Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and sixty-seven. Hand Association

967. Mrs. Gao

Mrs. Gao gave Liu Hao a big surprise. The word "Lingbao Tianzun" appeared, which was really unexpected.

As everyone knows, his answer scared Mrs. Gao to death. As a member who escaped from Kunlun, she knows the dignity of Taoist Sanqing better than anyone else. The only possibility for those who dare to directly call the word "Tongtian" is to dare A person who puts his seniority side by side with the Sanqing.

If it was Liu Hao himself who came today, he would add a respectful title to Tongtian, but Baihu Liu Hao is different. His greatest inheritance is from the Holy White Tiger. of.

But his understatement brought enormous pressure to Mrs. Gao, and she felt like she would die on the spot if she made a mistake.

That is to say, Liu Hao saw that the other party was from Longguo and had no killing intent, otherwise, if it was another Kunlun traitor, the other party would definitely not be able to get out of this gate today.

Liu Hao really has a real double standard in this regard. He is really helpful to his relatives, even if he makes a mistake, he is willing to give the other party a chance, and Mrs. Gao in front of him happens to meet this characteristic.

Karma and merit coexist in this ruthless and sinful Mrs. Gao. He has brought terror to the world, and also brought survival to many people. Moreover, Mrs. Gao sells washing powder and is not in the Dragon Kingdom. It doesn't matter what Liu Hao does if people try to die, there is no need to stand up for others.

Mrs. Gao's mind was spinning wildly this time, but she didn't dare to think too much. When a thought came up, she cut it off immediately, lest Liu Hao would become angry because of her distraction, but she cut off a thought, and all kinds of follow-up All kinds of thoughts couldn't be suppressed at all, but she had to do it, which caused her heart to beat even harder. If this continued, Liu Hao would worry that the other party would be scared to death.

"Above Kunlun, are there still ancient gods and immortals left?"

Liu Hao continued to ask questions, but Mrs. Gao was relieved. She was too worried that Liu Hao would be silent, because once he was silent, it meant that she might not be needed anymore.

"Hui Tianzun! When I left Kunlun humblely, there were no ancient gods left in the Kunlun cave!"

Mrs. Gao's body has dropped by half a point. Originally, she was thinking about taking the opportunity to put eye drops on those old people in Kunlun, but when the situation came to an end, she quickly strangled this idea. It's better to ask and answer honestly. .

"Do the Taoism, the three Qings and the three veins all exist?"

"Hui Tianzun, all three veins are present!"

"Is there still Nuwa Fuxi inheritance?"

"Hui Tianzun, there is no such thing!"

"Really? It's strange!"

The answer to this question, Liu Hao does not have many other emotions. Since it has been called the Heavenly Court, and Fuxi and Nuwa have not left any inheritance, they can talk about the past. Nuwa's inheritance exists, so the possibility of this is much smaller.

"Do you know where those gods and gods in ancient times went?"

"Returning to Tianzun, I don't know about being humble. It is said that the ancient gods saw the loss of the spiritual energy of the earth and left early to go deep into the universe. There are also sayings... that they fell due to the melee of the gods. The specifics are not known to the humble!"

"Really? What is the highest level of cultivation in the Kunlun Cave?"

"Return to Tianzun! When I left humblely, Lei Gong, the emperor in power, was a Da Luoxian, and it is mostly the same now, and the aura in the cave is gradually decreasing. For this reason, the emperor in power has reduced the number of people and restricted the cultivation methods. This factor!"

Liu Hao knows that Mrs. Gao is putting gold on his face, but he doesn't care about it. He also despises the so-called Kunlun. Since he has lived in seclusion and does not help Longguo in the Marvel world, it has lost its use value , He has no shortage of things like the inheritance of the three religions.

The five people who defected from Kunlun made Liu Hao very clear that those monks in Kunlun Cave had already completely rotted away, and they couldn't even remember their own roots.

You must know that among the five defectors, only Mrs. Gao is from Longguo, and the new Iron Fist is also a bald eagle. From this, it can be seen that this is a group of egoists, and Liu Hao's thinking has long been out of the same level. .

Mrs. Gao's answer also reflects this problem. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of aura.

If the spiritual energy is fully recovered, these people's minds may also change drastically, just like knowing silver desires after food and clothing. At that time, these people may go out to compete for fame and fortune. In terms of pursuing the essence, we can't blame them too much. understandable.

