Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and thirty eight. Change

938: change

The choice of Orochimaru was within Liu Hao's expectation. The two chatted about the follow-up speculation of the monster inner alchemy. In view of this point, Orochimaru still uses it as a research on supernatural transformation. For ordinary people, it will be a huge supplement, and for high-level people. For a high-level monk, it is very tasteless;

That is to say, today Liu Hao proposed to go to Xuanwu World for Orochimaru to find monsters that fit his attributes, otherwise Orochimaru might lose interest in a short time and switch hands to other directions.

In this regard, Liu Hao is dispensable. Most of the people in the base seeking support in this regard are visitors from the One Piece area. Perhaps those humans from the American continent also participated, but before the side effects are confirmed, The Dragon Kingdom is still very conservative about this, and if there is any harm, it will be harmless.

Liu Hao doesn't have the heart of a virgin, that's why Orochimaru charges for it? Tell him simply, and the two of them feel a little bit sympathetic to each other on this point.

"Some time ago, some resources from the magical world came to the base, that is, the magic crystals dug out of the monsters. I plan to try to use them with the monster inner alchemy!"

"The magic crystal is more aimed at spiritual power, that is, for the soul. Perhaps the matching is high, and it can really complement each other!"

"I think so too! There are so many worlds and energy cores of different modes, it's really amazing!"

"Hahaha, it's fine if you like it, but don't let your own cultivation fall behind!"

"Don't worry! I still want to go to a higher-level world to see the scenery, but I won't lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds!"

Liu Hao smiled, and it is no surprise that Orochimaru was assimilated by Longguo culture. After staying with Longguo researcher for so long, it would be a ghost if there is no slight change.

"You also know about Honghuang, right?"

"Well, boss, is that world strong?"

"Very strong. You can only be regarded as mediocre when you reach such a level. Cultivator Da Luo can only protect himself in the wild. Some time ago, I asked Zhuge Liang to go there, and I still can't guarantee that he will survive! "

"Is it so dangerous?"

"The higher the level of the world, the stronger the will of the world! Then the chances of them finding outsiders are also greater;

Honghuang, no outsider can escape the tracking of the Dao of Heaven. When they get there, the heaven and the earth will be tested. If they pass, they can get the treatment that Honghuang local monks should have. If they can't pass, everything will be nothing!

Even my son, Xiao Long'er, has gone, and it is said that he has been in danger several times. If he hadn't possessed Da Luo Zhenxian's cultivation level,

It's really hard to say now! "

Orochimaru's eyes flashed a bright light, and his pupils shrank slightly. He has been working in the laboratory for so many years, and his combat effectiveness and his own cultivation level have been out of touch. This is inevitable. After all, there is not so much time to do both. error.

When Liu Hao saw Orochimaru today, he could see the gap at a glance. The foundation of his cultivation base is quite good, but it is a bit superficial to say more. There is still a gap between his aura and his actual cultivation level. Orochimaru has basically no chance of defeating.

That's why Liu Hao wanted to improve those skills for Orochimaru from the moment he saw Orochimaru. After much deliberation, Liu Hao still chose the way of formation.

This was chosen for several reasons:

On the one hand, Orochimaru is smart enough and has a high IQ. For formations, a method that is more researched and deepened, it is more in line with Oroshewan's personality. Compared with blacksmithing and alchemy, the way of formations is more effective in improving combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, Jiejiao pays attention to teaching without discrimination, and turns a blind eye to spreading the way of formation to outsiders. For Tongtian, it doesn't care about spreading it wildly.

The last point is that Orochimaru itself is a scientist who studies the microcosm. The array of countless restrictions and nodes is very suitable, and it is much easier to get started, and it will not greatly reduce the time for scientific research of Orochimaru.

After these three points, Liu Hao had a direction. Seeing that Orochimaru was contemplating, he took out a jade tablet, engraved the way of the basic formation into it, and then added some guesses of his own;

The reason why he didn't pass on the entire formation method to Orochimaru was because Liu Hao was worried. It wasn't because he was worried about Orochimaru, but because Jiejiao had already sent the Holy Mother of Wudang to come. He didn't want to take what others should do, don't When there is a misunderstanding, it will not be worth the loss.

With Orochimaru's wisdom, Liu Hao is also full of confidence. With these basic formations, Orochimaru can definitely sum up a higher-level formation. Besides, if Orochimaru really sinks into it by then, he can also go to Zhonghai University to ask for help. To be the Holy Mother, at the very least, you can attend lectures.

