Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and eighty-three. Said Tongtian

883、Speaking of Tongtian

After commenting on Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, the next step is to comment on the leader of Tongtian.

It's just that Liu Hao didn't want to comment too much. In terms of popularity, Tongtian has the most fans among the prehistoric novels, and there are many kinds of comments, and most of them are relatively positive. Among them, the main reason is, It is the point of "teaching without discrimination", because in the eyes of later generations, this point is a kind of forward-looking thinking.

It is also the one with the highest universal value. He is not like Lao Tzu who explained the Dao to the human race, and he does not want Yuanshi Tianzun to have high requirements for talents, making it the same as elite education.

When Tongtian opened a class in the East China Sea, it was open to all comers. There is a kind of teaching that I am here, and all living beings who know it can come to listen to the lecture. Whether you can learn it is your own ability. This point is equal to the opportunity It is reserved for all living beings, and it is also something that other saints do not have.

Correspondingly, in Buddhism, when you listen to the scriptures, you will come to a three bucket of golden rice, which forms a strong contrast.

However, these are not well reflected in Liu Hao's comments. This is a prehistoric place, not a place on earth where you can compare as you like. If you can't say a word wrong here, you can lose your head. Some things you know That's it, no need to yell around.

"Differences in Taoism also lead to different personalities of the saints. The Master Tongtian took 'cutting' as the way, which meant to intercept a ray of life. This 'one' is the one that escaped. In the long river of fate, grasp If you live in this 'one', you will have infinite possibilities;

Therefore, it was also during the period of enshrining the gods that the leader of the Tongtian religion brazenly put down the majesty of the leader and entered the world to fight for a chance of life for his disciples.

It should be noted that during the period of the Yin and Shang dynasties, how many were needed on the list? At that time, Renjiao was only a disciple of Xuandu, how much was the sum of the internal and external teachings? How can the leader of Tongtian not know that the disaster is coming for his disciples? It's just that he didn't expect it to be so tragic, right? It is no wonder that he has to practice Feng Shui Fire again when he is reduced to the end and almost exterminates the religion;

If it were me, if the human race had reached a desperate situation, what would they do with this world? If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed! "

The last sentence was deliberately told by Liu Hao to the saints, and it also told them his bottom line, and even told them that when the real people reached their unsatisfactory situation, he would definitely break up and reorganize this world.

Originally, Xuandu and Yun Zhongzi were still engrossed in Liu Hao's comments on Tongtian, wondering whether Tongtian had thought about the possible catastrophe of cutting off teaching when the Yin Shang conferred the gods, but they haven't waited for them to figure it out Liu Hao's warning directly made them astonished, and they sighed in their hearts that Liu Hao was so overbearing that he dared to speak out his bottom line in front of all the saints.

They don't think that Liu Hao's comments have been hidden from Sanqing, and they have all said the name of the saint, and they have no scruples to pass this information on to them.

In the chaos, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't understand the deep meaning of Liu Hao's words. He snorted coldly and ignored it directly. In his opinion, Liu Hao is nothing more than an ant, and the bottom line is just a joke. When the Yin and Shang conferred gods, it was already clear that there were many speculations about the catastrophe of Jiejiao.

How did he know that the authorities were obsessed with this matter? He was originally the authority. When he saw the number of immortal gods needed on the list of gods, he made up his mind to make up for the population of Najiejiao. He thought so, and he also thought that Tongtian Since I should understand, I have long understood that this sentence of interception is not a small catastrophe.

Rentongtian really didn't think about it that much, or he thought about it, but it just passed away in a flash. He was as proud as he was, and he never thought that it would be a catastrophe. But he has always been very confident. It wasn't until when Jiaojiao was almost exterminated that he suddenly realized that the Yin Shang Conferred God was aimed at him to stop teaching, so he was so angry that he wanted to destroy Honghuang directly and practice again. world.

Chaos, Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian listened to Liu Hao's speech, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't intend to refute. Could it be that he told people that he never thought about the catastrophe of cutting off the sect during the time when he was enshrining the gods in the Yin and Shang Dynasties? That's too silly, right?

This matter was brought up by Liu Hao,

Now when others ask Tongtian this question, he will never admit it. What kind of failure must be because he never thought that his brother would join forces with outsiders to cheat him, and it can only be like this.

As for what Liu Hao said about the bottom line, Tongtian understands it very well. He believes that Liu Hao's way of a hundred schools is rooted in the human race. If he loses the human race, the orthodoxy will probably be cut off. The decisive warning generally appreciates the retraining of the world, and now, how could he not know that he had completely frightened the other saints at the beginning, otherwise, it is still a big question whether the last only virgin can survive safely.

