Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy one. Encounter

871. Encounter

Liu Hao really has no way of knowing what the three disasters and nine disasters are. He can only make some guesses about them.

For example, the emergence of the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" is also a huge test for the human race, and it is bound to be among the "three disasters and nine disasters".

And through these disasters, the saints in the heavens benefited little by little, like digging the foot of the wall, digging away the luck of the human race, making the luck of the human race link up with them bit by bit, contributing a lot to them strength.

Dayu's water control is also one of them, but whether it is the last catastrophe or not, Liu Hao is not too sure. He thinks that when he meets the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in the future, he must ask about this matter carefully. He feels this It is equally important to himself, not because he also wants to share part of the luck of the human race, but how to let the saint spit out more luck.

Anyway, it is a great benefit for the human race that he has gained more luck for the human race, since he is a part of the human race anyway.

With an idea, Liu Hao did not dwell on this issue, but continued to listen to Ba Xia's words.

"Senior, the saint blocked the forbidden water of the Tianhe River, and the fallen ancestral witch returned to the earth, but the blood of Pangu remained in it, and entered the entire heaven and earth along the torrential flood..."

Now, Liu Hao completely understood why the heaven and earth within the statue banned their cultivation. It was not because Dayu did any means, but because Dayu collected many bloodlines of ancestor witches and sealed them in this heaven and earth when he was controlling the water, so that The monks who enter here will inevitably be affected by these Pangu bloodlines, and will naturally be banned for cultivation. In other words, non-sages and mixed-principal people can only start from scratch when they enter here, but also, they will also benefit a lot from this. When Yu controlled the waters, he absorbed these Pangu bloodlines and evolved himself. Liu Hao is like this now. The witch clan bloodlines that originally remained in his body began to be purified by the absorption of these ancestral witch bloodlines, which made him have the unique characteristics of Pangu bloodlines. talent show.

However, up to now, Liu Hao still can't understand what is the talent within the golden thread in his blood? Is it single or multiple? If there are many kinds, what is the strongest talent?

In this regard, Liu Hao is very open. The talent of the Qinglong bloodline of the four-element holy beast is enough for him to develop. If it is more, it will distract his energy. Instead of this, it is better to devote energy to the deep development of the Qinglong bloodline. come.

Of course, the benefits are not without. Anyway, his physical fitness has also been greatly improved. Although Da Luo Jinxian's physical fitness is still a bit behind him, it is a great supplement. To make up, in other words, to improve his future height problem, this is enough.

The most important thing,

Liu Hao felt that after he spent a layer of gold here, he would go to the Earth Immortal Realm. The development of Pangu's blood in his body would allow him to have a legal account in the Earth Immortal Realm, which would make his luck in the Earth Immortal Realm even better. Well put to use.

The excavation of new mountain ranges is still in full swing, the population is increasing, and the efficiency is much higher. The majestic mountains are being pushed down one by one. Only the descendants of the Yellow Emperor can achieve this kind of water control. And the story of Noah's Ark escape It is too great to be great, and it is no wonder that Dayu can leave his name through the ages.

When the embankment broke, Liu Hao, Ba Xia, and Pu Lao chose the most dangerous positions. Under the torrential flood, they didn't know where they were swept. After the distance, Liu Hao gradually took control of his body and began to swim in the flood. After that, he searched for the team again, and so on.

Time seems to have no meaning here. Liu Hao no longer remembers how many mountains he dug with the team, how many times he was hit by these floods, and was washed away, returned to the team, and excavated repeatedly;

Day after day, year after year, at the beginning I still thought about when it would end, but then I completely forgot about it, repeating the work of water control like a machine, and I would have forgotten all the weird thoughts, if it wasn't for On this day, there was a sudden lightness in his body, and he wanted to say that he had completely forgotten his identity.

"Are you a saint? How long has it been?"

The body became much more relaxed, and a sense of enlightenment was born in his heart. It seemed that Liu Hao only realized what kind of talent he had awakened in his blood when he was a quasi-sage.

"Di Jiang, space ancestral witch! Space talent? It's not bad! But why does it seem that there are other talents that are about to be activated?"

