Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty six. Meet Xiaoqing again

866 , Meet Xiaoqing Again

The conversation between the old red dragon and Liu Hao was not for the purpose of exploring each other, but more for the purpose of gaining Liu Hao's trust. The deepest purpose was to teach Xiao Long'er the unique attack skills of the dragon clan;

He doesn't know how the dragon clan in Liu Hao's world is, but letting such a talented little dragon be exiled outside means that the dragon clan is bound to decline in Liu Hao's world. As a fellow clan, he also wants to help, not to mention whether these skills can be spread The Dragon Clan, at least allows Xiao Longer to master the unique skills of the Dragon Clan.

To do this, there is no need for treasures. For possible dangers, Liu Hao will also need to check it before handing it over to Xiao Longer. The old red dragon has already offended Liu Hao before, so he naturally chose the safest plan, and Liu Hao After exchanging pleasantries, he took off a piece of dragon scale from his body, and transferred his skills to Liu Hao for review.

In fact, Liu Hao was very rare in these dragon skills before, but he didn't pay much attention to them after Qinglong Dazun got the 'Qinglong Xuangong'.

It was also out of a comparability that Liu Hao chose to accept it. After exploring it with his spiritual sense, he gave it to Xiao Long'er to choose. Stones from other mountains can also be used to attack jade, let alone from other worlds. Besides, Xiao Long The child is still young, more contrast is good, the worst is that it can also be used for his black dragon mount.

The old red dragon got what he wanted, and he didn't bother anymore. After returning, he looked at Xiao Long'er from time to time, and it could be seen that he was still very concerned about Xiao Long'er, a fellow clan.

It seems that Xiao Long'er is also very fond of the skills and skills in it. After getting this scale, he began to practice as a dragon beside him. His talent was displayed to the fullest at this moment. Several times when the old red dragon saw it, he wanted to come forward and give some guidance. But out of a cautious heart, he still endured it. After this patience, he found that Xiao Long'er had improved a lot when he practiced again, which made him sigh inwardly.

Time flies, and I don't know how long it has passed. Feng Baobao hurried over, and the first thing he saw Liu Hao was to ask Zhang Chulan if he was here.

"He's probably still on the way, have you encountered any danger along the way?"

"Well, there are a lot of people fighting, and I don't even care about it!"

"Hahaha, it seems that you are really lucky. Are you waiting for Zhang Chulan and the others here? Or go to the second floor first?"

"Wait a minute, I'm not in a hurry!"

"Then let's wait together! Are you practicing Tai Chi now?"

"Yes, Zhang Chulan and the others are improving so fast, they can't catch up with them without practicing!"

After hearing this, Liu Hao could only help his forehead,

Feng Baobao is too special, and she has the least training time among this group of people. It is estimated that if Zhang Chulan and the others have not improved so fast, she will spend less time training.

"Have you found your memory now?"

"It's okay, I don't know if I can get back the billion dollars!"

"At the peak of Daluo Jinxian, there is a chance to prove the Daoguo of Daluo. At that time, he will jump out of the long river of fate. All experiences can be viewed, and the memory will naturally be restored!"

"That's good, I was counting on it!"

Liu Hao smiled slightly, thinking in his heart that Feng Baobao at that time didn't know whether he could maintain the innocence of today. If he could, Feng Baobao would step into the quasi-sage more quickly in the future. , it is really difficult to give birth to someone like Feng Baobao. It seems that nothing can affect her, or in other words, she is the only one who can affect others.

Just like now, Liu Hao has stepped into the quasi-sage, even the old heavenly master has changed Liu Hao a little bit, but Feng Baobao is the same as before, even Liu Hao is thinking that even if a saint stands in front of Feng Baobao, she will Nothing will change.

"In her condition, she is really an excellent cultivator. It fits well with Lao Tzu's way of doing nothing. I don't know if Lao Tzu will think of accepting her when he sees her. Well, maybe Feng Baobao is not happy? Haha Haha, it’s really hard to tell!”

This thought flashed through my mind, thinking that if Feng Baobao went to the Earth Immortal Realm in the future, he would find a way to bring him to Laozi for a while, if he couldn't see Laozi, he could also transfer from Taishang Laojun or Xuandu.

"Don't Xuandu directly accept disciples at that time? It's not impossible. It seems that this guy Xuandu really didn't accept disciples. There are only registered disciples. Should he accept a direct descendant? The third generation of Renjiao, if it is true If so, it's not bad!"

The bad taste in his heart turned, Liu Hao squinted his eyes and asked Feng Baobao;

"Feng Baobao, have you learned the way of alchemy?"

