Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixtieth. Cao Cao's plan

860 , Cao Cao's Plan

Time flies, and the mighty migrating army stepped into the earth from the Three Kingdoms of Gods and Demons, which attracted the attention of the entire earth, and the eyes of the entire Dragon Kingdom were attracted. The original plan of about 500,000 people has now become nearly a million people Fortunately, when Luo Bing built the city, he deliberately expanded the scope of the city, so that these people could have their own houses after the arrival of the population.

In fact, most of these people are soldiers and their family members. When Zhuge Liang returned to the Three Kingdoms, he mentioned the conversation between Liu Hao and him. All the generals seemed to have been beaten to death. Which of these soldiers is willing to miss? Even with the complete relocation of family members, today's grand occasion was achieved, but it brought a lot of trouble to Cao Mengde.

Fortunately, the nomads in the north were wiped out by Zhuge Liang Jiaxu and others. Even if there were not many troops, they were not afraid of accidents. The pattern of dominating the north, and the northern overlord without enemies, brought endless pressure to Sun Quan and Liu Bei;

It is said that in order to relieve the pressure, both Sun Quan and Liu Bei had to untie the slaves they hunted in Shanyue and Nanman, which improved their status a lot, and even introduced these populations into the army, in order to face Cao Mengde's attack head-on. Military prestige.

These things, Liu Hao only heard them mention it when they came to the banquet for civil servants and generals, and he no longer paid attention to the follow-up matters. The hidden dangers in the north were removed by him. How the three heroes of the Three Kingdoms fight against each other is already their own internal decision. In addition, Cao Mengde is familiar with the follow-up historical situation, so he is not worried that Cao Cao's wisdom will do stupid things.

No matter how smart a person is, he still has historical limitations. Once the entire limitation is broken, he will stand at a completely different height, whether it is Cao Cao or the civil servants and generals under his account. Big, already don't have much hatred for Sun Quan and Liu Bei's forces;

Rather than spending a huge price to fight them to the death, it is better to occupy more territory overseas and develop yourself well. After more than ten years, the economy alone will bring down Sun Quan and Liu Bei. At that time, it only needs a slight push , unification becomes inevitable.

When I saw Cao Cao again, I knew that Cao Mengde's mentality was very good by looking at his appearance. With Cao Pi collecting a large number of books on the earth, Cao Cao was no longer Cao Cao before. This point, from the time he took back the right to print money to the central government, You can know that Cao Cao, who has already understood a lot of economic thinking, will definitely make Sun Quan and Liu Bei have a splitting headache.

The arrival of Cao Mengde is naturally a matter of Cao Pi's big wedding. Originally, this big wedding should also be hosted in the Three Kingdoms World, but considering that Cao Pi is now the governor of the "Wei and Han" and Liu Hao asked, Cao Cao simply didn't bother to fight for it. ;

On the other hand, he also wanted to take this opportunity to have more contact with Long Guo. Without Liu Hao stationed in the Three Kingdoms World, he also didn't want to cut off communication with Long Guo.

Whether it's trade or military mutual aid, he knows that with the help of the Dragon Kingdom, his own strength will definitely increase by several levels.

Cao Pi, his identity is special enough, it is too suitable for the connection point between the forces of Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms and the Dragon Kingdom of the Earth, and he is also located next to the Australian base of the Dragon Kingdom of the Earth. A think tank recruited from the barracks;

These people may be a little immature in terms of political means, but in terms of knowledge, they are not at all, and they are all elites from major universities. Even in the face of Cheng Yu, they dare to argue with reason. Whether it is customs or not, they have all changed greatly, integrating the local characteristics of the Earth Dragon Kingdom and the Three Kingdoms, and giving Cao Cao a great reference for governing the world.

Of course, among these people, if there is no one deliberately arranged by Longguo, no one will believe it.

When Cao Cao arrived on the earth, the second elder of the Dragon Kingdom also came across the sea, and then participated in the wedding of Cao Pi, also to discuss with Cao Cao the next cooperation between the Dragon Kingdom and the orthodox forces of the Han Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms world.

The location was in Liu Hao's small courtyard. After the tea set was set and the boiling water was boiled, there were only three people left in the small courtyard.

"Meng De, it's not easy for Pi'er to take Queen Guo and Zhen Mi away. Now that the girls' school has taken over the natal relationship, those female generals are not easy to deal with!"

