Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-six. All the saints prying

876 , All Saints Spy

At the entrance of the small courtyard in Youzhou, the cunning was crouching inside the courtyard gate. As soon as Liu Hao appeared, it appeared with a whoosh, barked, and then the little swan came out, landed on Liu Hao's shoulder, and wrapped its neck around Liu Hao's neck On top of that, Xiao Long'er was startled, and then, Xiao Honghu and Xiao Long'er stared at each other.


"My sister has made a lot of progress, and Master is very satisfied!"

"Hey hey..."

The younger sister was very ashamed by Liu Hao's praise, and she didn't know how to answer for a while, but her eyes sneaked at the other people brought by Liu Hao from time to time, especially the little dragon in Liu Hao's hand.

"This is Liu Ao, and he is also the son of Master. From now on, you can just call him Junior Brother! Longer, this is sister and senior sister!"

"Sister, Senior Sister!"

"Hello Junior Brother! I'm sister, I will take care of Junior Brother!"

"Your younger sister doesn't need to take special care of my younger brother. My younger sister is also a disciple of Master, so she can be regarded as a child of Master, you know?"


There was a bright smile on the girl's face, and the momentary stiffness disappeared under Liu Hao's gentle explanation. She knew that her master would not abandon her, and her love for herself would not change because of the appearance of the younger brother. I, like my junior brother, are both master's children, that's enough!

Before he could sit still, 'Tongtian' came to the door, which made Liu Hao roll his eyes. While feeling weird in his heart, he was also thinking that the leader of Tongtian in the chaos seemed to attach great importance to his new disciples. Liu Hao was also relieved a lot, thinking that with the help of Jiejiao disciples, it would be easier for Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu to integrate into the prehistoric.

"Lingyu, Chu Lan, this is your master, don't be rude!"

"Zhang Lingyu/Zhang Chulan pay respects to Master!"

The two had known this for a long time, and they had been looking forward to it for a long time. They saluted Tongtian, which made Tongtian even happier. This visit made the communication between Tongtian and the earth and even the world under one person smoother. The calculations obtained are now also vaguely felt, and the luck has changed from being indistinct to now closely connected, which has caused the dragon of Jiejiao's luck to increase a lot. How can Tongtian not like it?

"Alright, let's get up!"

After some courtesy,

Xu Fei was at home, and Tongtian did not communicate with Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu. Another point is that he does not want to expose his identity in front of Liu Hao, but he also knows that after taking Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, he will hide it in the future. It is bound to be more difficult.

Facing the leader of Honghuang Jiejiao, even if Liu Hao said that he was acting as an agent, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing still couldn't let go no matter how good their mentality was, but Feng Baobao had big eyes and cute eyes, and it seemed that this identity didn't mean anything to him at all. In Tongtian's eyes, this subtle difference also made him pay more attention to Feng Baobao, but this one glance made him see a big difference.

Mentality is divided into two types, one is calm after seeing too many storms, and the other is like Feng Baobao, even if the sky collapses, she is still as calm as before. The characteristic of wanting nothing, Taoism calls it the heart of a child, a psychological state that is not affected by external objects at all.

This is not affected by foreign objects at all, but it is not that she has no curiosity about foreign objects. On the contrary, her curiosity is very strong, and her desire to explore is also higher than others. However, after others have strong curiosity, it is still easy to explore. Influenced by other affairs, such as the opinions of others, such as the experience of predecessors, etc.

Feng Baobao is not like this. She has a strong curiosity about foreign things and is very willing to explore. This kind of exploration is her way of learning. It is absolutely difficult for outsiders to attract her thinking and thinking. All learning can only be done by herself. If you understand it, you will understand it, and if you don't understand it, you will learn by yourself again.

Her learning attitude is similar to Taoism's "learning from nature", and it is also the core of Lao Tzu's Taoism.

Therefore, after just one more glance, Tong Tian knew that his elder brother was not going to be tempted.

In the chaos, when Tongtian officially accepted Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu as disciples, it was also the time when the Dragon of Jujiao Luck grew stronger. How could such a situation be hidden from the saints who are always concerned about luck?

