Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and eighty six. Crazy bald eagle

986、Crazy Bald Eagle

Such a huge event will last for several months, but Liu Hao still underestimated the ruthlessness of the Black Palace;

However, after a month of events, seeing that the tyranny of the people has almost vented, and the chaotic environment has also aroused the concern of many people, at this time, a "self-explosive person" appeared on the street, that is, a test product of the Extremis virus.

This kind of 'self-explosion' spreads across a radius of tens of meters, and it is even more difficult to escape. After a few times, it directly frightens the gathered team. This kind of scene where one death is a large area is definitely acceptable to many ordinary people Yes, the broken arm after the explosion was even more like hell. In less than a week, there was only a mess left on the street, and the gathering had disappeared without a trace.

"'Yi', what's the situation, is the Black Palace involved?"

"Yes, master! The Black Palace didn't participate at first, but after knowing about it, they acted as pushers. In their view, this is a good opportunity to throw the pot away, that is, they discovered the 'Extremis Virus' human experiment. Push the boat along with the flow, and even provide support behind the scenes!"

"'Extreme Virus' seems to have something to do with Tony Stark!"

"Yes master, it was first developed by a company of Tony Stark's concubine, and was later used by the 'Ten Rings Gang', originally to prepare for Tony Stark!

But now it seems that their opponent has changed to the Hexagonal Building! "

"The Hexagon is in desperate need of someone to take the blame for, they are really unlucky;

However, although most of the scapegoats can be dismissed, it is very difficult to get back the lost image points! "

"Yes master, the bald eagle's garrisons in various countries have become unpopular objects. A new round of propaganda war in the Black Palace is about to start. Do we need to do something?"

"Of course it is necessary. It's enough to be in the territory of America, and the chaos is enough now. Outside of Bald Eagle, most of these news must be suppressed by then, and the rest must be hidden among the many news!"

"Got it! Master!"

The hegemony of news has always been controlled by bald eagles, but with the rise of artificial intelligence, this hegemony has inevitably gone downhill, especially in the Dragon Kingdom. America has increasingly found that the cost is several times higher, but the effect is 80% lower;

But outside the Dragon Kingdom, it is basically the territory of 'Yi'. During this period of time, the Bald Eagle spent more than a billion yuan in public relations fees, but the effect was still minimal. This is 'Yi''s handwriting;

News, let you send it, but who you want to push it to is 'Yi' has the final say, often within an hour or two, these news that cost a lot of money to send the bald eagle will sink to the bottom of the sea,

If you want to be on the trending list, you have to get Liu Hao's nod.

The bald eagles are well aware of this, but they never expect that there is a black hand in it. They only think that the countries are deliberately doing bad things, and they tacitly block these news. card, forcing the black palace to take out more;

No one knows the morals of the media better than Bald Eagles, and they have nothing to do about it. One family or two, they can still go crazy, but the whole world is targeting it together, so they can only grit their teeth and endure it.

"'Yi', have you finished the translation app I asked you to make?"

"Master, 32 languages ​​have been collected and are being perfected!"

"Do you have the languages ​​of the major countries? Those small languages ​​can be added in the future. Guoguo's Going Crazy 4 will be released soon, right?"

"Master, it was supposed to be released next month, but due to environmental issues, it was postponed to three months later!"

"Is that so? There is still plenty of time. You can make another social app, and when Guoguo 4 is released, it will replace Twitter!"

"Good master! This software is simple and guaranteed to get the job done!"

After ordering 'Yi', Liu Hao fell into thinking, the mobile Internet era is about to start in the Marvel world, more than a year earlier than the world in his previous life;

In his previous life, when he was watching Marvel movies, he was very puzzled as to why Marvel technology was so powerful and the mobile Internet still hadn't exploded ahead of schedule. Only now did he understand the reason.

The reason is still the backwardness of the old consortium. They will not be willing to launch better products before the original benefits of mobile phones are exhausted.

Only Guoguo, who is a subversive, is willing to smash the original job and force the upgrade of the entire era.