Just because of his ruthlessness at the time, and the attitude of dying together, the other saints no longer dared to do anything to the Virgin Mary of Wudang, and there was a sense of secret protection, lest the Virgin Mary of Wudang accidentally break it. No more scruples.

This influence still persists until today. When the gods were re-opened, Tongtian didn't say a word, but whether it was explaining the teachings or Buddhism, they deliberately kept a distance from the teachings, and restrained any possible conflicts. , I just don't want to make Tongtian mad.

If you repeatedly target the interception, can you guarantee that Tongtian will not directly overturn the table?

Those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying. This is what they are talking about.

Because of this, Tongtian highly appreciates Liu Hao's attitude of warning and throwing the table in advance. Making this attitude clear in advance may only make other saints scoff at him today, but he is only a mere quasi-sage. If you dare to negotiate conditions with a saint, you will laugh your ass off, right?

But Liu Hao will not stay in Zhunsheng forever. At least Tongtian believes that with Liu Hao's talent and luck, the probability of others being like Hunyuan will be very high. At that time, this warning issued in advance will have to be rejected. The other sages remembered that those who should be scruples must be scruples.

In Shouyang Mountain, Lao Tzu arrived with Feng Baobao. This deserted ashram attracted newcomers today. The news quickly spread to the ancestral land of the human race in the depths of Shouyang Mountain, and they all wondered who Feng Baobao was. ?

Not to mention their guesses, but to say that Lao Tzu happened to have heard Liu Hao’s comments on Tong Tian, ​​and there was only a slight smile on his face, which may not be known to others; as the eldest brother, Lao Tzu knows his second and third brothers quite well;

Why do you know in advance the thought of cutting off the teaching catastrophe? The second child probably started the calculation the moment he saw the list of gods, what about the third child? To put it nicely, I have extraordinary self-confidence. I never think that I will fail. To put it bluntly, I am floating. I think that the tide of Jiejiao Wanxian is awesome, who am I afraid of? Why would you think so much?

Shaking his head, Lao Tzu agrees with Liu Hao very much, that is, the difference in 'Tao' makes the personalities between the brothers more and more extreme.

Before the quasi-sage, the three brothers could be said to be stronger than gold, and they were united. After becoming a quasi-sage, they had quarreled with each other, but they were quite restrained. After stepping into the saint, this restraint was no longer possible. Between it and its own avenue, the proportion of the latter is getting bigger and bigger;

In the end, I don't even want to communicate, and I feel that I am not the same person when I meet. This situation can only be changed when I reach the realm of "Heaven". Now, I don't even think about it, even if I have reconciliation in my heart It's a tacit understanding not to deliberately mention bad things about the other party.

As a big brother, I sometimes feel uncomfortable when I think about it. At first, I wanted to adjust it, but after I understood the essence of it later, I simply let them compare, seeing is not seeing, why didn't he think so?

As for Liu Hao's last warning, I have another attitude. He does not ignore it, but he does not appreciate it. For him, it is clear that Liu Hao already has the ambition to compete for the fate of the human race in his heart, which is his temper. Okay, don't worry about it too much, but if you want him to applaud Liu Hao, that's out of the question, at most he won't stop or push.

Speaking of which, how can I not know that the improvement of the luck of the human race is of great benefit to him as a human religion, but I also have another identity, that is, the "ancestor of Taoism", or in other words, the spokesperson of Taoism in the wild, In the human race, they also have the honorary title of "Taozu";

To a certain extent, the Tao of the Hundred Schools still has a great impact on his identity. He is very clear that once the Tao of the Hundred Schools becomes the mainstream of the human race, it will inevitably dilute his status as a "Tao Patriarch" and compete with other schools of thought. The ancestor Qi Ping, at that time, even if he wants to resist, it will be difficult to continue.

The pros and cons are obvious, but fortunately, Lao Tzu is "inaction" and doesn't care much about his honorable status, otherwise he really has to give Liu Hao a good look, that is, if he is Yuanshi Tianzun, Liu Hao's way of a hundred schools is still It really takes all kinds of obstacles to take shape.

Aside from this shortcoming, Lao Tzu has gained the most benefits among the few saints. Of course, the Empress Nuwa who has advanced to the realm of "Heavenly Dao" must be put aside here.

It is because he gained the most that he came in and his cultivation base gradually increased, so he turned a blind eye to the rapid spread of the Tao of the Hundred Schools, and because he did not make any movement, the monks of the Taoist sect were also ignorant of it. Let it go.

If Lao Tzu really didn't like it, he complained that the way of the hundred schools inherited by Liu Hao could gain a foothold in Chang'an. The complaint of the head of the saint is definitely at the level of a bolt from the blue.

