Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and thirty-seven. The experiment of Orochimaru

937 , The Experiment of Orochimaru

"Oshemaru, long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

A hint of surprise can be vaguely seen in Da Shemaru's erect pupils.

Today, Orochimaru can be said to be the top biological authority in the Australian base of Longguo, and hundreds of researchers under him are helping him with experiments;

From the monsters hunted in the Xuanwu world, to the monsters and monsters in Australia, or the monsters from other worlds, etc., they are all experimental products in his hands.

This underground laboratory has a vast space, which is already comparable to the city above it, and it is also the foundation of the base;

Once there are research results, they can be the first to be promoted. The monster inner alchemy is a good example before. It not only maximizes the use of resources, but also makes the base monks generally improve a lot, and strengthens the base's defense line.

All these things also made Longguo attach great importance to this research institute. He almost gave whatever he wanted. Dashewan never thought of leaving because he knew that he could create his greatest value here, and only in This is where you get the most support.

In another place, where can so many researchers help? And where are there countless examples for him to use?

Liu Hao knew this very well, and basically would not come to disturb Orochimaru. It was also today when he saw that his small beach courtyard was occupied by his sister and had no place to go for the time being, so he thought of taking a look at the situation of Orochimaru. Surprise him a little.

Orochimaru, up to now, I don't know how many cells have been transplanted in his body. It can be said that he is the biggest mutant on the earth now.

Compared with other people, Orochimaru's resistance can be said to be the strongest one, coupled with entering the immortal level early, the absorption rate of the transplanted cells has increased by a level, which also makes Orochimaru have today's achievements, It's the kind of guy who rarely cultivates, but still hasn't fallen in his cultivation.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal level, in the entire earth, except for a few, has already stood at the peak. It should be noted that there are only three or two Daluo monks in the entire Dragon Kingdom Australia base, and these Daluo monks are more Experienced practitioners from the Dragon Kingdom;

For example, Dao Fan, Zhuge Guo, etc., only those with profound background can do it. If the mere Orochimaru can basically catch up with the progress, how can it be possible if there is no ability in it?

From Orochimaru, Liu Hao felt more and more that the other party was close to snakes. In other words, the current Orochimaru tended to be more of a half-demon, and this was used to make up for the shortcomings in his own body, that is, the talent of the body itself.

Compared with the world of Naruto, Orochimaru is very different. In the world of Naruto, Orochimaru is a transformation of the body, which will greatly reduce the fit between his soul and body.

This is not the case now, Orochimaru's body is still his own, it is just to stimulate the potential of the body, when it is stimulated, it absorbs cells from the snake monster clan in a targeted manner to strengthen its own DNA in various aspects, such as software, such as strength , speed and other basic abilities.

While strengthening these basic abilities, it is also improving Oshemaru's own physical talent. In the beginning, Orochimaru was just a member of ordinary people. Even if it is higher than the average line of ordinary people, it still cannot escape the ordinary. man's shackles;

Up to now, just from the aura emanating from the life energy field of Orochimaru's body, Liu Hao knows that Orochimaru's physical talent level in front of him has stepped into the innate level, and the future Daluo monk will definitely have a place in Orochimaru.

Of course, Liu Hao also knows that Dashewan also has a lot of risks if it goes on like this. The biggest problem is that the body is likely to collapse at a certain stage and cannot carry the fusion of these cells;

If one wants to eliminate these, the only way is to completely absorb these cells for one's own use, to completely fuse them with one's own cells, to become one's own, one hundred percent, otherwise, this kind of collapse may still happen.

Fortunately, it seems that this collapse is still early,

At least the possibility of it happening in the Daluo stage is only 10 to 20%. Dashewan itself should know this well, and there is still a lot of time to adapt in the future. Therefore, Liu Hao did not open his mouth to remind that in front of experts like Dashewan, It's better not to play tricks on others.

"A few days ago, near the ninja world, I saw Jiraiya, that guy, he is far behind you! Moreover, it seems that he has lost much enthusiasm!"

"Hey hey, Ziraiya?" Orochimaru's unique tongue was wrapped around his lips, and there was a trace of nostalgia and a hint of sarcasm on his face. Liu Hao understood this complicated mood very well.