Liu Hao thinks that this feeling is not groundless, but it seems to be more difficult to unlock, or it may not be the time yet.

"Forget it! The harvest is already big enough, there is no need to force it, maybe it will appear after the physical rank is improved again, just let nature take its course!"

Year after year of digging mountains and rivers, Liu Hao's edges and corners have been smoothed out a lot. The biggest point is that the looming murderous aura left over from his original beheading of evil thoughts has disappeared completely, and he is as peaceful and natural as an old farmer. At this time, even an ordinary person standing beside him could not feel the breath of him at all, and would only regard him as a commoner with no cultivation.

This state is also his cultivation level of completely digesting and beheading a corpse. Now, he can really try to behead a second corpse. It can also be said that his kindness has been greatly improved, almost a perfect situation.

It was also out of this mentality that even if his physical cultivation reached the quasi-sage level again, Liu Hao just paused for a moment, and started his movements again, chiseling towards the mountain in front of him, as if the breakthrough just now was just a trivial matter.

I don't know how many thoughts have passed, how many mountains have been dug, and how many distances have been walked. On this day, Liu Hao finally saw the sea, and saw the dragon shadows rolling occasionally on the sea. These dragon shadows seemed to be waiting Dayu introduced the torrential flood into it, or he may have other intentions.

It wasn't until the team really led the flood into the sea that Liu Hao realized that his thoughts were correct. When the flood entered the sea, hundreds of dragons appeared above the East China Sea. They suppressed every flood that poured into the sea. In this way, it still caused the East China Sea to set off a huge wave, roaring and rolling away into the distance.

"This seems to be protecting the eyes of the East China Sea, right?"

Only then did Liu Hao vaguely sense the purpose of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and only then did he notice the difference in the floods in front of him. Once these floods entered the sea, they swelled more than a hundred times, as if the previous floods had been compressed. A brain was released.

"The water of the Tianhe River is really extraordinary. Why is the water of the Tianhe River within the remnants of the surrounding mountains in the Earth Immortal Realm so ordinary? Could it be that the true essence has been lost?"

While thinking, Dayu threw the Dinghaishen needle in his hand towards the East China Sea, and the black and yellow Dinghaishen needle turned into a pillar of heaven, piercing directly into the East China Sea. His entry suppressed 90% of the huge waves above the East China Sea. Nine, it seems that I have encountered a natural enemy, so I have to be obedient.

"Sun Houzi, it seems that it is not easy with the golden cudgel! With my cultivation, even if it is combined with the law of water, it will take a lot of effort to achieve this. How can I be so light?"

He became interested in the source of the Golden Cudgel. It's hard to say whether it was made by Dayu, or the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle in this world is not the same as the one in Sun Houzi's hand?

"It's still a world problem. I don't know when the answer will be revealed?"

Liu Hao looked in the direction of Dayu, but found that the other party seemed to be looking at him, with a smile on his face. When he wanted to confirm, he found that the scene was completely different. Where is there any Dayu? Where is the world inside the statue? At that moment just now, he had already been teleported out of the game, and his eyes changed drastically. The high mountain had disappeared without a trace, and he came to a grassland, which was even more empty.

The body has also undergone many changes, and everything that was banned has returned in an instant. The biggest difference is that my physical fitness has improved a lot, and I have vaguely touched the bottleneck of the mid-term quasi-sage.

"The power has become stronger, and the control over the space is higher. This is the essential improvement of affinity!"

After familiarizing himself with himself, Liu Hao showed a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand to collect the 'Pulao Ding' suspended in front of him. His divine sense penetrated into it, and found that the soul of Pulao was already in a deep sleep. Incorporating it into one's own sea of ​​knowledge, heaven and earth, and then reaching out to the grassland for divine thoughts.

"Wolves! The cultivation base is really high enough!"

Sweeping his mind, Liu Hao stayed on a group of prairie wolves, and was also noticed by the leader of the other wolf pack. A call sounded, and the wolves lying on the ground quickly gathered like an army, and headed towards Liu Hao under the leadership of the head wolf. Hao came roaring.

"But among the thirty or so wolf demons, there are three quasi-sages, and the leader has a mid-term quasi-sage cultivation. Is the monster clan in the Kunlun ancestral line really that powerful?"