After a little calculation, they knew the truth, locked in the small courtyard of Datang Youzhou, and the spiritual consciousness spread down from the chaos, but they couldn't wait for this kind of non-concealment, luck was related to them Cultivation is related to their future. Compared with other things, it is the most important to find out what happened.

In the small courtyard, the four divine senses were shot, and Tongtian noticed it immediately, and then Liu Hao felt the difference, and had a faint feeling of being spied on. With a movement in his heart, he knew that most of the people who could hide him were Chaos Among the saints, he frowned slightly, wondering why the saints were making such a big fuss, but before he could figure it out, Feng Baobao shouted.

"Someone peeped at us! Where is it?"

That is to say, Feng Baobao has a special sensitivity to the outside world, and he can detect it with a slight difference. Liu Hao also knew before that, for example, Feng Baobao's knowledge and domineeringness can be mastered at one point in Feng Baobao's hands. However, he never thought that Feng Baobao could even detect the prying eyes of a saint.

Also surprised was Tong Tian, ​​Feng Baobao is only a true immortal of Taiyi now, and in the fairy world of the prehistoric land, he can only be regarded as a mediocre, middle and lower class figure, such a cultivator is often difficult to find even Da Luo's investigation, Not to mention quasi-sage, today it is clearly a sage spying, but it has already been noticed. This is not as simple as talent, but an instinct for external stimulation.

Feng Baobao's voice was also heard by Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan and Jie Yin Zhunti. Among the four, Lao Tzu was the most shocked. At the beginning of his spiritual penetration, he was heading towards Wang Ye, but after sweeping Feng Bao Bao At that time, Wang Ye was completely forgotten, and his eyes were fixed on Feng Baobao, as if he saw the most beautiful piece of precious jade between heaven and earth;

When Feng Baobao made a sound, he knew that this piece of precious jade was better than he imagined, which made him unable to sit still in the chaos.

I can notice that Yuanyuan and Jieyin Zhunti also found out that Feng Baobao is not simple. After a closer look, it becomes more clear that Yuanshi Tianzun is okay, but he praises him, and he also knows that his elder brother can't say anything. Jieyin Zhunti There are other thoughts in my heart;

If such precious jade can be collected into the Buddhist sect, it will not be long before a great power will appear in the Buddhist sect, and the collection addiction in my heart will immediately break out, and I can't wait to go down to the world to collect it on the spot.

"Still watching, where to sprinkle it?"

Feng Baobao felt uncomfortable, and turned his head from time to time to look around. In the end, he even walked out of the hall and searched in the small courtyard. He seemed to remember that he still had spiritual consciousness, so he patted his head and dispersed his spiritual consciousness.

With her spiritual sense, it is impossible to detect the divine mind of a saint, but it alarmed Confucius, Jiang Ziya and others nearby. These people's spiritual sense swept towards the small courtyard, and when they saw Liu Hao's figure, they retracted it. I don't know if it's because Tongtian is here, but they have no intention of waking up here immediately.

"Feng Baobao, if you can't find them, leave them alone!"

Liu Hao didn't know that Feng Baobao was doing useless work. On the other end, Feng Baobao listened to Liu Hao's call, and then walked slowly towards the hall muttering. meaning.

In the hall, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu are fine, but Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing are secretly calculating. These two guys like to control everything, and the strange way of practice is also biased here, but how can they calculate the saints? get? It took a lot of effort to do it, and the backlash was enough to kill them. Liu Hao saw the small movements in their hands, and when he called Feng Baobao, he directly stopped them.

"This is a prehistoric place. You only have this level of cultivation, and you want to go to heaven? Be careful that a backlash will cost you your life. Even I can only slightly feel the meaning of being spied on. With your wisdom, you can't guess who is spying on you. No?"

Liu Hao's words were almost addressed to a few saints in the chaos, meaning that you should investigate and investigate, and you should stop, right?

Both Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had very high IQs. Liu Hao's words directly let them understand that the investigator just now was probably a saint from the legend, which made them very nervous. Has it attracted the attention of the saint? Thoughts of black households and smuggling came up in my heart, and my heart accelerated a lot.

Fortunately, Liu Hao calmed down his expression and took a sip of tea leisurely, which eased the deep affection between Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing. He thought that this peeping was probably not caused by them, but must be aimed at this uncle Liu Hao;

Thinking about it this way, the two felt a lot of sympathy for Liu Hao in their hearts, thinking that Liu Hao's every move was under the prying eyes of the sage. up.