"Women on earth have long been self-reliant, and Cao Pi's test is not easy!" The second elder added a knife in a teasing way.

Cao Cao had heard about this matter before he arrived, and Cheng Yu had already shared the customs with him. A few years ago, he would probably not be able to accept it, but now it has changed a lot. At the time of the monsters, he also took the lead, and his status was raised naturally. In addition, he knew that although these female generals would be embarrassed, they were just for fun, so how could they be angry.

"It's okay, Pi'er had expected that when he returned to the Three Kingdoms earlier, he gathered a large number of talented people. I think it was for this reason. If he was really stumped by the female generals, he could just suppress these arrogant people. Let them know how big the world is, don't do it behind closed doors!"

"You are confident! In the girls' school, there are many beautiful girls from Confucianism and Taoism world. In terms of talent, you can't lose at all. You have to be mentally prepared!" Liu Hao;

"Oh? I've heard about this matter. Many times when my daughters mentioned it, they were very impressed. It's a good thing to really stump those talented people!"

Cao Cao didn't care at all. Speaking of the Three Kingdoms period, there was no shortage of scholars with real talents and real learning. Those who can stand out are those who have created famous schools among thousands of troops, and they must have real talents and real learning.

The three of them joked for a while, but they didn't get entangled in this topic. They came here today to discuss the follow-up cooperation.

"The Dragon Kingdom withdrew from the Central Plains, leaving a few warships stationed in Honolulu, the world of the Three Kingdoms, and also left a small base in Ryukyu. If you really need it, just go to them directly. The construction of the navy will not be completed in a short time, Gan Ning Leaving an assistant with you is considered a seed!" Liu Hao.

"We need to thank King Qin for this matter! Let's drink this cup together!" Cao Cao said.

"Please!" The second elder smiled slightly.

"In the land of Liangzhou, Han Suimateng was forced into the Western Regions by you, what is Meng De's next plan?" Liu Hao.

"Han Suimateng couldn't turn the tide. Although the two of them fled to the Western Regions with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, it was almost impossible to re-enter the Central Plains. From the introduction of the Western Regions, there was not much population there, so they It was they who took down the entire Western Region, and the army and horses they organized were only three to five million yuan. In addition, the filth between the two of them has already grown, and it is even more difficult to unite. , Liangzhou defense is sufficient.

There is no rush to open up the Western Regions. The cost is too high. Instead, it is better to open up overseas first. Thanks to the books donated by the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise, I really don’t know that there are countless territories beyond the sea! "

A paragraph of Cao Cao's words will also be explained in a follow-up period. He now has very few threats in the entire territory.

His words also made Liu Hao understand that Cao Cao had no immediate intention of taking Sun Quan and Liu Bei. Perhaps in his view, taking Sun Quan and Liu Bei early would cost a lot of effort and money, and it was extremely difficult. .

Instead, it is better to keep them, force them to develop southward, force them to settle Shanyue and Nanman, so that they can accept more and safer territories after the decisive battle in the future.

"There are countless treasures hidden in the sea, and they can be obtained continuously. Whether it is forming a business group or forming a fisherman, it can sow seeds for the construction of the navy!" The second elder appreciated this very much.

"Exactly! Before I came here, I had several conversations with Gan Ning, and I even knew that he was a pirate in Nanyang. It's a way to become a navy!" Cao Cao didn't shy away from it, and he probably had the idea of ​​forming pirates to harass him in his heart.

"Naval Academy, I also set up one in Liaodong. After you take over, those teachers will also stay in it. Whether you can let them continue to work for you is up to you!" What the second elder mentioned.

Cao Mengde is so clever, he raised his glass to the second elder immediately;

"Respect Li Shoufu, and hope that Li Shoufu will be perfect!" Cao Cao did not put on airs, and held the cup with both hands, full of etiquette.

"Mr. Cao is polite. We are the descendants of Yan and Huang, so we just watch out for each other! Mr. Cao, there is only a Naval Academy, and Mr. Cao's own talents need to follow up!"

The Second Elder didn't refuse, but he didn't mean to give these people to Cao Cao. He borrowed them more, and then reminded Cao Cao to train his own naval instructors. This is definitely for Cao Cao's sake.

Before Cao Mengde spoke, Liu Hao gave him an idea.

"Meng De, if you want to quickly train naval instructors, the best way is to send students to study at the Dragon Kingdom Naval Academy. Only in this way can you produce talents in batches. The navy is special, far from being as weak as the army. It can be used after training, you should know this!" Liu Hao.

