Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and sixty-eight. Ivan Vanke

968. Ivan Vanke

The Bald Eagle Congress is coveting the steel battle suit with big shit, and knows that it is likely to offend the Stark Group. Even if they get the blueprint, it will be very difficult for the Stark Group to produce it for them in the future, so they must find a spare tire , So, they found Hanmer Industries, which is also very good at this aspect.

As the chairman of Hammer Industries, Justin Hammer happily followed this big pie that fell from the sky, but when he looked back, he found that it was impossible for him to find a pie that could rival the big shit in his family. Scientists, after searching all over the information, found Wanke, a polar bear scientist who was in the same era as Dashi Daddy Howard Stark.

But things are far from that simple. Bald eagles and polar bears have always been at loggerheads. When using polar bear scientists, they can be patient. Once the research results have a clue, they are the first targets to be eliminated. It is called preventing leaks.

It is also because of this that the father of Anton Vanke at that time was charged by the bald eagle in this way-very ambitious, which may lead to the destruction of world peace, and after that, Vanke could only die in depression.

This information didn’t need to be processed by Justin Hammer, but the initiator of the rejection was changed from the Bald Eagle State to Howard Stark, and then it was written into a letter and delivered to Anton Vanke. , Anton Vanke finally has a bigger goal, which is to defeat the famous Iron Man and step on the opponent's corpse to ascend to the throne.

Anton Vanke is also a genius. From his extremely crude scientific research, he was able to develop a weapon like the first-generation whip, which clearly shows how powerful he is.

Justin Hammer miscalculated a bit. Anton Vanke had no love for his father at all. On the contrary, he hated him more. Such a guy who abandoned the country and abandoned his wife and daughter is not worthy of his worship , the tragic death made him happy;

The reason why they are willing to accept this hatred is to prove themselves, but to use each other for better resources.

As for why Anton Vanke was obsessed with killing Iron Man later, it was for himself, because he knew that once he succeeded, the Bald Eagle would have to rely on himself for the Iron Man suit in the future, and only by killing Tony Stark could he be guaranteed He has his own value, so he can truly save his life;

On the contrary, as long as Shi Dake is still alive, the Bald Eagle Government will probably compromise with Shi Dake in the future and hand over the manufacture of the steel suit to Shi Dake. At that time, his polar bear will not have much use value. It is still possible that he will still end up like his father, dying in hatred, and all the knowledge he has learned will be useless at all.

From this point of view, Anton Vanke is far more transparent than his father, and he did not pin his hopes on the possible kindness of the bald eagle. Unfortunately, he still failed to achieve his wish in the end. Can't go on his head.

After receiving the letter from Justin Hammer, Wandong Vanke knew that he needed to prove himself first. He took out the design drawing hidden at the bottom of the box, searched all the resources that could be collected, and made a last-ditch effort; He checked the press kit of Big Shit, settled on Monaco, his only chance to rise, and he bet everything on it.

But what he never expected was that Shi Dake had long lost his enthusiasm for racing in Monaco. After he cured himself of palladium poisoning, he no longer needed to indulge himself, and he didn't have so much time to indulge. Now he can't wait to Breaking it into two halves in a minute, if possible, even he can not go out for a few years.

It has to be said that pressure is the greatest driving force for a person's growth. Shi Dake learned of the crisis in advance and almost stimulated all his potential. The three generations of Mark have perfected it in his mind;

This time, he didn't have the idea of ​​making it, but wanted to continue to upgrade, try to deduce the limit that he can reach before making it,

At that time, it may be the seventh or eighth generation of Mark.

His decision was correct, at least it didn't make the possible opponents in the future worse, and it also prevented him from handing over a better steel suit to the Bald Eagle military.

Tony Stark didn't go out, and Wandong Vanke was dumbfounded. The new year's show that he had worked so hard to arrange had no rivals. No matter how many audiences there were, the effect would not be good! What's the point of a one-man show?

Good guy, this guy is also impatient, he can't leave the scene in despair, right? In another venue, are there so many journalists and media to help promote it? You can only bite the bullet, can't you?

Without the cooperation of the big shit, Anton Vanke's one-man show was cheerful enough, but the unlucky ones were the drivers who came to participate happily, watching their cars cut in half by the whip If you are lucky, you can escape. Most of the professional drivers died and only saw a small piece of tofu in the report, and everyone was attracted by Anton Vanke;

Another tech freak, or a big villain, challenging Iron Man by name and yelling loudly, if such a big thing is not on the front page, it is definitely not a qualified media, and I wish the whole world would follow happy.

What he did also achieved his goal. He fought a big fight and killed the violent institutions in Monaco. The Gallic chickens next door came to support him, but he still left him. With such a fierce strength, it is said that the Gallic The chicken army has been forced to capture alive;

This actually made the Bald Eagle anxious. The Hexagonal Building transferred a large amount of sponsorship to Hammer Industries, so he asked for one thing. This guy must be extradited to America, and there is no problem with the escort of a warship and a submarine secretly.

The Hexagonal Building has to be in a hurry. It finally came out with a new weapon, Iron Man, and it was copied by others in a blink of an eye. Although it seems that it has no flying ability, the electric whip is very effective in cutting tanks. Once it falls into the hands of other countries’ military , the only ones who suffer are the soldiers of the bald eagle. Who makes them wander around the world?

Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries was comfortable, and Anton Vanke was also relieved. He changed his name directly: Ivan Vanke, turned around and became the chief scientist of the human body armor weapon department of Hammer Industries. The pinnacle of life.

Changing his name to Ivan Vanke does not mean that he foolishly believes that he has the trust of the bald eagle arms dealer. His background determines that he cannot be trusted by the bald eagle. He is not a tool person like Natasha, even if the agent The strength is the highest in the entire Marvel Earth, but he is still just an agent, and he can be brainwashed.

