Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty-eight. Digging mountains and boiling water

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The statue of Dayu is like the former Confucius. It is carved out of the entire million-meter-high mountain. also getting deeper;

Being at the foot of the mountain, when speaking, he will deliberately choose to lower his tone. This is an unconscious influence, and it is also because of Liu Hao's quasi-sage cultivation that he has improved a lot. For example, Baxia did not notice the difference at all.

When the two talked, a halo of light emanated from the feet of the statue of Dayu, like a dream and an illusion, like gentle water waves scattered in all directions, that is, Liu Hao and Baxia. You must think that this gentle water wave has no destructive power;

On the contrary, people without tokens, even Da Luo Jinxian here, can only drink their hatred on the spot and strangle them invisible. Part of the soft waves.

The water waves swept past Liu Hao and the two of them, and they were sucked into the statue in an instant. When they woke up again, Liu Hao was shocked. Why do you think? I thought that the statue of Dayu would be like the statue of Confucius before, and would get the benefits of inheritance, but the reality was completely different. The scene in front of me was clearly sucked into a world, and endless rainstorms poured down from the sky. On the human body, there is a vague sense of pain.

You know, Liu Hao is a quasi-sage, so how can mere rain be able to hurt him? But the reality actually happened. These raindrops hit him like small stones, crackling and cracking, and continuous pain arose on his body. He even doubted that he would stay in this rainstorm for a longer period of time. One day, they will be crushed to death by heavy raindrops.

After trying his luck, Liu Hao finally understood the current situation, and he didn't know what kind of means was used by the statue of Dayu. His body was completely restricted, even his body was like a mortal, with about six levels of strength left. This also let Liu Hao know that the raindrops falling on the sky are really extraordinary.

Knowing the situation, Liu Hao didn't dare to stay where he was for a long time, so he found a direction and ran, thinking that it was important to find a shelter first, but before he had gone far, he heard a voice calling to him;

"Liu Hao, hurry up! Cut open the mountain ahead! The flood is coming!"

Although his cultivation base was banned, Liu Hao's ear sensitivity remained undiminished, and he didn't think it was caused by his auditory hallucinations. After following the sound for a few steps, he saw thousands of figures crazily chiseling a thousand-meter-high mountain .

He glanced around, and quickly locked on to the figure in the front. Who is it if it's not Dayu? I saw Dayu's hands flying, and the mountain in front of him collapsed like flimsy paper, and the sand and stones fell. The figure behind quickly put the sand and stones into a small black bag, as if every digger had such a filler behind him.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up!"

When Liu Hao was stunned,

He was pushed behind him, turned his head to look, and saw a strong man yelling at him, and handed over a handful of stone manuscripts, Liu Hao subconsciously took it, and before he could answer, he was pushed to the foot of the mountain by the strong man , what to do now without prompting.

Sixth-level physical strength, it is no problem to cut through rocks, but compared with Dayu, it is obviously not at the same level. After half an hour, Liu Hao felt his lips were dry, and his whole body began to tremble, as if his strength was being suppressed. After taking it out, the strong man behind him obviously saw it, snatched the stone pick from Liu Hao's hand, and handed him a palm-sized black-yellow pouch.

"The universe bag? No, it's just a storage bag, right? It's quite big!"

I thought it would be easier to refill, but I never thought that it would also take a lot of money. Compared with the body, this time it is aimed at mental power. Every time you refill, Liu Hao’s mental power will be drawn, and half an hour will pass. , his face was already pale, and his lips trembled;

But the body is the opposite;

As if he had exhausted all his strength to return to himself just now, this feeling of wanting to sleep but being very excited made him very irritable all over his body, as if he wanted to find something destructive to do. Okay to vent.

He didn't care too much, and pushed his partner, and the two changed roles again. This time, Liu Hao obviously felt that his strength had increased, and when he dug the mountains, his mental power was also recovering greatly , Every time I swung a pickaxe, my spirit was relieved, but at the same time, the strength of my body began to weaken a little bit.

