Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and sixty-nine. Wuzhi Qi

869 :

"It seems that the monkey from Qi Zhibang came out to make trouble, and was banned by Dayu with a lock on Longjing, right? I don't know where this monkey is hiding now? I wonder if I can get a drop of blood from this monkey. If possible, let Monkey King absorb it. , maybe you can improve Sun Wukong's talent level?"

"I don't know how Monkey King is doing now? How many catastrophes have you experienced? Don't wait for me to enter the Earth Immortal Realm again. You have already obtained the scriptures, right? No, it seems that you have to enter the Earth Immortal Realm earlier. If my 'Monkey King' becomes 'Fighting Buddha', it will be a disaster!"

"Sun Wukong got the talent of Nuwa Empress to find back. Before arriving in Xitian, he should be able to prove Daluo Daoguo, right? If it is possible, when he arrives in Xitian, when he collects the merits of learning scriptures, it will be natural to cut off a corpse in one fell swoop. At that time, he will In this round, one of the 'Three Corpses' turned into a Buddhist fight and defeated the Buddha. It's not bad, but I don't know if it will be possible!"

"Forget it, I still don't care about him. I don't know where the flood is going to go? It won't go straight into the East China Sea, right? Speaking of which, what is the difference between the East China Sea in this world and the wild East China Sea? Is there Dragon King Ao Guang in the East China Sea?"

"By the way, it's still uncertain whether this world is real or not. I don't know if it's a fantasy? If not, it's a little unreasonable. If it is, it's too real!"

"By the way, is Dayu really that strong? At any rate, I'm already quasi-sage, and I'm banned as soon as I enter it, and I don't feel it at all. If you want to do this, at least you have to be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? Boss Can't Dayu prove Hunyuan, right?"

"Where does this Kunlun ancestral line come from? Could it be that there is a higher level of prehistoric prehistoric?"

"Strange, weird!"

"No, if it is a higher level of prehistoric, it is impossible to carve all kinds of statues in the Kunlun Mountains! Such a group of statues is obviously arranged artificially, and it even feels like the self-carving of the statue itself. It is not really carved by me. Self-statue?"

"Could it be that there are statues of a higher level? Dayu is still a middle-level figure in the prehistoric mythology, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors above him are bound to be stronger? What about Sanqing and Nuwa? There won't be Hongjun Houtu, right? ? If there is still a statue of Pangu, which floor should it be on?"


In the torrential flood, all kinds of thoughts were born in the tumbling Liu Hao's mind, but he couldn't get any answers. He felt that he was in an information bottleneck, and he stood on the edge of a circle and looked out. You can only see a piece of darkness, but as long as you step out of this circle, you can get thousands of answers, but if you want to step out, you need a higher level of cultivation.


A bang came from somewhere in the arrangement,

The sound was vast, piercing through the endless flood, and directly into Liu Hao's ears, shaking his chest and making him feel tight, as if someone had hit his chest hard with a sledgehammer, and it took him a while to calm down. When he regained consciousness, he saw that the entwined black dragon had exploded, and his body was shaken by the explosion just now, and the head of a black dragon was hitting him.

Liu Hao wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't control his body at all, so he could only watch the head of the black dragon slamming into his body. He sighed in his heart and cursed secretly. Seeing that he was lucky, it wasn't the sharp horns on the dragon's head that hit his body, otherwise he would definitely be pierced today.

However, it still caused Liu Hao to vomit blood for three liters. The impact of the flood was already above the critical point that Liu Hao could bear. In addition, the impact of the black dragon's head was almost the last straw that broke the camel's back. At that time, Liu Hao heard the sound of many bones breaking in his body. The only luck was that his body was still intact.

Blessings and misfortunes depend on it, that's what I said, I don't know if this world has abusive attributes, the more tempered, the more effective it is, and the recovery after trauma is even better;

After the heavy injury, Liu Hao clearly felt that his body was recovering quickly in the tumbling flood. The warm feeling all over his body could not be faked. After an unknown period of time, he found that he seemed to have returned to his peak. The physical fitness of Da Luo Tianxian has once again improved a big level, and it seems that after a while, he will be able to step into the rank of Da Luo True Immortal.

