Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eighty-two. On 3 Qing

882. On the Three Purities

When Yin and Shang conferred gods, there was the theory of the three merchants, which meant that the saints discussed whose name should be written on the list of gods, and whoever would be on the list would enter the heaven and become a god.

These three discussions also mean that as long as the saints are unified, the position above the heaven will be determined. At that time, even if Hongjun wants to change it, he will have to pay some price.

Similarly, once Hongjun decides on a name, several saints can only agree, just like the great Tianzun Haotian.

It's not that Liu Hao never thought of going to Hongjun directly, but he also knew that if he really did this, he would definitely owe Hongjun karma. For this reason, he would not get the honor of Emperor Ziwei, and he would not do it. Therefore, he locked a few saints.

On the side of Empress Nuwa, he can be 100% sure that this vote will definitely be feasible. Now seeing Xuandu's expression, he also knows that Lao Tzu's vote is probably set.

Seeing Xuandu's face, Yun Zhongzi wondered whether his master would nod his head in approval, he knew his master's personality better, and wished that the four masters were all interpreters;

Previously, although Emperor Ziwei Boyi Kao was not an elucidator, he was also closely related to elucidation. The other Qinghua emperors in the East Pole, Changsheng Emperor in Antarctica, and Gou Chen were all in the elucidation of education. .

However, how can Haotian, who is the great Tianzun, be willing to do this? Isn't it designed to make his disciple Lei Zhenzi fall into it? How could Yun Zhongzi not know the truth?

This is also why he has no intention of thinking about it, and he knows that no matter whether it is Emperor Ziwei or Emperor Gouchen, Haotian will never be willing to let the interpretation teach him, and he believes that his master is also the same I can tell.

However, if you can see it, you can see it, whether you will compromise is another matter.

Yun Zhongzi was not 100% sure that his master would agree to Liu Hao Ziwei's position as emperor. Similarly, he also knew that his master would nod with a half probability. As far as it is concerned, it is already a big concession.

Thinking about it this way, he found that there are quite a few possibilities for Liu Hao to sit on the throne of Emperor Ziwei. He was very clear about the good relationship between Liu Hao and Jiejiao. Sanqing nodded, and the matter was basically settled.

Everyone knows that the Heavenly Court is a traditional force in the Taoist sect, and it is difficult for even the Jieyin Zhunti, who is also a saint, to participate in it. They say they have voting rights, but in fact they don't have that at all.

Liu Hao also accepted it as soon as it was good, and did not continue on this topic;

"I heard that many quasi-saint bodies are challenging in the Xuanwu Palace,

The ones here today can only be the incarnations of the three corpses, right? "

Liu Hao changed the subject, which also made Yun Zhongzi no longer entangled in it. He followed the question and nodded in approval, but Xuandu showed an unfathomable expression on the side, making the two of them look at him in doubt.

"Don't worry, it was only when I traveled with Master a few days ago that I heard Master revealed that if the poor Taoist spoke, it would reveal the secret, so why not continue to wait!"

Xuandu thought that if he didn't say anything, no one else would talk about it, but he didn't know that the Bull Demon King on the Jilei Mountain below had revealed it. Fortunately, it didn't matter whether he was being lured or brought up, he didn't expect that Minghe would fight with them, nor did he deliberately go Calculate;

In their bones, the two still have great confidence in Buddhism. They think that the mere sect has already fallen, and they have no fear at all. They think that they may lose some Arhat monks. If these losses were in ancient times, the two would still be heartbroken to death , now that the family is big and the business is big, these losses are really nothing.

They don't know how much this self-confidence will hurt them in the future, and even almost damage the foundation of Buddhism.

Above the white clouds, Liu Hao and Yun Zhongzi didn't ask Xuandu, but they were thinking about which quasi-sages would join the Jiejiao side to attack Buddhism, but neither of them led their thoughts to the sea of ​​blood, thinking for a while I can only give up, and I have more expectations in my heart. The evenly matched battlefield is the biggest excitement, isn't it?

"In Jilei City, there are still many monster women and children. If the Buddhist sect wins, the two fellow Taoists may wish to guess how the Buddhist sect will deal with it?"

"Hahaha, Buddhism will not have the slightest compassion at that time, and other people will be fine. When we reach our cultivation base, how can we not know that Buddhism's great compassion is just for others to hear, that's what it says, If you do it but don’t know how to do it, is it true that the general trend of Buddhism in Xiniu Hezhou is achieved through compassion?”

