Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty-one. Reappearance of Kunlun

861 , Kunlun Reappearance

Cao Pi's big marriage can be described as a big event. In terms of financial resources, as Cao Cao's current son-in-law and imperial heir, how could he not be willing? However, the scholars of the Three Kingdoms World were taught a good lesson by the most holy women Tianjiao from Confucianism and Taoism, which made the world of Confucianism and Taoism the most holy world unfold in front of the Three Kingdoms World for the first time, which greatly promoted the Three Kingdoms World and Confucianism and Taoism. Communion in the Holy World.

This is what Liu Hao has always wanted to do, and the arrival of Fang Yun has made the world of the Three Kingdoms have greater expectations for Confucianism and Taoism. This made the way of a hundred schools of thought more developed in the world of the Three Kingdoms, and later, it occupied almost half of the country.

Dragon Kingdom made a live broadcast for Cao Pi's entire wedding. It is said that there were hundreds of millions of viewers. Such a wedding of the heir to a prince in the feudal era really made many Long Kingdom people curious;

After this live broadcast, the pure Hanfu has been popular for a long time, especially the women of Longguo, who are even more crazy about it. What kind of wedding dress and the like will lose their fragrance in an instant. How beautiful is that resplendent red wedding dress? Even Liu Bei'er couldn't help drooling when she saw it, her eyes glowed green, and all kinds of thoughts were in her heart.

As a master, Cao Pi's big marriage gave Liu Hao a feeling that his son was getting married, and he felt that he seemed to be much older in a trance. Many women swayed in his mind, and it took a long time to let out a sigh, as if in a dream .

After the big wedding, Liu Hao didn't stay at the Australian base of Longguo for too long, so he returned to his hometown. It has been half a year since he returned to Earth from the Earth Immortal Realm. The new round of monster beast army that he originally thought was in the Southwest Hundred Thousand Mountains has not yet started. , which made Liu Hao have to doubt it.

In half a year, the situation of the 100,000 mountains in the southwest should have been heard by Dijun Taiyi and given feedback. With Dijun Taiyi's character, he would never give up lightly, let alone facing Liu Hao.

Up to now, there is still no resurgence of the beast tide. Liu Hao thinks that it is very likely that Dijun Taiyi did not get the information from the earth, and why, after much deliberation, only the appearance of the Xuanwu Palace made Dijun Taiyi and others I can't wait to enter it, and the lowest threshold of Daluo Jinxian makes it difficult for the report to reach Dijun's ears quickly, which makes the 100,000 mountains in the southwest of the earth more stable for a longer period of time.

This is definitely a great benefit for the Dragon Kingdom. The entire Dragon Kingdom has not been stable. Although the big monsters in the famous mountains and rivers in the Dragon Kingdom have not broken away from the Dragon Kingdom to stand on their own, the Dragon Kingdom is also difficult to dictate to them;

The relationship between each other, more, is still mutual confrontation, like bandits, there is no possibility of extermination, and the peripheral monsters often step into the territory of the human race, which has become the norm. No matter how many hunters, it is difficult to suppress them in the mountains In the depths, the fighting is almost non-stop. As long as the mountains spread wider, troops must be stationed there for emergencies.

This made many troops of the Dragon Kingdom have to be stationed in various places,

Protecting the environment and the people has become the biggest responsibility, and it is also the largest training place for recruits. Once these recruits have received systematic training, they will appear in the more dangerous Shiwanda Mountains in the southwest, or on the grassland front and northeast.

These three places have become the largest strangulation venues in the Dragon Kingdom, and they can only be handed over to the military. Fortunately, after so many years, the Dragon Kingdom is still able to handle it with ease. Scanning the entire territory of the Dragon Kingdom, warning many great monsters, also gave the Dragon Party a rare half-year relaxation period.

Half a year later, apart from the Shiwan Dashan in the southwest, the other mountain range monsters started to make noise again. Faced with this situation, Liu Hao did not intend to warn any more, and really suppressed the monsters to death. In the deep mountains, the number of monsters will only increase day by day. The formation of a beast swarm is a matter of length. Go on, it's useless if you can't say it.

Sitting in my hometown, it has been another three months. On this day, the area of ​​Kunlun Mountain in Longguo began to appear full of golden light. This is the second time that this situation has occurred, and the opening day of Kunlun Ancestral Mountain is approaching.