This feeling made him a little confused in his mind. When he looked around, he wondered if there was something else for him.

"Pei! I'm not a masochist, how could I have such an idea? However, it doesn't seem unacceptable!"

Liu Hao laughed at himself, and there was another explosion sound in the sky, this sound was even stronger, but Liu Hao was somewhat prepared in his heart, but he was still dazed by the shock, and it took him a while to calm down, before he was fully awake , the sound of the explosion sounded again, and then became more intense, making his consciousness more and more confused, as if he was about to fall into boundless darkness in the next moment.

"Naughty beast, stop running wild!"

A burst of shouting interrupted the sound of the explosion, and pulled Liu Hao back from the brink of unconsciousness. He was so shocked that he was covered in cold sweat and his hairs were all over the place.

He was very familiar with this voice, it clearly came from Dayu, and thanks to his timely voice, otherwise Liu Hao really didn't know if he would have heard this level.

"Excellent, where did this sound come from, and who was it? It's just a pure vibrating primordial spirit. What kind of cultivation is it to achieve such an effect? ​​Hunyuan?"

Liu Hao didn't dare to continue drifting in the flood. He didn't dare to continue to exercise his body. The flood washed himself away all the time. Although the effect was good, it was also extremely dangerous. The biggest problem was that he couldn't control himself, so he had to work hard. Take back control of your body.

But Liu Hao’s idea is good, but it’s not easy to do it. I don’t know why this flood, it looks like the usual flood, but both the resistance and the gravity are far beyond Liu Hao’s imagination. , this feeling is like a product of a higher dimension crushing a low-dimensional creature, and there is no room for resistance.

He tried for a long time, but he was able to struggle with his fingers a bit. The only thing that was better was that his body had finally reached the level of the Da Luo True Immortal. But after such a calculation, he still couldn't shake Flood. In other words, it was just a drizzle, or the flood in front of him was simply improved according to the improvement of his cultivation.

At one point, Liu Hao also thought that the flood was a stream of heavy water, but he quickly vetoed this point. Although his original cultivation base was banned, his previous experience would not be lost, and these floods were nothing more than ordinary floods. .

"Isn't it really a high-dimensional blow? Could it be that I am also a lowly creature? Is it also a character in a certain book or comic?"

No wonder Liu Hao thinks too much, he is already a quasi-sage after all, but after stepping here, his starting point is also an ordinary person. Although he has advanced rapidly, he always feels a little illusory. Like chess pieces at the mercy of others, everything is just a product bestowed by the organizer, and there is no bottom in my heart.

"Do you want to try Qi training?"

Just do it when you think about it, but unfortunately, it has no effect at all. It seems that Qi training is banned in this world. Although the level of spiritual energy in the world is very high, it is impossible to inhale it into Dantian Zifu.

Liu Hao tried the visualization method again, but still got nothing.

"Could it only be satin body?"

The Great Wilderness Satin Body Technique requires various movements, and Liu Hao stretched out into the flood, where can he do it, but the 'Blue Dragon Sutra' can be tried.

This attempt shocked Liu Hao's heart. It must be true, but the effect is so good that Liu Hao doubts whether it is true or not. This is no longer a tenfold increase, but a thousand times higher efficiency. , like a fish in water is not enough to describe.


Another loud noise came from the sky, abruptly interrupting Liu Hao who was practicing the 'Blue Dragon Sutra', but this time it was a little better, although he was still dazed by the shock, he woke up instantly.

"It doesn't matter, just interrupt it, the effect is so good, you can't miss it!"

After practicing like this for a while, he was interrupted for a while, and after repeated repetitions, he didn't give up at all. I don't know how long it took, only a soft cry came from Liu Hao's body.


This sound seemed to come from a long distance, and it seemed to be right next to my ears. It was the sound of a shackle being broken. It came from a certain shackle of the body being broken and entering a new realm.

Liu Hao didn't intend to check it in time, he was still indulging in the cultivation of the 'Blue Dragon Sutra', in his blood, above the golden thread, a trace of cyan and blue began to appear, and they clinged to the golden thread above, walking in parallel, and after a while, they merged into it, as if the color just now was just an illusion.

There was another bang, and after Liu Hao woke up, he didn't immediately put himself into cultivation, checked his own condition, and a smile appeared on his face.

