Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-five. Back to the prehistoric

875 , Returning to the Primordial Desolation

Liu Hao still believes that 99% of these inherited monsters have been thrown out of the Kunlun ancestral line. They were just thrown into the designated world or thrown into chaos, but it is not clear. Liu Hao even wondered if they were thrown into the chaos. Randomly thrown to either side of the world?

After thinking about it, I feel that it is impossible to be random. You must know that it is okay to be thrown into the high-level world. Once they are randomly thrown into the ordinary world, the energy of these monsters themselves is enough to make the world collapse. The karma, even a saint can hardly bear the pain, these chess players are not so Shabi.

"The high-level world is just like the world behind Xuanwu's back. The prehistoric world is not afraid, and only such a high-level world can bear it;

After returning, you need to pay close attention to it. If you see it in these two worlds, it's fine. If you don't, then this high-level world seems to be unusual! "

"The more you know, the more you will discover the depth of the water. The ancients did not deceive me!"

On the grassland, the aperture began to shrink, and along with it, the withered grass on the statue of the Nine Saints Yuanling began to emit vitality and gradually turned green. Liu Hao always felt that these green grasses were very strange, as if the vitality was originally After beheading what the previous monsters have absorbed, the loser will inevitably become the energy that the statue inherits and runs. When it is opened next time, there will still be many monsters putting their lives into it, and the cycle will start again and again.

He didn't think he was the only one who felt this way. Although these monsters didn't have a unified language, they were bound to be able to communicate with each other, and they, who were not lacking in wisdom, would definitely be able to find the problem with the statue.

It can be found that it is still leading groups of groups to die, and the way of doing this is a bit weird.

"After all, it is the choice of personal interests. Ha, I still overestimate the integrity of the beast leaders of these monster clans! Also, since the wisdom is not low, the mind must be complicated, how can it be possible to escape the choice of interests?"

Liu Hao shook his head and couldn't help laughing. He didn't feel surprised at the changes in the scene after the light circle slipped past his body. Kunlun's ancestral lineage was like clearing the game one by one. Once he finished a certain statue inheritance level, he would Proceed to the next level until it is thrown.

This time, Liu Hao appeared next to a big river. The river was endless, and the river was turbulent and turbid. The sediment content in it must be very high. When Liu Hao looked at it, he thought of the Yellow River.

"It can't really be the Yellow River, can it? The possibility is really not small!"

Just as Liu Hao muttered something, he heard the sound of horns in the distance. Just as he looked up and looked in the direction of the sound,

However, he felt that the scene in front of him began to shake, breaking like a bubble and then reorganizing. When he woke up, he was already outside the Kunlun Mountains. This position was exactly where he stood before being introduced into the Kunlun ancestral line.


"Hahaha, Xiaolonger Daluo is really a fairy! It's amazing!"

"Hee hee, Dad, I went to a Dragon Palace..."

Xiao Long'er hugged Liu Hao's neck, and whispered a lot in his ear, even when Fang Yun appeared, he just nodded with a smile.

After a while, Xiao Long'er finally finished speaking, and Fang Yun interrupted.

"I don't know who erected the statue in Kunlun's ancestral line!"

"It's hard to say, if it is established by one person, regardless of the person's cultivation base, it is terrifying just because he knows all the Taoism!"

"Of course, if it is erected by multiple people, then if each statue is erected by its own deity..."

Fang Yun didn't go into details, and Liu Hao just nodded slightly. If what Fang Yun said is true, this Kunlun ancestral lineage will become a collection of dojos that preach the heavens and the world. These people will do this? Is it just a simple joint effort to build this preaching dojo?

Liu Hao doesn't believe this. Their respective interests are already prominent, and the biggest possibility is that they have to do it to make all the forces abandon their prejudices. They have a feeling of leaving a way out for themselves.

This is also what Fang Yun wanted to express. The two looked at each other, but they didn't intend to continue talking. They both felt a little heavy in their hearts, and they were all guessing the enemy who could make so many masters afraid that they needed to leave behind in advance. , how terrible should it be?

Liu Hao thought more about whether this enemy came from the abyss? Or is it simply the invasion of the abyss as a whole?

