Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eighty. The White Tiger Liu Hao Exits

880 , The White Tiger Liu Hao Exits

In the small courtyard of Youzhou, Sun Wukong finally got rid of Xiao Long'er's entanglement, and the big furry man wiped his forehead meaningfully. Although it was impossible to really sweat, Monkey King felt that he was already sweating.

"Junior brother, my old grandson won't stay!" Sun Wukong was also worried that Xiao Longer would pester him a few times after he stayed, and he would lose his mind about eating and so on.

Liu Hao chuckled and didn't stop him.

"Are you planning to go to Lingshan for help now?"

"Exactly, since it's the Buddhist sect's own catastrophe, it's natural for the Buddhist sect to take action. It's enough for my grandson and junior brother to watch the excitement above the white clouds!"

"Going to Lingshan, it's better to ask for help directly at the junction of Xiniu Hezhou and Buzhou Mountain. How many Buddhist disciples are there in Lingshan now?"

"What the younger brother said is true, otherwise, my old grandson will really go away for nothing!"

"Did you know that a new continent has appeared in the Immortal World?"

"I know, I know, I just don't have time to take a look, the younger brother turned forward and disappeared, but went into it?"

"That's not bad! This continent is as big as two of the original four major continents of the Earth Immortal Realm, and it has been sealed for tens of billions of years. There are many spirits in it, and those with a slightly higher maintenance in the Earth Immortal Realm can't wait to enter it to find benefits. The same is true for many masters of Buddhism, otherwise the Bull Demon King really doesn't have much resistance!"

Liu Hao's words imply that Sun Wukong should do it as soon as possible, don't wait for the Buddhist master to return, and your elder brother will suffer.

Sun Wukong was already smart, so he understood Liu Hao's suggestion immediately, blinked his eyes and opened his mouth, smiled, and jumped away. He also knew that he didn't have much free time. Although he was thinking about the benefits of the new continent, he had no choice but to give up , Thinking that when the study is over, you must go through it well.

However, Xuanwuzhou, a new continent, now has a large number of monks, but all monks who think they can get a piece of the pie, can't wait to enter it to find opportunities, which also leads to various conflicts and robbing interests in it almost every day. The incidents are endless, and countless people died, causing many true spirits to enter the list of gods;

This has made the three religions happy for a long time, and they have never asked about it. I wish they would fight harder, and it would be best if they could fill up the vacancies on the list of gods. Even in order to make them fight harder, The three major forces threw out several innate spirit treasures. Of course, this matter was done very secretly, but it could not escape Liu Hao's attention.

Once back to the prehistoric,

Liu Hao devoted a lot of energy to watching it, and even quietly entered it to scan it at night. How could several innate spirit treasures escape Liu Hao's glance, and the hidden aura of primordial spirit was even more familiar to his quasi-sage. The cultivation base is fully exposed in front of him, especially the unique breath of Buddhism can't be hidden at all.

The Buddhist sect thinks that they have done it in a very subtle way, but they don't know that the interpretation of teachings is also involved. For them, Liu Hao thought about it a little, and he understood their deep-seated calculations, that is, to attract those monks who have left the list of the gods. Come out and bring them into the battle from the three islands in the East China Sea. Only in this way can Buddhism and Chanjiao have fewer places in the list of gods.

What they did was really effective. As far as Liu Hao saw, there were indeed many overseas casual cultivators coming. The probability of these monks returning to the three overseas islands was really small;

It's just that, whether it's Buddhism or elucidation, it's all wrong, that is, the number of true spirits absorbed by this time's list of gods is not fixed. If there is a more suitable one, the absorbed true spirits will also be released into the six realms. Filled by more suitable dead.

Not to mention the fighting of monks in Xuanwu Continent, but in Xuanwu Palace, many high-level monks have been entangled, and almost all quasi-sages have invested in it, but they all underestimated the difficulty of several levels. The sand table prehistoric blocked most of the monks;

If Liu Hao enters it again, he will find that many monks have already fallen into it and struggled in the prehistoric sand table today, but all those who fall into it think that they have traveled to the beginning of the prehistoric period and are addicted to it. The one who is famous is someone Liu Hao never expected, and this person is Di Jun.

I don't know if it's because of the obsession of "Dijun" or something else. Today's Dijun has once again established the power of the demon court in the wild sand table, and he has the idea of ​​suppressing the heavens again. He is addicted to it and cannot extricate himself. Huang Taiyi lacked interest in this, but quickly passed the test of the sand table prehistoric, and entered the challenge of the four spirits carving table in the middle hall.

