Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-seven. Sun Wukong explores the inside story

877 , The Monkey King Detects The Inside Story

In Youzhou Courtyard, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu were taken away by Tongtian. Feng Baobao was very reluctant to give up, but at least she didn't follow up with shamelessness. She was pure in heart, and on the contrary, she was able to get along with children even more. It was only a few hours. He and Meier and Xiaodouzi became friends who talked about everything, and Xiao Honghu almost made a nest on Feng Baobao's head, only feeling that Feng Baobao's breath was very comfortable.

This made Liu Hao also heave a sigh of relief. If Feng Baobao really wants to rely on Zhang Chulan, he really dare not say that he can persuade Feng Baobao. As for Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu following the practice of 'Tongtian', Liu Hao will naturally not stop him. As a teacher, you naturally have to learn from others, and you have to take care of the teacher, so you really don't need to worry about anything.

Cutting off teaching today is not due to the lack of disciples when thousands of immortals came to court during the Yin and Shang conferring gods, but it is also because of this that other sects really dare not suppress it at will. So what if the teacher Hongjun won it again? The monstrous karma is enough to make other saints terrified. Such a guy who would repeat chaos when he gets angry is really frightened by him.

However, Jiejiao is full of such desperate guys. Before that, he had great scruples about his family's career, but now he is absolutely willing to give those 'wearing shoes' a good look.

Since the Buddhist sect restarted the Fengshen, they have been cautious about conflicts with the Jiejiao, but the disaster that Journey to the West had planned long ago could not be avoided. Originally, they thought that the only one left in the Jiejiao would be the Madonna of Wudang. A quasi-sage can just delay it, but now the gods of the Conferred Gods list reshape their bodies. After hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, the Jinling Virgin and Zhao Gongming both cut off their bodies, resulting in four quasi-sages appearing at once, namely Wu When the Holy Mother, the Holy Mother of Jinling, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao, this time, it made Buddhism a little Muggle.

Speaking of which, the quasi-sages who explain the teachings are not inferior to the teachings, but although the teachings and the Buddhism are not small, they are only limited to the filthy, and the hatred is still very small, but the hatred between the teachings and the Buddhism is overwhelming. receive.

The time when the Yin and Shang conferred the gods was originally the time of the Taoist school, but in the end, it was the Buddhist school that benefited the most, and the exporters of all the benefits can only be the Jiejiao, not to mention the three thousand mortals who were forcibly converted, they are the four great masters. The killing of one of the disciples, the Holy Mother of Guiling, was enough to make Jiejiao's eyes turn red.

Before that, everyone was still very restrained, but the anger in Jiejiao's heart never went out. In other words, everyone was waiting, waiting for the catastrophe of Kui Niu and his wife on the heavenly mounts. The aura became more and more obvious, and all the great powers of the heavens knew that this pass would not be a good one, and they would not even think about getting through it.

Liu Hao's return to Honghuang was exactly when the four-member group of Journey to the West arrived at the Flame Mountain. The eight hundred miles of Flame Mountain was just a blink of an eye to the gods, but to a mortal Tang Seng, it was a natural moat. To get through it, Rakshasa must nod.

It stands to reason that the red boy was not taken by Avalokitesvara, and the Raksha girl looked at Sun Wukong,

It's just a matter of convenience, but now there is no need for these excuses. Both sides understand that they are fighting in battle, just like Rakshasa, who didn't live in Flame Mountain at all, but went directly to Jilei Mountain where the Bull Demon King was. The mayor's wife.

Jilei Mountain and Jilei City have been expanded for a few years and become the largest monster city in Hezhou, Xiniu. It has a great reputation, and the stronger the stronger, it has prompted all the monsters from hundreds of millions of miles away to choose this place when they trade. , more and more monsters are settling here, the original majestic city is not enough, so we can only add a circle around it;

Today, there are more than tens of millions of monsters living here, forming a unique civilized society of monsters;

Based on this, Niu Kui, as the lord of the city, has gained a lot of benefits, such as the indirect merits such as protecting the living beings. As a result, counting it, he is definitely a hero.

This point, but no one thought of it before, it is said that because of this, the Buddhist masters of Lingshan almost gnashed their teeth, their eyes were green, and they wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh, but they were very helpless.

It's fine to put this Dao Dao fruit on other people, and it will take many years to reunite after being killed, so he must be cautious and dare not fight lightly, but on the Bull Demon King, it is not at all. Xu Xu, even if he dies, as the mount of the master of Tongtian, reunion is just a matter of Tongtian's word.

Even if a saint reunites with his direct disciples, it is against the heavens. If these Daluo Daoguo disciples are dead, the reunion can only be reunited, but the saint's mount is not included in this list. On the one hand, the mount is the appearance of the saint, which can be called an extension of the saint Killing others must also be careful, but in the upcoming battle between Jiejiao and Buddhism, if they are really killed, even Tongtian can't say anything.