"In the Kunlun ancestral lineage, time is as if it has been stopped. We have been in it for a long time, but when we came out, we found that it was only a blink of an eye. Let alone a class of its own, it is also isolated from the heavens and worlds. It is really terrifying. !"

Fang Yun's sigh Liu Hao also agrees, the more you know, the more you are in awe. With so many terrifying energy inheritances, from Liu Hao's point of view, even if Hongjun comes, he can only look at the ocean and sigh, right?

Stepping into the Kunlun ancestral line, life and death are unpredictable. Those with low luck will receive a boxed lunch if they are unlucky, even the Dragon Kingdom is no exception. This time entering it, more than half of the death rate will make the senior executives of the Dragon Kingdom feel pain Yes, fortunately, everyone who came out was rewarded, which made them feel a lot better.

"Thanks to the little friend sitting at the entrance this time, otherwise today would be unpredictable!"

Behind, Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Lingyu led by the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei approached, and thanked Liu Hao again.

"Why do you have to be polite, the old heavenly master should have gained a lot this time, right?"

"Hahaha, the old Taoist has finally fulfilled his wish. He saw the statue of the patriarch in it, and he got many inheritances from it. He has the urge to pass it down!"

"That's good, Longhushan spreads across many worlds, the old heavenly master shouldn't hide his secrets!"

"Don't worry, little friend, they are all under the Heavenly Master's Mansion, how can an old Taoist hide his secrets?"

"Come on, this is Fang Yun from the world of hundreds of schools, the old master should know something about it!"

"Mr. Fang's name is as loud as thunder! Zhang Zhiwei, the 65th generation celestial master of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, has met Mr. Fang!"

"Fang Yun met the old heavenly master!"

Compared with Fang Yun, Zhang Zhiwei's prestige on Earth is still lower now, but Fang Yun has no intention of taking over. As the leader of a world, he has done a detailed understanding of the several worlds linked by the Dragon Kingdom. He may feel something, but he knows that Zhang Zhiwei, the old celestial master in front of him, is also a strong man who can suppress a world. No matter what the level of this world is, if he can suppress a world, his own luck must not be underestimated.

After the two saluted each other, they also chatted freely. Liu Hao smiled slightly when he saw it. He was also very willing to communicate more with the descendants of Yan and Huang from all heavens and myriad worlds. The strength of the descendants of Yan and Huang should be improved as much as possible in order to deal with possible crises in the future.

"What are your plans for going out this time?"

Liu Hao turned his head and asked Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu. After digesting the inheritance of the Sanqing given by Liu Hao last time, it was time to venture out, but where to venture, it really needed a good plan.

In Liu Hao's view, the best place is naturally the Great Desolation of the Earth Immortal Realm, but he is also worried that the cultivation bases of the few people will not be able to reach the Earth Immortal Realm. , many monster kings on the top of the mountain can swallow them in one gulp.

There are dangers, but the opportunities are also great. Regardless of other things, the Earth Immortal Realm has returned to the prehistoric pattern, and the improvement of the cultivation base of the creatures is a great benefit. In the past, it took tens of millions of years to upgrade to the first level, but now it may take a few years. It can be done, and the bottleneck is much more fragile. Entering it with the talents of Zhang Chulan and the others is bound to improve a lot.

What's more, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu are still accepted as disciples of Liu Haodai's "Jiejiao Acting Master", and they are still formal disciples. A storm arose among the gods.

"Uncle, shall we follow you?"

Before Zhang Lingyu answered, Zhang Chulan licked her face and posted it up. When it comes to thick skin, Zhang Chulan is absolutely one-on-one. As soon as he said it, everyone else shut their mouths. In fact, everyone's heart is like this Thinking about it, if you say you don’t have the intention to go to the fairy world, it’s absolutely impossible, but they also know that they have small arms and legs, and if they really rely on themselves, they will probably be beaten by those big monsters on the road. .

"That's fine, it just so happens that the earth has come to an end, and I'm going to go to the fairyland, if you want to go, just follow me!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Several people were overjoyed, they thanked in unison, cheered, and got together to discuss what good things to prepare.

"Dad, I want to go too!"

"Well, Dad will take Xiao Long'er there this time, but Xiao Long'er must be obedient when he goes in. The Earth Immortal Realm is very dangerous, even Dad dare not be careless!"

