Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred fifty-eight. Chaos conjecture

858: Chaos Conjecture

What the chaos looks like, no one has a concept, or has not jumped out of the chaos, it is impossible to really know.

Liu Hao is naturally one of them, but in Liu Hao's mind, he has a simple outline of chaos.

He compared chaos to an ocean. Every world born in chaos is just an insignificant creature in the ocean. These worlds are as weak as plankton, countless, but the speed of destruction is also very fast. Once destroyed , it turned into sand in the ocean, sank to the bottom, and became a part of the abyss, perhaps also the biggest source of the abyss.

A more powerful world is like the fish in the ocean. These fish are strong and weak, big and small. The topmost one is like a whale. It is also the world with the strongest chaos, the strongest vitality, and the longest lifespan. Resentment, but once it enters old age, it will also fall into the bottom of the sea and become the nourishment of the abyss.

However, in this chaos, besides these worlds, there are still many superpowers who rely on chaos to survive. It became the nourishment of the abyss, but these high-minded people didn't die because their longevity was approaching, and more of them were killed, or they died to prove the Tao.

These strongest players are the real chess players in this chaos, using the world as a chess piece, and their opponents in the game are the real masters from the abyss.

The earth, whether fortunately or helplessly, has become one of the pawns, placed on the chessboard, and will soon become a battlefield for fighting, and the opponents are certain or certain races from the surface of the abyss.

And because there is a chess player behind the chess pieces, there will be rewards for winning naturally. For example, if the earth blocks the attack from the abyss, the abyss aura that enters the earth and is purified will remain in the earth, raising the level of the earth world and indirectly improving The order of the earth's creatures makes it more possible for the earth to fight against the abyss in the future.

Another point is that although Xuanwu Dazun did not explain it, Liu Hao felt that there should still be a reward of "luck". The world's luck, and only the reward of world luck, can make it possible to improve the earth's level and make the earth The possibility of confronting the abyssal race in the future, otherwise, sooner or later they will be drawn into it by the abyss. Such a situation is definitely not what the strongest in the chaos would like to see.

Therefore, for the earth, it is a great danger, but it is also a great opportunity.

It should be noted that it is almost impossible to rely on the world itself to increase the level of one side of the world. On the contrary, only the input of the Chaos level powerhouse makes it possible.

In Liu Hao's view, this is the real place where the powerhouses in the chaos compete with the masters of the abyss, and there is only such a situation,

worthy of their attention.

The evenly matched rule mentioned by Xuanwu Dazun is to benefit these observers, and it is also the biggest rule they set up.

Compared with other worlds, the earth is very different, that is, the earth is connected to many worlds, which means that the earth has many helpers.

But Liu Hao thought about it again, and found a big problem, that is, whether the situation of the earth was intentionally created by these gamers, in order to maximize the situation of this battle and bring together many worlds and the abyss. A big game, a vigorous battle?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this idea is more likely to happen. Watching the side-to-side world game, in the chaos, it is bound to happen countless times. It is estimated that these powerful people have long been tired of seeing such a scene. Instead of this, it is better to simply The bigger the gamble, the bigger the rewards of observation.

However, since Honghuang was brought in, does it mean that Pangu is also a part of both sides of the game?

If not, who can guarantee that Pangu won't get mad?

If so, then Pangu must be the main force among them, and probably the biggest organizer.

Liu Hao didn't see a strange look flashing in the eyes of Xuanwu Great Venerable. With his cultivation base, standing at the position of Xuanwu Venerable's snake head, he couldn't see the eyes above Xuanwu's snake head. This is the expression in Xuanwu Grand Venerable's eyes for the sake.

Liu Hao didn't realize this. His mind was full of thoughts, and suddenly he thought of the world behind Xuanwu Dazun. This world also has a channel with the earth. Does it mean that the world behind Xuanwu is also a part of the game?

"It's beyond my expectation that you can think of this!"

The voice of Xuanwu Great Master confirmed Liu Hao's thoughts, making his mouth open, and he felt that this round might be bigger than he imagined. Does this mean that there are still people with the same level of world as Xuanwu Great Master? Other worlds involved? Where are these worlds? Could it be that the real veil of these worlds has not been lifted yet? Wait until the deadlock of the war and then insert it? Do that strange hand?

