Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eighty-one. Cloud neutron arrival

881: cloud neutron

Above the sky, a white cloud was leisurely and motionless, in the middle of the white cloud, a small tea table was placed on it, Liu Hao hugged Xiao Long'er and made tea leisurely, behind him, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were chatting with each other from time to time. Stare down, as if afraid of missing a wonderful moment.

Liu Hao was waiting for the arrival of Sun Wukong, but he didn't expect that Sun Wukong didn't come, but he waited for Grand Master Xuandu.

"I didn't expect you to come to see the fun!"

"Hahaha, Pindao happened to be wandering in the prehistoric wilderness with Master. Hearing that there is something exciting to watch here, he left Master and Junior Sister behind!"

"It seems that you like this junior sister very much!"

"I was noticed by you. My junior sister has a very good temper. Not only do I like it, but Master also likes it."

"It can be seen that as early as the first time I saw her, I thought she was destined for Tianzun, and now it proves that I blocked my eyes!"

Liu Hao was also polite, and when he put gold on his face, he also showed his extraordinary vision, which made Xuandu laugh out loud.

"Come on, the tea just boils, and it will take a long time down here. Let's have a drink first and then watch the excitement!"

Xuandu has a free and easy personality, he took the teacup without thanking him. Although the two met for the second time, they felt as if they had been together for many years, and abandoned the politeness.

"By the way, that monkey really won't fight with Buddhism today?"

"Well, it's probably like this, and I don't know if the two of Xitian will get sick from anger!"

"Hahaha, if this is the case, anger is necessary, but I suggest that the monkey go up and perform a show. It would be best if it lasted for a few days!"

"Oh? Is it a disaster to learn from the scriptures? It's true!"

However, Liu Hao heard Xuandu's persuasion, and he had to lament that Xuandu saw it clearly. In contrast, he was a little bit Menglang. The battle of Jilei Mountain was a catastrophe after all. As a representative of the Buddhist scriptures, it is really necessary to go up and play a game, even if it is pretend, you also need to show up, so that the number of days can be completed, so even if you receive a quasi-prompt, you can't say anything.

Seeing that Liu Hao listened to it, Xuandu stopped entangled in this aspect, and changed the subject to talking about Xuanwuzhou.

"The Xuanwu Palace, fellow Taoists, can you go and visit it?

There is a lot of opportunity here, fellow Taoists, don't miss it! "

Liu Hao needed to accept Xuandu's kindness, and it was because he didn't see Liu Hao when Xuandu went there last time, that's why he had today's words.

Speaking of it, Xuandu is the real hero. The flood of the sand table has delayed many high-ranking monks for a long time, but Xuandu has no obstacles at all. When other monks enter the central hall to challenge carving, Xuandu is has retreated;

It has to be said that this is the real hidden genius, with a full body of cultivation, he is no weaker than the old quasi-sage. If he really fights, Tathagata Haotian may not be able to beat him. After all, he is a disciple of Lao Tzu. And because he seldom made a move, even among the prehistoric people, few knew his true combat power, and only knew that Xuandu would never be easy to mess with.

Liu Hao also heard the truth, and his evaluation of Xuandu's strength in his heart once again raised a level;

"But you can tell your friends about this. Xuanwuzhou was originally the Dojo of the Four Spirits Xuanwu Dazun. By chance, Pindao met the Dazun and was entrusted by him to integrate the dojo into the prehistoric world. Therefore, before the opening, Pindao was in it It's been a long time to break through the level, but compared with fellow daoists, Pindao is suspected of cheating in breaking through the level!"

Xuandu paused slightly with the hand holding the teacup, and took a deep look at Liu Hao. He understood the power of Xuanwu Palace better than others. Lao Tzu was just such an apprentice, and he would never hide any secret information from him, so he even Knowing the high level of Xuanwu Palace, I also know that there is still the concept of "Heavenly Treasure";

Deduced from it, it is natural to understand how powerful the "Grand Master Xuanwu" Liu Hao said is that he can be entrusted by the Great Master Xuanwu to do things. Liu Hao's opportunity can be imagined in front of him, and it is no wonder that he can have such a cultivation level at such a young age;

How long does it take to cut off a corpse? The second corpse was about to appear. Compared to many quasi-sages in the prehistoric era, it was like a hang-up. Today he knew where the hang-up came from.

"Fellow Daoist is really a good opportunity, even the poor Daoist is faintly jealous!"

"Hahaha, fellow daoist, I don't believe what you say. If you were someone else, you might still be jealous. How can a poor daoist not know your heart?"

"You bastard, can't let Pindao sell it cheaply? You have to make it clear, you must know that this will offend me!"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I'll punish myself with a cup!"

"No sincerity! How about giving me another piece of your tea?"

"Enlightenment tea? Is it for your junior sister? Here it is!"

"Ha, it seems that you have a good relationship with my junior sister, you gave it so happily!"