On the top of the white clouds in Jilei Mountain, after Liu Hao finished speaking, the sky was still breezy and calm without any change, which also let Yun Zhongzi and Xuandu know that Sanqing had acquiesced to Liu Hao's comments, and the two looked up deeply. He took a deep look at Liu Hao, then looked at each other again, smiled slightly and didn't mention it again.

"A lot of people have come to Buddhism. It's really unpredictable how many of the tens of millions of Xiniu Hezhou monsters will be left in the end. It's also a catastrophe. Otherwise, Buddhism will have to bear this karma!"

Xuandu changed the subject, after hearing his exclamation, Yun Zhongzi nodded slightly, but Liu Hao had a different opinion.

"How do you know that Buddhism is thinking of making a move in this catastrophe?"

"Oh? Fellow Daoist, do you mean that the Buddhist sect originally existed to wipe out all these monster races in this catastrophe?"

Yun Zhongzi asked in confusion, but he didn't realize it until the end, didn't he? In terms of calculations, Buddhism is no worse than anyone else. There are so many monster races in Xiniu Hezhou, which is not in the interests of Buddhism. It is reasonable to take the opportunity to screen them;

In today's game, even if there is no Jiejiao to participate, you must find other opportunities to do it, right? For example, isn't it just a good way to fight all the way to the West?

If there was no such calculation, how could so many Buddhist disciples gather so quickly?

Seeing the enlightened expression on Yun Zhongzi's face, Liu Hao didn't continue to explain. He cast his eyes down and saw that Monkey King had arrived and was looking around. It seemed that he was looking for him. He didn't care what Buddhism thought. He uttered the voice directly to the monkey, and the latter locked Liu Hao's position as soon as he heard it, and he jumped to the side of the cloud.

"Wukong, come, come, let me introduce you to two great masters. This is Master Xuandu, a disciple of the sage Lao Tzu. Don't underestimate him. few!"

"Sun Wukong has met the Great Master Xuandu!"

With Liu Hao's solemn introduction, Sun Wukong also restrained his rebellious characteristics. Today, he also knows a lot of inside stories about the prehistoric times, the ancient and immemorial sayings, and even more aware that there is a quasi-sage above him. Besides, there is Liu Hao's endorsement, so I should be more polite.

"Xuandu has met fellow daoist, and now fellow daoist is well-rounded, congratulations!"

The two said a few polite words, and Liu Hao pulled Yun Zhongzi to introduce him.

"This is the Great Immortal Yun Zhongzi, but he is a famous 'Fortune Immortal' in the Three Realms and Six Paths. He has a high level of cultivation, and the most commendable thing is that his ability to refine weapons is almost unrivaled in the Three Realms. If you want to refine something in the future Baby, you must be looking for him!"

Liu Hao's explanation just hit Yun Zhongzi's itch. He is a big otaku, and his favorite is refining weapons. It can be said that in refining tools, except for saints, Yun Zhongzi is definitely the strongest in the prehistoric world. One, the kind that basically no one can surpass in a short period of time;

One example is enough to illustrate the problem, that is, Yun Zhongzi can even imitate Xiantian Lingbao. Although the imitated Xiantian Lingbao is only a disposable product, it will collapse after use, but this alone is enough to stand out from the crowd , no one surpassed.

If this kind of imitation Xiantian Lingbao is not too consumable, the current pattern of the Great Desolation is likely to be changed because of him, this is not a joke.

"Sun Wukong has seen Yun Zhongzi Daxian!"

"I've met Daoyou Sun! You don't plan to join the battle today, Daoyou Sun?"

"Hey hey, it's a catastrophe for Buddhism. My old grandson hasn't arrived in Western Paradise yet, and I don't have a Buddhist title, so there's no reason to want to join the war, right?"

Monkey King played a trick, but this excuse is not bad, if there is no persuasion from Xuandu before, Liu Hao would still have to laugh.

"Wukong, this can be regarded as a catastrophe on your way to learn the scriptures. It is still necessary for you to challenge after the soldiers and horses on both sides are ready!"


Sun Wukong didn't react for a while, so Liu Hao could only continue to explain.

"Let's take the lead, just to start this big battle, and you can get more merits, not only the merits of your catastrophe on the way to learn the scriptures, but also the benefit of restarting the Conferred God!"

"If that's the case, you can move your body!"

"Hahaha, you don't need to find someone to fight. After you go down, you only need to fight with the Bull-seeking Demon King. When the big battle starts, don't make do with it!"

"Hahaha, just right, my old grandson hasn't competed with my elder brother for a long time!"

Monkey King is also impatient, as soon as he got the task, he immediately shot down, as if he couldn't wait.

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