Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and thirty-nine. Internal and external troubles of the bald eagle

939、The internal and external troubles of the bald eagle

Originally, he planned to stay at the Longguo Australian base for two days, but he didn't expect that as soon as Liu Hao left the Dashewan laboratory, he saw a white light shooting from the sky and found himself accurately.

"Fang luck?"

Judging from the direction, it was from America. Liu Hao's first thought was that Fang Yun had something to find him, and he immediately thought of the North American abyss problem, but when he received the information, Liu Hao was still a little shocked.

The information was sent by Fang Yun, and it was exactly what Liu Hao thought about the abyss problem, but the situation was far more terrifying than what Liu Hao thought.

Originally, in Liu Hao's view, once the North American Abyss invaded, it should be opened directly from the original Maple Leaf Country, but he didn't expect that the Abyss was much smarter than he thought. Take root and sprout.

It is also the outbreak of the bald eagle people's death attribute. When the world is still stable, the bald eagle people are very deadly. What kind of religious freedom is they doing, which makes all kinds of inexplicable cults rampant in the bald eagle

When the world is in chaos, such cults spring up like bamboo shoots in the territory of Bald Eagle. When the authorities find out that there is a problem, they have no countermeasures at all. They can only suppress it secretly. Watch out for bald eagle chaos.

But they have a good idea, thinking that such a tacit and secret suppression will definitely achieve all results, but in reality? It's not the same thing at all. It can't be said that those in power who shouted to suppress are also followers of a cult in private. For the sake of votes, what kind of dirty things can't they tolerate?

This has also led to the fact that the bald eagle seems to be effective in combating cults, but in fact it hides deeper and takes up legal weapons to fight. The so-called declaration of freedom has been raised by them time and time again, making the bald eagle authorities miserable;

In the end, they had no choice but to see out of sight, thinking that the large-scale introduction of the Odin pantheon would be able to resist, but they didn't know that the more this happened, the more rebellious the bald eagle people were, and all kinds of cults took root in the North American continent.

These cults, if there is no participation of the abyss, would be fine, but they are just a group of extremists, and they are really far from the power of the Bald Eagle in power, not to mention the large-scale entry of the Odin god system.

As soon as the abyss made a move, the power of these cults was aroused;

The visitors from the abyss are absorbing bad karma and growing evil thoughts. They love these cults so much. When the first spy from the abyss entered the bald eagle and discovered this situation, he replaced the evil god worshiped by the cult. ;

In less than a year, this spy from the abyss forcibly absorbed beliefs, bad karma, and evil thoughts from the followers of the cult, and grew from being a true immortal to a true immortal Taiyi, a big leap in level. , made him ecstatic, if he hadn't thought of the need to feed back information to the abyss, this guy would definitely be able to hide until the world was destroyed, maybe at that time, it would not be as simple as the true immortal Taiyi.

It was also because the spy from the abyss returned to his job report, and immediately opened up another strategy for the abyss invasion, from brutal beating and killing to a step-by-step, intelligent mode of playing undercover.

It’s not that the abyss is afraid of being rough and can’t handle it, it’s just that those who touch the earth can’t represent the abyss at all, but a certain force in the abyss, and it’s a very shallow force in the abyss, the minions from the surface of the abyss;

In the face of the unknown earth, without knowing the geometry of the strong on the earth, it is an excellent strategy for this abyssal force to do so, especially for a race like the bald eagle, which is a deadly explosive species.

Liu Hao really thought about the method of the abyss, but at the time he thought it would never happen. The original Maple Leaf Kingdom ruled by a monster clan was a huge obstacle, and regarding beliefs, Western gods looked at it again. So heavy, the Odin god system industry will never allow it.

It's a pity that he still underestimated the arrogance of the Odin pantheon,

In the world of the Odin pantheon, the bald eagles are just low-level creatures. For these beliefs, how can they put down their dignity? To put it bluntly, flattering lower creatures is the greatest irony for them;

That is why the creatures from the abyss have gained a firm foothold in the kingdom of bald eagles. By the time the gods of the Odin pantheon find out, it will be too late. If they want to be destroyed, they must face a huge number of bald eagle cult followers. , it is necessary to face those visitors from the abyss who have absorbed the beliefs of these believers and grown up with bad karma.