"Shang Ke, you also know your junior sister's temperament. It's not easy to get her approval. It's also because I knew her well before she became a fairy, and then led her to practice for a period of time, so I was able to enter her eyes!"

"Hahaha, that's true, it's the senior brother Pindao who hasn't caught my junior sister's attention yet!"

Xuandu accepted the Wudao tea leaves that Liu Hao handed over, and he was not too entangled in the relationship between himself and Feng Baobao. After getting along for a while, he understood the character of his junior sister, who was almost a copy of his master, and wanted to walk into her heart , can only rely on chance, not because you are her senior brother.

Today, he asked Liu Hao for enlightenment tea because he wanted to please Feng Baobao. Of course, the most important thing was for his junior sister to have enlightenment tea. , as a brother, he felt that he had this obligation;

Originally, when asking for Enlightenment Tea, I thought that even if I owed Liu Hao a point of karma, I would do it, but Liu Hao didn't hesitate at all, let alone mention any karma, as if I should have given it;

This scene made Xuandu know that the relationship between his junior sister and Liu Hao is better than he imagined, and it also made him look more pleasing to the eye when he looked at Liu Hao. mean.

While laughing and laughing, the two of them looked towards the right side at the same time. This situation made Xuandu stunned. He knew his own cultivation level best, and Liu Haoneng was able to find the person who was on the same level as himself. The acuity surprised him even more.

He glanced at Liu Hao calmly, and then pretended not to know and looked into the distance again. Not long after, a white-robed monk appeared in front of him, with his long beard stroked three times, and a sword wrapped around his waist, with a gentle expression like a gentleman like jade, It looks like a real fairy at the end.

Liu Hao didn't know this person, and various characters flashed in his mind. After a few breaths, he locked on one person. This person is Yun Zhongzi, but this guy is also an otaku, and he basically doesn't go out for nothing. , why did you come to join in the excitement today?

Could it be that Chanjiao will also participate in the battle below?

If you really participate, which side will you choose to fight?

Could it be that they are still united with Buddhism?

If this is the case, the hatred between Tongtian and Yuanyuan really cannot be solved.

Various thoughts flashed through Liu Hao's mind, and he couldn't think of an answer so he had to give up. Looking at Yun Zhongzi again, he paid attention to the opponent's cultivation base. The person who came was clearly the incarnation of the three corpses. The cultivation base is likely to have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage, and the two corpses are gone.

That's right, as the only disciple who was not cut off from the top three flowers during the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and he himself is a true immortal of fortune, this cultivation base is reasonable.

Many thoughts flashed through Liu Hao's mind. According to the legend, Yun Neutron's identity is a mystery. In the teaching, it is a unique existence. Daji was sent by the Nuwa Empress, and she still dared to set up the Juque Sword to kill him. With this courage alone, no disciple of Chanjiao dared to do it.

Judging from this example, Yun Zhongzi's heels are likely to be higher than Liu Hao imagined, but it is hard to predict whether it was born in the first cloud where Pangu scolded, or simply came from the reincarnation of the ancestor of Hongyun.

But no matter what, Yun Zhongzi's footsteps are bound to be much higher than those of Chanjiao's other disciples. The high footsteps also show that his talent is outstanding. Now this cultivation level is truly reasonable, and the two corpses of good and evil must be killed Go, I don't know if the obsession has been touched.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Zhongzi approached, and Liu Hao had to stop thinking. Fortunately, Xuandu was by his side, and he didn't need to take the initiative to greet him, and there was an introduction.

"Fellow Daoist Yun Zhongzi, you came today, but it makes the poor dao a little weird. Could it be that you still want to participate in the battle below?"

"Hahaha, no, it's a chance, and it's brought me here!"

Yun Zhongzi was also a free and easy person, while answering Xuandu, he turned his face towards Liu Hao, bowed his hands slightly, Liu Hao saw him, got up and returned the salute, invited the other party to sit down, took out a new teacup, and gave it to him. The other party poured a cup of tea.

"Good tea, just smelling its fragrance, will bring peace to your body!"

"It was also a gift from an old tea tree in my hometown. Although his cultivation level is not high, he has gone through the years. This tranquility can be regarded as a display of his way!"

"So that's how it is! Pindao Yun Zhongzi has met a fellow Taoist, who is famous, but Pindao is like a thunderbolt!"

"Hahaha, it's just a false name. After seeing fellow daoists, the poor Taoist is really upset. I'm afraid that fellow daoists will come to trouble me!"

"Oh? Is it about Emperor Ziwei Boyi Kao? Daoist friends don't need to worry, but Boyi Kao has nothing to do with the poor. He's back, and he's the one who's looking for trouble for you, and then it's Pindao who needs to find a fellow daoist to plead for mercy!"

"You put it that way, I can finally get a good night's sleep, hahaha!"

