Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eighty-three. Tianyan is hard to offend (Thanks for being boring)

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Fang Yun's lectures in major universities in Longguo set off a wave of enthusiasm among hundreds of schools of thought and greatly promoted the improvement of the way of hundreds of schools. After listening to Fang Yun's lectures, many students made breakthroughs one after another;

Especially the professors in those colleges and universities have improved a lot. Once the accumulation in the past exploded, there were many scholars and scholars in the Dragon Kingdom. This situation made Liu Hao extremely happy, and the Dragon Kingdom was also very happy when it was in power. .

Civilization is the cornerstone, the way of a hundred schools of thought. The earth has gone through two stages of rapid expansion. The first stage of rapid expansion was caused by Academician Yuan's canonization. Celebrate, mirror the earth;

At that time, there were no masters of the immortal rank in the whole earth. Academician Yuan's canonization not only broke the ceiling of the immortal rank, but also surpassed the prospect of the Tao of Hundred Schools beyond any cultivation mode in one fell swoop. Lack, dare not abandon it;

It can be said that it has become the mainstream to use it as an auxiliary practice, and most of the people who use it as the first choice are professors from major universities and teachers from various university campuses. Those who do it.

The Dragon Kingdom is like this, and it is also because of its spread throughout the earth. Among those surviving countries, the ways of hundreds of schools, especially Confucianism, can be regarded as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But even so, the way of a hundred schools of thought has not yet become the mainstream. The reason is that it is difficult to obtain the last few ranks, that is, the three ranks of Hanlin, college students, and great Confucians, and there is no systematic method. It didn't get better until Kong Delun's arrival. Although there were no large-scale appearances, there were also many breakthroughs. After summarizing the path, it was barely opened up a small path for advancement.

The second stage is now really coming. The entry of Confucianism and Taoism into the earth has indeed benefited the way of hundreds of schools. However, the Confucianism and Taoism most holy monks who have stepped into the earth in recent years are still under construction most of the time. Homeland, to resist threats, even if they want to communicate, they have little time. In addition, they are far away from the Dragon Kingdom, so although they have made progress, they are always in the number.

Fang Yun gave lectures to various universities and released these energies at once. As far as Zhong Hai University is concerned, those professors who were originally stuck in the Hanlin degree, but within a few days, most of them stepped into the bachelor's degree. Those who have accumulated profound knowledge have stepped into the rank of Confucianism in one fell swoop. Among Zhonghai University, they can be regarded as a small master. They can easily suppress those brats below, and their confidence has been greatly improved.

Don't think that a great Confucianism is no more than the ninth rank. In terms of the entire Dragon Kingdom, it is nothing at all. The situation is not analyzed in this way.

In colleges and universities, apart from the person in charge, there are very few fairy ranks, and even those in charge are mostly named, and the greater responsibility is to maintain local stability and resist possible attacks by big monsters.

For example, President Huang Haidong of Zhong Hai University is like this,

The reason why he became the principal of Zhonghai University was more to supplement the high-end combat power of the military near Zhonghai. When the military was in high-level field work, the highest law and order in the entire Zhonghai fell to him. The teaching of Zhonghai University is really fundamental Very few.

Therefore, in a school like Zhonghai University, most of the teachers are not high-level, and the first rank is the norm, and the students, when they graduate, will not be so high. Already a little genius.

Originally, those civilized professors were only at the sixth or seventh level, and they were much inferior to the students. After a long time, although the students respected them verbally, how could they not know what they were thinking in their hearts? In such a dangerous state of the world, only true masters can be admired. How could these professors know this? No matter how confident you are in your heart, you will be hit hard.

But now this situation has been greatly changed, because Fang Yun expanded the original small path to the main road, and created many small shortcuts on this main road. What is certain is that, In the next period of time, those professors who have accumulated a lot of experience are bound to advance again. Among them, it will not be surprising even if there is a Saint-Conferred Immortal rank.

The advancement of the instructor also affects the situation of the latecomers. Not to mention other things, Liu Hao believes that in the future, there will be a large number of courses in these colleges and universities, and there will even be professional departments of hundreds of schools. , such as the Confucian Academy, the Military Academy, and so on.

Once these departments appear and gain a firm foothold, it also means that the little sapling of the Way of the Hundred Schools of the Earth has begun to grow towards the big tree supporting the sky, and Liu Hao doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Three months passed by in a flash. During these three months, I heard that so and so made a breakthrough because of listening to Fang Yun's preaching on the spot. When Yun preached, the number of people at the scene exceeded one million. In three months, Fang Yun became a true teacher of a hundred schools of thought on the earth;

It is said that the invitation letters from the surviving countries have been sent through the Dragon Kingdom's diplomatic system. In order to invite Fang to give a lecture in their country, various prices have been raised so that the Dragon Kingdom's ruler is very excited.

