Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-four. Original preaching

874. Original preaching

The inheritance from the Nine Saints Yuanling made Liu Hao think more.

Nine Saint Yuanling, also known as Nine-Headed Lion, is the mount of Taoist disciple Taiyi Zhenren. Appeared before, monsters belonging to the good order, the biggest characteristic is "good teacher".

After carefully recalling what I knew about the Nine Saint Yuanling, after much deliberation, this Nine-headed lion really has nothing to hate except for the shortcoming of being a good teacher.

If this inheritance appeared in the prehistoric world, Liu Hao would not think too much about it, but in this Kunlun ancestral lineage, he had to guard against it.

It's not about guarding against the Yaozu and others, but against Chanjiao. The ghost knows what kind of mentality Chanjiao has set up such a place of inheritance specifically for the Yaozu. If it is purely for the sake of the Yaozu, killing Liu Hao would not I will believe that there must be a plan in this, or in other words, the calculations in this are not small.

Knowing that the inheritance comes from explaining teachings, Liu Hao's mind became more relaxed. Not to mention whether the inheritance is good or not suitable for him, the cause and effect in it alone is enough to make him shy away. will be disgusted.

"Is it a layout? Are these statues the layout of various forces?"

Liu Hao fell into deep thought. Seeing Liu Hao's situation, the nearby silver wolf was a little eager to try. He wanted to make a move several times, but he had to stop. It was nothing but the silver wolf knew that even if it was a surprise attack by itself, it would be difficult. To achieve a one-hit kill, at that time, you must live on this small floating island endlessly. No matter whether you win or lose, the island will definitely collapse, which is too much for the gain.

Liu Hao values ​​his own life more than anything else, so how could he expose his flaws to the nearby enemies? Silver Wolf's kindness meant to let him hurry towards the inheritance center while he didn't need to guard against himself.

After Silver Wolf gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Liu Hao, she immediately realized that this was an opportunity. Suspiciously, she glanced at Liu Hao. Seeing that Liu Hao was still in deep thought, she didn't wait any longer and jumped towards the center with all her strength. Going away, only to see a flash of light, the silver wolf has disappeared, and Liu Hao also woke up from acting.

"These monster race comers, who can enter the place of inheritance, all have quasi-sage cultivation bases, and they are all quasi-sages, and they are also looking forward to the inheritance of the Nine Saints Yuanling. Does it mean that there are many good products here? "

Although Liu Hao didn't want to get the meaning of inheritance, but he had already entered the gate, and he couldn't leave if he wanted to. He might as well take a good look at what good things are inside, and then let's take a look at the explanations to make those layouts. do calculations.

With a decision, Liu Hao stepped into the central area in a flash. This central area is still a floating island, but compared with those rotating islands, this island is countless times larger. It is said to be an island, but it is different from There is not much difference between one continent, but this continent is more like a mountain structure formed by mountains. This kind of vision made Liu Hao the first to think of the "Cuiping Peak" spiritual treasure in his body. The place is like a mountain-shaped Lingbao magnified countless times.

Thinking about the fact that Chanjiao is good at refining weapons, Liu Hao felt that his guess would probably come true, and even the small floating islands on the periphery might be just a part of this spiritual treasure.

"If it's true, then who is controlling this spirit treasure? The Nine Saint Yuanling?"

At first, Liu Hao didn't think that the Nine Saints Yuanling could do it, but then he thought about it and felt that it was probably the Nine Saints Yuanling who did it. Where did the statues in Kunlun's ancestral line come from? Liu Hao didn't bother to think about it, but one thing is certain What's more, the level of that world is very high, so high that it is very likely that any unknown person who comes here at random can beat Haotian in the earth fairy world; No surprise.

However, how to control the Nine Saint Yuanling is a problem. Others may not have to think about it, but Chanjiao himself was born in Kunlun. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is their hometown here.

Falling into the space of other people's spirit treasures, this kind of danger level is not small, Liu Hao had to put 200% of his mind to deal with it, and entered the center position, his spiritual sense penetrated into the island for the first time, penetrated into it, and passed Not long after, he noticed the difference, but he was very familiar with this difference, it was because of Lingbao's restriction!

