Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and seventy-eight Bodhisattvas

878 , Bodhi Dark Hand

"Wukong, are you suspicious about making trouble in the Heavenly Palace?"

"Hey hey, my old grandson only now realizes that he's been played all over the place!"

There was a wry smile on Sun Wukong's face, and there was a hint of fierceness in this wry smile, obviously he was very angry. Anyone who knew that he was being played like a monkey would not feel good, let alone the arrogant Monkey King.

"Nuwa Empress is also a saint. You must know that all saints are ants. No matter how high the cultivation level is, many immortals in the heaven would not dare to betray Empress Nuwa's face. How dare they kill you? Besides, you are just careless Those who don’t know are not to blame, they are not playing with you, but they are full of scruples!”

Liu Hao gave all the credit to Empress Nuwa, which made Sun Wukong feel suddenly enlightened, and he felt much better at once, just like a bad boy caused a disaster, and a group of relatives couldn't laugh or cry, but so what? It's okay to beat him up, but we can't kill him, right?

"Then Tathagata?"

Sun Wukong understands the Tao, but he still has doubts. As the ruling body of the Taoist sect, even though he is related to him, he can be punished. Why should he hand it over to an outsider?

Now Sun Wukong doesn’t know how powerful Haotian is. It’s true that Liu Hao said here that Sun Wukong has also seen Haotian’s methods in Buzhou Mountain Remnant before. In his opinion, Haotian wants to punish himself. Why? Do you want to invite the Tathagata from afar?

Liu Hao smiled slightly, he had been waiting for Sun Wukong's question for a long time, he pretended to be hesitant to speak, and after a while, he spoke leisurely;

"Wukong, I have some guesses about the inside story, but it is difficult to confirm whether my guess is correct for a while, and I can't tell you today. If my guess is correct, that's all. If I guess wrong, it will hurt you." , it’s better not to say it!”

Sun Wukong was hung in the air by Liu Hao, neither up nor down, and he couldn't blame Liu Hao for anything. He secretly hated, and all his anger went towards Tathagata. He always felt that there must be many calculations of Buddhism in it, so naturally It was done in a very secretive way, so it is reasonable for the younger brother not to know, and perhaps the guess is mostly correct;

But so what, guessing is always guessing. If you guess wrong, it will be really troublesome, and you may fall into other people's more sophisticated calculations. Instead of this, it is better to find a way to find out by yourself. He is no longer the person who makes a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, who is angry at the slightest upset. He has opened his nine-orifice exquisite heart, knows how to endure, and knows many calculations.

"Wukong, you don't need to worry. The past is like this. Since it happened, you will slowly find the truth in the future. To miss the past, it is better to think about the present!"

"What the younger brother said is true,

It's my old grandson who left the corner! "

Both of them know that this is mutual persuasion, and they will first uncover the previous scars.

"Junior brother, the hatred between Jiejiao and Buddhism is too deep. Now that the Conferred God is revived, how can we not do it? Jilei Mountain was chosen as the battlefield early on, and even if there is no Flaming Mountain, we still have to go. The team of learning scriptures is just an introduction. !"

"My old grandson knows it. Since this is the case, my old grandson will not bother elder brother Ping, otherwise he will be uncomfortable. It is better to seek help from Lingshan directly, so that the Buddhist sect and Jiejiao will start the battle earlier!"

"But that's the case. Wouldn't it be nice for us to find a white cloud in the sky and drink while watching it?"

"Hahaha, that's right! My grandson likes it! I'm going to Lingshan to find old Tathagata!"

"What's the rush? Since you're here, let's eat before leaving! My son, Xiao Long'er, is very rare to you!"

"Hmm, is uncle Monkey King Monkey King?"

Xiao Long'er stared at it for a long time with wide-eyed eyes, but he never got the chance to speak. Now that Liu Hao said something, he immediately picked it up.

In my hometown on Earth, the story of Journey to the West, Liu Hao’s parents have told Xiao Long’er several times as a story, and Xiao Long’er also likes it very much. I have read various versions more than once. Now that I see the real person, how can I miss it? .

However, Sun Wukong was a little ashamed. If it was different from the past, he wouldn't feel anything. Today, he just confirmed that his trouble in the Heavenly Palace was just playing with him in the Heavenly Court. How can he not be ashamed? If it were someone else, Sun Wukong would have been angry a long time ago, but in the face of Xiao Longer, who is so cute and innocent, and also adored, Sun Wukong really didn't know how to react.