"Don't think too much about this matter. With your cultivation base, it is far from the time to participate. Instead of this, it is better to improve yourself quickly! The earth is your world. If it is really destroyed, would you be happy?"

Liu Hao's heart tightened, and he immediately threw away all the thoughts in his mind. Xuanwu Dazun is right, the battlefield is on the earth, and he is definitely the one who bears the brunt, whether it is the prehistoric world or the Xuanwu world, Even other worlds that may be hidden, for the earth, they can only be used as supplements. If the earth is to be healthy, it depends on oneself in the final analysis.

"Thank you for your reminder!"

Liu Hao gave a deep salute to the Great Xuanwu, and when he stood up, his spine was straight, his eyes were fearless, so what about the abyss? Do you really think I, Liu, is a vegetarian? He has great confidence in his combat power. With the same cultivation level, one-to-many is not in his consideration at all, and the challenge of leapfrogging is his mainstream.

Now that the rank is limited, what should he worry about? Don't leave when you come, just stay and serve as the evolutionary nourishment for the earth world!

"My sun star is a collection of countless worlds. Compared with the sun star in the prehistoric world, it is not as good as it. It is a great opportunity for the little girl to enter it to practice. Don't worry about it. Wait until the next time you get a girl!" Come out, don't let her overtake you!"

"Thank you, Great Senior, for your fulfillment, I will try my best, kid!"

"That's good! You just need to know some things, don't spread them!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Liu Hao knew that what Xuanwu Master warned was about gambling, these things are really beyond the knowledge of ordinary people, such a large-scale battle, it is meaningless for those with low cultivation bases to hear it, and instead fall into boundless fear and lose their Dao heart Even Sanqing and other sages would be terrified when they heard this, they might stay in the same place for the rest of their lives, and even a person of Hongjun's level would be able to express himself after hearing this?

Hongjun is used to being superior, can he really accept the reality that he is reduced to a pawn?

Even if the Great Xuanwu didn't remind him, Liu Hao would have to be very cautious about it, and now he wants to bury it in his heart, so that others don't notice, so he will definitely not talk too much.

"The more you know, the more ignorant you appear to be. The ancients never deceived me!"

This thought flashed through his mind, Liu Hao didn't think about it anymore, looked up again, and found that he was far away from the sun star, and he could only bless Luo Hao in his heart, thinking that maybe when he saw Luo Hao next time, the other party might have stepped into Hunyuan, Even if not, there is a high probability that it will be close. I really need to work harder, but what if the kind thoughts are perfect?

This idea has been rolling in Liu Hao's mind for a long time, and he has never had an accurate answer. He can only suppress his good corpse time and time again, and can only wait for the opportunity, just like just now, his good Thinking is achieved through epiphany. Compared with before, it is equivalent to increasing from 70% to 90%. Sometimes thinking too much is not as good as gaining in one thought. With that time, it is better to study various laws well .

Anyway, for Liu Hao, he did not deliberately restrict himself to a certain path. Whether he comprehended the Dao, comprehended the laws, or condensed the world, it was all for improving himself. In this case, there was nothing to give up , There is a bottleneck in one road, it depends on whether the other road can go through, it's no big deal.

"The 'Xuanwu Seal' is given to you, and Qi Ling hopes that you will treat it well!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I regard Xiaoyin as a friend, and I will support each other until the end!"

"That's the best! The acquired treasure on your body also has a weapon spirit. After you refine it completely, it's best to be recognized by the other party! This will be of great benefit to you!"

"Thank you for your reminder!"

"Well, it's over here, you can do it yourself!"

After the Great Master Xuanwu finished speaking, Liu Hao found that he was already in the world behind the Great Master Xuanwu, and the snake body of the Great Master Xuanwu had long since disappeared, as if he had left a long time ago, he had no sense at all.

"The gap is really big enough!"

Liu Hao smiled wryly and said to himself, looking around, he found that the place he was in was exactly where he stayed before, if Luo Hao hadn't been by his side, he would have thought that all his experiences just now were just a dream.

