859. First move

Longguo Australia Base, in the small beach courtyard, a huge barbecue grill rises, under the red flames, the golden barbecue exudes a huge fragrance, under the barbecue, a small figure squats below, eyes closed Staring closely, swallowing a mouthful of saliva from time to time, but even so, there is still a little drooling.

Next to the small figure, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl was holding a crystal-clear cup, catching the saliva from time to time. The girl had a weird smile on her face and laughed out loud from time to time.

"Auntie, go away!"

"Don't swallow Xiao Longer's saliva, let it drip down, Auntie will help you catch it!"

"No, my aunt's smile is so scary, she must be thinking of something bad!"

"No, hehehe, Xiaolonger, good boy, your saliva is worth a fortune. Auntie will help you collect it and sell it. How about we have half of it?"

"No, it's disgusting!"

Liu Hao, who was concentrating on the barbecue at the side, almost burst into laughter when he heard Liu Beier's nonsense. As a real dragon, Xiao Longer's saliva is also a good thing, especially for some elixir, which has a great effect on promoting the birth of some elixir. The monsters of Clan A can evolve a lot if they get it;

The reason why Liu Bei'er collected it is probably where she got the news from. She wanted to collect some of them out of the desire to be close to the water. As for selling money or doing it because of others' entrustment, I don't know. It's because of Xiao Long'er's temper Fortunately, and because of Liu Bei'er's aunt status, otherwise Xiao Long'er would have lost her temper.

Regarding this, Liu Hao didn't mean to disturb him, and let their aunts and nephews interact, just as they were playing, and he didn't bother to pay attention to how the saliva collected by Liu Bei'er was used.

"Dad, are you all right?"

"It will be ready soon, is Xiao Long'er hungry?"

"Hee hee hee, I'm so hungry!"

Liu Hao chuckled, he knew that Xiao Long'er was not hungry, but greedy. With Xiao Long'er's current cultivation base, it's okay if he doesn't eat or drink for thousands of years, and it's more because Xiao Long'er stayed with his parents. Together, develop the habit of three meals.

On the contrary, after the human monks on the earth reached the immortal stage, they began to consciously eat grains. Even if they wanted to eat, they deliberately sought food that would supplement the body, which created a demand for the earth. After being researched, the price is very high, but there is no need to worry about selling it.

to a certain extent,

The earth has begun to take a firm step towards the fantasy world, and the proportion of industries has gradually shifted from the original science side to the fantasy side;

This point is that the Australian base of Longguo is more determined. Although the local industrial base has also been established, the production capacity cannot keep up with the demand. Many commodities still need to be shipped from Longguo, and there is no intention of continuing to upgrade. On the contrary, in In terms of agriculture and herbal medicine, the investment is not small, and it has begun to satisfy the local market and feed back the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is no shortage of food here, but everyone is trying to find a way to eat well, and it has also attracted many local teams from the Dragon Kingdom to develop here. So far, most of the large non-governmental teams in the Dragon Kingdom have set up special organizations here In terms of commerce and trade, the base is already very developed, which fully reflects the influence of Dragon Kingdom in the Pacific Ocean.

The bigger advantage is that this place has been completely transformed into a dragon country, and the food structure and customs are no different from those in the local area.

Liu Bei'er came to study here, and she is like a fish in water. As Liu Hao's younger sister, many high-level seniors here know her very well and love her very much. In addition, she is not a member of the bear children, and she is very talented in cultivation, which makes her even more so. The instructor is willing to teach, so far, she can be regarded as one of the most famous girls in the girls' school. She collects Xiao Longer's saliva because her classmates instigate her. Belle's hand is very easy.

It's like the current Xiao Long'er, knowing that this aunt has bad intentions, but he didn't show any signs of impatience and anger. If Liu Bei'er hadn't pinched his little cheek, he wouldn't even bother to roll his eyes.

Liu Bei'er collected it for a while, and really showed her the method. Every time Xiao Longer wanted to swallow, she poked Xiao Longer's throat with her little finger. , the saliva flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and Liu Beier's giggling laughter spread immediately, Xiao Longer's small white eyes slanted towards her, his little face was full of helpless and tangled expressions.

"Okay, you can eat!"

"Very good!"

Xiao Long'er immediately jumped three feet high, and he didn't know whether it was the joy of being able to eat or the excitement of being able to escape Liu Bei'er's clutches.