Don't think that monks don't have much attachment to power. In fact, Tathagata and Haotian were almost addicted to it. If they hadn't touched the incarnation of the obsession with the three corpses, they would never have escaped this time. "Only me alone" is not a joke, but a serious struggle for power.

Tathagata and Haotian can escape, but it does not mean that other people can escape. This is the reason why there are few people next to the four spirits table in the middle hall. Under the circumstances, these people are more determined in their pursuit of Taoism. In other words, they have more perseverance, which is why they can arrive here. However, they have arrived here, but it does not mean that they can easily challenge the level of the Four Spirits Tabletop.

Just like Donghuang Taiyi, the three-legged Golden Crow sculpture he challenged is a combination of Dijun and Taiyi. Although they are in the same realm, their fighting power is much higher than him. Now, these people are basically dragged here by the engravings on the table of the four spirits, and it is difficult for the outside world to spread here even if it is a big event.

For example, Tathagata, the Buddha, will not know about the upcoming battle of Jilei Mountain. , but 'Heavenly Treasure' is even higher than a saint in rank;

If you really want to inform, you can only go there in person. The chances of getting Zhunti to do it are pitifully small. They take their own skin very seriously. If they really do this, they will only be ashamed.

Of course, it is not only the high level of Buddhism that has been delayed. Our Lady of Wudang is also included in this statue challenge. Whether it is for Buddhism or cutting off religion, it can be said that it is the same. The main body wants to participate in the next Jilei Mountain A war is also impossible.

In the atrium of the Xuanwu Palace, on both sides of the sand table, among the four rooms, no one has been able to enter the room that belongs to the White Tiger's residence. The monk tried several times, thinking that it could not be opened, but today a monk walked out of it. This monk was dressed in snow-white robes, with a long knife hanging from his waist. Stars were shining brightly in his eyes, as if an endless starry sky was embedded in them. Needless to say, this person was the white tiger Liu Hao who was the incarnation of Liu Hao's three corpses.

Since the last time he entered the White Tiger Wing, Liu Hao, the White Tiger, has been cultivating in it, until today he has perfected his merits and virtues, and his whole body is completely internally trained. At first glance, he would only think it is mediocre, but in fact, his combat power is not at all accurate now. In the mid-sage stage, if it cooperates with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array in the body, even Tathagata Haotian can resist for a long time.

The white tiger Liu Hao didn't have the slightest expression on his face, which was quite like an iceberg. His aura was completely restrained. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether ordinary monks could resist his murderous aura. He walked out of the wing room, scanned around, and moved towards the central hall Walking, without further ado, he arrived at Si Ling's desk, and stared at the statue of the white tiger on Si Ling's armchair at a glance. No matter what happened, his divine sense threw himself into it and began to fight with the White Tiger.

This made Liu Hao's calculations wrong. He thought that Liu Hao, the white tiger, would turn around and leave when he left the wing room. Doing it, and because of the heavenly treasure of the 'Xuanwu Palace', the main body and the avatar could not communicate, and the current situation was abruptly formed.

With the strength of the white tiger Liu Hao, there is really not much possibility to challenge the level left by the white tiger. When we can meet again, it can only depend on God's will.

Around Si Ling's desktop, the white tiger Liu Hao appeared, and the others were just a little stunned when they saw the challenge. Afterwards, no one paid attention, and they all devoted themselves to their own challenges, but it was all right, or in other words, no one was in the mood I don't have the intention to provoke other people, and the opportunity comes first, and everything else is just a trivial matter.

When it comes to quasi-sages, almost everyone has the incarnation of the three corpses. In normal times, most of them are released to comprehend Taoism, but most of the time, these three corpses are incarnate in their own dojo. He went out lightly, but during this period of time, great opportunities appeared one after another, which also forced these three corpses to come out.

Within the remnant veins of Buzhou Mountain, what remains has changed from the original body to the current incarnation. Compared with the chance of the 'Xuanwu Palace', some spiritual treasures here are really nothing. Leaving the avatar to sit in command is already the limit.

The incarnations of the three corpses on the cultivator's side are fine, but on the demon clan's side, all the three corpse incarnations they see appear in the form of the demon clan's body, especially Di Juntai's one or two three-legged Golden Crow bodies, which are radiant and abrupt when they appear. Turn the entire Buzhou Mountain into a place that never sleeps;

And because the endless flames of the three-legged Golden Crow were burning, the surrounding temperature was greatly increased, and monks with ordinary cultivation levels really couldn't stand for a long time, which made it quite peaceful here;

It's just that today, this tranquility had to be interrupted. The occupation of Jilei Mountain had already been formed, and it was impossible for Buddhism or Jujiao to stay here for a long time. , can be regarded as must be done.