A few sages probed and then put them away, and they couldn't do the practice of peeping all the time, and it was even more embarrassing to be pointed out by Feng Baobao in a few words.

In the chaos, Lao Tzu's mood fluctuated a little. This has been unprecedented for hundreds of millions of years. With his cultivation as a saint, when his divine sense swept over Feng Baobao, he could see everything about Feng Baobao clearly, and it was because of this that he paid more attention to it. .

Before Feng Baobao entered the Kunlun ancestral lineage, her cultivation method was also changed to the Tai Chi Sutra, which was inherited from Liu Hao, but after entering the Kunlun ancestral lineage, this exercise that was 90% compatible with her was also changed beyond recognition by her. Although the foundation is still the Taiji classics, it has actually changed a lot;

The most coincidental thing is that Feng Baobao's modified exercises are 40 to 50% similar to Lao Tzu's "Taiqing Immortal Method", which is even more in line with Lao Tzu's natural way than what I passed on to those named disciples.

Similarly, Laozi is very clear that Feng Baobao's practice is not inherited from him, since it is not from him, and it is similar to his way by chance, it is simply his destiny.

Don't think that Master Xuandu is the only disciple of Lao Tzu, and the Dao is passed on to him. When he reaches the realm of Xuandu, he has already walked out of his own way. It is quite natural to learn from others, but there is really no way of doing nothing. , On the contrary, the Tao of Freedom has been taken to the extreme by Xuandu, and the incarnation of Xuandu Zhuangzi is the biggest example of this.

As far as Lao Tzu is concerned, he has long given up the idea of ​​passing on his way of inaction. As a saint, he also knows that since he has followed this way, those who come after him can only struggle under this shackle.

But everything is not absolute, or in a period of time, Lao Tzu's thinking has undergone a huge change, with the improvement of his cultivation base, especially after the challenge of the "Xuanwu Palace" four spirit carving table;

He made it clear that if he wanted to elevate himself to the realm of heaven, he needed to get rid of the position of a saint, and he also needed to choose a successor. Naturally, this successor could only fall on Xuandu, but after that, his inaction The Tao is likely to be cut off.

This is definitely what he doesn't want, because once his way of inaction is cut off in the wild, who will remember him in the future? At that time, once he leaves Honghuang, everything about him may dissipate with the passage of time, and no one will know about it.

This alone made Laozi look at Feng Baobao even more, and his mood fluctuated, which also meant that Laozi had a decision in his heart, that is, the idea of ​​accepting Feng Baobao as a disciple, a true direct disciple.

Saints are not allowed to come to the world, but there is no problem with incarnation. A gleam of light flashed, and an old man riding a green bull came out from the border of Youzhou and Buzhou in the south of the immortal world. After a while, another middle-aged Taoist priest with his clothes open Appearing in front of the green cow, after bowing to salute, he took the rope on the green cow and walked towards Liu Hao.

This change was hidden from the other saints, but not from Hongjun, Houtu, and Nuwa. After some curiosity, they also scanned Liu Hao's courtyard, and then they knew what Lao Tzu planned. I have to understand a lot, and I can see the big difference from a few people, the strong power of luck from other worlds, once these powers of luck are closely connected with the prehistoric world, it is also a great supplement to the prehistoric world, Naturally happy to be fulfilled.

Compared with other people, the three of Hongjun pay more attention to Liu Hao. From Liu Hao, they are all a little startled. Hugh is something else, but Liu Hao's luck has already surpassed the meaning of several great saints, and even towards Liu Hao. As they approached, how long did this change take, which made them more curious about the world outside the passage, thinking in their hearts that when it was more stable, they must go to that end to take a good look.

If the three of them ask Liu Hao this question, Liu Hao can really tell the reason why, that is, the earth is becoming more and more important, not to mention the link to the heavens, but also to connect with the abyss, which will soon be used as a battlefield to fight against the abyss, Therefore, the luck of the Dao will naturally be favored. If it passes through, the luck of the earth will rise sharply, and it will be possible to surpass the prehistoric in the future.

Of course, this is something to say later, whether it can be achieved depends on God's will.

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