"Hey, hey, if you collect a big bottle at once, you can sell it for a lot of money!"

"Who buys this thing?"

Liu Hao pretended not to care and asked a question, but Liu Bei'er was very cautious, she didn't mean to be fooled at all, she just kept laughing there.

"Don't you want to eat?"

"Of course I want to eat it! Brother, what grade of meat is this?"


"It looks like monster meat!"

"Well, I grabbed it from another world!"

"Which world? Brother, can I go and see?"

"Just you, you're still far behind! In that world, the minimum gravity is ten thousand times that of the earth. When you enter it, you can't say that you will be crushed!"


"Many worlds are very dangerous, but the most dangerous is the abyss, and the Daluo Jinxian can only be at the bottom of it!"

"Is such a world also connected to the earth? Isn't the earth so dangerous?"

"Yes, you have to work hard! The earth will only become more and more dangerous in the future, and the monsters we see on the earth today are just drizzle!"

Liu Bei'er raised her head and stared at Liu Hao carefully for a while, before she was sure that Liu Hao was not joking with her, and stopped the chopsticks in her hand.

"Brother, is there any danger coming?"

Liu Bei'er is very smart, and she can probably guess what Liu Hao's tone is. Usually, Liu Hao would never say these things to Liu Bei'er. Once mentioned, it is not as simple as ordering a little.

Hearing Liu Bei'er's question, Liu Hao was also taken aback, and immediately discovered the problem.

"Well... there is an abyss crack that is constantly expanding at the northernmost tip of North America on the earth, and the abyss belongs to a very destructive world. It is not only powerful, but also very cruel. There is no possibility of negotiation. Once they step into the earth, they will The kind that kills me!"

Liu Bei'er took a deep breath, despite her young age, she has quite a lot of combat experience, especially after arriving at the base girls' school, she often stepped into the territory of monsters to fight, and she was barely a qualified hunter;

But Liu Hao knows that these experiences are just drizzle, and there is not much reference value for the abyssal race. The monsters are more for the body, and the abyssal race often has endless impact on the soul carrier as soon as it appears.

"Brother, this matter..."

"You don't have to worry too much. According to my calculations, it will take a few years. Some time ago, Fang Yun and I went to check it out. Maybe in the past few years, the abyss will send some races to investigate the earth, which can be regarded as giving us a little bit. Get ready!"

"Brother, you said that the abyss is so strong, can we really resist it? Daluo Jinxian can only be regarded as the bottom!"

"The abyssal race is very troublesome. They tend to assimilate other creatures and make them become family members and serve as their cannon fodder. This is the most troublesome part, Belle, you should practice more mental resistance during this time!"


Liu Bei'er suddenly lost much interest, and only felt that the high-grade ingredients in her hands were not fragrant.

"Brother, does anyone else know about this?"

"In the base, as long as a few people know about it, it will spread after a while!"

Regarding the matter of Abyss, Liu Hao did not elaborate with others, but only shared this information, emphasizing the power and cruelty of Abyss. As for how the higher-ups should respond, it was beyond her control.

For the mainland of the Dragon Kingdom, the threat from the abyss in North America is not bad, at least there is a natural protection in terms of distance, Liu Hao can also feel that the high-level attention will not be too high, and he does not really know how powerful the abyss race is. Persuasion actually doesn't make much sense, and only after seeing the destructive power of the abyss race can one know how to take it seriously.

Fortunately, after this period of research, Liu Hao also found that for the abyssal race, there is no way to restrain it. The righteousness of heaven and earth used by Fang Yun before is one of them. The eight gods of Taoism can protect themselves. Little restraint.

Liu Beier knows very little about Confucianism and Taoism, which is why she entered the girls' school. After all, there are many female geniuses from the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism in the girls' school, and the environmental impact is not small. It's just a matter of understanding, Liu Bei'er still prefers violent means to solve problems compared to politeness.

This made Liu Hao weigh again and again, and also abandoned the idea of ​​letting Liu Bei'er step into the practice of hundreds of schools. With that time, it is better to practice the Taoist Eight Gods Mantra, so that when facing the abyss race, the same level of self-protection definitely no problem.