It took another half an hour to replace it again, and so on and on. In the end, Liu Hao had no other distracting thoughts in his mind, and he was concentrating on working. The thousand-meter-high mountain in front of him seemed to disappear little by little, but it was cleared in just over ten days. Once empty, a river channel tens of thousands of meters wide appeared before Liu Hao's eyes. A group of people cheered a few times and changed the venue again. Mountains were ruthlessly hollowed out, and a meandering river channel of unknown length gradually formed in their hands.

"Is this Dayu's flood control? How magnificent!"

After finally having a day’s rest, Liu Hao thought of himself. Thinking of his work with the machinery of the water control army during this period, he felt incredible. Checking himself again, he has improved a lot. From the original physical strength of only six levels to the present Already at the peak of mortals, he is about to break through the immortal rank, and the same is true in terms of mental strength.

"Is there only this aspect of inheritance? It shouldn't be so, maybe you need to step into the immortal rank to see the difference?"

The whole day, Liu Hao was thinking wildly, time passed by in a flash, he woke up under the push of his partner, a strong man, and soon followed the team towards the upstream of the river, but this time there was a big difference, the whole data In the team of thousands of people, there is a tragic atmosphere, everyone's lips are pursed, like a soldier rushing to the front line, it seems that they all know that life and death are unpredictable, but no one takes half a step back, and the steps towards the front are So firm, so calm.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a huge mountain with a height of one million meters stood in front of him, and there was a roaring sound in the sky, like a monstrous ocean wave beating against the cliff, which lasted for a long time and continued continuously.

"Could it be that after this mountain, there was a flood?"

Liu Hao's heart moved, he pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and soon confirmed his guess. It's no wonder that the expressions of the group changed drastically. They clearly knew that this time was extremely dangerous. Once the mountain in front of them was cut open, the chance of surviving was slim , There is no difference at all from sending to death.

retreat? Liu Hao really didn't think about it, no matter whether it is true or not, he has no reason to fade away, not to mention that he is really running away with his small arms and legs, and he was killed by others in two or three strokes, besides, I, Yanhuang, are behind me The children and grandchildren, since they are on the battlefield, there is no reason to flee, and moreover, he has confidence in himself, no matter how banned his cultivation, it is impossible for him to be washed to death by the flood.

I thought Dayu would stand up and give a speech, but I didn't know that there was no such thing. He just silently stood at the forefront, digging towards the mountains, and thousands of soldiers followed silently behind him, each choosing a site and fighting for himself.

Thinking about it, it makes sense, Dayu in front of him is definitely not the first time, or in other words, his thousands of people are not the first wave, in other words, there must have been wave after wave of soldiers who were washed away by the flood before. Go, be the unsung hero.

Liu Hao didn't talk nonsense, he silently chose a piece of land, picked up the stone pick in his hand and slammed it down towards the mountain. This time, his body changed, and he stepped from the mortal level to the immortal level. When the pick falls, the body becomes stronger;

But Liu Hao didn't seem to feel the slightest bit, and repeated his movements one after another. From the beginning, he could only last for half an hour, and now he didn't feel tired at all in three days. It can be said that the whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes;

There is a vague power born in the bloodline, which is completely different from the Qinglong bloodline, as if this is the talent inherent in Liu Hao's own bloodline, like a real engine, pouring power into Liu Hao all the time.

If Empress Houtu was here, she would know that this is the power of a 'witch', and this is the power that really comes from Pangu's bloodline.

These Pangu bloodlines were passed down to the human race through the witch clan in ancient times, but under the same generation after generation, these bloodlines have long been diluted to almost inaudible, so that it is difficult for later human beings to awaken at all, just a little awakening , and once treated it as a "supernatural person", don't you know that this is the Pangu power rooted in the blood.

Dayu is an awakened person of Pangu's bloodline, and was once considered by the latecomers to be a human of the Wu clan. He is powerful and has the ability to overwhelm the sea. The inheritance here has fallen here, but Liu Hao is now fully committed to it. When I went to the chiseled mountain, I didn't notice it at all.

I don't know how long it took for this chiseling. When Liu Hao felt physically exhausted, he remembered to exchange with his partner. When filling the sand and stones, it also greatly increased his mental power, breaking through the immortal rank in one fell swoop, and the speed was fierce, but It seems that these spiritual powers are not integrated into the soul, but directly integrated into the blood, turning into a part of it, so that it can better control itself.