Liu Hao had more thoughts about this. He was sure that the Kunlun Ancestral Mountain that was opened was not the Kunlun Mountains in the Earth Immortal Realm. It is still a lot worse. Compared with the "Kunlun Ancestral Vein" space linked by the Kunlun Mountains, it is still a bit small. There is a big gap in size and vastness. In comparison, there are still some inferior.

He hadn't thought about it before, but now that the ancestral veins of Kunlun Mountain have been revived, Liu Hao has no choice but to doubt it.

Kunlun is the unique ancestral lineage of the Dragon Kingdom, in other words, it is also the source of mythological inheritance unique to the civilization of the descendants of Yan and Huang. In Liu Hao's mind, the prehistoric world of the Earth Immortal Realm is already the highest level of the world, but the Kunlun Mountains of the Immortal World have no non-"Kunlun ancestral veins". It looks a little weird.

"Could it be that there is a higher level prehistoric world?"

This idea passed through Liu Hao's mind, and was rejected by him immediately. For a world at the level of the earth, parallel worlds can still appear, but for people at the level of the prehistoric world, it is absolutely impossible. He already knows the concept of parallel worlds, although he still can't travel through them, but he has some senses. From what he thinks, when he reaches the level of Hunyuan saints, he may be able to travel through them and preach to all worlds.

This is also the reason why he thinks that saints preach to all worlds. Otherwise, how could the legends of Sanqing, Nuwa and others appear in a world as magical as the earth before Liu Hao traveled? He doesn't think that there will be countless Sanqing and Nuwa in the chaos, which is unrealistic. The Daluo Jinxian Daoguo already has the concept of the Trinity, and the Hunyuan Daoguo has jumped out of the long river of fate. How can there be countless?

However, the reappearance of the "Kunlun Ancestral Line" also gave Liu Hao more ideas. It was not that he rejected the countless concepts of Sanqing and Nuwa, but he had other ideas about the higher-level world. The corresponding concept is not prehistoric, but the abyss.

In his mind, is there still a world in the chaos, a world that is detached or about to be detached? The level of this world corresponds to the cemetery of the chaotic world. 'Kunlun Zumai'.

As soon as this idea came out, Liu Hao himself was taken aback, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess might be reality.

"Since the world can be destroyed, there must be those who can escape!"

"But it's okay if it's escape, what if it's detachment? Does it mean that the 'Kunlun Ancestral Line' has escaped chaos?"

"Shouldn't it be possible to connect with the world in the chaos after really breaking away from the chaos?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, let's go in and observe."

Liu Hao waited at home for the official opening of the Kunlun ancestral line, and Fang Yun came to inquire the next day. He did not describe the inside story or guess words, but more to share the experience of entering it last time, the most important of which is , or a reminder to step into the second layer of mirror combat.

"There is a second layer, does that mean there is a third layer?"

"It's hard to say, the Kunlun's ancestral veins here are not the Kunlun Mountains of the Earth Immortal Realm. Compared with the Kunlun in your world, it is billions of times vaster. In the second layer, the earth is placed inside it, but it is just a huge stone. That's all!"

"Such vast mountains and rivers are really scary!"

"Yeah! The last time I entered it, I didn't meet many people at all. I thought it would take a long time next time, but I didn't know it would open up so soon!"

"This is strange, such a vast world is opened only once in hundreds of millions of years!"

"Yeah, maybe the earth is a little different? Or maybe the flow of time is different?"

"It's probably only like this!"

"Don't mention him, let's go in and talk about it. Even if we don't get the inside story, the reward for entering the second floor is enough to make us excited!"

"That's right, an opportunity to enlightenment, which no one wants to miss!"

"Hahaha, yes!" Liu Hao nodded with a smile, no longer entangled in it; "By the way, there should be creatures from the abyss that have stepped into the earth? Have you focused on observing during this time?"

The last time we met at the Australian base, although Liu Hao did not mention the inside story of the abyss to Fang Yun, he also reminded Fang Yun of the horror of the abyss. In this regard, Fang Yun's attention level has also increased a lot, and key observations have become inevitable, but It is impossible to observe within the abyss, but the Maple Leaf Country or the range of the bald eagle outside the abyss.

"In the abyss, many creatures have stepped into the earth long ago, but they all chose to hide, and more of them used to erode the local creatures to advance them. They hid themselves in dark corners. Compared with humans, they are monsters. Beast monsters are more difficult to be eroded by them!"

