Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-three.9 Saint Yuan Ling

873. Nine Saint Yuanlings

The effect of the first attempt was low, which made these groups of monsters more cautious in the follow-up, but this first attempt caused the loss of nearly half of the monsters who stepped into it, and most of the remaining ones were those who had originally A race that lives in groups.

Cautious thoughts kept the scene quiet, and they all chose to wait, waiting for another attempt from monsters of other races, but everyone chose to wait, which made everyone act not far away, you ask and I see you, I cursed secretly in my heart.

The rotation speed of the floating island seemed to have reached its peak, and then there was no intention of speeding up. In this situation, these monsters were relieved. The relative speed was the same, which was more conducive to jumping. These creatures waited for a while and found that there was no There was a change, and one by one began to try again, as before, still choosing to send a small number of personnel to act;

This time, the effect received was very impressive. Nearly 100% of the jumpers arrived at the destination, but because of this, the entire floating island changed again, and the speed of islands at various levels around the central floating mountain range changed. Different, this change makes it more difficult for the latecomers to jump, and one by one jumps up again.

What is even more cruel is that those successful people have lost follow-up support, and the difficulty of advancing has been greatly increased, making them face the cleansing of other races and completely left alone.

"This inheritor is really cruel. Hongguoguo's law of the jungle, the monster clan is the monster clan!"

Liu Hao said to himself, and found that there was a change again. This time, it was not a matter of the rotation speed of the floating island, but the collapse of the ground where it stood, and it began to fall towards the white clouds from the outermost edge, bit by bit. It proceeded unhurriedly, which seemed to give the standing people a certain buffer time. Once they stayed for a long time, they could only collapse along with the floating islands and fall to pieces.

This change has added a sense of urgency, forcing all living beings to move forward. The more living beings on the island, the faster it will collapse. If they all choose to wait, they will be forced to kill each other.

"Very poisonous!"

Liu Hao also had to sigh that the creator really knew how to play.

Such a cruel gameplay forced all groups to save themselves. Those with the lowest cultivation level chose to jump, in order not to be killed by their own race, or to give their own race more opportunities. Without a plan, these people with the lowest cultivation base Not a single one of the group of monsters succeeded, so tragic that even Liu Hao had to sigh after seeing it.

After the third collective action, the floating islands changed again, not only the rotation speed of each circle was different, but even the speed of the floating islands in the same circle also appeared, which made jumping more difficult. point.

Up to now, even a fool knows that the more difficult it is to jump later, and now the step-up plan that originally thought about starting from a low level was completely aborted.

Now, there are only two paths before these race beast leaders. One is to personally kill other creatures of the race on the island, and spend time to slowly study the method of jumping. This path is very cruel, but for them, survival the greater the probability of

The second one is a collective jumping action. Success or failure depends on the sky. It is equally cruel, but it does not need to let one's hands be stained with blood.

Liu Hao looked happily at the choice they would make, but he underestimated these monster races. They didn't choose the two paths that Liu Hao thought of, but walked out of the third path.

"Try to diversify your investment on the same circle of floating islands? You guys really took a different path!"

Facts have proved that the movement within the same circle did not cause the floating island to change again. Although in the process, there was still a lot of losses, it also made it unnecessary for the same clan to fight and expanded the previous probability.

However, such changes have also opened up the fight between the major races. Once they successfully jump to the nearby island, the first thought is to clean up the other races in this island.

"It's only been a while, and the monsters that came in are already out of ten!"

Seeing a wild dog jumping towards his island, Liu Hao sneered at that ferocious face, and launched a silk thread from the Golden Light Curse in his hand, and swept it towards the opponent, causing the jackal to be separated from its head. The latecomers couldn't help tightening their pace, knowing that Liu Hao is definitely not easy to mess with.

Liu Hao's attack also made the nearby monsters very afraid. When he looked at him, he didn't hide the fierce light in his eyes. He was prepared for this situation, but he watched these monsters fighting each other with unsatisfied interest. Under the elimination rate, the number of people who were originally less than one out of ten has dropped sharply. Up to now, it is estimated that only one out of a hundred can survive, but similarly, most of the people who can survive are somewhat expected.