Physical fitness, stepping into the Da Luo Jinxian again, that's all, the biggest benefit is not here, but he found that his blood talent has been developed again, from the effect of practicing the "Qinglong Jing", the Pangu blood in the blood of his body When it is opened, the wood of Jumang and the water of Gonggong seem to be engraved into the marrow of the bone.

Tried inverting his body, although it was a bit difficult, but it was much better than before. He was no longer completely crushed by the flood as before. After repeated experiments, Liu Hao gradually controlled his own condition, and the endless flood was still washing his body, even It has become stronger, but it does not affect its own activities. Now it is truly like a fish swimming in the river. Although the current is turbulent, it can still move freely.

When Liu Hao completely controlled himself and came out of the water, the shock in front of him made his heart beat faster.

I saw myself as if I was in the boundless ocean, looking far away, a figure of unknown size loomed in front of my eyes, that figure, even compared with the millions of meters of mountains Liu Hao saw, was nothing more than a matchbox , if it wasn't for the figure moving, Liu Hao would only regard it as the regeneration of the Tianzhu.

The sound of the explosion heard before was clearly the roar of the figure. Liu Hao could feel that the figure was light-years away from him, but the sound still penetrated the boundless distance to his ears, which made him even more trapped. He was so shocked that he almost died, which showed its horror. Liu Hao could even imagine that if he was near that figure, just a roar from others would be enough to smash him to pieces on the spot.

"What kind of character is it? How could it be so powerful? Dayu? No, it should be Dayu's opponent! But such an opponent, Dayu can still suppress it? Is Dayu really so strong?"

This challenged Liu Hao's three views. Before he could think about the answer, another roar came. The roar was not hindered by the flood, and it was directly transmitted to Liu Hao's ears, causing his ears to bleed, and his whole body It sank directly towards the bottom of the flood, and after entering the water, it was considered better, and it didn't know how long it took before it woke up.

"So strong!"

This time Liu Hao didn't dare to surface again rashly, he sank to the bottom of the river, sat down cross-legged, let the torrential flood wash himself away, no longer drifting with the current, it seemed that he had exercised his body better.

"Just a single roar can improve my body a lot, hehe... The world is so big, I really underestimated the heroes of the world!"

Since Liu Hao stepped into the quasi-sage, the pride in his heart has also faintly raised his head. Today, he has poured a basin of cold water on him. He knows very well that even if his cultivation base has not been banned, in the face of the roaring voice just now, It's still not much better, what kind of sound law, in this roar, is completely crushed, and the other party seems to be sending it out unconsciously.

The 'Green Dragon Sutra' circulates in the body again, and the effect is still excellent. It seems that the establishment of this world is for the satin body, and the addition of the law of heaven and earth.

"After the effect of the 'Green Dragon Sutra' is like this, the Great Desolation Satin Body Technique should be able to do the same, right?"

Liu Hao suddenly remembered this, and after waking up again, he changed his exercises and tried the movements of the Great Wilderness Satin Body Technique with difficulty in the bottom of the water.

Not to mention, the effect is equally impressive. After all, it is the most suitable for the human race, the most suitable for oneself, and the exercises obtained are all-round. It seems that the bone marrow starts to boil and pull the bones, and then the improvement of hematopoietic function affects the flesh and blood meridians , and then to the skin of the body, everything is improved.


After finishing one movement, he just wanted to continue the second movement, but was washed away by the huge impact of the flood, which made Liu Hao have to start all over again, which seemed to remind Liu Hao that the first movement was not perfect enough, and the second How to do this movement can't be completed, which also makes Liu Hao have to maintain the first movement for a long time, even if he is woken up by the sound of the explosion every time, he still keeps this movement. The voice came again.

"Evil beast, I will suppress you today!"

Liu Hao raised his head and looked upwards, his eyes seemed to penetrate the incomparable flood and directly into the monstrous battlefield.

"Suppression? It seems that when Dayu controlled the water, he only suppressed one 'Wuzhiqi'? Could it be that the pillar-like figure I saw that day was 'Wuzhiqi' just now? If so, isn't it too terrifying? Monkey King and Compared to him, he is nothing more than an ant!"

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