Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty-four. Heavenly Demon World Tai 1

864、Taiyi of the Heavenly Demon Realm

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountains, Liu Hao and Fang Yun chatted one after another. Whether Xiao Long'er or Liu Tang and his wife were listening to these secret messages quietly, they were even more shocked.

The golden light filled the sky, and other colors had been completely covered. Even Liu Hao, Fangyun and others were like bronze statues. A wave of coercion came from within the Kunlun Mountains. Many monks waiting at the foot of the mountain could only retreat again and again. If Liu Tang and his wife behind Liu Hao hadn't been helped by Liu Hao to withstand the pressure, they would have been pushed far away.

Now at the foot of the mountain, there are few people who can stand firm, and the coercion in front of them has already reached the level of Da Luo Tianxian, which has never appeared before.

"It seems that the Kunlun ancestral line has changed. I don't know if the level will be limited this time?"

"Oh? Last time there was no coercion?"

"The last time I entered it, it was only at the eighth level, which is equivalent to the level of a bachelor's degree. Now it seems that it is impossible to enter it below the immortal level!"

"The aura of the earth has long been different from the past, maybe it was just a special case last time!"

"The level of the world where the Kunlun ancestral line is located is likely to be higher than we imagined!"

"This is also a good thing for us!"

"It's all about gains and losses. The earth without the novice protection period seems to have to face the competition from the heavens and the world!"

"That's enough, I don't know if the Kunlun Mountains in my world have such a scene!"

Fang Yun's words made Liu Hao stunned. The most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism also has the Kunlun Mountains, and this Kunlun Mountains is the core of the most holy Confucianism and Taoism. Small, but in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, in the long historical period, the scene in front of the country did not appear at all.

Similarly, whether in the world of Bright Sword or the world under one person, these worlds where the Kunlun Mountains exist, there is also no phenomenon of linking to the Kunlun ancestral line.

In this way, the special features of the earth world are even more obvious.

"Earth, it seems really special!"

"This earth is special!"

"That's right! Is it a transfer station in the heavens and worlds? There are many advantages, but the disadvantages are also not small! It's really a question of whether you can get through the troubles in the future!"

"It seems that you have guessed about the Kunlun ancestry?"


There are some, but I can't tell you yet! Fang Yun, you are still too weak, work hard, you may be busy in the future! "


Fang turned around and took a deep look at Liu Hao, but Liu Hao had no other reaction, and Fang Yun didn't delve into it. He just kept this matter in his heart, and his sense of urgency was much stronger. Some scruples were deeply buried in his heart. In his opinion, most of the information Liu Hao got came from the mouths of masters in the earth and immortal world, which made him have to think about Hongjun's possible "way of enlightenment". Abandoning fear, thinking in my heart that this fairyland really has to go.

"Xiaohao, will the earth become more and more dangerous in the future?"

"Probably yes, brother, you and sister-in-law need to spend more time in cultivation, the family can count on you to protect them!"


The hearts of Liu Tang and his wife were also heavy. In the past, they were well protected by Liu Hao, especially Liu Tang. With his cultivation, he should have been fighting on the front lines, but in fact he was almost nesting at home. It's also because of my sister-in-law, it's not a big crisis, and I can't find them;

This is the tacit understanding between Liu Hao and the high-level officials of Longguo, but Liu Hao's words today made them more aware that Liu Hao may not be able to protect the dangers in the future, and his hometown is no exception. This burden immediately turned into pressure. Although Liu Hao's answer was only a single word 'um', he had already made a great determination in his heart.

More than ten miles behind Liu Hao and the others, Zhang Zhiwei, the old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei, arrived with Zhang Lingyu, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao. Seeing Liu Hao's figure from a distance, he wanted to greet him and stepped into Kunlun together. The coercion that came made them have to stop.

Their arrival was also within Liu Hao's divine sense. After thinking about it, Liu Hao also told a few people about the situation he was familiar with before, not to mention other things, as for what they would gain, it was up to them.

In front of them, the golden light became brighter and brighter, and many monks had to squint their eyes. After an unknown period of time, the golden light burst out suddenly, and even Liu Hao was in a daze. Inside, the little Long'er in his arms had also disappeared, and his divine sense came out, and within a million miles, there was not a single living being.

"There is a lot of suppression of divine thoughts!"

Liu Hao murmured, and shot towards the direction he sensed. Along the way, after scanning, he saw many crystals of hundreds of clans. He didn't intend to stop. They were exposed and easy to collect. I don't bother to stay on the ones that are a little bit difficult, and I don't even want to take the time to check the ones that are put away.