Originally, Buddhism wanted to send Niu Kui to the list of gods. In this way, it can be said that it directly slapped the sky and left the other party speechless. If you lose, you lose. Obtained Daluo Daoguo;

In such a scene, so what if he was killed? However, Tongtian can reunite easily, or even if he sends the Bull Demon King to the list of gods, he can still gather his real body and continue to practice. On the contrary, because of Tongtian's mount status, he becomes a special existence in the heaven, which will make future Buddhists feel uncomfortable;

This made Buddhism really unable to advance or retreat when facing the Bull Demon King. If you don't want to kill him, you won't hesitate to kill him. If you kill him, it's like tearing the skin off with Tongtian. It's unpredictable in the future.

Maybe you will think, it's all up to you, why don't you restrain yourself?

No, Tongtian has a criminal record. The guy who almost destroyed the wild and returned to chaos in a fit of rage has already done it once. Can you guarantee that he won't do it a second time?

They don't even dare to pick up Zhunti. After finally waiting for the great prosperity of Buddhism, they will never be willing to let the world repeat itself. They dare not take such a risk.

Now that those who wear shoes are replaced by Buddhism, those who should be scruples must be scruples.

Eight hundred miles of Flaming Mountains, the four-member group of Journey to the West looked at the burning mountains, listened to the explanation of the land, and quietly retreated to a secluded place.

"Don't stare at my old grandson like this. My old grandson will definitely go to Jilei Mountain, but I'm not sure if it will be successful. If my sister-in-law is unwilling to borrow it, my old grandson can't help it either!"

Sun Wukong is not as conscientious as in the original book. After contacting Liu Hao a few times, although he still doesn't know the inside story of Journey to the West, he can vaguely guess that he has been plotted. In addition, he doesn't have much heart for Buddhism now. Soy sauce is also understandable.

After such a long journey, the number of catastrophes has already exceeded half, and Tang Sanzang, a mere mortal, is still alive and kicking. How could Sun Wukong not understand that apart from them, there are other Buddhist sects hiding protection? Since he can't die, he really doesn't have much fear;

In his heart, he knew that if he really let him put down his face and go to the Bull Demon King to borrow a banana fan, the possibility is still very high, but he also heard the words of restarting the Conferred God from Youzhou Fangshi, after some inquiring, He guessed a little bit of the inside story, and always felt that there were many ways to go here. Taking this opportunity, he also thought about going to Youzhou to see if Liu Hao was still there?

Lingshan, the Bodhi patriarch who was sitting in the town had been staring at the four-member group of Journey to the West, watching Sun Wukong go towards the east with a somersault cloud, pointing directly at Youzhou, and sighed in his heart, he also knew that he couldn't stop it, or block it So what if Sun Wukong is lost?

The catastrophe of Jilei Mountain is no longer just a catastrophe for the four-member group of Journey to the West, but also a catastrophe for the resumption of the Conferred God of Buddhism. After this catastrophe, the follow-up road of Journey to the West will definitely be much brighter. A pull.

As for Sun Wukong, how could Patriarch Bodhi not know his current mind? Ever since Empress Nuwa introduced it to the Qifeng Mountain Dojo, it has been out of his control, let alone him, even if it is him, it will be difficult to guide Zhunti;

Now such a tacit understanding is even better, at least it can let Sun Wukong end the matter of learning the scriptures. At that time, even if he can’t completely keep Sun Wukong, he will be regarded as half a Buddhist. Compared with the great prosperity of Buddhism, this loss is really nothing. .

But Sun Wukong drove straight towards Nanzhan Buzhou Datang all the way on the somersault cloud, and did not stop when he arrived in Youzhou, he landed directly at the gate of Liu Hao's courtyard, and stepped in with a big smile.

"Junior brother, my grandson is here!"

"You can smell it, but you knew it just after I returned?"

"Hehehe, my old grandson also gave it a try. I didn't expect it to be a coincidence! This is it?"

"Come, come, this is Liu Ao, but my son!"

"Oh?" Sun Wukong could tell at a glance that Xiaolonger was a real dragon. The aura of a real dragon on his body was stronger than that of the Ao Guang he was familiar with, and it was several levels higher than the white dragon horse. He didn't think Liu Hao lied to him. But I'm just a little confused, how could Liu Hao, a 100% human race, have a son of a real dragon?

"Don't be confused, Xiao Long'er was conceived by my blood, you can feel the dragon power of my body!"

When Liu Hao spoke, he released his hidden Qinglong coercion, and now Monkey King was sure of Xiaolong'er's identity, but he became a little doubtful about Liu Hao's identity as a human race.