In Jilei Mountain, Monkey King found many Buddhist Arhat monks at the intersection of Xiniu Hezhou and Buzhou Mountain. There are always thousands of them, but this number is only a drop in the bucket when they reach Jilei Mountain. Even the Bull Demon King has not appeared. Having lost most of it, I fled in desperation;

This made Buddhism furious, and more and more Arhat monks began to gather near Jilei Mountain, waiting for the real battle to start.

In the Moyun Cave of Jilei Mountain, the Bull Demon King entertained an unexpected visitor. This person was Shen Gongbao. Although his dojo was not here, Shen Gongbao lived in Jilei City most of the time, relying on his door Authentic identity and methods are mixed very well, and there is a scene of joy and reluctance. In normal times, he often drinks with the Bull Demon King, and there is no shortage of various cultivation resources.

Now that the battle at Jilei Mountain is imminent, Shen Gongbao is really not afraid. He has seen a lot about the great scene of the Yin and Shang conferring gods, and he also secretly hates Buddhism. Feet, the outcome of the Yin Shang that he represents is really unpredictable. This crime is naturally remembered in his heart. Now that he has the opportunity for revenge, how can he miss it?

"Junior Brother Niu, which of your senior brothers and sisters are really going to come to this muddy water?"

"Hahaha, seniors don't need to worry, my fellow seniors have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

"It's just, Junior Brother, Buddhism is no different than before, and the number of quasi-sages is much higher than that of Jiejiao. Do we really need to prepare for the way out?"

"Senior brother, you don't think I'm the only one who wants to trouble the Buddhist sect, do you?"

"Oh? Can junior brother tell me?"

"Well...it's already at this time, so it's not impossible to tell senior brother, does senior brother know the identity of my wife?"

"Oh? Could it be..."

"Hehe, my father-in-law has been displeased with Buddhism for a long time, but he has never been able to find an opportunity. It just so happened that Journey to the West of Buddhism included my mother-in-law, and it was also an excuse for my father-in-law. If he doesn't participate at this time, when will he be?"

"Hahaha, it seems that Fomen has suffered this time!"

The Bull Demon King squinted his eyes. He still couldn't see through Shen Gongbao's heart. Telling Shen Gongbao this news today was also a temptation. I don't think it will be a disadvantage, and besides, within this period of time, it will not help if the Buddhists know about it;

He knows that the real bodies of those Buddhist powers have gone to the "Xuanwu Palace", and it is impossible to come out in a short time. On the contrary, among the Asura clan in the blood sea Styx, only the Styx body has really gone The Xuanwu Palace and the other four Asura demon kings all waited for this battle before making a fuss, in order to severely teach Buddhism a lesson.

Niu Demon King suspected that he was wrong. Although Shen Gongbao was a disciple of Chanjiao, he really didn't have much sense of belonging to Chanjiao. Today, it's not that he still wants to compete with Jiang Ziya in his heart, but more clearly. Knowing that it is impossible for me to be valued in elaborating teachings, and I am only a pawn, I will take a look at it when I can use it, but if it is really useless, I will just stay aside;

He would not really regard him as one of his own, even if he practiced in the Kunlun Mountains, he could only end up like Master Huanglong. Three nos, even four nos, were despised by many disciples, and even the teachings are now in the east. The orthodoxy passed down from Sheng Shenzhou will not take him seriously.

It was also after he fully understood this point that Shen Gongbao was completely disappointed in Chanjiao. If he hadn't had any forces to take in, he would probably have betrayed Chanjiao. It was also because he had no real place to go that he had no choice but to go out as a disciple of Chanjiao. Wandering, in Jilei City, it made him like a fish in water and realized his true body. Therefore, his stand was firm. Compared with Buddhism, he regarded himself as a member of Jiejiao.

Outside Jilei City, more and more Buddhist disciples gathered, the war was about to break out, tens of millions of monsters in the city began to gear up, not because they were not afraid in their hearts, but because they knew that Buddhism would not let them go;

They all know that if they want to survive, the only way to survive is to fight. Only by letting the Buddhist sect know that it will take a huge price to win the Jilei Mountain, can the Buddhist sect really fear it, and can the Jilei City stand for a long time. Only in this way can they have their own piece of real pure land, a piece of land of their own.

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