Xuandu was not polite at all, that is to say, he, in other people's words, the second sage of the West would definitely put on the opponent's little shoes, and when he was angry, he would even kill him, but put it on Xuandu, Jieyin Zhunti can only turn a blind eye and close one eye, and the one who can say 'the saint is not dead and the robber' is safe, the whole prehistoric, only Xuandu.

Even Yun Zhongzi didn't dare to be so unscrupulous, he gave Xuandu a wry smile, and gave Liu Hao more weird glances, he found that Liu Hao in front of him was not a good person, dare to ask this question, his heart is simply There is not much admiration for the "sage" at all, not even much respect, so it's no wonder that senior brother Xuandu can sit down and drink tea with him, and he is also a very courageous person.

When Xuandu said this, he was also observing Liu Hao. He saw Liu Hao nodding his head several times while listening to his answer. He clearly recognized his words very much. It feels like I have found a guy who can chat freely, thinking that when I have nothing to do in the future, I can really drink tea with Liu Hao.

"Speaking of 'integration of knowledge and action', the sages of the Three Purities have indeed achieved it. The morality of heaven is governed by doing nothing, and it pays attention to learning from nature. Leaving, it can be said that it fits perfectly with my own way!"

Liu Hao began to comment. Xuandu and Yun Zhongzi were a little stunned. In the prehistoric world, there is no reason to comment on a saint under a saint. Ancestor, aren't there all kinds of comments?

When he said these words, he clicked on Lao Tzu's honorary title, and they were directly transmitted to Lao Tzu's ears. If it wasn't for Feng Baobao leading the cow at this time, he would have to stop.

I also took Feng Baobao as a disciple, and calculated a lot of modern thoughts from Feng Baobao, and I really don’t care about these things. Hearing Liu Hao’s comments, he was just stunned, and then he listened with gusto. He nodded from time to time, feeling that what Liu Hao said was very reasonable.

Liu Hao opened his mouth, but he didn't intend to stop. Of course, he still has a lack of thoughtfulness. There is no chance.

This temptation is also to know where the saint's bottom line is and what his tolerance is.

"This is the case with the Taoist Tianzun, and so is the Yuanshi Tianzun!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes in the chaos, and then closed his eyes to listen carefully. He also wanted to know what his portrait was like in the mind of Liu Hao, a visitor from other worlds?

"Yuanshi Tianzun established Chanjiao, 'Clarification' means 'shun', and the way follows the sky! When the Yin Shang was enshrining the gods, in order to stick to his own way, he went directly to the battlefield with his younger brother, and almost destroyed the Jujiao Afterwards, Cihang and others judged and taught, your master must have many thoughts in his heart, but he still chooses to follow the general trend of the world, I have to say that this 'unity of knowledge and action' is not inferior to the moral heaven!"

In the prehistoric world, Lao Tzu stroked his beard and smiled, and shook his head from time to time, which made Feng Baobao, who was leading the cow, also stop, and looked at his master in doubt. Played a ditty, as if the doubt just now was just an illusion;

This point made Lao Tzu very satisfied. He knew that Feng Baobao was not pretending, but really didn't care. He explained it to her, and it didn't matter if he didn't explain it.

In the chaos, Yuanshi Tianzun had a wry smile on his face. Facing Liu Hao's comments, he really had to accept. In fact, he didn't know that he and Tongtian were looking for the bottom line, but they had different ways and did not conspire;

The opposing ways made it inevitable for the two of them to go to the battlefield even if they didn't have Yin Shang Fengshen. It's better to fight early, but he almost destroyed the Taoism of Jiejiao, but he never thought of it anyway, or in other words, after the fight started , so don't care so much? When the fight is over, I realize that the attack was too harsh, and the regret is over, and the regret is meaningless.

As for Liu Hao's subsequent matter of Cihang's sentencing, I don't know where it was originally that Liu Hao was provoking the relationship between him and Jieyin Zhunti, saying that he was still tolerant when he was annoyed, but it was just to stimulate himself.

But knowing that Gui knew, he had to admit in his heart that Liu Hao had plotted against him. Are you angry? That's natural. As a saint, my disciple betrayed to other saints, and I lost all face. In the eyes of the outside world, it means that I can't keep talents, or my Taoism is worse than that of receiving and guiding. If I don't care about the general trend , Yuanshi Tianzun came to kill him a long time ago, so far, he also keeps this account in his heart, and when he waits for immeasurable kalpas, he will be the first to cramp and skin a few judges.