Guys like Orochimaru don’t need nanny-like help. These most basic things are the most helpful to Orochimaru, and the basic formation method given by Liu Hao is the most complete one, which is enough for Orochimaru to be in the same formation. rise.

"This is the formation method summed up by a saint in Honghuang. Above Taiyi is Daluo, above Daluo is quasi-sage, and above quasi-sage is a saint;

Saints are immortal, heaven and earth are immortal, saints are immortal! "

As soon as these words came out, Orochimaru's eyes were wide open. This immortality is too in line with Oroshewan's expectations. As for whether it will be successful, Liu Hao really doesn't want to tell. It's too cruel, let's wait until Orochimaru's cultivation base is higher in the future.

Orochimaru took the jade tablet, and immediately sank into it, unable to extricate himself, and even Liu Hao completely forgot about it here. After Liu Hao finished drinking a pot of tea, the Orochimaru in front of him was still like a sculpture, so he could only smile wryly. What can you do with such a guy?

The headquarters of Longguo Australia Base is an eight-storey building. It is one of the best buildings in the base. It is not because they don't want to build tall buildings, but because they don't want to cause trouble.

The monsters are rampant, and the birds are also rising. If the floor is too high, it will naturally attract the birds and monsters to come and rest. If the surrounding trees do not support the sky, the eight-story building will not appear.

Standing on the top of the building, Liu Hao looked inland. Passing through the urban area, a big monster as tall as a mountain and stretching for tens of thousands of meters lay in the south of the base. ', has long been subdued by Xiao Long'er, and has become a natural barrier between the base and the monster race in Australia.

With the existence of this 'Alligator', there are many troubles in the base. The biggest one is the beast tide. The 'Alligator' who has been cultivated by the True Immortal Taiyi is already in charge. Not daring to cross the thunder pond, his aura also made the forests hundreds of miles south of the base less dangerous. This barrier now seems to be a stroke of magic.

Not long after, Luo Bing went up to the top of the building, came to Liu Hao's side, and followed to look at the huge 'Alligator' which exhaled and inhaled in the distance.

"This crocodile is honest, isn't it?"

"Well, most of the time, it sleeps, and when it's hungry, it will go to the mainland to hunt by itself. Occasionally, we will also send some monster meat to it. Up to now, it is still safe and sound!"

Liu Hao nodded. There is no denying this. Compared with the fickleness of human beings, the monster race is more loyal in this respect. He has other precautions, and he didn't say much about it. It's better to have a contingency plan than nothing.

"In the mainland, has the number of monsters increased?"

"We monitor this very strictly. Although we have encouraged the people in the base to hunt and kill on a large scale, we still haven't outrun the breeding of monsters, especially some races that are already in huge numbers in Australia, such as kangaroos, cattle and sheep. The years are getting more and more!"

"It seems that this should be a common phenomenon. Along the way, I have also found that the number of monsters in various places is increasing sharply. It is still difficult to balance their own ecological chain, especially when they become more intelligent, it is more difficult to suppress them. Already!"

"Yes! In the past few years, we have also organized large-scale hunts and killings by people and horses several times, but the effect is still not great. Only by raising some purchase prices can we barely keep up with the rhythm of their increase! It is still a bit ironic to say that we originally We still have to import food from the Dragon Kingdom, and it is already being transported back to the country in a big way!"

"Have you ever thought about exporting these meats to the world of the Three Kingdoms on a large scale?"

"Why not? The current situation is that the productivity of the Three Kingdoms World has also been greatly improved, and some are not easy to sell!"

"Hahaha, indeed, with the liberation of productivity, all kinds of materials in the Three Kingdoms world have also begun to soar. There should be no shortage of food in the past few years!"

"Isn't it? If it wasn't for meat, it probably wouldn't be able to sell at all! Now almost all of our alcohol is imported from the world of the Three Kingdoms. You don't know that people from the Dragon Kingdom have already entered the Three Kingdoms to open factories!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Cao Cao has done a good job in attracting investment!"

"He is different now. After a few years, the ruling power of the family in the area he ruled has also declined a lot. These worlds know very well that if they don't branch to the earth, the future will definitely disappear in history. We can only compromise with Cao Cao , In this way, Cao Cao's life will be very nourishing!"

"Then he must have a great reputation as thief Cao?"

"Isn't it? Under Sun Quan and Liu Bei's rule, Cao Cao is completely stink! On the one hand, they are also afraid of Cao Cao's powerful power, so they have to crazily belittle it. On the other hand, they are also bewitched by the two families!"