Those who can become scientists are one in a billion, and their IQs are all top-ranked. Such smart people seem very weak. Once they achieve something, their lethality is definitely calculated by the unit of the army. Such a talent They are the objects that all countries are strictly guarding against, and only they can influence and change the world.

Ivan Vanke is well aware of this, and with the help of information from the military's original Stan Iron Overlord large-scale steel suit, he quickly copied the first-generation Iron Man. This time, Justin Hammer can I was happy, and knew that I had won the bet.

On the other hand, Shi Dake is still obsessed with his own experiments. In his opinion, Ivan Vanke's Monaco drama is nothing more than a farce, and he has no right to challenge him at all. When Hammer Industries starts to publicize the new era of weapons Only then did he realize that his lair was almost overthrown by others. How similar was that ambiguous propaganda to his own Mark II? It's just plagiarism, okay?

He also blamed himself, in order to prevent outsiders from imitating, Shi Dake did not register any patents at all, but now he is completely Muggle, and he is also popular. Do you really think you are a nirvana?

Hammer Industries, which held a high-profile press conference, guessed that Stark would definitely come to scold her. They didn't care at all. They were not at fault in the law, so why not be despised and abused? Real benefits are what they really need.

Ivan Vanke also expected that Big Shit would definitely come, and he was waiting for this point in time. Wasn’t he honestly cooperating with Hammer Industries for today? Do you really think that you didn't leave a back door for these models? The greatest control over these exhibits is completely in his hands.

Such an uproarious excitement has attracted the participation of media from almost all over the world. They will not miss such a rare scene of eating melons. In the Longguo Bank in a certain street in New York, there is a little girl sitting cross-legged. She is crazy. She was typing on the keyboard just to hack into the press conference, which was related to whether she could make a lot of money in today's live broadcast, so she couldn't help but pay full attention.

Liu Hao, who has always cared about Case, learned of this situation in the report of 'Yi', and almost laughed out loud. The future backup agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is now obsessed with the anchor industry. If you know this news, Definitely jump on your feet.

"'Yi', you help Case enter the press conference, don't leave a tail behind!"

"Yes, master! Don't worry, do you need to clear the back door left by Ivan Vanke in those steel suits?"

"No, we'll just watch the show!"

"Yes! Master!"

Liu Hao made a move, and Case's live broadcast quickly successfully invaded, unknowingly controlled the on-site monitoring equipment, and even moved a lot of live broadcast images freely. With her commentary, Long Guo who watched the live broadcast The audience quickly understands that a big drama is about to unfold;

When the figures with big shit appeared in the screen, they couldn’t wait to start tipping them one by one. Case, the commentator, saw the many treasure chests flying up, and his joy was beyond words. She was already deep into the pit;

This child is also pitiful, she became an orphan early on, has almost no communication, and almost everything is done online, and the live broadcast happens to meet all the characteristics of her inner contact with the outside world, and she can transfer a lot of legal money by the way. It is a profession born for her, so much love.

On the other hand, the arrival of Big Shit brought the Hammer Industries press conference to a climax, as if a one-man show had an opponent, and the rhythm that the audience was most willing to watch arrived, but Natasha and Patton, who were hidden in the corner, frowned , wry smiles again and again, the only thing that is fortunate is that Shi Dake is still sensible, and did not wear his steel battle suit rashly.

As everyone knows, this is what is really fatal, and it is also where the two of them borrowed their real panic. They know very well that their own bureau chief attaches great importance to big shit, and they must not let the other party suffer any losses.

The arrival of Shi Dake made Ivan Vanke very happy, but unlike Natasha and Patton, Ivan Vanke sincerely hoped that Shi Dake would wear the steel suit so that his babies could truly reflect effect.

Fortunately, he didn't struggle with it for long, and he knew that the steel suit could be summoned. During this process, he could have some spare time to give him a speech, so why not do it?

The most pitiful thing was Justin Hammer. He walked to the stage excitedly, loudly proclaimed the victory of Hammer Industry, and named his steel suit "individual mech". , who doesn't know that it is simply a copy of Starkey Industries' products?

There were boos everywhere, but there were also a lot of loud shouts, and the media cameras frequently shot at Tony Stark with a gloomy face. Most of them were gloating here, and they were expecting the big shit to jump out to refute, big scold.

It's a pity that their imaginings are destined to be fruitless. Before Shi Dake came, he had already made a decision in his heart. He knew that he didn't need to stand out at all. He only needed to sue Hanmer Industries to court. Before blocking military orders, everything Hanmer Industries did could only be in vain.

At their level, everything is not just a contest on the surface, but the various interest networks in private are the key to the real decision of the outcome.

He is not stupid at all, such a steel battle suit worth one billion US dollars, the use of light energy is enough to make the Bald Eagle military have a headache, it is absolutely impossible to equip it wantonly, the reason why Hammer Industries is in the lead, more He is still putting pressure on himself. Compared with Ivan Vanke, he is the real Bald Eagle.

It's a pity that Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries is only a late star. How can he have a deep background in the Stark family? In terms of the relationship between the military, the big shit can beat the other side by a few blocks. If it weren't for his vow to close the weapons department, there would be no such thing as Hammer Industries.

Furthermore, I have already decided in my heart to submit the second generation of Mark to my military friend Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, which is enough to give the Bald Eagle military an explanation.

Does the Bald Eagle military really want to equip steel suits? Not at all. After assessing the value, they had already resolved it and gave up. They cared more about the difference between having and not having it. The rest was still there. Once a war broke out, would the Starkey Group dare to provide it?

These truths can only be understood by those who are really deep. Although there is no communication in private, the tacit understanding has long existed. Everything is just to put pressure on Tony Stark, which itself is a kind of game.

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