Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-two. Monster statue

872. Statue of the Monster Race

"Oh? Do you still want to continue testing?"

Seeing the gray and black giant wolf biting towards him again, Liu Hao wanted to kill him, but suddenly remembered that the enemy in front of him seemed to be fighting with the instinct of a beast, and he didn't intend to use any demon cultivating methods at all. Instead, it gave Liu Hao the idea to compete with the opponent.

But after a few times of confrontation, Liu Hao became even more confused. What does it mean to be biting like this all the time? Could it be that he really doesn't know how to practice Taoism?

He glanced at the silver wolf, and saw that the sarcasm on this guy's face became more and more obvious, and he didn't know whether he was mocking the wolves or himself.

Stretching out his index finger, he pointed towards the waist of the giant wolf that was pounced again. The touch of the finger made the body of the gray-black giant wolf stagnate, and then collapsed powerlessly in front of Liu Hao. Must kill, this sudden change caused a commotion in the pack of wolves, and was quickly suppressed by the head wolf. Now, the eyes of these giant wolves looking at him became much more ferocious, it was a fierce light of hatred, The killing intent that wished to divide Liu Hao and eat him.

Originally, Liu Hao was already prepared for the fight, but he didn't want the pack of wolves to stare at him for a long time before leaving quickly amidst the howling of the head wolf. This situation caused Liu Hao's original thinking to deviate again.

"It seems that these guys' intelligence is not low. Are they unsure or have chosen other tactics?"

He doesn't think that the wolves are willing to let him go. Once the hatred of the wolves is buried, they will almost never die. He can even think that in the days to come, these guys will definitely stare at him. After a little relaxation, they will pounce on themselves and give themselves a hard bite until they kill themselves, or they will be killed by themselves.

Liu Hao watched the pack of wolves disappear in front of his eyes, and then turned his eyes to the wolf corpse under his feet. After some dissection, Liu Hao also found that the physical fitness of the creatures in front of him was much higher than that of the monsters in the earth fairy world. Liu Hao discovered the real essential difference between the black giant wolf's demon pill.

In front of him, this demon pill is very pure, it is just a collection of energy, and there is no trace of Taoism on it, which shows that this giant wolf has not learned any Taoism and supernatural powers at all, and all the force is only from beasts. Instinct nothing more.

"The quasi-sage should be very different, right?"

Liu Hao said to himself, put away the demon pills and wait for a good study in the future. Let alone other things now, the key is to find possible statues, but compared with before, there is no feeling at all now. It can only depend on luck, even if you find it, it is very hard to say whether you can enter it.

The sound of an eagle's cry diverted Liu Hao's gaze,

Looking up, a golden black spot was hovering in the sky, and he didn't know which prey it was staring at. Liu Hao just took a look and gave up. He flickered his body, and every flicker was hundreds of thousands of miles away, but On this boundless grassland, there are still no other geological structures, not even a small mountain bag.

Lack of positioning ability, and can only find one direction to go on endlessly. Whether it can be achieved or not depends on God's will.

The Kunlun ancestral vein also has the change of the sun and the moon, and it also strictly follows the twelve hours of the day. The sun rises and sets, and dozens of suns rise and fall in the blink of an eye. This day finally saw a difference. A small forest of small size is sparse. Scattered in front, the height of these trees is not low. The traditional coniferous forest tree structure is separated by a large distance, and each tree has a height of tens of acres.

After scanning his consciousness, Liu Hao found that the small forest stretched for only more than ten kilometers. In the forest, some small monsters played in it, but these monsters were not shallow at all. It was just a little squirrel He also stepped into Da Luo's cultivation base, as if he could survive in it, Da Luo could only be the bottom line.

But even so, these super-high-cultivation species can still only be regarded as part of monsters, not even monster races. They may have no problem with IQ, but the competition between them still strictly abides by the instinct of beasts;

For example, a squirrel of the Da Luo Jinxian level will still feel scared when seeing the snakes of the Da Luo Tianxian. The first thought will always be to run away. Only then did I realize that I didn't need to be afraid at all, but I escaped this time, and when I saw snakes again, I would still escape in various ways.