"Well, I have learned the way of formation!"

"I feel that you are very suitable for the way of alchemy. With your talent, the elixir you have cultivated is not afraid of side effects, so it is very suitable for you!"


"You can try it!"

"Okay, show me the way of alchemy!"


Liu Hao didn't hide it either. He found a jade slip and made a copy and passed it to Baobao Feng. This guy didn't know how to be polite at all. Hao;

"I need a lot of elixir, where can I find it?"

"It's very simple, you first find some elixir and try it out. As long as you practice the elixir, you can give half of it to exchange ingredients with others, so that you will have a steady stream of elixir for alchemy!"

"It makes sense! You can try it. Do you have an alchemy furnace? Give me one!"

Liu Hao rubbed his head and sighed in his heart. This guy really doesn't know how to be polite. After thinking about it, Liu Hao didn't refuse. He really doesn't have a pill furnace, but it doesn't mean he can't make one. He just does it when he thinks of it, anyway Nothing else in sight.

"Wait a minute, I'll refine one for you now!"


Liu Hao really had no shortage of materials. He had refined a low-grade Houtian Lingbao alchemy furnace, which was enough for Feng Baobao to toss for a long time;

Feng Baobao really has a high enough talent in alchemy, and she is enough to sit still. Once immersed in alchemy, the influence of the outside world on her is almost zero. Refined by her, although the level is low, it can only have some effect on monks of the fifth and sixth ranks, but it is enough for her to embark on the journey of alchemy.

"Wait out, you set up a stall in Longhu Mountain, as long as you let the wind out, countless monks will come to you to exchange!"

"So good? I'll go back and give it a try! Don't lie to me!"

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you. However, it's not Longhu Mountain from your side, but from my side. You must know that there are more elixir on my side!"

"Understood! This alchemy is still very interesting!"

In terms of setting up a stall, Feng Baobao is also considered an expert, and she has also sold roasted sweet potatoes, which is really difficult for her. Besides, let her cooperate with the monks in Longhu Mountain to expand her business. It can also find a way for the low-level monks on the earth to advance quickly. Nowadays, the alchemy on the earth is really a bit behind, and the alchemy handed over to Wang Ye has not spread quickly. This is Liu Hao. Oversight.

"Some troubles. I'm okay. I shouldn't care too much. I'm a bit stingy in the beginning. If his art of refining weapons is spread all over the earth, I don't know if he will be angry?"

"It doesn't matter, the earth will be so dangerous in the future, if the original gets angry, it will be a big deal to make up for it in the future!"

Feng Baobao took the remaining elixir and started alchemy again, but Liu Hao thought about how to promote the method of alchemy and weapon refining on a large scale, and even the way of cutting off the formation method must not be hidden. The earth is about to usher in the invasion of the abyss. Everything needs to make way for this. As long as the defense ability of the earth can be strengthened, it needs to be spread.

When Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu arrived, it had been more than a month. Seeing the travel and dust of the few people, I knew that they had suffered a lot along the way, especially Zhuge Qing. The penetrating injury almost killed him.

Although Liu Hao is not good at healing, he is not good at it. In addition, he has a lot of precious medicines on his body. In a few days, he rescued Zhuge Qing. Hunt and kill the group of monks who came here. These people know that even if they come here, they probably will not have the opportunity to step into the second floor. Chances are broken.

If Liu Hao's elder brother and sister-in-law hadn't arrived yet, Liu Hao would really be too lazy to talk to them, but Liu Hao couldn't tolerate it when his elder brother and sister-in-law were involved. He notified the incident to several quasi-sages who were sitting in town, and got their feedback.

Originally, the purpose of sitting here is to allow the younger generations of their own ethnic group to come and step into the second floor, but now they are even blocked from coming, how can they bear it? After some discussion, several people attacked in all directions and swept away, which can be regarded as a deterrent, which made Liu Hao relax a lot.

He is also a little worried about whether something will happen to his elder brother and sister-in-law, or he simply refuses to come. Even if he is worried about the former, there is nothing he can do now. Powerful, if you really go out to look for it, the chances are very slim.

What about the latter? Sitting here by yourself becomes empty waiting?

After thinking about it, he is not worried about losing his chance. After a certain period of time, these quasi-sages who sit in the town will also step into it. At that time, he can just follow in. It seems that this is not the first time that the people on the other side have done this , I have long learned how to grasp the time, since this is the case, I don't need to worry.

When Zhuge Qing recovered from his injury, Liu Hao didn't let them wait. He explained that they were allowed to go on their own, not to mention that they were the geniuses from a different world. Step into the second floor.