It's just that this prohibition seems to be magnified countless times here, and one can know through careful observation that this is the real 'Dao pattern'.

Liu Hao was shocked by this discovery.

He is very clear that the restrictions within any innate spiritual treasure are 'Dao patterns', but these 'Dao patterns' are too precise, like chips, the higher the cultivation level, the more he can see through the operation mode, just like Generally, the self-contained microscope, the higher the repair level, the higher the magnification of the microscope, and the more lines can be seen.

With Liu Hao's current cultivation base, even the 'Daowen' is a bit difficult, not to mention the whole of the 'Daowen'. Today, by accident, he can see clearly on this floating island spirit treasure. Shock?

This temptation is really too great, he has already thrown away all the things like ignoring them, what is cause and effect, I will talk about it in the future, the most urgent thing now is to take the opportunity to comprehend these lines of 'Tao', looking forward to Get the essence of 'Tao' from it.

The lines of the Tao are the foundation of the operation of the world. Each line has its own magical meaning, just like the instruction set in the chip. Both are indispensable. If any line is missing, the chip may be paralyzed. .

The prohibition in Lingbao is a manifestation of the lines of Tao. If an innate Lingbao is used as a product, this product must have certain functions, such as directional functions such as TVs and radios. The source of these directing effects is the prohibition;

Therefore, mastering the lines of Tao in these prohibitions is equivalent to mastering the method of making certain products, mastering the ability to make better use of this spiritual treasure, and make it the strongest.

Of course, these are just small benefits, and the biggest benefit is to analyze the world through these lines of Tao, because to put it further, the world itself is just a product, if you master all the lines of Tao in this world , also means to completely control the world.

This is why many innate spirit treasures are weaker than some acquired spirit treasures, and the monks can choose, and they will definitely favor the innate spirit treasures. The latter is just a simple tool, and the innate spirit treasures, But it is a road leading to a higher place, and smart people don't need to hesitate at all.

The island under his feet is an innate spiritual treasure. Although Liu Hao was very puzzled, he didn't know why a mere mount could know it, and he still kept it in the statue as a selection for inheritance without hesitation. This kind of unreasonableness made Liu Hao feel that there must be more demands for elucidating the teachings, but these can only be things for the funeral, no matter what the cause and effect will be in the future, he will devote himself to comprehending these lines of the Tao.

He doesn't want to miss such a good opportunity. Even with his fully refined 'Xuanwu Seal', it is difficult to explore the lines of the Dao, and he can even vaguely see some 'Dao Wen'. If he wants to truly understand, I don't even know which year it will be.

When Liu Hao devoted himself to it, he also found that it was not an ordinary difficulty to comprehend it. This feeling was as if he was only a high school graduate, but forced to comprehend the knowledge that a doctor should learn. See some ignorance.

Fortunately, even if they couldn't understand many of them, they could still guess many according to Lingbao's restriction, which was enough for Liu Hao.

Among the islands, those big monsters who stepped into the central island continent had already plundered towards the more central position. Only Liu Hao sat cross-legged on the side of a small hill, like a statue, and didn't even bother to talk about any possible inheritance. He didn't think What kind of inheritance can be compared with the "Tao Zhiwen".

The only pity is that these lines of Taoism are too profound. Liu Hao spent a long time to untie the first restriction. Instead of entering the second restriction immediately, he continued to understand the first restriction instead. The explanation in the Taoist restriction, obtained the answer by uncovering the riddles, and then learned the various deep meanings in the question, and gained more. After repeating it several times, Liu Hao moved towards the next restriction with still unsatisfied intentions.

It's not that he has thoroughly understood the "Traces of Dao" in the first restriction, but it is difficult to break through it even if it takes more time. Instead of this, it is better to use the little time left to learn new ones. knowledge points.

The pattern of the Tao in the second restriction has become more than ten times more complicated, and what he can understand has changed from one percent to one thousandth. Learn from corner to corner, and then synthesize the pattern of Tao in the first prohibition to deduce in reverse, but even so, you still don't get much.

Just when Liu Hao was agitated, a murmur came from nowhere. The voice sounded majestic, but it felt very comfortable in the ear, like the sound of heaven, which made people immerse themselves in it.