Liu Hao's emotions are like looking at a foreign object, and he can give a fair judgment. From this point, it can be seen that he no longer regards these people as members of the prehistoric Taoism.

But he didn't know that the Dragon Kingdom in the Marvel world also abandoned them. The reason for the increase in luck is that the incense is cut off, and if you want to renew it, how can it be so easy?

The condition of Mrs. Gao also shows the problem. Although she is a Qi practitioner, the energy carried on her body is pitifully small. If her body is not relatively strong, and her mental strength is different from ordinary people, it is really difficult to see her identity as a Taoist.

After leaving Kunlun, Mrs. Gao has not used Taoism as an output for a long time under the lack of spiritual energy in Marvel Earth, because once the spiritual energy in the body is output too much, it will be very difficult to recover. Most of them still rely on their own mental strength and martial arts methods. If they can not fight, they will not fight. It is also because of this that she has developed a method of relying on wisdom to solve problems.

She wants to live longer, and to live until the next era of spiritual recovery. In order to survive, she has no scruples. Selling some washing powder to make the bald eagle happy is not a crime at all in her opinion, but also because she wants to To live longer, she will emerge when the keel appears;

Otherwise, why can't she look away from a character who has lived for hundreds of years? Where do you need to go to the front desk?

You know, she is older than the history of the bald eagle country. After going through various experiences from the bald eagle black slave era to the Chinese Exclusion Act, she has long been used to the crimes of the bald eagle government, and never thought that the bald eagle government It's really vegetarian.

Before meeting Mrs. Gao, Liu Hao carefully recalled Mrs. Gao in his impression. One piece of information stuck in his memory, that is, Mrs. Gao experienced torture in the 17th century, so that she was asked to raise a child. Become a firm will, relying on this willpower can even resist the potion of truth, and thus lost 400 years of life.

He has reason to believe that Mrs. Gao is crazy about the so-called immortality of the 'dragon bone'. People who live longer will be more afraid of death. , still afraid of death, let alone Mrs. Gao.

Liu Hao himself didn't know that the reason why he thought so much was to find excuses for Mrs. Gao, not only to save the other party from death, but also to do an experiment on the other party, to test whether saving a famous villain It can also intercept part of the luck from the Marvel world.

Many excuses appeared in his mind, which also gave him a step to go down. He was silent for a long time, and waited until Mrs. Gao's forehead was sweating, and then raised his head and shot a spiritual energy at the other party;

The white light flashed, Mrs. Gao thought her deadline was today, but she didn't know that when the white light entered her body, a warm current rose up and down her body, dredging every meridian in her body, and the familiar aura guided it, and it was tens of thousands of times more complicated than the exercises she practiced. I don't know how smart it is;

That's all, the original wounds in the body are fully recovered under the flow of this spiritual energy, and it will be healed in a short time, and the damaged life span of 400 years is also taken back at this moment. Thinking of this, Her whole body began to tremble, and her whole body bowed down to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao didn't want to be thanked by the other party. He waved his hand and sent the other party back to the original base. He didn't give any instructions. He only needed to observe how Mrs. Gao would behave after that, whether it made the other party's fate line deviate, and whether it would drive other people The stirring of the fate line is what he wants to see.

In fact, he also wondered why several old devils who had lived for hundreds of years were terminated by a few street gangster heroes. What truths were hidden here? Will Kunlun intervene in the future?

He doesn't think that Daredevil can really handle the five giants. In comparison, their strength is not at the same level at all. Even if the Qi training in the body cannot be used, it is not something Daredevil can kill.

Facts have proved that even if it is to cure a villain, it can also intercept the luck of the Marvel world. It seems that if you stir up the situation, you can gain something. This gave him a new idea. He looked up at the sky of Hell's Kitchen and observed carefully. Little Spider's Osborn Green Goblin, wondering if he should also squeeze the last bit of oil from him?

Mrs. Gao's accident will most affect the second-tier Marvel protagonists, and the Green Goblin is the villain who directly confronts the first-line lucky children of Marvel, so is it possible to intercept more luck?

"It seems to be a little troublesome. The power of the dark dimension has already affected most of his sanity. Could this be Domma's chess piece? Is it a chess game between Gu Yi and Domma? If I enter rashly, will this game be given to him? Has the belt strayed?"