"Oh? It's understandable. Human beings have complicated thoughts and dark hearts. On the contrary, whether it's monster races, monster beasts, whether they hunt and kill the same kind or humans, in concept, they are just for predation. Think so much!"

"That's right! So even if the demon beasts in the original Maple Leaf Kingdom were eroded, they were all eroded by the suppression of their ranks;

On the contrary, in the territory of the Bald Eagle, many immortal ranks were tempted by the abyss race and reduced to demon subjects. There are many sects that worship evil gods, especially in the New York area! "

"Normal!" Liu Hao understood this very well, and he didn't discuss the reason with Fang Yun in depth. He believed that Fang Yun was also aware of this aspect; "Have you tried to test it?"

"I tested it by hinting at the native strong of the bald eagle, but the effect is a bit poor!"


"The abyss race has a very powerful influence on the soul. If there is not much achievement in the soul, it is easy to be affected, and the strength of a body can only be used to 70% to 80%;

During this process, the abyssal race continued to erode the opponent and arouse the evil in the opponent's heart. Once they fell, they would become a part of the abyss! "

"It seems that the bald eagle is dangerous! Zhou Guo is fine, but you also need to be careful of people who are eroded inside. You must know that human thoughts are the most complicated. Who knows what is going on inside a person who is upright on the outside?"

"This is inevitable. I have already spread the law of 'Heaven and Earth Righteousness'. With this restraint method, there is no problem!"

"Yeah!" Liu Hao nodded slightly, "You should have also learned Taoist methods, right?"

"Naturally, how can I miss one more means!"

"Be careful yourself, I'm worried that quasi-sages will be sent from the abyss!"

"It's okay, I've touched the edge of the quasi-sage, and I'm guided by the law!"

"Law of space?"

"I can't hide it from you. I have absorbed a lot of void essence in my own world, which makes me talented enough in this area. After you remind me, I am also included in it!"

"That's good! If you can, you can also study the law of fire. The method of 'karmic fire' in the law of fire has a strong restraint effect on the abyss race. A few days ago, I captured a fairy The creatures from the abyss have done experiments and found that they are the natural fuel of the 'karmic fire', once contaminated, they can only be reduced to ashes in the 'karmic fire'!"

"Oh? This is good news! It seems that I also need to capture an abyss creature to try!"

"This is indeed a good way. It is always good to know more about each other!"

"Thank you!"

"What are you being polite to me?" Liu Hao waved his hand, "You really want to thank me, why don't you go to the university where I study for a class?"

"Alright! University, I really miss it!"

"Hehehe, I can only miss it! It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, how about today?"


"Then I'll notify them first, and I'll be there at three o'clock in the afternoon!"


Zhonghai University, Principal Huang Haidong heard Fang Yun coming to give a lecture, almost bursting with joy, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

In the Dragon Kingdom, the name of Fang Yun has long been spread, especially in various colleges and universities, the reputation is even more powerful, whether it is a lot of students or professors, Fang Yun is highly respected.

The most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism stepped into the earth and established the "Zhou Kingdom" in the original chicken roll country, which also prompted the Dragon Kingdom to learn more about the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism. Before that, there was Kong Delun's explanation, so I don't know Confucianism and Taoism The most holy world is a sacred place for the practice of hundreds of human races?

After the "Nation of Zhou" was established, the Dragon Kingdom also sent many teachers and students to study abroad. Over the years, not only the way of the Hundred Schools of the Dragon Kingdom has been greatly developed, but also let them know how to use their talents. In the year, not to mention the direct conferment of saints, but also surpassed Confucius in one fell swoop, pushing the human race in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism to the peak, and forcibly won the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth from Yaoman's hands. For this reason, it is enough to make Fang Yun an idol.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, many students of the Dragon Kingdom regard Fang Yun as a traverser of the Dragon Kingdom. Unfortunately, this matter cannot be confirmed by Fang Yun, and it is impossible to mention it. He firmly believed in it, and he was also more cordial to Fang Yun. It can be said that Fang Yun was much more popular than Liu Hao in the Dragon Kingdom.

Liu Hao has traveled through many worlds, and has long since disappeared from the eyes of the people of Longguo. There are many guesses that Liu Hao's cultivation is advanced, but no one has an idea of ​​how strong he is. You can't go back to school to show off your cultivation, right? That really made the students of Zhong Hai University despise him.

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