For Orochimaru, apart from Jiraiya and Tsunade, he really has no one to worry about. After breaking away from the small world of ninja world, a wider space is displayed in front of him, pursuing higher, Ziraiya Ya and Tsunade have become memories of his hometown in his heart, deeply implanted in his heart;

It will only be remembered under certain circumstances. At this time, Orochimaru will show a slight softness, but it will also quickly converge.

Regarding Jiraiya's ridicule, Orochimaru is real. Others may not know that Orochimaru, as the top executive of the base, is definitely the one with the most unimpeded information. He can solve the hidden crises in the earth. make it clear;

In particular, what Liu Hao reminded Luo Bing and others of the abyss from North America, Orochimaru, was also clear and clear, and he knew better that if he wanted to survive in the future, he had to improve his cultivation to a higher level.

"A few days ago, I also reminded him. As for the future, whether he will continue to live in peace depends on himself!"

Liu Hao also knew that Orochimaru cared about Jiraiya, and saying this was also a comfort to Orochimaru.

"Cut! I don't care what happens to that big toad!"

Another arrogant guy, he said so in his mouth, but he was very honest in his heart.

"Let's not talk about him. Before, I saw the inner alchemy of the sea monster being auctioned. These inner alchemy should not be that simple, right?"

Others don't know the origin of these monsters, how can Liu Hao not know? In a world as high as the Xuanwu world, even the lowest-level creatures are by no means simple. How much can ordinary monks absorb the inner alchemy where the essence is? But even if it absorbs a little bit, it can't only have this benefit, right?

When other people asked this question, Orochimaru was too lazy to say more, but Liu Hao opened his mouth, but he completely brought up his interest, which he had kept in his heart for a long time, and he didn't really tell anyone. He didn't want to reveal something to show his pride. Pity.

Waving his hand, he set up a small barrier. Liu Hao saw it, and then clicked in the void, directly confining the laboratory space where Orochimaru was located, so as to ensure that the conversation between the two would not be exposed. Let Orochimaru's pupils shrink slightly, and a burst of surprise exudes on his face.

After finishing all this, the two still didn't speak immediately, but slowly found an open space to set up the tea table, as if making tea and chatting.

After drinking a cup of tea, Orochimaru said:

"The inner alchemy of these monsters has a very high assimilation property, the deepest level of assimilation of body cells, and its subtle degree of assimilation is also the highest energy source I have discovered so far;"

Orochimaru's words are very professional upon hearing, and people who are not familiar with him will only regard him as a highly educated scholar after he has absorbed the knowledge of earth biology. However, the madness deep in his heart remains unchanged.

"When these inner pills are absorbed by the body, most of them will be lost, but even if a ten-thousandth of them are absorbed by the body, they will be completely integrated into the cells and begin to change the essence of the body!"

Liu Hao was slightly surprised when he heard this; he interjected to ask what worried him most:

"This kind of assimilation, will it turn into a monster in the end?"

"Currently cannot be determined!"

When Orochimaru said this, there was no other emotion at all. Liu Hao instantly understood that Orochimaru regarded those absorbers as guinea pigs, and observed through a large amount of absorber data to see if they would be accepted by the same audience. What will it look like? Will it completely change the structure of the human body?

Liu Hao knew Dashewan very well, but when he heard this, he was still stunned, with a wry smile on his face.

He didn't mean to blame Orochimaru, the earth is not safe, there is no strength, everything is false, and if you want strength but don't want to pay the price, how is that possible? Especially for those civilians, this little danger is really nothing.

Besides, so far, no examples of monsterization have been found, have they?

After the wry smile on Liu Hao's face disappeared, Orochimaru continued to speak:

"This kind of assimilation, and because it is the most essential assimilation of the human body, can greatly improve the talent. By the way, this talent, in Taoist terms, is the 'spiritual root'!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly. Liu Hao still understands the Taoist "spiritual roots". A certain method can do twice the result with half the effort.

For example, in essence, the three thousand laws of the human body exist in the body, but some only exist in one cell, and some are all over the entire body. If calculated by 100 points, among the three thousand laws, at least Yes, but with such data, it is impossible to reach one hundred.