In the vast Kunlun ancestral veins, millions of miles high mountains can be seen everywhere, and it took several hours for a living being to appear under Liu Hao's spiritual thought.

"Great Luo Jinxian! It seems that this opening is not easy!"

Liu Hao dodged and appeared in front of this creature. This creature looked like a pangolin, its size was unbelievably huge, even Xiao Long'er's real body was a bit small compared to him.

"I have seen the seniors!"

Liu Hao, who is a quasi-sage, has steadily suppressed the pangolin in front of him. He is a little surprised that the pangolin in front of him has obviously been able to transform into shape long ago, but why does it keep its original shape? Could it be the suppression of the ancestral line of Kunlun Mountain?

"Which world are you from?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Liu Hao felt a little embarrassed. If he asked such a question, could he really give an answer? Obviously a little confused, if someone asked Liu Hao which world he was from, would he tell the other party that he was from the earth? You must know that the earth is just a part of your own world. How do you know what your own world is called?

Originally, Liu Hao really didn't think that the other party could give an answer, but the fact gave him a shock. The pangolin in front of him didn't hesitate at all, so he gave Liu Hao the answer.

"Back to senior, this junior is from the Heavenly Demon Realm!"

"The Heavenly Demon Realm?"

Liu Hao's voice was very soft, giving the impression that he had some impressions of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Although acting was a layman for Liu Hao, it was no problem to fool the pangolin in front of him.

"Exactly! This junior is also lucky to have the qualification to step into the Kunlun ancestral line!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, but his heart was shocked. A Da Luo Jinxian still needs to compete for the qualification to enter the Kunlun ancestral line. How can he not pay attention to the exposed information?

This day, the demon world must be very powerful, and there must be many quasi-sages, even many, and their control over the world is also very strong, and the control stipulates the qualifications of all parties to enter Kunlun. Do it, if the Heavenly Demon Realm becomes the enemy of the earth, the opponent's organizational ability will be absolutely terrifying.

"Tell me, how is the Heavenly Demon Realm going?"

Liu Hao has no choice. He knows that if he asks such a question, the other party will probably be vigilant, but he has no other method to use. He has no idea about the sky demon world. It is better to ask directly. At least he can bet on the fear of the pangolin in front of him. With a strong heart, even if there are many falsehoods in the information told to myself, I still admit it.

Sure enough, the other party was slightly taken aback when he heard Liu Hao's question. Liu Hao's face did not change at all, as if he was just asking casually, but the pangolin felt a lot of pressure. How much do you know.

The asymmetry of information made the pangolin very entangled. It was all a lie. If Liu Hao was familiar with the sky demon world, he would kill himself on the spot if he was angry, which made the pangolin directly veto it.

After thinking about it for a while, the pangolin also has a way, that is to tell some information that is known to everyone in the demon world, in a more general way, mixed with some well-known lies, or it can be reversed to Liu Hao, if Liu Hao can't tell the truth from it. False, the follow-up answers can be directly faked.

"His Majesty Taiyi sits in the Heavenly Court, and the ten thousand races dare not refuse! This time when Kunlun is opened, the ten thousand races will compete fiercely..."

"Dare to lie to me, you really don't know how to live or die!"

After listening to the pangolin's speech, Liu Hao didn't hesitate at all. While speaking, he stretched out his fist to kill the opponent, and the heat brought by the fist wind was even faintly visible in black. This punch really hit the pangolin. There will be no way out.

When the pangolin saw the ghost of the dead, he subconsciously thought that Liu Hao had sensed the lie hidden in him. Seeing the fists coming, he knew that he was not able to resist at all.

"Forgive me! Senior, forgive me..."

The pangolin's voice was hoarse. It wasn't that he didn't want to escape, but that after working hard, he found that the whole space was sticky.

Liu Hao had already made preparations when he asked the question. He couldn't distinguish the lies in the words of the pangolin. In this case, he simply assumed that he knew it. Now that he knew it, he naturally had to give a response. As a quasi-sage cultivator, a big Luo Jinxian dared to deceive himself, so he naturally wanted to kill the other party to make an example.

When the pangolin said the words of forgiveness, Liu Hao showed a trace of hesitation on his face, and the strength on his fists also restrained a little. This gave the pangolin a great signal, and the whole body prostrated itself on the ground, kowtowed its head, and begged for mercy endlessly.

"Hmph! Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped!"

The strength on Liu Hao's fist was more restrained, and on the way, he extended an index finger out of his fist and pointed towards the pangolin. After stabbing out, the remaining power directly smashed a hill thousands of miles away beside it.