"Well, Dad, Xiao Long'er knows, keep a low profile!"

"Yes, keep a low profile and take a step forward!"


The old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei's ability is really not small, and I don't know what he said to Fang Yun, so that Fang Yun followed him to Longhu Mountain. Depending on the situation, Fang Yun will probably be asked to go to the "under one person" world for a walk for a while. Circled.

In the world of 'under one person', monks and the state government originally controlled the ratio, limited it within a certain range, and restrained their ambitions. This is also done very well, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

But when the world of "Under One Person" is connected to the earth, this situation will no longer be difficult to control, and the spiritual energy will be introduced into the world of "Under One Person" through the earth. To a certain extent, the world of "Under One Person" can be regarded as the recovery of spiritual energy. The proportion of ordinary people awakening to become aliens has increased a lot;

What is more critical is the demonization of wild beasts, which forced the government to follow in the footsteps of the Earth Dragon Kingdom and start large-scale military participation in cultivation. After that, comprehensive cultivation will inevitably occur. Now the world of "under one person" is another world. One earth is not too much.

Fortunately, there is a lesson from the earth's Dragon Kingdom, and I copied it. Now in the world of 'under one person', the Dragon Kingdom there is also as stable as Mount Tai, and the domestic monsters are difficult to cause too much trouble, but it is troublesome abroad. There is no skill method The transmission point of skills makes them only passively deal with it. It is said that the number of countries destroyed is no less than that of the earth.

The old celestial master Zhang Zhiwei is still the power to suppress the entire world "under one person". Compared with before, it is even more terrifying. In the past, after suppressing the entire world, he might still be injured a lot. Now one finger can crush the entire world" Under one person' world, with him, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu and others don't need to worry about it. Naturally, they want to travel around. This is also supported by the old master Zhang Zhiwei. If he can't do without him, he also thinks about it. Go for a walk in the fairy world.

Liu Hao led Zhang Chulan and others back to their hometown. After staying at home for a few days, he calculated the problem of the abyss channel and realized that the threat was not big. After staying at the front line of Shiwan Dashan for a few more days, he realized that the Yaozu's offensive was just a show, so he was relieved.

Thinking about it, I think it makes sense. Emperor Juntai in the Earth Immortal Realm and a group of powerful monsters are now mostly breaking through in the 'Xuanwu Palace'. No one is willing to miss such a great opportunity. Compared with this, other Everything is but a trifle;

The mere war outside the fairy world may not even be considered a trivial matter in Di Juntai's mind. After paying attention to it before, it is most likely because of Liu Hao's reputation, and now most of them have forgotten it. Before they returned to Beijulu Before the continent, there will be a period of peace in the Southwest Shiwanda Mountains.

When Liu Hao passed through the passage, no one was disturbed by Liu Hao. With his current cultivation, if he really wanted to hide it, how could a mere Da Luo Jinxian be able to detect it? It's also because he doesn't want to be troublesome. The most important thing is that he doesn't want Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and others to be labeled as outsiders before they even stepped into the fairy world.

Liu Hao thought he was hiding well, but he didn't know that when he just led Zhang Chulan and others into Beiju Luzhou, Tongtian, who was far away in the chaos, had a sense of the arrival of the two disciples Liu Hao helped him collect. , Yuanyuan and Laozi also have a lot of feelings;

In the final analysis, Liu Hao did not personally teach the alchemy technique of Taiqing Dao and the weapon refining method of Yuqing Dao. How can Laozi and Yuanyuan, who are saints, hide it? Wei Wei counted with her fingers, and it was already clear.

From Lao Tzu and the original dojo, two auras shot out, the former fell directly on Xuandu, and the latter entered Kunlun Mountain. The two sensed that the luck of Renjiao and Chanjiao was improving, and the connection with the earth, the world of "under one person" and other worlds became stronger, and they got benefits, so they naturally wanted more.

Liu Hao didn't know about these things, and the people he led didn't stop at Luzhou in Beiju, they strode southward and didn't stop until Youzhou. When they arrived in Youzhou, they didn't look for Confucius, Jiang Ziya and others first. Instead, he found the disciple Meier directly in the small courtyard.

I haven't seen him for a while, and he really misses himself as a disciple.

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