The Odin pantheon world didn’t pay attention to it at first, but brutally interfered with politics with religion and forcibly banned other sects;

When they did this, the Bald Eagle authorities felt uncomfortable, but they couldn't help it. Their fists were not as big as others. After thinking about it, they could only bear to tear up the constitutional regulations in the Declaration of Freedom, kneel down and lick the gift from God.

In the beginning, it was okay, especially those states close to the world of Odin's god system, but when the scope expanded, it was not the case at all.

Just like a spring, the harder you are suppressed, the harder you resist. Many bald eagles who are used to all kinds of freedom are also swept up by this wave of resistance and become a torrent of resistance against the bald eagle authorities.

There are also many bald eagle elites among these cults. They have rich experience in this kind of struggle and know how to stimulate the deepest thoughts of bald eagle people;

Especially the original bald eagle is a big country that believes in leaves and flowers. To be a beast leader, you must swear according to a certain scripture. ? There are many fanatics here who have been brainwashed by leaves and flowers. Once they are aroused, they will definitely be no different from a volcanic eruption.

The Abyss Cult made this move very cleverly. Under four or two moves, the whole bald eagle can be said to be messed up. The original banner of "fighting cultists" by the authorities has become the current "right to freedom of belief". Deeper.

This abyssal force is still not strong enough. After being taught a lesson by Liu Hao and Fang Yun before, they know how to keep a low profile, especially when they know that they can get a lot of money from hiding in the dark, they are more willing to hide for a while, so as to put themselves in the dark. Increase your strength a bit more, in order to gain more sense of security.

When they did this, they directly brought disaster to the bald eagle.

Monsters and beasts are rampant, national power has plummeted, trade in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean has fallen to the bottom, and they are almost isolated from the earth. The Bald Eagle people have directly changed from the world's top enjoyment to the current life mode that is similar to the rationing system. Although they are extremely unwilling, In order to survive, but can only be suppressed;

But once it breaks out, this unwillingness will immediately turn into tyranny, no different from a real abyss visitor, and its cruelty is heinous.

Conflicts broke out in almost every town of Bald Eagle. The farther away from the world of Odin the gods, the more terrifying the states.

Coupled with the uninterrupted provocations from the abyss visitors, the two camps of bald eagles were completely separated. By the time Fang Yun sent Liu Hao a message, several states had already become independent in form, and the bald eagles had no way out. Return.

Not a civil war, better than a civil war!

This is today's bald eagle.

Internal and external troubles.

The foreign aggression here is that the world of the Odin god system is pressing every step of the way. Since the theocracy once overwhelmed the regime, it has been difficult to return to the original pattern, not to mention that the force of the bald eagle is obviously impossible to have an impact on the world of the Odin god system. under threat;

With the first compromise, this compromise will only get deeper;

In the end, the bald eagle can only become like the world of the Odin pantheon, ruled by the gods, and the human race is divided into several levels. The high-handed rule is about to come to the bald eagle. This so-called freest country will soon become into the most terrifying barbaric area.

The separation of thoughts is the most terrifying thing!

The current bald eagle is like this. From the past, it has despised theocracy in its bones, but on the surface it has erected theocracy, regarded itself as a servant of leaves and flowers, and called faith as "master". broken;

now what? For the sake of profit, there was no hesitation at all when abandoning Ye and Hua, and hypocritically surrendered their beliefs. In fact, who doesn't know how many believers? Isn't it just to be able to obtain the blood of the gods of the Odin pantheon to evolve itself?

But the gods of the Odin pantheon are just fools? I really can't see the dirty mind of the bald eagle in power? Obviously, he knew it well and pretended to believe it.

After more and more bald eagle populations get the blood of the Odin gods to evolve themselves, this kind of falsehood will soon become true. It is related to their own fundamental interests, so how can they not make changes? At the feet of the gods of the Odin pantheon, you can get more, and those with vested interests in the Bald Eagle don't hesitate at all;

With the first example, there are more and more follow-up followers. Now halfway through, the vote has overwhelmed the other party, and the power of theocracy has been elevated. The power of the crowned king has been completely transferred. The last laugh can only be Austrian. The gods of the Ding pantheon.