"Fellow Daoists don't believe the words of the poor Daoist. Others don't know it, but the poor Daoist knows it. Even if some of my juniors find fellow Daoists, they may not be able to escape unscathed. You are sitting very safely on the Diaoyutai. Besides, Boyi Kao is not one of my explanatory teachings. When he was entrusted with the gods and restarted, he could not blame others for his own death. With such a number of days, he still lost his luck in the position of Emperor Ziwei. It would not last long. The position of Great Emperor, which round will you get him?"

"You're welcome, aren't you afraid that your master will give you small shoes to wear?"

"Hahaha, don't listen to nonsense from the outside world. My teacher is a saint after all. How could he be so stingy?"

Yun Zhongzi's expression of fighting for the face of Yuanshi Tianzun made Liu Hao smile sarcasticly, and he stopped digging deeply. After all, the other party is a saint, and if he really digs deep into someone's scar, he is looking for death.

"I'm not afraid that you will know, but Pindao has taken a fancy to the position of Emperor Ziwei. It just so happened that Bo Yikao came to his door, and naturally he was ruthless. Today, the two of you just happened to be present. I will give Pindao an analysis. If I want to fight for it What are the chances of Emperor Ziwei being honored?"

Liu Hao's words were intentional, in order to convey this idea to Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun. Xuandu and Yun Zhongzi are both smart people, and they knew Liu Hao's plan as soon as they heard it, and they looked at each other. , with a wry smile, thinking that he is also a villain, and he sent him to the door to test the other party, who is to blame?

In this situation, the two of them also knew that they couldn't ask for help. Fortunately, they didn't need them to be the masters. Besides, neither they nor their disciples had the heart to compete for the throne of Emperor Ziwei. what.

Liu Hao saw that the two put down their wry smiles, picked up the teapot, refilled another cup for the two, and opened his mouth to say;

"Speaking of which, both Wenqu Xingjun and Wuqu Xingjun were killed in the Ziwei Star Region, and Wenwu Qu has a great relationship with the human race. I think Kong Qiu and Jiang Ziya are very suitable. If the two of them sit on the Wenwu Xingjun position, The human race is bound to respect it even more!"

With Liu Hao's words, even Xuandu and Yun Zhongzi have to admit that there is no one more suitable than the two. In other words, if the two hadn't won the positions of these two star kings, other human races would not dare to sit on them at will. , I am afraid that if I sit on it, it is very likely that I will not be recognized by the human race.

Among them, the introduction of Jiang Ziya is also to inform Yun Zhongzi that the position you have obtained through teaching is not weak. To a certain extent, Wuqu Xingjun is also in charge of military affairs in the Ziwei Star Region, with high authority and considerable influence. It can be regarded as Liu Hao deliberately giving Chanjiao a chance to check and balance.

Similarly, Kong Qiu was originally the reincarnation of Kong Xuan, and he also had a teaching background. In Liu Hao's view, he was also an excellent candidate to check and balance Jiang Ziya.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhongzi had to raise his head and take a deep look at Liu Hao. He felt that this guy was not a good bird. After calculations, he was really sitting on the throne of Emperor Ziwei, the great emperor above the heaven. Tianzun Haotian is likely to be in trouble.

Fortunately, Yun Zhongzi lacked interest in this, or in other words, since his disciple Lei Zhenzi, the Great Emperor Gouchen, passed away, he lost the last trace of attention to the Heavenly Court. I'm not interested in participating, so what's the big deal if I just pass on a message today? In his heart, he was thinking about what Xuan would think;

Unlike him, in the human religion, Xuandu's rights are one-to-one. To a certain extent, as long as saints are not involved, Xuandu can be the master of everything. Now Yun Zhongzi wants to see how Xuandu will react , Is it as if I don't know, and push it to my uncle? Or simply decline or nod?

On the side, Xuandu pondered in his heart, and found that after looking around, there is really no one more suitable for the positions of Wenqu Xingjun and Wuqu Xingjun than Confucius and Jiang Ziya in the entire earth fairy world, especially when the two received the Confucian ancestor and After the status of the ancestor of the military family, except for the two, no one else has this qualification at all.

After getting the whole information, Xuandu had already agreed in his heart on the candidates for civil and martial arts. He believed that several saints also understood that most of the names on the list of gods already had two names, or in other words, it was because of the names of Confucius and Jiang Ziya that the original candidate Wen Quxing and Wu Quxing died for no reason.

From Wen Wuqu's unprovoked death, Xuandu thought of Bo Yi Kao's death, he felt that it was probably due to fate, and luck was not enough to take on this career position, and this was the reason for this calamity, but was Liu Hao the latecomer? He didn't know, but in his heart, he didn't stop Liu Hao from competing for the position of Emperor Ziwei. In his mind, it would be better to give this position to the second teacher, Chanjie, and Liu Hao. He believed that even if he Master will also agree.

Thinking of this, his face became relaxed. This expression was full of meaning in Yun Zhongzi's eyes. It represented that among the votes of several saints, Liu Hao won the vote of Lao Tzu for the title of Emperor Ziwei.

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