"Xiao Long'er going too?"

"No, Xiao Long'er will wait for Uncle and the others with Dad!"

"Okay, let's wait together!"

Xiao Long'er's waiting will not be boring. With the dragon skills given by the old red dragon, he spends most of his time studying. When he is hungry, he will be fed by Liu Hao. When he is tired after drinking, he will lie in Liu Hao's arms to rest. It was very comfortable, but Liu Hao had to wait boredly, and it took a long time to wait. During this period, many human races came, including a few earth monks. With Liu Hao sitting in the town, they can be regarded as earning money. big.

When Liu Tang and his wife arrived, it was close to the end of the closure of the Kunlun ancestral vein. When the two arrived, they were very embarrassed, and their breath was still a little disordered. hanging on the road.

"It's so dangerous, but I've mastered what I've learned along the way!"

"That's not bad! In this way, the chance of mirror image challenge is also higher!"

"Really, if it comes at the beginning, there is absolutely no chance, now there is still a possibility!"

"When you have had enough rest, I'll teach you a skill, try it out! It's a little more chance!"

"That's good! I'm not afraid to tell you, I really didn't expect much!"

"Don't think it's no trouble. What I'm teaching you is the method of erupting the blood of the monster race. After that, there will be a period of weakness. After enlightenment, you will enter the second layer of space. You just find a place to practice hard. The second layer It’s better not to participate in this opportunity!”

"Understood, there are quite a few big monsters that I sensed from afar along the way, and many of them are estimated to be able to crush us in one face-to-face. If we didn't know that you would be waiting here, we really didn't want to come here!"

"How did you know I'd be waiting here?"

"Your sister-in-law guessed it!"

Liu Hao glanced at his sister-in-law, but he thought in his heart that his elder brother is really a fool, and he has a foolish blessing. Not to mention marrying a virtuous wife, he is smarter than him, but with such a smart wife, his elder brother must be eaten to death right?

"I saw a lot of fighting, so I guessed that my uncle would wait here."

The sister-in-law didn't explain too much, and Liu Hao didn't ask. He looked at his sister-in-law again, thinking about some housework in the future, he really had to let the sister-in-law decide.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you should adjust your breath first to stabilize your cultivation before trying!"

"Okay! We're not in a hurry!"

The method of violent blood was obtained by Liu Hao at the front line of Tang Youzhou in the earth fairy world. When those water demon cannon fodder heard the war horn, their blood burst out immediately. After Liu Hao explored, he summed up this skill. He didn't plan to use it at first. Today But it gave his elder brother and sister-in-law a great opportunity. Not to mention, without this skill, the possibility of the two of them passing is extremely low. When the energy of the induction channel fluctuated, Liu Hao found that the two finally used this skill to pass the level. Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Although there are some sequelae, the time of enlightenment is also the time of cultivation, so they can make up for it to some extent. As long as they find a place to hide on the second floor, they are not afraid. How to say, the Town Demon Tower is also in the hands of the elder brother. Defense It's still possible!"

Back in his hometown, Liu Hao gave Liu Tang the "Suppressing Tower" refined in the Earth Immortal Realm. It was originally intended to provide the last protection for his family. Even in the face of Da Luo, the ranks of spirit treasures can resist a few times. I didn't expect that the first time I used it would be in this Kunlun ancestral vein, which can be regarded as calming Liu Hao's uneasiness.

"It's still not strong enough. It can protect itself on the earth. Once it leaves the earth, it can only be regarded as the bottom!"

With a word of exclamation, Liu Hao and Xiao Longer were about to step into it. He never thought that a huge figure would appear behind him. Liu Hao turned his head for a vague sense of familiarity, and then walked out with a smile. Fortunately, Liu Hao came out quickly. Otherwise, this figure would be killed on the spot by other quasi-sages.

The person who came was the acquaintance Liu Hao met when he came to Kunlun Zumai for the first time, and he was also "Xiaoqing" from the world of White Snake.

"Xiaoqing! I'm still wondering why you haven't arrived yet! Is there any danger on the way?"

"It's you? It's only been a while, but today I was saved by you!"

"Hahaha, you're not bad, you're already a Daluo Immortal!"

"Compared to you, it's still far behind!"

"How is it? Your sister hasn't come out yet?"

"Hmph, then Fahai is not easy to deal with, Jinshan Temple has more than Fahai!"

"Don't worry, there is always a chance!"

"Thank you for today!"

"What's the matter, we are our own people! With me here, you should adjust your breathing first before entering it!"

"Thank you!"

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