Nearly two years in advance, Guoguo Company has done its best. Compared with the previous life, the situation of Marvel Earth is more beneficial to Dragon Kingdom. It does not need to wait a few years to keep up with the times. I believe that when there is a wave of Crazy 4, The Dragon Kingdom will soon be able to keep up with the rhythm, and the hegemony of the collection system will never appear in the Dragon Kingdom in Marvel Earth. The "Easy Desktop" has long been prepared, and it is necessary to rule the Dragon Kingdom.

Liu Hao's thinking was on the 'chip'. He had personally experienced the banning of Huawei by the Bald Eagle ten years later, and he was wondering if he should make some arrangements in advance.

"Master, the Hexagon Building held a press conference!"

"What about the Extremis virus?"

"Yes Master!"

"After the news is over, find a time to launch a possibility, that is, the 'Extremis Virus' itself may be a product of the Bald Eagle military. Such self-destruction is very suitable for the battlefield, isn't it?"

"Understood the master, do you want to look for evidence in this regard?"

"No, you just need to throw out this possibility, but you can't let the bald eagle shake the pot clean, and the water will be muddy!"

"Received Master!"

The Hexagon Building held a press conference in high spirits, and even pushed all the crimes to the group that made the 'Extreme Virus'. Future Pharmaceuticals, the former concubine company of Tony Stark, is completely finished. Such a good scapegoat The bald eagle will not let it go, and death in a certain prison is their only way out.

The idea is good. Half an hour after the press conference, 'Yi' also introduced this possibility, which is very ambiguous, but conspiracy theories are inherently attractive, and originally restored a lot of confidence in the Bald Eagle military. After the bald eagle people read it, they raised their minds again. After checking the structure and total assets of the pharmaceutical industry in the future, their doubts began to escalate again.

The mere raising of doubts destroyed the situation that the Hexagonal Building had managed to create, and almost made them spit out blood.

It's better in America. After the countries mentioned the content of the press conference on the TV media, they focused more on this conspiracy theory. The "Self-destroyer" is indeed the most suitable for the battlefield, so they can't help but treat it with caution.

Even Liu Hao didn't expect the deviation of the matter, the first one to jump out was Bald Eagle himself, and it was a certain soldier who was serving Bald Eagle, who was also frightened by this conspiracy theory;

Not knowing what went wrong, he took a video of himself and posted it on the Internet, expressing his concerns about it, and doubting whether the vaccine he had injected before was the 'extreme virus'.

The appearance of this video has caused a new round of waves. Many military families are worried about this, lest the bald eagle will really do this, and suspect that the military will ask soldiers to self-destruct to gain an advantage in those battles that are partially at a disadvantage.

Up to now, no one cares about whether the Hexagon’s previous promotion is doubtful or not. It seems that it has developed towards this path. All efforts have almost come to nothing, and the speed is so fast that even Liu Hao was surprised.

"Pig-like teammates are really scary!"

Liu Hao was lamenting, but the bald eagle was going crazy. All the previous hard work and layout had come to naught, and it was completely destroyed by a small soldier. Who can understand the sadness of having nowhere to vent his anger? If it hadn't been for the fact that the soldier hadn't been involved by any external force after investigating, they would have thought that it was a trick of a hostile country.

But what can I do now? Could it be possible to kill this soldier? The Hexagon Building is also very desperate. They want to cut this soldier into pieces, but they can't do it. Once they do it, there will be shit in their crotch. Not only can't they kill them, but they have to protect them well. , to prevent people from other countries from killing people.

When you are unlucky, even drinking water is stuffed between your teeth!

The bald eagle is feeling this way now. The most uncomfortable thing is not here, but a series of incidents that have damaged the bald eagle's foundation. The economy has plummeted, and the national strength has declined significantly. The hegemony of the bald eagle is about to crumble.

During this period of time, almost all countries are deliberately targeting the bald eagle, which is very indicative of the problem. The bald eagle did not even know what it did wrong and fell into the current situation. Thinking about it now, it seems that the "Ark Reactor" appeared in the It started in the dark web, so is everything caused by polar bears?

"If it's not him, it must be him!"

In the end, the Black Palace came to the conclusion that if there was an internal problem, the attention must be drawn to the outside. This kind of trick, the Black Palace was familiar with it, so there was a problem in Ukraine, and the Crimea area was thrown away by the bald eagle Come out, this is a problem that polar bears have to face, and it is also the position they have to take action.