"However, I took it for granted before. If I hadn't talked to Gan Ning a few times, it would be a joke. The navy is still difficult to train, let alone the navy. The words of the sky made me enlightened. This matter, but Li Shoufu's permission is required!"

Before Cao Cao came, he had already consulted the admiral of the Dragon Kingdom who stayed in the Three Kingdoms World, and the other party also gave him this idea. It happened that Liu Hao helped him propose it, so how could he be polite? Immediately find the second elder.

"Don't worry about this, Mr. Cao. There are several maritime academies in Longguo. Mr. Cao has what he needs, so Longguo should do his best! It's just that it's not easy to train in the navy. When Mr. Cao selects people, he needs to choose those who can endure hardships. Row!"

The Second Elder's words reminded Cao Cao not to choose the children of those aristocratic families. It would be ugly if people with weak cultural and cultural backgrounds entered and were selected.

"Hahaha, Second Elder, you can rest assured about this. I think those children from aristocratic families just want to send people to study, and they are mostly offshoots. These people are not delicate!"

However, Liu Hao is different from the second elder. He hopes that the family can choose people to come. Once these offshoots enter the Longguo Naval Academy, the clan thoughts will be wiped out in minutes. members.

What he said was also secretly telling the second elder the deep meaning, but Cao Cao couldn't hear it clearly, but Cao Cao stayed on the surface of Liu Hao's words.

Originally, he really thought about sending a large number of disciples from the family, but now he had to stop thinking about it after hearing the words of the second elder and Liu Hao. Here it is, Cao Mengde will only be the one making jokes.

"Thank you, Li Shoufu, for reminding me! Meng De took it for granted!"

Cao Cao knew his mistakes and could correct them, so he quickly changed his mind. He still had to send the children of the aristocratic family. It was originally a matter of giving his subordinates and families an extra way out, and it was also a time to win them over, but the choice could only be a side branch. Must be a side branch.

In this negotiation, the two parties have a lot of cooperation intentions. In addition, they are all family members, and they have no intention of hiding it. After the military agreement is settled, the business and trade will be more calm. It can be said that everyone is happy. Finished, and began to chat freely.

"Zhen Kong, I heard that you went to Heaven?"

After chatting for a while, Cao Cao inadvertently asked, this question has been held in his mind for a long time, how could he miss it if he seized the opportunity?

"Oh? You are quick enough to get the information! This is true. A few years ago, I went to the fairyland where the Heavenly Court belongs, and I have gained a lot!" Liu Hao didn't hide it. Since he told Zhuge Liang, it would naturally spread. Cao Cao was surprised if he didn't know.

"Perhaps Mr. Cao doesn't know that Liu Hao's visit to the Earth Immortal Realm is not just for gaining something. Now he is fighting for the throne of Emperor Ziwei, and this time he returns to Earth to find some subordinates. It just happens to be the Three Kingdoms World, Zhuge Liang. Jia Xu and his party are going to fight in heaven in the future!"

How could the second elder not know what Cao Cao thought, even he also wanted to let the Dragon Kingdom send some troops to follow Liu Hao into the earth fairy world, and go to the Ziwei star field in Tianting to be a heavenly soldier and general. Saved discussing this idea with Liu Hao.

Sure enough, Cao Cao's eyes were shining brightly after being confirmed by the second elder. Compared with modern people, Cao Mengde, an ancient man, paid more attention to the affairs of immortals and gods. Not to mention other things, his life as long as heaven and earth is enough to make Cao Cao covet. Status, most of them have to follow Liu Hao for a while.

"Congratulations to Zhenkong! Hahaha, Zhenkong must win the throne of Emperor Ziwei. Mengde congratulates him in advance!"

Cao Cao picked up the teacup and drank the tea as wine, but his eyes kept rolling, thinking about how to get more relationship between the old Cao family and Liu Hao.

Cao Pi, as his heir, is still Liu Hao's disciple, but he is not suitable, unless he Cao Cao doesn't want this inheritance to be passed on, but Cao Pi can't, but he has a lot of children. Cao Zhi and Cao Chong are both literary talents. Seniors, if they can follow Liu Hao and cultivate them, maybe his old Cao family will have a backer in the heaven in the future, whether he abdicates or dies in the future, there will be someone to take care of him, right?

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