Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty-seven. Ba Xia

867: Overlord

For the first time because of Xiaoqing, Liu Hao got a great opportunity, but this time he is protecting Xiaoqing, every drink and peck will last for days, that's what he said.

Xiaoqing, as a visitor from the old Kunlun ancestral line, couldn't help her in the mirror image confrontation. This time, she cleared the level more quickly. After she passed, Liu Hao led Xiao Longer into it. After Xiao Longer cleared the level, Liu Hao started the mirror image battle.

This battle also allowed Liu Hao to fully understand how Zhunsheng's combat methods should be. He thought that he was sure to be sure, but in the end, he found that he was the most difficult one to pass the level. It took him more than ten days to barely pass. Victory, until now still has some lingering fears.

Fortunately, after today, it is also an unexpected gain for Liu Hao to fully understand how the quasi-sage should fight. Even if this gain does not come to enlightenment, it is enough to satisfy his trip to Kunlun.

He didn't know that ninety-nine of the hundred quasi-sages couldn't pass through, and the few quasi-sages sitting outside the passage had no intention of stepping into it at all, and why did Liu Hao meet so far during the trip to the Kunlun ancestral line? This is the reason why there are only a few quasi-sages in front of you. It should be noted that once you step into the quasi-sage, the mirror image opponents you meet will not have the ability to fight at the top level, and there is no possibility of passing.

Several quasi-sages outside the passage originally wanted to watch Liu Hao joke, but they didn't know that Liu Hao had passed the level. This shocked them all, and they also had a better understanding of Liu Hao's combat effectiveness. They were all grateful I didn't attack Liu Hao hastily, otherwise, only a few of them would die.

Not to mention a few quasi-sages who were sitting outside, but Liu Hao appeared on a stone platform again, and many insights came to him. Fortunately, Liu Hao had an idea before, this time, he did not target him again. I don't even bother to think about the divine exercises when I practice qigong, and I just focus on understanding the body exercises;

Sure enough, his thoughts appeared, and his perception immediately changed. Various promotion directions of the Great Wilderness Satin Body Technique appeared in his heart, like a seed sprouting in the soil, but it only took a few breaths to grow into a small sapling, and a trunk protruded After a length of one meter, branches began to appear, and the trunk gradually became thicker;

I don't know how long it took, this small sapling grew into a big tree supporting the sky, and Liu Hao's Dahuang Satin Body Art skills have also undergone a leap-forward change. If the previous Dahuang Satin Body Art is only at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, today's The Great Desolation Satin Body Art has become a prehistoric level.

The reason why he worked hard on the satin body technique was Liu Hao's decision after considering for a long time. The "Qinglong Sutra" bestowed by the Azure Dragon Master is not unsuitable for Liu Hao, on the contrary, the degree of fit is very high;

However, Liu Hao has always been a human race, and it is impossible for the Azure Dragon Scripture to be 100% compatible. With this opportunity today, it is natural to make good use of it. ',

There is still a lot of difference in levels, but there is one thing that the "Blue Dragon Scripture" does not have at all, and that is that it can be taught to the people.

No matter it is the earth or the human race in the immortal world, they all lack a truly profound satin body technique. Even if Liu Hao's 'Great Wild Satin Body Technique' fits human races like him, it is impossible to match him 100%, but seven Eighty percent is absolutely no problem. With this seventy to eighty percent, it is enough for the human race on earth to get a huge improvement in their satin body.

He made a plan by himself, and also let Xiao Longer realize the Dao in Yuanshen Kung Fu. With the Qinglong Sutra in hand, Xiao Longer's only shortcoming is Lian Shen Kung Fu, and now he is making up for it here. The journey of progress, which allows him to bring it into the Earth Immortal World next time, anyway, the level of the Earth Immortal World is still much higher than that of the Earth, and it is bound to be much better to enter it to practice than to be on Earth

"I don't know how the current 'Dahuang Satin Body Technique' compares to the 'Nine Turns Mysterious Art'? It's not as good as the 'Nine Turns Mysterious Art', so '**** Mysterious Art' shouldn't be discussed anymore, right?"

Waking up again, Liu Hao was still in the direction he appeared in the previous time. Without hesitation, he shot directly at the statue of Confucius in his memory. After a while, he saw the towering statue of Confucius appearing in front of him. In order to improve his cultivation, Liu Hao was no longer as cautious as before. When he reached the bottom of the statue, the Fang Yun he originally thought of did not appear, let alone a single figure.

"Perhaps they have already entered it?"

It is still a mysterious yellow breath shooting out from the ground to wrap it, and the comprehension of the past hundred schools of thought reappeared repeatedly in his heart, learning the new by reviewing the past, which also caused thin cracks to appear in the bottleneck of the hundred schools of thought that he was stuck at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal .

"So that's the case, is this the ancestor level? No wonder there is a saying in the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism that 'no higher than the ancestor'!"

In the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, the ancestral level is also the Daluo level. It is not only a realm of cultivation, but also has a gathering of luck. If it is changed to a group such as monsters and barbarians, this ancestral level is like the center of a group. Supported by the monsters of the same race, he forcefully pushed it to the top of the pyramid;

The ancestral boss, in this group, has obtained nearly half of the luck. Any monk whose cultivation base is lower than him will be suppressed by the huge luck above his head. I feel that the ancestral monks are like half a towering mountain lying in front of me, and I can't surpass them at all.

Compared with these ancestors, Liu Hao's luck has been surpassed for a long time. The reason why he has not been able to break through is because he does not know the method. His own knowledge has already surpassed it. After understanding these, the bottleneck will be broken in an instant , The cultivation base has soared all the way, and within a few breaths, he abruptly stepped into the pinnacle of the ancestors. Such a cultivation base is not far behind Fang Yun.

Compared with the holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, Liu Hao did not choose to gather luck. His choice was somewhat similar to that of Fang Yun. It belonged to the breakthrough of forcibly refining one world after knowing the reason. Fang Yun refined the monster planet. And Liu Hao already has a small world in his sea of ​​knowledge, relying on it, it is even more suitable than Fang Yun's forced intrusion, and the operation of the position is more smooth.

Of course, Liu Hao also knows that there is still some gap in combat effectiveness compared with Fang Yun, but he doesn't need to use the way of a hundred schools to fight against the enemy. He doesn't need to worry about these at all, as long as he steps into the ancestor level, When facing other monks from the other hundred families in the future, I will feel more calm in my heart.

In addition, his biggest achievement is not here, but he is more clear about the way to break through the way of a hundred schools of thought, that is the way of 'faith' +, for example, Academician Yuan, on the earth, especially the people of Longguo, no one is right. he is not worshiped;

In fact, Academician Yuan already had enough beliefs, but he just didn't know how to deal with it. Now Liu Hao can release his "belief", making Academician Yuan with the rank of "Yasheng" step on his feet in one fell swoop. It is not impossible to enter the ancestor class.

Academician Yuan can use this method, and so can others, but there can only be one way, which makes Liu Hao a little depressed, but then he thinks that there are not many quasi-sages in the fairy world, and he feels comfortable again;

At least these people are the seeds of the earth's hundred schools of thought to become quasi-sages in the future. As long as one of them succeeds, there is no such thing as a quasi-sage earth, and there is really not much self-protection at all. He himself likes to wander the heavens. It is really embarrassing for him to stay on the earth every day.

"When we return to Earth, it's time for Dragon Kingdom to announce this to Academician Yuan on a large scale!"

After the breakthrough, Liu Hao's mind was clear, and he felt that everything was under control. This is the benefit of being unique to the Tao of Hundred Schools. It seems that his IQ has improved a lot, and the speed of thinking has greatly improved;

The most powerful part of the Way of the Hundred Schools is here. Every time a level is broken through, both memory and logical ability are improved. Therefore, there is a saying that all high-level monks of the Hundred Schools can not be underestimated.

"The ancestor level is there, and above that, it needs to be explored by Fang Yun!"

Liu Hao can't help it. Although he has the identity of the founder of the Way of the Hundred Schools of the Earth, he is really a trick, and he is a layman. Even if he spends all his thoughts on it, he may not be able to be faster than Fang Yun. It's better to simply entrust it to Fang Yun. In this way, I can save a lot of time to practice other things, and be the last guarantee of the human race on earth.

He gave this division of labor to Fang Yun with peace of mind, regardless of whether Fang Yun was willing or not, or in other words, he knew that Fang Yun could not give up, and he was waiting to enjoy the fruits of victory.

In front of him, the door of the statue of Confucius had been opened, and he stepped into it without hesitation, and the familiar "Spring and Autumn" came again, but this time, he was much calmer, and once again viewed it from the perspective of a third party, he had a deeper understanding;

Combined with other understandings about the "Spring and Autumn" period, the idea of ​​why these people didn't do that no longer arises. I understand the characteristics of the times and the limitations of thinking, and I also know why they thought like this at that time and why they chose Why do so many ideas collide during this period?

Four hundred years have passed by in a flash. This time, Liu Hao devoted himself from the beginning to the end, not missing a single detail, and because of his advanced cultivation, he patrolled the audience. The understanding of nature is enhanced a millionfold.