Liu Hao didn't comment on this. Fang Yun had his own plan on how to do it, and he didn't want to interfere with Fang Yun's thinking. In his mind, Fang Yun would most likely be willing to do it. Not to mention anything else, this matter is very important to him. The Way of Enlightenment already has huge benefits, and it is also a beneficial promotion of the Way of Hundred Schools.

Sure enough, after three months of lecturing in the Dragon Kingdom, Fang Yun also began to appear in those surviving countries. What even Liu Hao didn't expect was that Fang Yun would be the first to choose to give lectures in the world of Naruto, and the location of the lectures was even more important. He chose the school established by Longguo on Baanchi Street. According to Liu Hao's estimation, Zeng Jianliang's promotion was likely to be involved in this. Of course, there must also be the consideration of Longguo's governance.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the frequency of golden light appearing more and more frequently these days. Judging from past experience, the opening day is also very close. When it is opened, it can be reached in one step, and there is no need to worry. But in this situation, he communicated with Fang Yun, and worried that Fang Yun would miss it because of his lecture. If this is the case, he must be very guilty.

It was like this for another three months. On this day, the golden light of the Kunlun Mountains was in full bloom, and the golden light shot straight into the sky, dyeing the entire western part of the Dragon Kingdom golden. Fang Yun, the old European lecturer, after a notification, led Xiao Longer and his eldest brother and sister-in-law to the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in one step.

"Xiaohao, this is 'teleportation'? Isn't this too far away? It should be considered a shuttle space!"

"It can be regarded as a shuttle space, but it is far from the real shuttle space!"

Liu Hao did not explain too much about this. In his opinion, traveling through space does not require him to fold the space in half, but to directly construct a space channel within the space dimension, just like a 'wormhole' or a 'teleportation array', and Compared with teleportation, the distance is definitely an increase of hundreds of millions of times. That is the real shuttle space. With his current understanding of space laws, he is still a little weak.

He wanted to describe the 'teleportation array', but after trying for a long time, he had to give up. Not to mention other things, he was rejected on a fixed-point problem, which made it difficult for him to construct the teleportation array. I don't know which location it will be teleported to. Such a teleportation array has no meaning at all.

"Brother, the Kunlun ancestral vein is also extremely dangerous. The monks who enter it don't have an accurate concept of their cultivation. The opponent they meet may be a quasi-sage Hunyuan. You have to be careful when you enter!"

"Don't worry, we mainly come to see the world, enter it, the best thing is to gain something, and we won't care if we don't!"

"Well, that's good. After entering, it will randomly appear in a certain position. Whether you can get a chance depends on luck!"

"Father, will you separate if you hold me?"

"I don't know, let's try it. If we separate, Xiao Long'er has to be careful!"

"Yeah, Xiao Long'er will be careful, and find a way to find the location suggested by Dad when he goes in, don't worry, Dad!"

"There are some crystals left by the slaughter of hundreds of clans in the periphery of Kunlun's ancestral veins. If they fit with them, they can be absorbed if they are obtained. After absorbing, they will get corresponding talent bonuses. In this regard, Xiao Long'er doesn't care. No big brother, you and sister-in-law can look for it!"

"Okay! We will put safety first!"

The golden light in front of them became more intense, a figure appeared beside Liu Hao and the others, and Fang Yun finally arrived.

"You have learned a lot from this lecture, right?"

"That's the case! It seems that my 'way of enlightenment' needs to be taught everywhere!"

"Hahaha, it's so good, when I go to the Earth Immortal Realm in the future, I can do it like this!"

"Liu Hao, have you ever thought about Hongjun's 'Tao'?"

"Don't you think Hongjun's 'Tao' is also the way of enlightenment?"

"Well, I'm a little worried. If that's the case, he won't bypass me! There is no good or bad in the battle of morality, only a battle of life and death!"

"Hongjun's 'Tao' is the 'Tao of Order'. You don't need to worry about this, otherwise, when I spread the Tao of the Hundred Schools in the Earth Immortal Realm, it will be the day of my death!"

"Is that so? That's fine!"

"I also know that you are always worried. Hongjun's way may contain a little bit of enlightenment, but it is definitely not his major, and it is even just marginal. The reason why he practiced is most likely because of the Taoism taught by Zixiao Palace. That's why!"

"I hope so!"