In addition, there is another point that makes Liu Hao a little weird. The number of creatures is very rare. He feels that this may be due to the strong physique of these monsters, which makes it difficult to breed the next generation. When the next generation is born, it is very likely that they will have a Taiyi-level physique when they are born.

Such a situation strengthened Liu Hao's respect for the level of heaven and earth where Kunlun's ancestral veins are located. Perhaps Honghuang can only be regarded as an ordinary world compared with it. Entering here, the only possibility is to become food.

Did he know that even if he teleported and flickered, the group of prairie wolves still followed behind him firmly, even if he cut off his own breath, he still couldn't ask them to track him down, and he didn't know what kind of sense of smell they had evolved to do so this point.

Before entering the grove, Liu Hao played a trick and arranged a confusing formation around the grove, not to kill the wolves following behind, but to test their resistance to the formation .

After passing through the grove, Liu Hao walked for a long time, and didn't stop until a huge statue appeared in front of his eyes.

In front of me, this statue is more like a pile of sand, and it is densely covered with grass structures. If it does not appear abruptly on this grassland, it is really hard to detect. Moreover, this statue is not in the form of a human. , but a lion lying lazily on the ground.

The statue was lazy, but when Liu Hao looked at it, he felt an endless sense of murderousness, as if the lion lying on the ground to rest would violently choose someone to eat in the next moment.

"Will this be the inheritance place of the monster master?"

However, Liu Hao has no intention of entering it. The main problem is that the other party does not have much compatibility with him. If it is a crouching tiger, he must have a firm mind. Moreover, he does not think he can step into it without the key. , You must know that before the statue of Dayu, he had to hold the token of Dayu to set foot on it.

Just as he was thinking, there was another howling sound from behind, and the group of wolves that never left was not far away from him again.

Even if he couldn't understand the animal language, Liu Hao could still hear the joy in the howling of these wolves.

"It seems that these wolves also know that there is such a place, but whether they can reach it depends entirely on luck?"

Sweeping across the pack of wolves, Liu Hao saw the sound of the silver wolf grinning and howling in joy, and seeing the group of prairie wolves also jumping and celebrating, his heart moved, and he felt that this was a bit weird.

He doesn't think that there will be no concept of a huge statue placed here. Once you find it for the first time, you will definitely be impressed by it, and this statue cannot be moved all the time. With the powerful memory of these beasts, every time it is opened, it is bound to He will come as soon as possible, but the wolves in front of him obviously know it, but they don't have the meaning of pilgrimage, which is weird.

"Unless certain conditions are required to open it?"

As soon as Liu Hao had this idea, he heard another cry from the sky. It was obvious that this sound was the eagle's cry that Liu Hao had heard before.

"It's impossible for him to follow him closely. It must be the sight of the statue opening that attracted him!"

Liu Hao's guess was not wrong. After the hawk chirped, not long after, he saw a group of wild horses approaching mightily. The number exceeded 10,000. When they arrived nearby, they gathered into a group, neighed for a while, and then He lowered his voice and waited quietly, the same as the pack of wolves before. These wolves have completely abandoned Liu Hao now. Compared with hatred, the huge benefits of the statue in front of him are the real attraction.

After the wild horses, many races came, such as lions, foxes, rhinos, snakes, etc., all of which came in groups. Even in the sky, there were many groups of birds.

When each species arrives, they will congratulate in unison, and then either lie on the ground, or gather in a group and wait quietly. In the follow-up time, Liu Hao can even guess the race of the arrival just by hearing these sounds, but within a few days After a while, the entire statue was surrounded by various species, and they were clearly natural enemies without the slightest precaution. It seemed that at this moment, they were all their own people.

"Excuse me, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Liu Hao is indeed in trouble. The monsters of all races around the statue seem to have the collective name of "monster clan", but he has become the only outsider. No, most of them will be attacked by groups, but even if they choose to retreat at this time, there will probably not be any good results.