The scene changed again. When Liu Hao opened his eyes, he was in the snow-covered land again, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes, as if he had experienced hundreds of millions of years in a flash, forming a strong inverse contrast to his young face;

If someone sees Liu Hao's eyes now, they will only think that Liu Hao must be an old monster who has cultivated for hundreds of millions of years. With just one glance, he will be sucked into the passage of time.

"Which world did this statue of Confucius come from? Why did it survive in the Kunlun ancestral vein? And who made the sculpture? It couldn't be Confucius himself, could it?"

Many questions appeared in Liu Hao's mind one by one, but he couldn't get the answer anyway. The highest level of world he could think of was the prehistoric world, and what kind of scene should be beyond that. He had no idea at all. After thinking for a long time, I can only give up.

"By the way, the last time I saw the tomb of 'Pulao' here, why is that?"

"It's just a Pu Lao. In the prehistoric concept, Confucius is the reincarnation of Kong Xuan. It is reasonable to have his statue, but how much is the legend of Pu Lao? Could it be that he is also a great power in a higher world?"

"No, the tomb of Pu Lao seems to be erected by Dayu, or is Dayu a member of the most powerful?"

"What kind of world is it, and why does it have so much in common with Yanhuang Civilization?"

"Could it be that Pangu opened up countless prehistoric places? It doesn't make sense!"

"Forget it, don't think about it, you can't get the answer if you want to die, let's take it easy in the future!"

This time, Liu Hao no longer needed to be cautious, and the vast mountains could not stop Liu Hao from moving forward. With the guidance of Dayu's token, Liu Hao did not stop at his feet, and every step was millions of miles away. He resolutely walked towards the direction of the token induction, and he didn't know how long it took to walk, until he saw a statue again before stopping.

Liu Hao didn't have the slightest idea of ​​the face of the statue in front of him, but the moment he saw it, he knew that the statue was engraved with the human Dayu.

Below the statue, there is already a creature waiting there. This creature is like a huge black head, more like a dragon's head, and on its back is a stone tablet that goes straight to the sky. It is clearly the legendary 'Ba Xia'. He is also the eldest among the nine sons of the dragon.

"I have seen the seniors!"

This Domineering Da Luo Jinxian's peak cultivation base, saw Liu Hao coming, and hurriedly gave birth to greet him, his expression was a little guarded, obviously worried that Liu Hao would do something bad to him, but he was on guard, but he had no intention of leaving , the opportunity is in front of you, and you can only gamble.

"Ba Xia, you don't have to worry, after all, I have a great relationship with the Dragon Clan!"

"Thank you senior!"

I got Liu Hao's reminder that although Baxia put down a lot, his body was still on guard. Seeing this, Liu Hao didn't say much. Let Baxia really breathe a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations, senior. I wonder if senior can let me communicate with the 'Soul of Pu Lao'?"

Liu Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled again, throwing the Pu Lao Ding to Ba Xia, not at all worried that Ba Xia would confuse Pu Lao Ding, the suppression of his cultivation gave him enough confidence, Liu Hao will not be polite if he really wants to snatch it.

Pu Lao Ding flew in front of Ba Xia's body, and hovered in front of Ba Xia's head, not knowing what signal Ba Xia murmured, a remnant soul flew out of the Pu Lao Ding, the shape was exactly Pu Lao's appearance, seeing Ba Xia, They posted it even more joyfully, and the two murmured again, but Liu Hao couldn't understand the words.

This exchange lasted for more than half an hour, and I don't know what Ba Xia said. The soul of Pu Lao drove the Pu Lao Ding back to Liu Hao's hand, bowed to Liu Hao and made a big gift, and then Not included.

"Senior! Inside the statue of King Yu, there is also the remnant soul of Pu Lao. Can senior give the soul of Pu Lao a chance?"

"Oh? That's not bad! Speaking of which, whether you or Pu Lao, you should also prove the Taoism of Da Luo. Why can't Pu Lao gather his soul back? Could it be because of King Yu's restriction?"

"Returning to the predecessors, it's not like that. When King Yu toured the heavens and refined the Jiuding, he only summoned our remnant souls to become spirits, but the restrictions were never done. It's just that we suppressed the Kyushu of the human race, and indirectly won the unhappiness of the human race. I have little luck, if I return, I will definitely leave this luck, and I am reluctant, even now, I have also integrated part of my soul into the Baxia cauldron, and use it as my spiritual treasure for enlightenment!"

"Is that so? Pu Lao, if you have the opportunity, you can do the same! However, you discovered it in my world, so naturally you need to do your best. I say that, do you understand?"

"Thank you, my lord! I should sit on one side!"

"That's good!"

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