Among such data, if the number exceeds 30, it means that this person has excellent talent in this area. Once the number exceeds 50, it means that this person is a genius in this area.

What the monster inner alchemy can do is to increase the number of one or several items of the human body, so that this person can stand out in one or several aspects, so that he will not be obliterated by everyone. This is definitely the best for ordinary people. However, if you don't know the news, you are willing to pay more for this. The current high price of monster inner alchemy is a good example.

"This seems to be somewhat similar to a devil fruit?"

"That's right, it looks like the effect is very similar, except that the devil fruit is a one-time change, which is similar to a catalyst, forcing a certain data of the human body to the top level, and completely changing the internal structure of human cells. In other words, After eating a Devil Fruit, one is already fundamentally different from a human being!

On the contrary, absorbing the inner alchemy of the monster will not, he is more gentle, especially if the degree of fit is sufficient, the improvement effect will not be much worse, and now there is no trace of completely changing the internal cell structure of the human body.

Of course, it is not clear whether it will happen in the future, it still needs a lot of data observation! "

Orochimaru's explanation gave Liu Hao a clear idea in his mind. It sounds like the monster inner alchemy and the devil fruit seem to be the same. To increase a certain talent level of a human being, the latter is a one-time complete change. Outstanding, but also surprising side effects;

The latter is a mild improvement, just like a tonic, the effect can be seen, but the process is slow.

"In the pirate area, there is always a limit to the number of devil fruits, but there is a steady stream of monster inner pills. From this point of view, the price of devil fruits has also been suppressed a lot, right?"

Liu Hao already had the intention of joking at this time, Dashewan chuckled, although he didn't answer directly, the answer was already very obvious.

"From the data in your hands, what's so special about the one with the best effect?"

Liu Hao's words were like asking about the itch of Orochimaru. He immediately became more enthusiastic, the madness on his face disappeared in a flash, and his voice became a lot more excited:

"This person is a human from the Pirate area. His original body shape is almost the same as ours, but after absorbing the inner alchemy of the monster, he has been growing. In half a year, his height has exceeded three meters. I guess, this is the body of the other party. The stimulation of the giant gene in the middle, so the power obtained is about 30 times;

Not only that, but he has also absorbed a lot of the fire attribute in the monster's inner alchemy. Now he can stimulate the flames in his body without any skills, although compared with the devil fruit, it can only be regarded as mediocre. , but the future should not be underestimated, and the growth potential is even greater! "

"It means that the spiritual root of the talent has been strengthened to a certain level, and the supernatural power has appeared?"

"That's right, it's supernatural powers! For ordinary people, it's better than anything else. For them, it's hypocrisy to obtain any high-level skills, and the development of their own supernatural powers doesn't need to cost too much It is also because of this example that the monster Neidan is so popular!"

"Indeed, with such an example that can be seen, it is difficult to break the level of belief in people's hearts, and they all want to be the next lucky one!"

"Yeah! I need to thank him, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten so much data so quickly!"

"You meddled in that guy's future?"

"I don't need to intervene at all, the base has absorbed him into the army, and there are many examples like this, but he is the luckiest one!"

Liu Hao nodded. If the base did not act, he would have to doubt it. This is good, and it is also a great supplement to the base. There is always an end to blindly adding people from the Dragon Kingdom. Besides, the Dragon Kingdom is not An Wen, the monsters in the mountains and rivers are already very troublesome.

"It seems that the monster inner alchemy is highly developable!"

"That's right, I've devoted nearly half of my time to it now!"

"You also want to find an absorption?"

"I have this idea, but don't worry!"

"Well, I'll take a look for you too. If you see a snake-like monster, I'll keep it for you!"

"Boss wants to live in another world?"

"You want to go too? But I don't recommend you to go for the time being. The gravity of that side of the world is too strong. Even in the most marginal place, the gravity is equivalent to 10,000 times the earth's gravity!"

"Is that so? Then wait!"

For another person, Orochimaru probably wouldn't believe it, at least he would have to experience it himself before giving up, but facing Liu Hao, Orochimaru didn't have the slightest doubt, so he nodded and agreed. Besides, he is too busy now, not so A lot of time wandering around.

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