As for the issue of cults, those bald eagles with insight know very well that this is definitely a major event that will destroy the foundation of the country;

But these people of insight no longer have a firm grip on the power of the state, and does the world of the Odin pantheon, where theocracy is in hand, really hate cults so much?

No, in fact, the gods of the Odin pantheon don't take these cults into their eyes at all. In their view, they are just objects that can be easily destroyed;

That being the case, what about keeping them?

On the contrary, keeping them, the gods of the Odin pantheon feel very good, just because of the evil of these cults, it immediately highlights their image of justice, and makes more bald eagles completely vote for their side. Based on this benefit, The members of the Odin Protoss can only pretend to those chaotic states, secretly smiling and watching the arrival of chaotic order in these places.

Regardless of the sociology of the earth, or the experience of the Odin pantheon who has ruled one world for countless years, they all strongly believe that this disorder cannot last long.

This is true, people under the chaos and order, once the tyranny deep in their hearts has been vented, they are worried about their sense of security, and then they look forward to the restoration of order;

The gods of the Odin pantheon are fighting for this doctrine, waiting for these cultists, those bald eagles who are still looking forward to the leaves and flowers to vent their tyranny, waiting for their hearts to raise expectations again, and then as the savior At that time, it will be more in their interest to make a move.

It's a pity that after all their calculations, they didn't realize that there were hidden visitors from the abyss. The so-called disordered state was simply indulged by the visitors from the abyss on purpose, and they were fighting for the same reason as the gods of the Odin pantheon;

At the critical moment, the visitor from the abyss who is already hidden in the dark will definitely throw out an order plan. With the support of many believers, this seemingly unreliable order plan will also be passed by the deputies;

At that time, the gods of the Odin Protoss will find that they are too late, and all kinds of calculations will be used by others, and the split of the Bald Eagle will become a reality.

Whether the bald eagle is split or not, Liu Hao doesn't care at all;

He has always been adhering to a kind of thinking: that is, those who like to die should not stop them!

If you really want to block it, people have countless remarks that make you sick and uncomfortable, and any kind of 'freedom' can make you speechless;

Just watch it with cold eyes from the sidelines, and when you are happy watching, you can also smile, why not do it?

How about the bald eagle, Liu Hao really doesn't care, it's no big deal to split into many countries, but he needs to calculate how much benefit it will bring to the abyss, how much impact it will have on the earth, and whether it will damage the dragon country and so on .

After thinking for a long time, a strange look flashed across Liu Hao's face.

It seems that continuing to watch is of great benefit to the earth, to the Dragon Kingdom, and even to the other heavens and worlds connected to the earth.

With such a deadly case in front, it will definitely let the bystanders see all the disadvantages, and it will definitely make the rest of the major countries be extremely wary of cults. In this way, the visitors from the abyss want to copy the bald eagle country in other places case becomes impossible.

This is an excellent negative teaching material.

Of course, it also has a lot of disadvantages, that is, it will make the abyss completely gain a foothold on the earth. Once there is a full-scale war with the abyss, these places will become the bridgeheads of the abyss. Impossible.

Quickly get the abyss!

Only those who really don't know about the abyss dare to say that.

From the mouth of Xuanwu Dazun, Liu Hao knew that it was delusional to want to win the abyss. Even if the forces of all the worlds in the entire chaos were assembled, they would only score a fifty-five points at most.

That being the case, it seems that there is nothing to worry about. In this way, the heavens and myriad worlds connected to the earth can have a clearer concept of the abyss. A bad thing is also a good thing.

Liu Hao already has the answer in his heart, but he needs to chat with Fang Yun if he wants to achieve it. The other forces are fine. The "Zhou Kingdom" established on the earth by the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism is right next to the bald eagle However, once the abyss grows bigger, they will be the first to bear the brunt, and they have to guard against it.

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