"Forget it, go in and have a look first, if you can't get in, then find a way to escape!"

Liu Hao felt that he would definitely have conflicts with these monsters in the future, and it was probably the one that would never stop dying. He didn't know if it was an illusion. When he swept over the silver wolf, he saw the gloating smile on the other's face.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the statue in front of him changed dramatically. The green grass that covered it began to wither, and within a few breaths, it turned yellow, making the statue in front of him indistinguishable from a lion. The grass is laid out like the hair of a lion, making it even more majestic.

Before Liu Hao could relax his brows, he saw a wave of light emitting from the lion statue, which made him tense. If he didn't feel that the wave of light was harmless, he would definitely leave the mountain god without hesitation.

"Don't you need an order?"

Liu Hao was also suspicious. When the light wave swept over him, the situation in front of him had changed drastically. It seemed to appear in a floating island. Looking into the distance, many floating islands were laid on the white clouds, and each floating island was a Race, these floating islands are revolving around a huge mountain suspended continent like stars, and the speed is getting faster and faster;

At this moment, a enlightenment appeared in his heart, but this was due to the rules. If he wanted to get the inheritance, he had to set foot on the most central floating continent, and during this period, fighting was allowed no matter what.

From the slow rotation at the beginning, until Liu Hao digested this information, the speed of the floating island where he was located had exceeded the speed of sound, and was still accelerating.

It seems that all the creatures received the information at the same time, and after digesting the information, a large number of monsters began to act. To him, he only thought that the speed of the floating island must continue to accelerate, and the sooner he jumped towards the center, the better the chance. Also bigger.

But the facts gave them a big blow. Liu Hao saw thousands of creatures jumping high, and most of them couldn't jump to the safe point they thought. Instead, most of them were hit by the floating island that turned later. Turned into crumbs and killed instantly.

With this lesson learned from the past, the impulsive monsters immediately stopped, each one with fear on their faces, and at the same time thanking themselves for not being impulsive, but they saw many monsters with wings that were also unable to fly , can only watch helplessly being crushed into powder by the floating island.

"Cultivation is not suppressed! But the air-forbidden attribute has increased to the extreme. The guy who arranged this inheritance site is at least at the peak of quasi-sage, and may even be at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Liu Hao also tried to break the forbidden air with formation and Daowen methods, but he could only shake it slightly. It was almost impossible to shake it. Fortunately, he found that except for the forbidden air, other cultivation bases and the like had not made any breakthroughs. Restrictions, his laws of space are also valid here, in other words, if he wants to, he can reach the center in one step.

Now Liu Hao is not in a hurry. He is not a monster. He can't guarantee that the first one to step into the center will be targeted. It's better to keep a low profile and watch other monsters try a lot. Besides, the floating island he is on Now he is alone, and there is no danger in a short period of time, it is better to watch the play first and then worry about it.

As the first batch of jumping successful people appeared on the floating islands of other races, disputes inevitably arose. These successful people all had very high cultivation levels, and almost all of them were quasi-sages. It is hard to predict whether the foreign race can persist in the face of a group;

Liu Hao saw a prairie wolf quasi-sage appearing in a group of wild elephant floating islands, and was soon crushed to death by the wild elephants. This prairie wolf quasi-sage is really familiar to Liu Hao, isn't it the group of pursuers? A quasi-sage of one of the wolves?

That wolf is smart and didn't jump rashly, otherwise, even with his cultivation level, he would basically never return to a group of wild elephants. In that group of wild elephants, Guang Zhunsheng had no less than five heads, and the leading one's cultivation level was even higher than that of the wild elephants. The head wolf is much taller. Liu Hao guessed that most of them have entered the quasi-sage high rank.

Among these races, the most united group suffered the least loss, and those races that were used to acting alone but gathered together because of the race suffered the most. For example, the leopard, as soon as they got the information, almost 99% of the flower All the leopards chose to jump, and it would be great if there were only one or two surviving.

On the contrary, those races that are already very united, such as wolves, wild elephants, etc., even if they are moved, they still only send one to try, which makes their group basically survive.

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