He has been observing these monsters, or what is lurking among these monsters. Although these lurking are well hidden, the Dao Yun cannot hide it from Liu Hao at all, and he has not made a move until now. It was beyond Liu Hao's expectation.

Just as he was thinking about when these guys would move, he saw a black bear jumping across the outermost layer, jumping twice in a row, and directly entering the floating island in the middle layer, widening the gap between other creatures in one fell swoop.

The sudden movement of the black bear made the rotation of the five-floor floating island drastically changed. It was suddenly fast and slow, and the pattern was even more difficult to find. This made the monsters who had a tacit understanding roared, and there was no trace of each other. There is nothing to trust.

Now, no one is willing to wait any longer, and they live only for themselves. It is clearer that the more they fall behind and jump, the more chances are slim. The first batch of actions are those monsters who are hidden among the monsters. , the silver wolf also abandoned the leader of the prairie wolf at this time, and seized the opportunity to directly cross the outermost layer. Like a flash of light, it was already in the middle layer when it reappeared, which was obviously planned early.

"This light is like flowing water, is it moonlight? Moon Howling Sirius? This is an amazing race!"

The Xiaoyue Sirius race, among the wolf clan, can be said to be an ancient species, an ancestor-like existence, but it is hard to predict how much silver wolf blood has returned to its ancestors, and it is no wonder that it can give Liu Hao a looming sense of threat.

The actions of these hidden big monsters also made the indigenous monsters not dare to wait any longer. In terms of physical fitness, these indigenous monsters are no worse than the big monsters, and they are even worse than the big monsters. But in terms of special methods, they are almost inferior Many of them, in terms of success rate, are even far behind. Those hidden big monsters can successfully jump, and these indigenous monsters, even if they are quasi-sages, only 40 to 50% can do it.

Seeing those quasi-holy monsters succeed in jumping one by one, Liu Hao didn't wait any longer. He locked onto a floating island on the fourth floor, crossed over with a flicker, and then dodged again, and chose an uninhabited island on the third floor. , quietly watching the movements of the other big monsters.

By the third floor, the number of floating islands has been reduced by 90%. It is very reasonable to think about such a high elimination rate. Further inside, the number is even rarer, and its speed is faster, especially the innermost layer, such as streamer The entanglement vaguely has the concept of the speed of light. If you don't have good eyesight, you can't see the appearance of the islands clearly.


There was a loud sound behind him, and he turned his head to look, only to find that most of the outermost floating island had collapsed, leaving only a few places to stand on, and the remaining monsters were in a situation where they had to fight. However, this kind of gambling behavior is simply death, and Liu Hao didn't bother to pay attention. It's lucky for one or two of these monsters to succeed.

The outermost layer collapsed in a large area, and the fourth layer also showed signs of collapse. Liu Hao scanned the island he was standing on, and found that it was much looser than when he first came here. It seemed that the rocks on it had weathered and were much stronger. Falling, he even suspected that if he stepped on it hard, he might turn into dust.

The problems discovered by Liu Hao were also noticed by other big monsters on the third floor, and they knew that once someone stepped into the floating island on the second floor, it would be more difficult to follow up. After the angry big monsters failed in their attempts, they extinguished the impatience in the hearts of these big monsters, and things went back and forth in a flash. I look forward to more trial and error by other big monsters and monsters.

The first one to succeed was still the black bear. Under Liu Hao's observation, he had no choice but to applaud him. Following up, the leader of the prairie wolf died here while jumping, which made Liu Hao frown a little.

It stands to reason that these local creatures should have a better chance of the sculptures arranged in the Kunlun ancestral line, but why has it become their biggest limitation? If things go on like this, whether any local creatures can reach the center is still a problem. Is it for the sake of ecology to kill the native creatures on a large scale?

Liu Hao laughed at himself. He always felt that this place was not simple, but he couldn't get the answer for a while. Seeing that many big monsters and monsters had stepped into the second-level island, they followed with one step. This time, he Instead of choosing an uninhabited island, he chose a white elephant to stand with a local monster.

"Brother Baixiang can speak?"


This white elephant seems to be somewhat rejected in the wild elephant group of local monsters. He has a high level of cultivation, but his status is not obvious. Up to now, only three of this group of wild elephants have reached the second floor, and one of them is even more so. It would be cruel enough for a foreign monster to lose two quasi-sages.