"Wukong, wreaking havoc in the heavenly palace is a kind of spirit, and the Monkey King is even more a kind of spirit! This has nothing to do with cultivation. Before you, only Xingtian has been in heaven. In the world, Xingtian is honored as the "God of War." ’, it’s not that Xing Tian is really invincible, but that Xing Tian never fears the strong, and dares to show his sword!”

What Liu Hao said made Dao Mingwu flash in Sun Wukong's heart, and a mysterious aura rose unconsciously. It is very in line with the spirit of the "God of War". After listening to Liu Hao's explanation, it can be said to go straight to his heart. If the merits of learning from the scriptures are handed down at this time, it may be that Monkey King will take advantage of this to cut off his body.

The Bodhi patriarch who has been paying attention to Sun Wukong is terrified now, lest Sun Wukong will use this to chop off one of the three corpses. If this is the case, who else on the Westward Journey can be imprisoned?

Bodhi was too nervous, but there was another factor. Sun Wukong's first incarnation of the three corpses could only be "Fighting the Buddha". How could it be possible for the 'fighting and defeating Buddha' that appeared at this time to return to Buddhism? If this is the case, all the calculations of Buddhism on Sun Wukong will really come to nothing, but this is something that Bodhi Patriarch can never bear.

Also in desperation, Patriarch Bodhi subconsciously prevented Sun Wukong's epiphany, and the best way to stop it is to recite the "tightening spell" and directly wake up Sun Wukong who is about to enter epiphany. That's what he thought, and so I did it, but after finishing it, Patriarch Bodhi really regretted it. At this time, I realized that even if Sun Wukong had a sudden enlightenment, it would be difficult to kill the three corpses.

Patriarch Bodhi regrets that. Originally, even if he plotted against Sun Wukong, he was still Sun Wukong's mentor no matter what. This cannot be changed no matter what. However, today he died to prevent Sun Wukong from enlightening, but he made this teacher Most of the vain sentiments have been erased from the Dao of Heaven, whether it is kindness or affection, they have lost a lot, and the correlation has changed from being closely connected before to now being vague.

Don't think that the Bodhi Patriarch's action just now is a trivial matter. In the prehistoric world, this is a very big event. To prevent people from enlightening, to monks, it is ten thousand times more abominable than killing their father and enemies, and it is an existence that will never die;

If the two hadn't had a master-student relationship before, after today, the two could only be endless enemies. Under karma, they would have to kill each other before they would stop. Also because of the previous karma, the Bodhi ancestor blocked Sun Wukong Enlightenment can be regarded as repaying most of the karma of the previous kindness, and up to now, this karma has become indistinct.

Not to mention that the ancestor Bodhi regretted dying in Lingshan. In the small courtyard of Youzhou, Sun Wukong, who had been enlightened again and again, was about to fall into sudden enlightenment. Wu Dunwu immediately disappeared without a trace, which made Sun Wukong feel uncomfortable all over his body.

However, Liu Hao saw the light flashing from the tight band on Sun Wukong's head. Although it was very faint, Liu Hao, who was observing close at hand, didn't know that the Buddhist sage was playing tricks. Seeing that Monkey King was irritable, he was about to go into a rage Emotional, Liu Hao sighed in his heart, had no choice but to block it, shouted, and brought his own meditation spell.


"Junior Brother..."

Sun Wukong woke up again, with cold sweat on his back, it took him a long time to recover, and he replied hoarsely, at this level, he didn't understand that his epiphany was interrupted, but he didn't know who interrupted it;

Of course, he didn't think it was Tang Sanzang who did it, and it couldn't be such a coincidence. Although God's will was strong, it wouldn't happen when Tang Sanzang just recited the mantra when he suddenly realized, and he didn't think his luck was so low. that degree.

But since it wasn't Tang Sanzang, who would it be? Avalokitesvara? Sun Wukong was the first to doubt, but he quickly abandoned it. He knew that Avalokitesvara was very strong, but it was impossible to monitor him all the time. In this case, it was impossible to interrupt his epiphany.

But if Avalokitesvara is excluded, Sun Wukong really can't think of anyone, Tathagata? He thinks the possibility is not small, but he can't be sure. The other party also has the ability to monitor himself all the time, so...


Sun Wukong said something suspicious, looked at Liu Hao with puzzled eyes, Liu Hao smiled wryly back, and now Sun Wukong was angry again, with the intention of swearing to pierce the sky.