Liu Hao didn't try to persuade Hongjun too much. Facing Hongjun, if Fangyun had no pressure, it would be fake. If it was true against Hongjun, not to mention a hundred fortunes, it would turn all living beings on the earth into Fangyun. Jun is just a wink.

"Don't worry, after the earth lectures, you can get in touch with the Dragon Kingdom. The Dragon Kingdom has controlled many world passages, and there are many civilizations of the descendants of Yan and Huang. They also hope that the way of a hundred schools with their own civilization will develop vigorously. Spread a few more worlds, it is not a problem for you to step into the quasi-sage with the way of enlightenment, after you enter the quasi-sage, go to the earth fairy world to feel it, and you can be more sure whether the way of enlightenment has been obtained by others!"

"That's fine, if someone obtains the 'Way of Enlightenment' in the Immortal Realm, it must be Hongjun. If it is still there, I will take it!"

"This is the Fang Yun I know!"

"Don't put a high hat on me, I don't have the slightest confidence in facing Hongjun!"

"Understood, Hongjun and I have also met a few times, and the few times we met, only left me with a very kind feeling, and I can't see through the rest!"

"It's strange that a strong man in the realm of 'Heavenly Dao' can be seen through by a quasi-sage like you. Now that you think about it, can you really outline Hongjun's face?"

"Of course not! Turn around and forget. When you see it, you can immediately know that it is Hongjun. In the fairy world, not only Hongjun is like this, but also Empress Houtu. Even Empress Nuwa, I also forgot her appearance. !"

"Oh? Could it be Empress Nuwa?"

"Hehehe, it is also because of this information that I know that Empress Nuwa has also entered the realm of the 'Day of Heaven', but she has just broken through not long ago!"

"It seems that the prehistoric waters of the Earth Immortal Realm are deeper than I imagined! Saint, have you seen it?"

"I don't have the main body. I have seen Zhunti's incarnation Bodhi Patriarch, and Lao Tzu's incarnation Taishang Laojun, but none of them gave me such a feeling;"

"Could it be that you and Empress Nuwa still remember her appearance after getting in touch with her before?"

"Exactly, but after the latest time, when I turned around, I completely forgot about it! Even the information engraved in the previous memory has become more and more vague. Today, I can no longer remember the face of Empress Nuwa."

Fang Yun nodded slightly and sighed softly;

"It's hard to break the sky!"

"Hahaha, of course, this is good information, at least it can let us distinguish the opponent's realm!"

"You have a good attitude!"

"What if it's not good?"

The exchange of information between the two left Liu Tang and his wife stunned. They knew that Liu Hao was awesome, but they didn't expect to be able to contact such powerful people as Hongjun and Houtu many times.

"You said before that you wanted to compete for the throne of Emperor Ziwei, but you never thought of going directly to Hongjun, Houtu or Nuwa to fight for it?"

"I thought about it, but the cause and effect made me a little taboo!"

"Cause and effect? ​​I take it for granted!"

"Yeah, I also know that most of them will nod if they really ask for it, but once they nod, I must owe them karma. I owe karma to a strong person in the 'Day of Heaven' realm. It's not a joke! It can only be regarded as Last resort!"

"It seems that you are bound to win the throne of Emperor Ziwei!"

"Yeah, even if it's not for yourself, you still need to obtain it!"

"For the earth?"

"You can say that!"

"I don't know if Kong Sheng in the immortal world is the same person as Kong Sheng in my world?"

"When I see it in the future, I will naturally know that Confucius in the Immortal Realm should also step into the quasi-sage now. Once he obtains Kong Xuan's previous cultivation, he will naturally find the memories he should find!"

"Kong Xuan? There are quite a few legends about him. If the Tathagata says he eats people, he doesn't know if it's true or not?"

"Hahaha, do you believe the words of the Tathagata? If Kong Xuan is really good at people, how could he help King Zhou during the Yin and Shang Dynasties?"

"The Yin Shang totem is a mysterious bird, and the mysterious bird is a phoenix. Kong Xuan is the son of the phoenix, so it is reasonable to participate in it. A son of the phoenix, who knows that the human race is the daughter of the empress Nuwa? It seems that there are some problems with what the Tathagata said. !"

"The human race in the immortal world is the protagonist of the heaven and the earth. The saints compete for control because of the luck of the human race. Xuandu's words are true, 'the saints are immortal and there are more than thieves'. His master and I have not denied it, haha!"

"It's true, for the sake of luck, there is nothing they dare not do! During the Westward Journey, those monster mounts will not be polite to the human race at all."

"Speaking of Journey to the West, I miss Sun Houzi a little bit. This guy doesn't know what to do now!"

"Where does he need your relationship? All the gods and Buddhas, who dare not sell his face?"

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