Discussing this with Liu Beier in particular is to let the other party understand that the crisis is approaching, and you can't choose your favorite skills by petty temper. Liu Hao is still sure of this point. Don't think that this little girl has the attributes of a little devil, but big right and wrong The front is still clear.

"Dad, is the abyss scary?"

On the side, Xiao Long'er pricked up his ears and listened for a long time, seeing that Liu Bei'er was silent, he also interrupted;

"Little Long'er is not afraid. Xiao Longer visualizes the Azure Dragon Holy Beast, which is naturally immune to the abyssal race. As long as you don't encounter too many opponents, you don't need to worry!"

"What about my aunt? Daddy can teach my aunt to visualize the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast, too?"

"My aunt's talents are different. If you visualize the Qinglong holy beast, the effect will be very low. It's better to practice the Taoist Eight Gods Mantra. Don't worry, Xiaolonger!"

"Okay then, Auntie, if you want it, you have to work hard!"

"Xiao Long'er knows that she loves Auntie?"

"Humph, that's not true, hum!"

Xiao Long'er immediately turned his head, arrogantly vetoing it, but refused to admit it, Xiao Long'er could do nothing about this aunt, every time he saw it, his little face was unlucky, he hadn't fought back yet, and was often bullied, I was angry at first, but later on I didn't even bother to lose my temper. If I have the thought of losing my temper, I might as well bear it and let it go.

Seeing that Liu Bei'er didn't come forward to pinch his own face, Xiao Long'er also heaved a sigh of relief, regardless of other things, he started to deal with the meat in his hand.

"Brother, will the Eight Gods Mantra be promoted in schools?"

"The Golden Light Curse belongs to Longhu Mountain's unique learning. It will not be used for the time being. Other magical spells will be promoted. In addition, I will teach you how to draw the 'soul-fixing talisman' and other talismans to stabilize your own soul. After you return, I will also explain to you. friends learn more;

But don't spread the word about the abyss for now, lest it cause panic! Besides, it will take some time for the abyss to invade the earth on a large scale, and we can't judge when they will come for the time being! "

"I know brother!"

Liu Bei'er was a little unhappy. In her opinion, as long as there is something to do, everyone must know it. Liu Hao didn't mean to explain it deliberately. Some things, even if you explain them, can't guarantee that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl will approve of you. , Thoughts come more from experience.

Originally, Liu Hao felt that the bald eagle's self-protection against the abyss was not a big problem, but since Xuanwu went back to the world, he was no longer optimistic about the bald eagle country. The world of the Odin Protoss is connected, and there are still various envelope evil god groups. Such a country cannot resist the erosion of the abyss race at all.

Not to mention the large-scale abyssal race invasion, even if a few abyssal vanguards arrive at the bald eagle, they can also cause many storms.

Although such a situation will make the bald eagle become more wary, but in the final analysis, it is just a mere Odin protoss. Facing the chaos-level world cemetery, how much resistance is there? Falling is bound to be a matter of time, and similarly, those worlds connected to the earth within the territory of the Bald Eagle cannot be avoided;

On the contrary, the "Zhou Kingdom" established by Fang Yun Confucianism and Taoism is not afraid of this. The abyssal races of the same rank, on the contrary, have great restraint because of the righteousness of heaven and earth, forcing the abyssal races to be difficult to break through for a while. As long as Fang Yun Sitting in town, long-term stalemate is not a problem.

At that time, the main direction of the abyssal race's invasion is likely to change. One is to cross the Atlantic Ocean and head towards old Europe. Down is really a problem, especially in old Europe. On the contrary, the elves at the northern end of old Europe are likely to have some ways to resist.

To the east, the world of One Piece will suffer. It was originally a world full of malice, but it was made evil by the Tianlong people. If the abyss race casually tempts them, ninety-nine out of ten of the pirates in the sea will turn against them. At that time, these people He will no longer be afraid of Tianlong people, Liu Hao can understand without thinking, the world of One Piece is probably going to be cold.

In this regard, Liu Hao is powerless to help, even if he expends his time and energy to tell the truth, whether it is the Tianlong people or the world government, they will only think that Liu Hao is coveting something. Instead of this, it is better to wait for the real terror to come. The appearance of identity can actually achieve unexpected gains.

At least, the confrontation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Abyss race can be placed in the world of One Piece, and the huge damage to the Dragon Kingdom itself can be avoided.

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