"Or let Orochimaru try? The Green Goblin can't be cured, but his son can be used as a guinea pig for Orochimaru. Genetic diseases should not be underestimated. If Orochimaru can be cured, it also means that he can be biologically comparable to Manga." Well-known scientists in West End are on a par, seems like a good test!"

Liu Hao turned his head to look in the direction of Orochimaru. Now Orochimaru is transforming into a small experimenter in Osborne Laboratory, doing experiments with the future Dr. Lizard and now Professor Kurt Conners, recording Looking at every piece of data, whenever he is free, he escapes from the thick books to read, just like a good boy who is diligent in learning.

Orochimaru is absolutely at home in the Marvel world. He has too much knowledge waiting for him to learn. He just took out the state of not sleeping to keep up with the rhythm. Fortunately, he has a strong biological foundation. Soon, he will be able to stand out from the laboratory and become the most reliable right-hand man of Dr. Lizard in the future;

At that time, Dr. Lizard will definitely become a guinea pig in the hands of Orochimaru. Whether he can run out and make trouble is really a big problem. If he is suppressed by Orochimaru in the laboratory, the little spider will lack this test. It's really hard to say if you can't catch up.

Liu Hao was also looking forward to this, and had no intention of interfering. He was waiting for the butterfly effect caused by the intervention of Orochimaru to see if it would cause a bigger tsunami.

He is so comfortable, but many people can't sleep at all. Mrs. Gao is the biggest one. When she got up from crawling, she found that she had returned to the station. a dream

The recovery of her body made her no longer have the idea of ​​going to the Orochimaru Ninja Commissioning Company to trouble her, and she even lacked interest in the heavy "keel" that she had seen in the past. All her thoughts were guessing who Liu Hao was. The means are beyond her comprehension, but there is one thing she is quite certain of, that is, Liu Hao's status is extremely noble, and she cannot provoke him at all.

With such a powerful person sitting in New York, she never wants to touch Liu Hao's brow, even if it affects her. Once she does, she won't know how she died. She really wants to leave, but she feels that once she leaves, There was no chance to get other benefits from Liu Hao. This complicated mood made him in a dilemma, and he couldn't sleep at all that night.

After finally calming down a bit, Mrs. Gao suddenly remembered where Liu Hao was concerned.

Isn't it because of Kunlun's information that he detained himself for questioning? Then the only thing I can use to Liu Hao can only be this, and I want to get more, it is already very clear;

This time, Mrs. Gao's state completely changed, and she knew which direction to go with all her energy;

As a Kunlun traitor, she knows best that the handover between Kunlun Cave and Earth will be at this time, so does it mean that Kunlun's new iron fist is about to appear? Can I catch the new iron fist and force him to ask for more information before Liu Hao knows? Is this the only way to make yourself more useful?

From passively waiting to taking the initiative to attack, Mrs. Gao's state has been completely changed by Liu Hao. The future will become more confusing, which is what Liu Hao is looking forward to the most.

Also unable to sleep is Tony Stark, the owner of Stark Industries, who received the legacy of his father Howard Stark. After these days of continuous research, he finally created a new energy element. His own life was completely saved, but he was not in a happy mood at all for a while;

Waking up from the busy schedule, Liu Hao's spoilers flashed in Shi Dake's mind one by one, and the pressure surged towards him like a mountain. At this moment, he also faced a choice, should he continue to study his steel suit? Or invest in the research and development of the bald eagle captain serum?

The former is his foundation, and he must never give up, but the latter is his upper limit, which is absolutely the root cause of whether he can resist the crisis in the future, which means that neither of them can give up.

But the decision is very simple, but it is very difficult to do it, not to mention that there is an urgent need to solve the upgrade of artificial intelligence. If the three lines go hand in hand, even he can't guarantee success. , is likely to be even more unbearable to lose.

He thought of the money ability, the serum research that he is not good at now has also reopened a department, and the matter of his elemental poisoning can continue to be concealed, so that that annoying braised egg can give more serum information of the captain to the team. Only in this way can I save more time for my biological research institute.

So, how can you let the other party give you willingly? Shi Dake quickly figured out that it was time for the second generation of Mark to hand over one. With this step, the military would not prevent the leakage of this information to itself.

The one who can’t sleep like Big Shit is the big Ivan in Moscow——Anton Vanke. He holds a letter from a bald eagle and curses Stark Group for taking possession of his father. property, swore to give the shit a good look.

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