Originally, Liu Hao wanted to communicate with the other party, but the situation was beyond his expectation. The white elephant who was a quasi-sage in front of him didn't even know the language. How could this not shock him? Seeing that the white elephant seemed to be very vigilant towards him, and his body was even more vigilant, Liu Hao also extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to communicate, and each of them chose a place to distance themselves, and continued to wait for the other big monsters to try.

The innermost layer is also the most difficult one. It could be locked easily before, but now it costs a lot of money. When the black bear passed by, it spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood. Obviously it cost a lot of money, but the silver wolf succeeded. Afterwards, but a little sluggish, it can be regarded as the deepest hidden one.

Liu Hao stepped up to Silver Wolf and greeted him with a smile.

"How is Brother Silver Wolf?"


It was a female voice, which surprised Liu Hao a little, and made him smile even more.

"By the way, brother Yinlang is hiding among the wolves, so he was accepted as a concubine by that wolf, right?"

"you wanna die!"

"Just kidding! You are so anxious, it can't be true, right?"

The silver wolf's hair stood on end, its eyes glowed red, and its two front paws were firmly gripping the ground. Under her two paws, the rock that had entered King Kong was as fragile as confetti. Liu Hao provoked murderous aura with a few words, if it wasn't for The environment in front of him is not right, and he is worried that the island under his feet will be smashed, and the silver wolf will definitely explode.

"Humans, this is the place where the power of the monster race is passed on. Don't you worry about getting killed if you enter it?"

"Oh? It seems that you have been here several times! Why, have you seen humans being bombarded and killed?"


Liu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from Yinlang's reaction, at least the other party didn't see it with his own eyes, which means that there is still a chance. After thinking about it, it seems reasonable. Since it may not be fair to let him in, it is not enough Killed the matter directly.

"Which world did Brother Silver Wolf come from?"

"What? Can't you talk to me?"

"Communication, are you still worried that I will trouble you in your world? It seems that you are just fine in your world!"

"Hmph, don't talk to me, if you have that time, think about how to enter the center!"

"Are you concerned about me? Hehe, thanks!"


Silver Wolf no longer wastes words with Liu Hao, but Liu Hao is by her side, making her afraid to devote herself to the lock, which unreasonably increases the possibility of her failure. You must know that once you fail, it means that you will lose your life. Death, this could not help but make her restless, she glared at Liu Hao fiercely, but she didn't dare to let go of the fight, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Liu Hao didn't know what Silver Wolf was thinking. The reason why he chose this place was to find out some news from Silver Wolf. Now the number of monsters who have stepped into the first floor is no more than ten, and the successors will not exceed this number. In terms of quantity, this also means that thirty people entering the central island would be very good.

After turning their faces several times before, even if these big monsters step into the central island, it is difficult to form an alliance. It should be noted that once the trust is broken, it will be extremely difficult to establish. In this way, he will not have to face the monsters alone. However, because this is the place where the demon clan inherits, there is a natural sense of contempt for him as a human race, and it will be safe for a while.

Seeing that the black bear had already entered the central island, the silver wolf was also very anxious. He tried to lock it repeatedly but did not dare to relax Liu Hao. He got down several times and was even more annoyed. Seeing that the time was right, Liu Hao shouted at the silver wolf;

"Brother Silver Wolf, tell me who this inheritance point comes from, and I will go first, otherwise we will be wasted!"

"Human, can you keep your word?"

"Of course, I'm an honest young gentleman. Only a monk would do such a thing!"

Silver Wolf took a deep look at Liu Hao, and then said viciously after a long time;

"Here is the sculpture of the Nine Saints Yuanling, are you satisfied?"

"Nine Saint Yuanling? Where is Taiyi's house?"

"Huh? Human, are you familiar with Taiyi Tianzun?"

Liu Hao said in his mind, how could it be attributed to the prehistoric characters?

But the Nine Saints Yuanling doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's nothing more than embarrassing the monkeys during the Journey to the West. Compared with the real power, it seems really not enough, but such characters have left statues in the Kunlun ancestral line , Could it be that in a higher world, the Nine Saint Yuanling is really awesome?

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