Liu Hao didn't know, the reason why he did this was because he didn't want Xiao Long'er to suspect that he was not his biological father. Others might also wonder, as himself, how could Liu Hao not know when Xiao Long'er was conceived? Without his blood, how could Xiao Long'er be born? This is his son and daughter, how can others snatch this father away?

"The human race has spread so far, and I don't know how many bloodlines of other races have been passed down, but most of them are hidden in the body, so they can't be developed!"

Facing Sun Wukong, Liu Hao made a rare explanation, which also made him realize suddenly.

"Hehehe, Junior Brother, someday, do you want my old grandson to take you for a stroll around the four seas, find a few old dragon kings and recognize a relative? The Four Seas Dragon Palace is very rich!"

"Hahaha, it's not that I can't think about it. When the baby is born, let's go together!"

"Hehehe, okay, my old grandson still has some face in front of the old dragon kings!"

Liu Hao didn’t want to find out, Sun Wukong still missed the level of intelligence, and some information that the prehistoric monks should have known was empty in his mind. On the way to learn the scriptures, Liu Hao didn’t want to reveal it early, and for Sun Wukong, there was not much. The good thing is, it's better to wait until the end of learning the scriptures, talk about some things, and Sun Wukong's hatred for Buddhism at that time will be aroused together, which is the greatest benefit.

"Where did you take Tang Sanzang? Why do you have time to stroll around?"

"Don't tell me, my grandson, I forgot. When I came out this time, I was going to Jilei Mountain to find my sworn brother to borrow a plantain fan. But before I came out, my grandson felt that there seemed to be something hidden about this trip, but I can't figure it out anyway, I just came to Youzhou to try my luck, I didn't expect my junior brother to come back!

Junior brother, help my old grandson to analyze and analyze, is there a big trouble in this? Lingshan doesn't want my old grandson and my elder brother to fight to the death, does he? "

Liu Hao listened to Sun Wukong’s question, and only then did he know the reason why Sun Wukong came here. Good guy, the method of giving advice to Jiejiao before seems to be very effective. Now Monkey King attaches great importance to the feelings of the Bull Demon King. Unfortunately, Sun Wukong, who was lonely for five hundred years, was really moved to death. He recognized the identity of the big brother of the Bull Demon King, lest Lingshan calculate the relationship between them, there was a warning sign in his heart!

"Wukong, it seems that you have already attained the Daluo Jinxian Daoguo?"

"Hehehe, I can't hide it from my junior brother. My old grandson is also in a daze. Only after breaking free from the river of fate will he know the benefits!"

"This is a very good thing! It is also because you have proved the Daluo Daoguo that you have this warning. This time, the Huoyan Mountain is not a small disaster. In other words, it is not a disaster for you to learn from the scriptures, but a disaster for Buddhism. It's just making you learn from the team implicated!"

"Oh? Brother, hurry up and talk to my grandson!"

Sun Wukong's eyes were shining, and he instinctively felt that there must be many secrets in it. From the beginning of the realization of Daluo Daoguo, many doubts kept rising in his heart, but unfortunately he didn't know where to ask, and it was because of this that he did not know when Liu Hao returned to the earth. , still the reason for coming here from time to time;

When I arrived here, I couldn't find Liu Hao, and I would occasionally go to Youzhou Fangshi to inquire about it. It's just that although Youzhou Fangshi was the most prosperous in the prehistoric times, the cultivation of monks is much shallower, and how can the real deep-level secrets be revealed? I know, so Sun Wukong didn't get much. Hearing Liu Hao's words today, his heart was itchy, and the light in his eyes almost gushed out.

Seeing this, Liu Hao weighed it in his mind, and felt that there were some secrets that could be shared with Monkey King. The battle at Jilei Mountain was imminent, and Monkey King would know about it afterward. Not happy, but he is not afraid.

"Wukong, do you know the story of Yin Shang conferring gods?"

"My old grandson has heard some news from Fangshi, Youzhou. I only know that many immortals and gods in today's court come from this, but I don't know the inside story! Junior brother hurry up and tell my old grandson!"

"Forget it, I'll share with you today, but it's the last years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties..."

Liu Hao didn’t explain much about Yin and Shang gods, and many of them were briefly mentioned, and the details were rarely mentioned. However, he explained some major events, such as Da Ri Tathagata’s wretched killing of the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming, such as Jiuqu Cihang, Puxian and others who defected from the Buddhism in the Yellow River formation were cut off from the top three flowers, such as the four saints breaking the formation in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the Wanxian Great Formation received the quasi-lifting strength to intercept three thousand mortals.

This information has already made Sun Wukong elated when he heard it, he just felt that the grand battle between immortals and gods was coming, how could he not know that he was released so much when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace? It can be said that there are many emotions in my heart, and I don't know how to react for a while.

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