"Wukong, the future is long!"

"Hoo... ph... ph..."

Sun Wukong took a deep breath for a long time to stabilize his mood, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes receded, but the fierce light inside was still full, and ordinary people would definitely pee out of fright when they saw it.

But Xiao Long'er is not an ordinary person, he is very happy to see the fierce light in Sun Wukong's eyes now, this fierce light makes Xiao Long'er feel that Monkey King in front of him is the Monkey King in his mind.

"Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, has a body like black iron, eyes of flaming gold, immortality, and seventy-two transformations!"

Xiao Long'er blurted out the ballad describing Sun Wukong in "The Return of the Great Sage", and it was his childish voice that pulled Sun Wukong back from the tyrannical mood completely, and the fierce light in his eyes completely subsided, and he turned into a relaxed body The grandson monkey is coming.

"Wukong, my son worships you very much, you have to set a good example!"

"Hey hey, my old grandson knows it!"

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth at these words, which is also a kind of great determination. He thought in his heart that whether you are a Tathagata or a sage, in the future, you must make an end to the obstruction of my enlightenment today. However, Nian made the cause and effect of Bodhi's ancestor's secret hands become real, and it was impossible to forgive the matter. The emotion between the two began to fade to the extreme from this moment. previous state of affairs.

Outside the small courtyard, Wang Ye and his group came back from school among hundreds of academies. When they saw Monkey King, their eyes widened.

Whether it is Wang or Zhuge Qing, they all grew up listening to the stories of the Monkey King Monkey King. In their hearts, they somewhat worshiped the Monkey King Monkey King as an idol. Today, seeing a real person, even if the state of mind No matter how good it is, the heart is still beating violently, and no matter how hidden it is in the eyes, there is still a lot of longing.

Such an expression, in the eyes of Sun Wukong, is much more comfortable. If it were someone else, Sun Wukong might be annoyed, thinking it was irony, but he trusts Liu Hao very much. Since he is the human race led by Liu Hao, it is naturally impossible. Other emotions appeared, and I also believed that this sense of admiration for him came from Liu Hao's promotion of him, and I secretly felt more grateful to Liu Hao in my heart, thinking that after all, I am my own person, and only myself will truly think about my brothers , Even if it is a flaw, I think of various ways to cover it up.

Liu Hao didn't know that Sun Wukong had thought so much. Seeing Wang Ye and others returning, he also introduced them.

"My grandson, as an elder, can't be rude, so I will teach you a few supernatural powers today!"

Sun Wukong also had no choice, he wanted to give some treasures or something, but he himself was so poor that he had nothing to lose except what he took advantage of, and the only thing he could get was the supernatural power of 'Earth Sha Seventy-two Changes', that's all. The elders naturally want to give some benefits. After much deliberation, this is the only thing that can be given. Teaching the younger generation a few small supernatural powers can kill two birds with one stone.

Liu Hao didn't stop when he saw it. The supernatural power of 'Disha Seventy-two Changes' is also an authentic Taoist supernatural power. Although Sun Wukong learned it from the Bodhi ancestor, Wang and others learned it, but he doesn't need to bear the kindness from the Bodhi ancestor. He naturally has no reason to stop, besides, Sun Wukong, as the child of destiny in this catastrophe, received the teaching of Sun Wukong, which can also imbue them with some luck from the child of destiny, making them smoother in the prehistoric times.

Sun Wukong was happy to teach, Wang Ye and others were also very happy to learn, even Xiao Long'er came close and completely forgot about Liu Hao, and he was very happy when he learned it.

It was also at this time that Liu Hao discovered that Feng Baobao had not returned with them.

"Zhi'er, why didn't you see Feng Baobao?"

As the future king, although Li Zhi also followed suit, he still couldn't get started. He was looking pitifully outside and was greedy. Liu Hao's question made him turn his head reluctantly. After hearing the words, he also froze. .

It's strange to say that a group of people didn't notice that Feng Baobao had disappeared on the way back. They faltered for a long time and couldn't explain the reason. Let it go, and a voice appeared next to my ear.

"Feng Baobao is taken away by the old Taoist, don't worry! After a while, Xuan will accept that king as his disciple!"

"But the Taoist Heavenly Venerable?"

"It's the old Taoist, this time Feng Baobao is a sage, but I thank you very much!"

"It's also her chance and luck, and I hand it over to the Daode Tianzun, and Pindao is also very relieved!"


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