This move has to be said to be very easy to use. The Bald Eagle knows very well that celebrity scandals at this time will not have much effect, but what event is more headline-grabbing than war?

Countries all over the world know that the bald eagle is doing bad things, but they have to follow up and report it. This is an open conspiracy.

Polar bears are not vegetarians either. Knowing the intention of the bald eagle to do this, they turned their brains and directly exposed that a soldier carrying the 'extreme virus' appeared in Ukraine in Crimea and blew himself up. An attitude that doesn't make you feel better.

Is this true? Not many countries really care about it. Before the conclusion of the investigation comes out, let’s make a big report first, even if the investigation turns out that the polar bear is just talking nonsense, so what? The ratings that should be obtained have already been obtained, and it is time to mention it and bring it down.

An event that involves two of the most powerful military powers in Marvel Earth is enough to be explosive, and there will be more people eating melons. It's just a little black, and it's not enough for a polar bear to beat it. What's the point?

The media doesn't care about moral matters, they can't wait to make a big deal out of it. As soon as the polar bear speaks out, they swear by it and report it. Even many media in the Bald Eagle territory are ambiguous and directly vomit blood in the black palace.

Now even Liu Hao followed suit, happily watching the further progress of the incident.

"Master! Peter Parker found Dr. Lizard's lair!"

"Ha, don't tell me, I almost forgot that this is the Marvel world!"

In the past few days, Liu Hao has devoted himself enough, and the splendor among the great powers has caused these superheroes who can only affect one or two cities to fall to the second echelon. If it wasn't for the reminder from 'Yi', he really couldn't remember it. Even he is like this, the people of Bald Eagle can imagine.

Originally, Dr. Lizard also took the opportunity to play tricks, trying to induce the genes of all New York humans to evolve into lizard people, but he didn't know that luck was not enough after all. In such a chaotic situation, the conscientious Spider-Man still found him. Moreover, it was interrupted at the most critical moment, which completely inspired Dr. Lizard's tyranny. At this time, he had already lost his last humanity.

In New York, a new war reappeared. The source was in the underground sewer, and it spread all the way to the ground. A new round of building collapses happened again. Fortunately, New Yorkers were lucky this time. The failure to resume production has also resulted in far fewer people being affected than before.

Or maybe it was due to the scarcity of the crowd, the little spider also completely let go, mingled with Dr. Lizard, and even moved towards the Lafasheng area, which made Liu Hao frowned when he saw it. When he made a move, the hidden Orochimaru moved;

I don't know where he developed the induction potion, and with a light throw, he attracted the tyrannical Dr. Lizard away, which saved Liu Hao from embarrassment.

"Huh? Orochimaru is a bit capable!"

Liu Hao saw that Dr. Lizard quickly arrived at the potion thrown by Orochimaru, and greedily absorbed the purple gas into his body. In less than a few breaths, Dr. Lizard's size increased by three points, and his strength increased by a big. grade;

If the previous Dr. Lizard was a shadow class, the current energy response has reached the super shadow class. Of course, it is hard to predict how much it can play. Such an irrational opponent, even if a shadow class arrives, it can be suppressed at some cost. .

"Such an opponent is also a good thing for the little spider. Only with pressure can the spider genes in the body be better stimulated. It is far from reaching the limit!"

The current Peter Parker can exert fifty times the power is not bad, and the genetic evolution brought by the serum in his body is an increase of 300 to 800 times. The daily exercise is always limited, and the Dr. Lizard in front of him is still there. What a good opponent, Orochimaru may have seen this a long time ago, is this the last performance of Dr. Lizard to observe the test object of the little spider?

It has to be said that Liu Hao is very familiar with Orochimaru. Everything about Dr. Lizard has already been controlled by Orochimaru, and it has no use value, and it is time to throw it away. The waste utilization at the last moment is also what Orochimaru really wants. .

"Little Spider has had a lot of performances recently. We've dealt with Dr. Lizard and the Sandman. Venom will be coming soon. Is it to make a big boost before Loki arrives? Could it be that the will of the Marvel world will really push Peter Has Parker become his own son?"

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