"It's inevitable, but I'm a little surprised that Cao Mengde can tolerate them all the time!"

"Probably watching a play! Whether it is Sun Quan or Liu Bei, they all know that even if they work together, it will be difficult to destroy Cao Cao. The relationship between the two is much better, and they have a lot of friendship. Of course, for greater safety, we also For a wider space, both Sun Quan and Liu Bei tried their best to expand;

Sun Quan has taken over the entire Jiaozhou and started to leap further south;

Liu Bei also completely stabilized the land of Sichuan. It is said that the Nanman has disappeared. At this moment, probably most of the noodle shop area has fallen into Liu Bei's hands.

Cao Cao probably just wanted to see where these two guys could fight, and kept watching the situation. From time to time, he sent some soldiers to provoke them, putting great pressure on them! "

"Hahaha, Cao Mengde is interesting! It seems that he has now fully understood that population is the real treasure!"

"That's right! The think tank thinks so too. No matter how strict Sun Quan and Liu Bei are on the border blockade, many people still cross the barrier and enter Cao Cao's territory every year!"

"It's the same root and the same species, so how can we stop it? Cao Cao is not tired of seeing this situation, right?"

"That's right! According to Cao Cao, most of his energy has been devoted to the construction of his territory. Compared with a few years ago, his territory has changed a lot. The biggest point is that education has begun to become popular. That's why we see The compromise between the birth family and him!"

"That's not bad! Speaking of which, once the printing technique is introduced into the Three Kingdoms, even if the aristocratic family has great ability, they will not be able to monopolize knowledge. They also understand this, so they have to compromise with Cao Mengde, right? That's okay, everyone They are the people of Yan and Huang, but they cannot fool the people!"

"Long Kingdom has also supported many teachers in this regard. For this reason, even the local universities of Long Kingdom are now open to the world of the Three Kingdoms, in order to give those aristocratic children another way out!"

"This kind of mutual benefit can be as much as possible! Although I don't want to say it in the world of the Three Kingdoms, the real essence is the children of the world. These people join the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also the introduction of talents for the Dragon Kingdom, especially for the Tao of Hundred Schools." , even more so!"

"It's still you who can see clearly. Even if there are hundreds of millions of books in the Dragon Kingdom, the proportion of high-level cultivation in a hundred schools is still far lower than that of the children of the Three Kingdoms family!"

"In terms of investment, how can the students of Longguo catch up with the world of the Three Kingdoms? They regard books as treasures, every time they get a book, they are hungry and thirsty, and they will never give up until they study thoroughly. What about us? After reading it for a while, we think we have everything;

In terms of this attitude, there is no comparison between the two.

The way of a hundred families, let alone the children of the Three Kingdoms World family, even if the proportion of the entire Three Kingdoms World is increased, the Dragon Kingdom will not be able to catch up at all, right? "

"Although I don't want to deny it, it's the truth!"

"Too much information is sometimes not a good thing!"

"Another point is that Long Guo seems to have too many choices, resulting in too much energy scattered!"

"Hahaha, don't make excuses for them, every strong person is a generation with superb perseverance, and the influence of foreign objects on them is always limited!"

"That's right! The national government has also discovered this. After discussing for a long time, there is no unified method. We can only take one step at a time. When it comes to the military, it has begun to focus on it, and has done a lot of tracking of talent registration! "

"This is a good thing! As the Longguo Australia Base is the meeting place of all worlds, it is a good move for the government to strengthen education!"

"The investment is getting bigger and bigger every year. It's really hard to say what the government has done in this regard!"

"Not to mention anything else, the girls' school is already the strongest girls' school on Earth! If you capture the tendencies of these girls, you'll capture half of the population. No matter how much you invest, it's worth it!"

Luo Bing nodded slightly. He has been in the base for a long time. No one knows these changes better than him. In the entire base, women have far higher confidence in the base than men. These are the credits of the girls' school, and the nearly 50,000 students are the biggest. illustration!

Under this women's university, Longguo already had the idea of ​​establishing a separate women's primary and secondary school, and the reason came from here.

They knew very well that once something happened to the base, the girls' school would not hesitate to set foot on the battlefield even if it was for the safety of the school. For this, no matter how much they invested, it was worthwhile.

And if you catch a woman, do you still worry about not having a man?

The sociologists of Longguo will definitely tell you clearly that every woman can attract at least a group of livestock, which is the biggest siphon effect of the base!

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