Liu Hao frowned slightly. He felt a threat from the wolves. It is reasonable to say that it is only a middle-stage quasi-sage. Telling Liu Hao not to underestimate the enemy is like reminding Liu Hao that the wolves in front of him are not easy to mess with.

It wasn't until the wolves appeared in front of Liu Hao that Liu Hao understood where the threat came from. It wasn't the wolf in the middle stage of the quasi-sage, but the silver-white guy next to him in the early-stage of the quasi-sage, this silver giant wolf, Among this group of gray prairie wolves, he seemed out of place, standing out from the crowd, both in agility and wisdom, far surpassing other giant wolves.

When the wolves saw Liu Hao, they stopped under the leadership of the leading wolf. Yaoyao and Liu Hao looked at each other, as if they were weighing something. After about half a stick of incense, they saw a gray-black giant wolf leave The pack of wolves walked slowly towards Liu Hao.

The body of this gray-black giant wolf is covered with scars. On half of the face, a claw mark runs through the eyelids and extends to the position of the canine teeth.

It's just a giant wolf of the Daluo Jinxian level, Liu Hao didn't pay attention to it at all, instead he watched the silver wolf and reacted, when the gray-black giant wolf walked out of the wolf pack, Liu Hao clearly saw that the silver wolf was not at all. Instead, he put a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Is this silver wolf not a native of Kunlun's ancestors?"

It's no wonder that Liu Hao thought a lot, from this simple expression change, it can be seen that the silver wolf does not seem to be with this group of prairie wolves.

"These local creatures of the Kunlun ancestral line seem to be a bit backward in wisdom. Yes, there is no civilization here, and there is a lack of communication. The development of wisdom is bound to be much behind. It cannot be underestimated, a mere group of wolf demons have the beast collar of the quasi-sage mid-stage, and if they go deep into the grassland, it will not be surprising to meet stronger ones in the future!"

Liu Hao still didn't look at the gray-black giant wolf that was walking slowly, perhaps aware of Liu Hao's contempt, the giant wolf quickened its pace, from walking leisurely, now to running, and then to moving towards Liu Hao with all its strength. Sprinting forward, there was a whining sound at the end, the canine teeth on both sides were also exposed, and the mouth was slightly opened. The scene was clearly the force of biting.

"The speed is good! It's a pity that this temptation is weaker!"

Seeing that the gray-black giant wolf was about to bite Liu Hao's neck, he turned his eyes back to look at Liu Hao, waved his arm lightly towards him, and knocked away the roaring gray-black giant wolf.

"It seems that the physical quality is higher. Is it because of the environment? This kind of quality is rare even in the world of immortals!"

Although he just waved his hand gently, Liu Hao was a little surprised by the force feedback, and also confirmed the idea that Kunlun's ancestral lineage is higher than the prehistoric world.

"I don't know if we can communicate!"

Liu Hao looked up at the wolves again. He knocked down the tentative chess pieces, but the wolves didn't care at all, as if they had nothing to do with them at all. They didn't say anything, and the expressions of all the giant wolves didn't change at all.

"The wolves and the army really have the same effect! It's just that the number sometimes doesn't help me much, and I don't know if these guys know how to form a formation?"

As soon as this idea came up, I saw a change in the pack of wolves in front of me. Dozens of giant wolves raised their heads slightly and howled towards the sky. The gray and black giant wolf is no exception.

As soon as this breath was connected, the unconscious gray-black giant wolf woke up, the ribs on his body that were broken by Liu Hao also healed familiarly, and the breath improved a lot.

"Not only the breath, but also the life? It seems wrong! This can also be regarded as the use of formations! It has a lot in common with the Confucianism and Taoism's monster army, um... and the Three Kingdoms world. The army battle formation also has some similarities; the wolf as the center not only has the ability to lead the army, but also has the function of a totem, so it's really difficult to deal with it all at once!"

Unless it is a one-hit kill, these packs of wolves will attack continuously, making you entangled. Once you show some flaws, you will be noticed by the leader wolf who is watching calmly outside. Waterloo, besides, beside the head wolf, there is also a silver wolf who is always coveting, so it should not be underestimated either.

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