeng?

Liu Hao couldn't be sure of these, and it wasn't something he could imagine with his current cultivation base. He shook his head and threw these thoughts out of his mind, thinking about what kind of backhand Pangu left in the prehistoric world? Where will it be placed? What are the conditions to enable it? Is it Sanqing or Wuzu?

Suddenly, Liu Hao thought of Sanqing again. It was rumored in the past that Sanqing was transformed by Pan Gu Yuanshen. Now it seems that this rumor is a bit untrue.

But Liu Hao felt that he was too subjective. Pan Gu could reshape his body if he abandoned his body, but could he also reshape his soul if he abandoned his soul? Just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean you can't, right?

"Forget it, don't think about it too much. My cultivation base is still far behind. I'd better improve myself honestly. Based on the words of Xuanwu Dazun, it seems that the possibility of me stepping into Hunyuan is very high. Zun will not open a back door for himself in the 'Xuanwu Palace'!"

Thinking of this in his heart, Liu Hao also showed a smile on his face. He was stunned by hearing too much chaos and secrets just now, and almost forgot who he was.

"Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth! Why do you think so much? Take a step and look at it. The stronger you are, the more confident you will be against the abyss!"

When Liu Hao thought of this, his heart was terrified, and he knew that he might not be able to solve the problem at all. The strong always find a way instead of escaping, let alone it is impossible for him to evade.

With the improvement of faith, Liu Hao radiated a halo all over his body. This is the embodiment of Dao rhyme on his body. The improvement of will is also a great realization in his heart. Seeing it through, the originally suppressed kindness almost jumped out of the body.

"Huh... Is the good corpse a great success? Don't worry, wait a little longer, it seems that it is not perfect enough!"

His situation has been seen by Xuanwu Dazun, and a flash of admiration flashed in the eyes of Xuanwu snake head, which seems to be a kind of recognition of Liu Hao's state of mind, and it seems to be a sign of Liu Hao's ability to resist the temptation of beheading the corpse, or Both.

"You don't need to worry, the abyss also has restrictions. Among the earth, you have the highest cultivation base, so you will be used as the benchmark. Abyss races with cultivation bases higher than yours will not step into the earth in person. Even if they want to make a move, they will pass the first step." The three mediums step in!"

"So that's it! Your Majesty! Will there be stronger abyssal races stepping in after my cultivation base has improved?

"That's natural, unless you stay in the wilderness in the future and isolate yourself from the earth, once you ascend on the earth, the abyss will have a response!"

Liu Hao nodded. He knew what Xuanwu Dazun meant. If he did not live on the earth, unless the local creatures on the earth had surpassed his current state, there would never be any abyssal races that surpassed his current cultivation level. good thing.

Although Liu Hao has been locked in for rescue alone, Liu Hao is not the only one on the earth, not to mention other people, even Fang Yun is about to beheaded, which means that there is another guardian. Except for Fang Yun, not to mention others, Australia In the perfect world, there are also many powerful people. For them, there is also great pressure. The abyss is even more terrifying than that drop of blood of chaotic gods and demons in the perfect world.

At least that drop of blood from the Chaos gods and demons just cut off the ceiling of the perfect world, but once the abyss finds the perfect world, it can only be a matter of extinction. It is clear at a glance, as long as Liu Hao tells the inside story of the perfect world , For the safety of their own world, they must also participate in the battle between the earth and the abyss. It is better to put the battlefield on the earth than the abyss race to enter the perfect world.

"The abyss is connected to the earth. It's really a big profit. There are many worlds connected to the earth now! If they knew, they would definitely be more involved?"

This soliloquy did not get a reply from Xuanwu Dazun.

"Everything has two sides. The world is watched by the abyss, and it can also get the attention of chaos. Not to mention other things, the aura is bound to be strengthened. Before the abyss does not occupy the earth, the aura of the earth will not be assimilated by the abyss!"

Liu Hao didn't understand the words of Xuanwu Dazun, but when Xu found out this, Xuanwu Dazun continued to explain.

"The abyss is also a part of chaos, but the aura in the abyss is strongly corrosive. This is caused by the aura of destruction assimilating the aura of chaos when the world is destroyed. It is violent and miscellaneous;

When the abyss invades a world, these auras unique to the abyss will also enter this world, and because of the attention of chaos, before the world is pulled into the abyss, this tyrannical and strongly corrosive aura will be purified, so as not to Let the world's creatures fall due to aura.

This is also the meaning of balance, otherwise it would require the abyssal race to invade the world. How can the general world resist these unique breaths? "

Now, Liu Hao understands. It can be said that once the abyss invades, it will inevitably bring in a lot of spiritual energy from the abyss. After these spiritual energy is purified, it will also be a great supplement to the earth, which is equal to the extra spiritual energy out of thin air. , the level of aura from the abyss is definitely not low, even at the same level as innate aura, which is definitely a great supplement to the earth.

With so much more aura, once the first few waves of abyss are resisted, the improvement of the cultivation base of the earth's creatures will be on a track, which can be regarded as an alternative reward.

However, Liu Hao always felt a little weird, as if the earth had entered into a game of two poles, one was chaos and the other was abyss, with many rules engraved on the earth as the battlefield, life and death depended on fate and wealth.

The level of this game has suddenly risen to a level that Liu Hao can't understand, and thanks to Xuanwu Dazun's reminder, otherwise, Liu Hao, or the earth, can only resist stupidly, and can't use the rules to benefit himself.

Now that he has these rules, Liu Hao has a lot more calculations in his mind.

He knows that it is impossible to seal the abyss. He can seal the gap in the earth's space for a while, but it won't last long, and it may even attract more abyss pretenders. It's better to wait for the abyss race. Arriving and blocking the first attack will also allow the earth to get a reward. Using this reward as a stepping stone will only make the earth stronger and stronger, so that it can continue to fight against the abyss.

As for the follow-up, you need to truly step into the ranks of the strong. This strong is not a strong in one world, but needs to have the right to speak in the chaos.

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