Originally planning to be uncovered by Liu Hao, Yuanshi Tianzun was also a little annoyed towards Liu Hao, but he didn't intend to trouble Liu Hao. Now, he didn't know that he already owed Liu Hao a lot of karma, so he just regarded it as I paid back part of it, and I am so happy.

Can't do anything to Liu Hao, Yuanshi Tianzun can only turn this resentment to Jieyin Zhunti, to Buddhism, and with a move of his mind, he passed on a dharma decree to Buzhou Shanguang Chengzi.

With the remnants of Buzhou Mountain, Guang Chengzi was shocked, and a voice sounded in his heart. After hearing it, he raised his head and looked towards the side of the Buddhist sect. He looked at the quasi-sages of the Buddhist sect who were preparing to leave with a slight smile on his face. He stepped forward and came directly. When he came to Tathagata, he opened his mouth and said;

"Fellow Daoist, this incarnation was created with the aid of the Jade Immortal Formation, it's better not to go there!"

Guangchengzi's words shocked the Dharma Bodies of the Five Great Ming Kings. The first thought was that the Chanjiao, represented by Guangchengzi, wanted to intervene in the battle of Jilei Mountain, but after scanning several quasi-sage incarnations of Chanjiao, he discarded this thought ;

At the same time, he also had to feel that Guang Chengzi's words were very reasonable. If this incarnation went to Jilei Mountain, it would probably annoy the Master Tongtian. At that time, who knew that his teacher who had a bad temper would directly recall the Zhuxian Formation? If you really do that, you can't say that it's easy to let your own incarnation go to dust. For this reason, it must be low-key.

"What Fellow Daoist said is true, this place also needs a poor monk to sit in charge!"

The incarnations of the five Great Ming Kings of Tathagata had made a decision, turned their heads and swept across the other quasi-sages of Buddhism, and finally locked on Ran Deng. Although they were unwilling in their hearts, they still gave the incarnation of command to Ran Deng.

He knew that this decision would bring more losses to his current Buddha side, but he never thought that the losses would almost always be his current Buddha's disciples.

Guangchengzi achieved his goal, turned around and left, but he was thinking in his heart why his master would suddenly give him such a decree? Is it to ease the relationship with Jujiao? At this moment of Conferred God restarting, it is indeed necessary to do so, who made Buddhism so powerful now? Don't take this opportunity to suppress Buddhism, after the end of Journey to the West, the luck of Buddhism will rise again, at that time, will there still be a chance for Taoism?

I have to say that Guang Chengzi was thinking too much. Yuanshi Tianzun was just annoyed in his heart to make a stumbling block for the Buddhist sect. He really made him take the lead in reaching out to Tongtian for reconciliation, but he couldn't do it. He was as arrogant as him, even if Even if he knew he was wrong, he couldn't be wrong, it couldn't be him, it could only be someone else, it could only be this world.

On the nine heavens of Jilei Mountain, Liu Hao didn't know that his casual comment helped Jiejiao reduce a major enemy, and also tilted the balance of victory and defeat towards Jiejiao's side. He saw that after he commented on Yuanshi Tianzun, the sky even There was no sound at all, and there was a bit of confidence in my heart, knowing that even if I proved the Tao in a short period of time, the sages of the heavens would not deliberately make things difficult, and that was enough.

On the side, Yun Zhongzi and Xuandu were also waiting for Yuanyuan to give feedback. After waiting for a long time, it was still calm, and they looked at Liu Hao with a little admiration, and they sighed in their hearts that this guy in front of them is also a bold person. In his eyes, no saint is nothing more than that.

Don't think that this ignorance is very simple, Xuandu knows it best, once the saint sees the sky high in his heart, he will only add a shackle to himself for no reason. With this shackle, it is very likely that he can only stop at This is it.

This realization was only realized when he traveled the world in the form of Zhuangzi, and he also came up with the words "the sage never dies and the thieves are endless", and because he said this sentence, the shackles in his heart were removed, and he touched the Only because of his own obsession, his current cultivation level is even higher than many veteran quasi-sages.

Compared with Xuandu, Yun Zhongzi is still a little bit worse. He also realized this in his heart. In other words, he is also trying to find a way to overcome this obstacle. After listening to Liu Hao's evaluation of the saint today, , the bud of resistance in his heart began to move around the corner. It can be said that the one who really gained the most was him, an outsider.

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