But Liu Hao didn't know that this voice was the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun's preaching, and it was also the inheritance that these big monsters desperately wanted to obtain. When they reached the center of the island, Yuanshen would enter a part of the world. The teaching is in the Kunlun Taoist Temple, once you enter the range of the Interpretation Taoist Temple, you can hear the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun preaching in the Taoist Temple;

The saint's preaching, even the powerful monks are very yearning, and it is not easy to hear. In the prehistoric world of the earth and immortals, for example, let a monk exchange an innate spiritual treasure for this saint to preach Most of these monks will be willing, or as long as this innate treasure is not related to their own enlightenment, they will take it out 100%.

It’s not that innate treasures are worthless, but that sages’ preaching is also valuable. The value of the former requires constant comprehension, and there is a possibility of no gain, while the latter is a quick success, or a quick success without side effects. It’s clear at a glance which is right and which is wrong .

The voice spread from the center to the entire Lingbao Island, and when it reached Liu Hao's ears, there were only murmurs, and the content of these voices could not be heard clearly, but even so, it still calmed Liu Hao's restless mood. , with the help of these whispering voices, it seems that I have been hung up for a short time, and I feel a lot more enlightened when I look at the lines of the Tao. Just one point.

This surprised Liu Hao greatly. It doesn't matter what the whispering voice said, as long as it is good for him.

Liu Hao is not a fool either. Now, he still doesn’t know how powerful this murmur is. After a little guessing, he knows that it is probably the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun preaching. This voice of preaching appeared in the space of a disciple’s mount. It can be something that is not shallow and has a hidden layout;

But the target was only the demon clan, which made Liu Hao feel much more comfortable. As for the benefits he got by the way, he will have the opportunity to repay it in the future. It is enough to introduce oneself into the meaning of exegesis.

This is a kind of accidental passive entry into the chess game set up by Chanjiao, but did not go deep into it, gained some benefits at the edge, and was not lured into the game by the sound, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, no one is in charge of this game now, It's not clear that Liu Hao wandered around the edge of the chessboard.

The preaching of saints often takes a very long time, thousands of years at most, and decades at least. Fortunately, it seems that they are just intercepting some fragments of Yuanshi Tianzun's sermons, and the total time is only nine years. For the monster clan who heard about it, it is already a great opportunity, not to mention whether they can comprehend the Taoism, just to sort out what they have learned, it is enough to make the road to a higher level in the future.

Nine years passed by in a flash. For Liu Hao, he was still swimming in the third restriction, but even so, his gains were doubled. If the knowledge points that Liu Hao had mastered before were only high school level, but now After stepping into the palace of the university, the level leaps, and when he sees the lines of Tao in the future, he can translate a lot by himself. This is enough for Liu Hao. Although he doesn't have much enlightenment, the understanding of basic knowledge points is more beneficial than any other. Be strong.

When he was brought up in the inheritance space, Liu Hao woke up immediately and scanned his surroundings. The number of people he saw was no more than 20, and hundreds of thousands of creatures stepped into it. Ruthless, even for the sake of layout, I still don't want to let go of my pride in elaborating teachings. This is really very Yuanshi Tianzun.

Out of the space, these 20 or so monsters don't seem to have the idea of ​​fighting here. They jumped out of the circle one by one lightly, and found a direction to leave quickly. However, in Liu Hao's view, as long as these guys don't come out In this grassland, the killing intent in my heart will definitely not fall, and if I encounter them, I will also fight fiercely, even endlessly. This is the nature of the monster race, and the weak and the strong are vividly reflected.

Liu Hao didn't pay much attention to this. He focused more on the native creatures of the Kunlun ancestral line. These native creatures listened to Yuanshi Tianzun's preaching and also got the great opportunity. , Taoism will also not fall;

It's just that the appearance of these creatures will definitely break the pattern of Kunlun ancestral monsters. This is fundamentally different from what Liu Hao encountered before. It's a bit weird to leave inheritance among the Yaozu group.

"Wouldn't it be thrown out by the Kunlun ancestral line once it is inherited? If it is really thrown out, what world will it be thrown into?"

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