His life was saved, and the stinging pain from the pangolin reminded him all the time that this human race in front of him was definitely not to be trifled with, and he was a violent-tempered person who could kill his opponent with a single word of disagreement. This time, Liu Hao didn't Without asking further, the pangolin couldn't wait to blurt out more information about the Sky Demon Realm.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Demon Emperor Taiyi holds the sun in his hand and suppresses the heavens. He is also the most powerful boss. Under Taiyi, there are thousands of races, all of which are demon clans, and they can only be classified as demon clans. Human races do not exist in it. The reason why we know the human race is also because the sky demon world has conquered other worlds. Up to now, it is still fighting endlessly with a nearby world where the human race is respected.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, apart from the Demon Emperor, the most powerful are mostly the patriarchs of the various clans. The respect of the strong is vividly reflected in this world, and the law of the jungle is even more red. The extermination of the clan, such as how many clans do not exist in the demon world today, is also because Tai Yi drew this bottom line, allowing him to sit firmly on the throne of the demon emperor and suppress the heavens.

Liu Hao didn't have much idea about this, but his focus was on 'Tai Yi' from the Heavenly Demon Realm, and more importantly, he connected the other party with the Demon Emperor Taiyi from the Earth Immortal Realm. Is Tai Yi from the Sky Demon Realm also the three-legged Golden Crow body? Is there a great connection between the two?

It's just that it's not easy to ask this question. Once asked, it will inevitably reveal the information that Liu Hao is not familiar with the Sky Demon Realm. While listening to the other party's statement, he suddenly has a new idea.

The information stated by the pangolin in front of him is not very secretive at all, or it is secret, and he will not really say it. It must be known that every strong man and race has a hole card. There is a restriction in the monk's soul. Once this information is exposed, the restriction in the soul will explode, killing him on the spot.

Whether there is such a restriction in the pangolin primordial spirit is very unpredictable, but after listening to the general information of the pangolin, one can clearly know that the information given by the other party is all ordinary information, and those who really understand the sky demon world can know a lot, which is also true. It gave Liu Hao the possibility to cheat.

"You claim that you are from the Heavenly Demon Realm, do you have proof?"

This question directly stunned the pangolin, as if proving that your mother is your mother, how to prove it? He had to stop several times when he opened his mouth, which stumped him immediately.

"What is the body of Taiyi?"

"Three-legged Golden Crow!"

With the previous foreshadowing, the pangolin did not become suspicious, but thought it was Liu Hao's exploration of his origin.

"Does he have children?"

"Yes, His Majesty has a total of seven sons, all of which are the three-legged Jinwu body, and the other sons and daughters have not been recognized by His Majesty!"

"Do you know Bai Ze?"

"Bai Ze is the prime minister, how can the young one have the chance to recognize him?"

"How is the patriarch of the Soaring Snake Clan?"

"The Teng Snake Clan is an ancient race, and the patriarch is only a hair away from proving the Dao. If they were not proud of not accepting the Snake Clan to join them, they must be among the ten clans now!"

"Tell me who are the ten clans?"

"The lion clan is headed by the wild lion, the tiger clan is respected by the green radish, the fox clan is headed by the nine-tailed fox, the eagle clan is headed by the golden-winged roc, and the ox clan is respected by the white rhinoceros;

These five ethnic groups are also the strongest races in the history of the Sky Demon Realm, and they are also a collection of many of the same kind. Not only are there countless people who have stepped into the Hunyuan among the ethnic groups, they are also the most unprovoked race in the Sky Demon Realm;

Next, the Dragon Clan is respected, but the Dragon Clan is also too arrogant, and non-true dragons are not included in the Dragon Clan, so they are ranked sixth;

The seventh is the Elephant Race, which is also the most important race of the Demon King. They have fought with the Demon King since the beginning of time, and all races should respect them three points.

The eighth race is the Phoenix Clan, and it is also the least numerous among many races. The number is unknown so far. There are only a few Phoenix Clans walking in the Sky Demon Realm. Fortunately, they are the most peaceful. As long as you don't provoke them, They would not participate in the affairs of the Heavenly Demon Realm, and even the Demon Emperor Taiyi seldom recruited them.

Ranked ninth is the Violent Ape Clan, whose color is fiery red. They once competed with the Phoenix Clan for the volcano world. It was also their failure that let us know the strength of the Phoenix Clan.

The last clan is the Xiaoyue Sirius. It is said that the Xiaoyue Sirius clan came to the present with the support of the Demon Emperor Taiyi. I don't know the exact reason! "

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