"Do you need to practice in this world for a period of time?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Hao vetoed it again. Staying here will not help him comprehend the law. The density of spiritual energy is higher and the level is higher. It's a good place when you're in the body.

The previous words of Xuanwu Dazun flashed in his mind again, saying that Liu Hao would go to the world behind him to practice after Liu Hao entered the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. From this point of view, Xuanwu Dazun didn't seem to want to stay in the world behind him, did he?

"Could it be that this area is the site of some Hunyuan Patriarch? It's really possible!"

Liu Hao's idea is really not impossible. He thinks that if it is really a powerful place, the other party has not discovered this passage, and it is probably covered up by Xuanwu Dazun. After all, the whole world is under the control of Xuanwu Dazun, and he wants to cover it up. After all, how can the creatures in the world know it.

"Those monsters, wouldn't they be driven into the earth by Xuanwu, right? No, I've heard Xuanwu said before that those monsters did it naturally, and they intuited that stepping into the earth would be good for their wisdom and development."

Liu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he was a little scared now, and always felt that everything was driven by others, and now it seemed that he was really suspicious.

With a wry smile, Liu Hao raised his footsteps and headed towards the world passage. After a while, he sank into it. Liu Hao didn't stop inside the formation, but he glanced around and stepped directly into the earth and out of the deep sea , Liu Hao glanced in the direction of North America, shook his head, turned around and strode away. On the way back to the Australian base of Longguo, he was still in a daze. Too much information filled his mind, and it was really hard to accept for a while.


"Little Long'er, hahaha, Dad misses you so much!"

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"Father is fine, I just miss Xiao Longer, by the way, aren't you with your aunt?"

"Hmph, my aunt is going shopping, so Xiao Long'er doesn't want to go!"

"Hahaha, isn't it scary for aunt to go shopping?"

"Mmmmm, it's scary!"

"Hahaha, that's right, Xiao Long'er can take the time to help Dad go to the Three Kingdoms World! Those human races in the Liaodong of the Three Kingdoms who followed Dad to fight the world want to come to Earth and continue to follow Dad, can you help Dad pick it up?"

"Okay! I haven't been to the Three Kingdoms for a long time. Hmm, I don't know what's wrong with that black flood dragon. It should transform into a dragon, right? Should it have four claws?"

Xiao Long'er tilted his little head to think for a while, then shook his head again, thinking again when he lost interest, in his opinion, it's better to check it directly when he thinks so much.

"Father, aren't there many races?"

"The last count was 500,000. Maybe there will be more when they actually migrate. When they arrive on the earth, you can ask the Blue Whale King to make a few trips to drive them to the vicinity of the Australian base!"

"No problem, hehehe, the Blue Whale King is fine. When Xiao Long'er is away, he and the tortoise are the ones who help manage the soldiers and horses. Ummm, and Zhou Yu, hehehe, he is also very good!"

"I heard that Zhou Yu helped you train your troops well. Have you inspected them?"

"Yes! Yes, it's a lot better. I saw them fight a monster yesterday. A group of seventh-rank miscellaneous soldiers killed a celestial monster under Zhou Yu's command. It's already amazing! Hee hee hee, Xiao Long'er is a reward There are so many things for Zhou Yu!"

"That's good. Zhou Yu is here to help you with the work, so don't make him short!"

"Xiao Long'er knows. A few days ago, Xiao Long'er went to Zhou Yu's house and brought them a lot of elixir from the sea. Zhou Yu also specially thanked Xiao Long'er yesterday!"

"Hahaha, it seems that our little Longer is also a born superior!"

"Father, what is a superior?"

"Well, the Dragon King is the superior! The one who has many followers and can make his subordinates fight for you sincerely is the real Dragon King, and only in this way can he be called the real superior!"

"Oh... I still don't understand!"

"It's okay, I'll understand slowly, Xiao Long'er just needs to be clear about rewards and punishments for his subordinates!"

"Yeah, Xiao Long'er knows!"

"Go, go home with Dad, and go to the barbecue!"

"Hee hee hee, dad is the best!"

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