As time passed, the mountain of millions of meters had reached a critical point. Looking up, it seemed as if a wall was blocking the torrential flood at the other end. The wall trembled from time to time, as if it would collapse in an instant. The team of thousands of people didn't seem to be aware of it at all, and the movements of their hands didn't slow down in the slightest. They dug up the mountain bit by bit, endlessly.


As the wall becomes weaker, the wall trembles more frequently, and the trembling amplitude is like a big tree facing a strong wind and heavy rain. Now, even if Liu Hao collapses immediately, he will not be surprised at all, even if he Self-confidence, trembling in the heart.

Xu Liao knew that the collapse was imminent, Dayu waved his hand, and the team of thousands of people began to split into two sides, but they did not intend to leave. This was done only to add a possible vitality. The sound of digging has been overshadowed by the sound of floods beating mountains and rivers;

But when Liu Hao scanned the audience, he didn't find a person who was stealing, raping, and playing tricks. It was precisely because of such a group of ancestors who looked down on life and death that the descendants of Yanhuang passed down from generation to generation. They were the real cornerstone of Yanhuang civilization. It is full of marks of knives, chisels and axes, but it has not left the slightest name for future generations to worship. In other words, when future generations worship Dayu, they are more grateful for these unknown contributions through worshiping Dayu.

"Boom... Boom..."

When the mountain finally collapsed, although everyone was prepared in their hearts, when it really came, they didn't have the slightest sense of preparedness. It was only a moment, and 99% of the thousands of people were washed away by the torrential flood. The possibility of people surviving is almost zero. At the moment of being hit by the flood, most of these people have lost their vitality.

It is said to be almost zero, because there is Liu Hao among them. When the flood came, Liu Hao also had no defense ability at all, and was washed away in an instant, with blood surging all over his body. At this moment, endless pressure covered him, and his whole body spun with the flood, without any resistance at all.

This feeling is like a small pebble in a vortex, which can only drift with the current. When the vortex ends, this small pebble may have been stripped clean and turned into countless sands.

Struggling is impossible, even if Liu Hao's immortal cultivation base is now, he is just a flutter, and it is difficult to resist the breeze, not to mention the world-destroying flood like a hurricane?

His consciousness has always been clear, which made him feel more uncomfortable. The constant beating and stirring repeatedly tortured his body. He felt that the blood in his body was already boiling like boiling water. He didn't know if it was true illusion.

He didn't know that it was not an illusion at all, but a kind of refinement. This kind of refinement was making the Pangu blood in his body more pure, but it was completely different from the witch race. Merging with his own Qinglong bloodline, he forcibly raised the level of his 'human race' bloodline to a higher level;

In the original bright red blood, a little bit of golden light began to appear, and in the end, these golden light spots began to connect as one, showing the shape of lines, like shadows and lines in the bright red blood.

At the same time, his physical fitness is also rapidly improving. From the time when he just stepped into the level of a true immortal in the immortal rank, to the golden immortal, when the golden point in his bloodline appeared, he had already stepped into the level of a celestial immortal in Taiyi. When the immortal appeared, he even stepped into the level of Da Luo Tianxian in one fell swoop. Under such endless erosion, the effect of digging mountains was obviously improved by more than a hundred times compared with the previous one.

The increase in physical level also gave Liu Hao a lot of resistance to the flood. He tried to struggle and found that he was no longer following the tide, as if he had changed from a human to a small fish. Facing the flood, With a little swimming ability, but this ability is still very shallow, wanting to escape from the flood is simply delusional.

He was not in a hurry, thinking that he would not die anyway, so he wanted to see where he would be washed away. With this thought, he relaxed, and from time to time, he rolled his eyes to check left and right. But he saw the difference;

I don't know when, not far from him, a black dragon appeared. This dragon also had no resistance in the face of the monstrous flood. It was twisted like a hemp rope, and blood flowed from his body from time to time. Overflowing, after a closer look, he found that the dragon has lost consciousness, and if it goes on like this, he really does not know whether he will live or die.

"There should be a lot of such creatures, right? It seems that when Dayu controlled the water, there were still many big monsters making trouble. It seems that these big monsters are not simple!"

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